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The teacher felt the pain all over his body and was no longer able to hold what was known to him. His life was more important because he had already done the work Eric asked him.
These two ladies were too dangerous and if he missed telling them then they will surely kill him right now and right here!
Anna passed him another glare as her angry voice can be heard, "What do you know? Tell me now otherwise, be ready to die and be killed! Trust me, no one ever will know about your dead body."
"The person we are talking about is actually no one else but a person named Eric! He is behind this! I...I needed money to buy a new house and I agreed to his request...
He asked me to.. help him get his hands over Kiara's walker. First, I refused because I had this hunch that this isn't right. But he doubled the amount and... My eyes became blind in money! I'm really sorry for your loss!"