
High School DxD: Scotland Forever (Self Insert)

A Scottish lad fuses souls with another Scottish lad in the land of titties. He has a sword and he has a dragon. Now he just needs a fucking unicorn. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Scotsman and Leviathan 7

"I'll think about it." he settled on replying with a shrug.

"It'll do!" Serafall beamed before pointing at him, "Now hurry up, I'm missing my beauty sleep to be here y'know? Get on it with it!"

Yarden huffed, rolling his eyes, but accepted the order, for now. He held his hand out and summoned the Wallace Sword, Grian to his hand, the large basket handle red bladed claymore gleaming with red power.

'Ready?' he asked the dragon within him.

'Yes, let us show this pretty little Satan the might of the host of Vritra!' Vritra was quite eager to show off it seemed, "Scottish Dragon Balance Breaker!" the dragon kings voice echoed out of the Sacred Gears.

His magic power erupted as he synchronized deeper with the pair of gears and Vritra's own power flowed even deeper through him.

Also, good on him. He went along with the new activation code he asked for.

His vision flashed with dark ebony power as the ebony black scale mail formed around his body. So dark the draconic armour seemed to suck in all light around it, while royal purple gems appeared on his knees, shoulders and torso to match the ones in his gauntlets. The gems casting his armour and the room around him in an ominous royal purple glow.

"Scale Mail: Armour Of The Scottish Dragon King!" Yarden and Vritra announced the name of their Balance Breaker together, their voices overlapping.

As the Balance Breaker finished forming, Yarden couldn't help but bask in the feeling of strength that filled him. Compared to before, with the queen piece within him, there was quite the increase in overall strength and power.

He was already sure he could have defeated Kokabiel, albeit with a tough fight. But now, he felt like he would destroy him!

He shook his head though and squashed that feeling. As amazing as he was, he had just come down from his power high just mere minutes ago, he wasn't so foolish as to let it happen again.

"Well, what do you think?" even then, he looked down at Serafall, and couldn't keep the cocky grin off his face.

She stared at him wide eyed for a moment before they slowly returned to normal and she whistled, "Alright, I have to admit Ya-chan, I'm impressed! I've not saw you fight but with this power alone I'd rank you solidly on the upper tier of the Ultimate class!" she praised, before grinning at him, "Nowhere near my level of course, but you're a good strong little boy aren't ya?"

His eye may have twitched. He was Scottish enough to admit it, "Yeah, well I'm fifteen, you're like what, ten thousand you old granny!" he snapped back.

"Hah! Why you little brat! don't you know cute magical girls like me can't be consigned to a mere age!" her own eyebrow twitched, "Besides, like you can talk about anything. What kind of dragon doesn't even have wings!" she pulled her eyelid down and stuck her tongue out at him.

'Why that little bitch!' Vritra hissed angrily.

....He as a dragon did not have wings after all even before getting sealed into Sacred Gears.

'She's right!' Yarden cursed inwardly, before his eyes widened behind his helmet as a realisation came to mind.

She was right. Past tense.

After all, as a reincarnated devil, he gained wings!

He focused his power into his back and his smirk turned feral when he felt something shift.

A moment later, a pair of black bat-like erupted from his back, "What was that? Because I seem to have wings right now love," he crossed his arms and jutted his helmeted head out challengingly, "While you're still an oppai loli baba." he taunted, and to hammer the nail in the coffin-

He stuck the middle finger up at her.

She squeezed the wand she held between her hands so hard it almost snapped in half, "...You...you!" Serafall snarled angrily, before sniffling suddenly, tears appearing in the corner of her eyes, "Ya-chan you meanie!" she gave a sobbing wail and hid her eyes behind her hands as she sobbed into them.

'Hah, I win!' he cheered mentally, before faltering as he stared at the crying female satan.

....Somehow this did not feel like a victory. This was not a reaction he was expecting at all.

And Vritra was suspiciously quiet as well. The coward, he just retreated and cut their mental connection! So much for the most evil dark dragon of the Dragon Kings!

He let his Balance Breaker fade away from around him and reached out with his free hand that was not wielding Grian to pat her shoulder comfortingly, "..I was only kidding, you look nothing like a granny!" he lamely reassured her.

Serafall looked up from her hands at his words, and he only had a split moment to see the fiendish grin on her face before her leg lashed out and kicked his ankle out from beneath him, forcing him off balance.

And a split second later, he was slammed into the classroom floor with Serafall standing above him one foot planted on his chest and pinning him there, "Hah, so much for the big manly Scottish Dragon! You're just a dork deep down aren't you?" she smiled evilly down at him, "I told you already didn't I? You can't assign ages to a beautiful magical girl like me, we're above that kinda thing!"

He gaped in shock before his eyes narrowed, "More like a witch!" he growled and tried to pry her foot off of him. But, absurdly, he could barely move her foot an inch before she pushed back down and pinned him.

...She was physically stronger than him!? But wasn't she a wizard type that was weak when it came to actual physical strength? "You know Ya-chan," Serafall began casually, and he growled at the nickname, "Not just anyone can become a Satan. I may not be quite as strong as Sirzechs or Ajuka, but I'm still someone capable of taking on and beating gods if I have to, remember that, kay?" she bent down and pat his cheek patronizingly.


Two hours later, Serafall collapsed onto her bed with a groan, her head absolutely throbbing and just wanting to roll up into her lovely covers and hide away from the world.

She thought the news her new Queen had dropped on her at first had been possibly the worst of it. Ophis creating an organization specifically to defeat Great Red and throw it out of the Dimensional Gap? Even if she did manage it, Great Red would likely destroy the world after it was pushed out.

But no, things just got even worse. Because, on top of that, not only was there a faction within the Khaos Brigade of Hero descendants, all with Sacred Gears and with a massive hate boner for the supernatural, but the Old Satan faction were specifically going to target them during the peace talks.

Ophis was going to end up ruining the entire world while they had enemies empowered by her coming out of the wood work.

Oh yes, and apparently Ophis was a female. That was sure a surprise.

'This is going to suck!' Serafall whined within her head. She could afford to be childish and complain when she was alone. Tomorrow, she'd have to get right back into the thick of things and let Sirzechs and the others know all about what was going on.

Honestly, she had really lucked out with Yarden seeking them out. Honestly, she almost felt bad for how little he was getting in return for basically what he was providing.

She had a good grasp on his level of strength. Which was why she felt fine with leaving him in Kuoh and she'd meet up with him after she took care of the paper work.

On pure power and physical ability, with his Balance Breaker, he was definitely on the upper tiers of Ultimate-Class. And that was not going into the special abilities of his Sacred Gears, or his holy sword.

If Kokabiel had not been empowered by Ophis as he claimed, then she was actually quite confident in his chances of defeating the cadre. so she wouldn't need to worry about So-tan, because the second Kokabiel showed up, her new queen was going to punt his sorry ass around for fun!

On top of that, with his bloodline and holy sword, he was the perfect counter to other devils like those from the Old Satan Faction.

'Really, really lucky.' Serafall nodded into her pillow. His sheer strength and potential alongside the incredibly vital knowledge he had provided her. And all for simply being reincarnated by her and becoming a king right off the bat?

Plus, on top of that, 'He's kinda cute.' she giggled. He reminded her of a snarling little puppy. In build, he resembled Sairaorg Bael, if a bit shorter than him, but his temperament, she couldn't help but be amused by it.

The word that came to mind if she was to describe him, despite his sheer arrogance and hype in himself, was scrappy. It made her just want to bully him a little bit! His reactions were so funny!

If you're interested in my stuff. You can see it a bit early on Pa---atron. There's a link in an yof my story descriptions.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts