
Rias vs. Sona II

[Rating Game Board].

A few minutes had passed since Akeno and her group retreated to regroup with Rias and her team. After the ambush, the numbers had been evened out and Rias felt that pushing on with brute force alone would not work. On top of that, they still had no idea what had happened to Gasper. However, once the two groups met up, they found out rather quickly.

"{Rias Gremory's [Bishop] has retired.}"

"*Sigh* I guess they felt that Gasper would no longer be useful as bait or whatever Sona had planned for him." Rias said with a sigh.

Like Rias, the rest of her peerage also sighed.

"So, how should we proceed?" Akeno said with a serious expression on her face.

"The only thing we can do is proceed carefully." Rias replied. "I'm sure they have ambushes set up at both sets of stairs leading up to the fifth floor."

Rias' peerage nodded in reply.

"Yuuto, I want you to take the roll of scout." Rias said after turning her attention to Yuuto. "With your speed, you should be able to retreat from any ambushes we may come across."

"Yes, Buchou." Yuuto said with a nod.

Then, Rias arranged the formation. Yuuto would be up ahead as the scout, then Koneko, Maria, and Xenovia would be in the front of the main formation. Akeno and Mio would follow from behind the front line while Rias and Asia would bring up the rear. Nodding to acknowledge the roles they were given; Rias commanded her team to move out.

Then, for the next few minutes, Team Gremory moved through the corridors of the tower's fourth floor slowly, until they reached the nearest staircase.

"Yuuto, check the situation on the next floor." Rias ordered. "We'll come up when you give us the signal."

Yuuto nodded in reply, then he carefully made his way up the stairs. About a minute later, Yuuto replied through the transceiver.

"{The coast is clear, Buchou.}" Yuuto said quietly through the transceiver.

"Good." Rias replied. "Stay alert for an ambush. We'll come up as quickly as we can."

With that, Rias sent her peerage up the stairs in the previously agreed upon formation.

Meanwhile, while Rias and her peerage were heading upstairs, Ruruko was waiting for an opportunity to remove the healer from Team Gremory. And the opportunity presented itself when Rias made her way up the stairs before Asia.

"Kaichou, I'm moving in." ruruko reported through the transceiver.

"{Alright.}" Sona replied. "{Remember, you have to do it in one strike.}"

"Got it." Ruruko said with a nod.

Then, Ruruko crept up behind Asia, who was just about to set foot on the first step of the staircase. When she was close enough, she reached forward and covered Asia's mouth.

"Hmph~~~~!" Asia screamed into Ruruko's hand.

While grabbing Asia, Ruruko concentrated her demonic energy around her fist. Then once her opponent was secured, Ruruko Slammed her fist toward Asia's heart. At that moment, Rias felt the spike in demonic energy behind her. And she, too, charged her demonic energy. Then, she whirled around and saw light blue particles of light where Asia should be standing. Without confirming who her enemy was, Rias fired off a blast of [Power of Destruction] at the spot where Asia was teleported from.

"{Rias Gremory's [Pawn] has retired.}"

"{Sona Sitri's [Pawn] has retired.}"

Underworld, Satan Territory, Capital City, Lilith.

"That girl, Sona has made quite the strategy." Odin said while stroking his long beard. "She's ruthless enough, too."

"Indeed." Scathach said with a nod. "Sacrificing one of her [Pieces] is a mark of leadership in a war."

"Yeah, but she would never be able to do that on a real battlefield." James replied. Then, with a gentle smile he continued. "She's too kind for that."

"And you would?" Sirzechs aske with a slight frown.

"Of course not." James replied with a shake of his head. Then, with a resolute expression he continued. "That's why I want to be the strongest. If there is no one who can challenge my power, I wouldn't have to sacrifice anyone important to me."

Once again, Sirzechs smiled. His discomfort was becoming clearer every time James spoke of becoming stronger than himself. And seeing Sirzechs expression, Ajuka knew exactly what he was thinking.

'*Sigh* I get the feeling this will get messy in the end.' Ajuka thought to himself before turning his attention back to the screen.

Underworld, Gremory Territory, Alaverus Estate.

A few moments after the two [Pawns] were retired, the rest of James' peerage was left in silence.

"I know it's just a [Rating Game] and no one will really die." Mizore said. "But how can Sona-Senpai just sacrifice one of her own like that."

"It's because it's a [rating Game] and no one will really die that Sona can sacrifice one of her own like that." Cu Chulainn said with a neutral expression. "We all know that under that serious expression Sona always wears, is the heart of a kind girl. She would never be able to sacrifice someone on a real battlefield."

Hearing Cu Chulainn's explanation, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Speaking up for your girlfriend's [King] so vehemently." Dante said sarcastically. "We won't' have to worry about you leaking intel when it's our turn to face them, right?"

Cu Chulainn rolled his eyes in response.

"I think we have to be more concerned with you selling intel than Lancer leaking it to his girlfriend." Lady said with disdain in her tone. "I've never seen anyone so broke in my life. And James pays us both well. Yet, you are still in debt."

Instead of responding, Dante looked away with a pout on his face.

[Rating Game Board]

Instead of calling the rest of her peerage back down the stairs, Rias hurried up the stairs after dispatching Ruruko. Then, when she arrived at the top of the staircase, she told her team what happened.

"Sona's really going all out this time." Akeno said in a solemn tone.

"If it wasn't for the rule against destroying our surroundings, I would have just blasted the entire tower away." Rias said in frustration.

Meanwhile, on the top floor of the tower, Sona was contemplating on her next move. After a few moments, she had made her decision.

"Alright, I want you all to pull back to the sixth floor." Sona ordered through the transceiver. "Reya, I want you to come back to the seventh floor."

Then, Sona explained the next step of her plan for the battle. After a few moments, everyone replied.

"{Understood, Kaichou.}"

And like that, Tsubaki, Momo, Tsubasa, and Tomoe took their positions on the sixth floor, while Reya pulled back to the seventh. Then, they waited.

With an hour and thirty-two minutes remaining in the game, Rias and her peerage finally climbed the stairs to the sixth floor. However, Rias was beginning to get nervous. Their time was running out quickly.

"Okay, guys we need to pick up the pace." Rias said with a bit of urgency in her tone. "We're running out of time."

Nodding in response, Yuuto sprinted down the corridor to begin scouting the sixth floor. A few moments later, Rias and the rest of her peerage followed the [Knight]. At the same time. After Yuuto passed a certain point, Tsubasa reported back to Sona.

"Kaichou, Kiba-Kun just passed the ambush point." Tsubasa reported through the transceiver.

"{Alright.}" Sona replied quickly. "{Once the rest of the team is in your sights, act at will.}"

"Understood." Momo, Tsubasa, and Tomoe replied in unison.

And just as they planned, Momo, Tsubasa, and Tomoe sprung forth from their hiding spots as the rest of Team Gremory reached the designated ambush point. Tomoe targeted Maria in close quarters and Momo fired a spell at Xenovia after her attention drifted toward Tomoe and Maria's hand-to-hand fight. Mio also began increasing the gravity around Tomoe to support Maria. Meanwhile, Rias and Akeno simply watched the combat unfold. Until Rias received a report from Yuuto.

"{Buchou!}" Yuuto shouted into the transceiver with a bit of panic in his tone. "{I'm under attack from Shinra-Fukukaichou. But I don't know how long I will be able to hold on!}"

"Akeno, hurry and help Yuuto." Rias ordered. "Tsubaki is too much for Yuuto to handle right now."

Without hesitation, Akeno extended her wings and flew forward to assist Yuuto. Meanwhile, Tsubasa and Momo launched their own attacks on their chosen targets. Tsubasa rushed forth, sword in hand, and sliced Mio's throat. At the same time, Momo launched a thunderbolt at Xenovia.

"Damn. There's more to this ambush." Rias shouted angrily. "Koneko, take out Meguri, quick."

With Rias order, Koneko sprung forward and attacked Tomoe with ferocity. At the same time, Rias created a wall from her [Power of Destruction] that blocked Momo's magic.

"{Rias Gremory's [Bishop] has retired.}"

"{Sona Sitri's [Rook] has retired.}"

After that short engagement, Tsubasa and Momo were able to escape. Rias chose not to give chase, however, as she was unsure of what kind of traps Sona had placed around the area. Meanwhile, Tsubaki was clashing weapons with Yuuto. And unfortunately for Yuuto, Tsubaki outclassed him in terms of weapon skill and power. And although he was faster, the difference in speed was not enough to give him any kind of advantage.

Just as Tsubaki was about to land the finishing blow, a bolt of [Holy Lightning] flew toward her from the end of the corridor. However, instead of defending, Tsubaki continued with her attack. Seeing this, Akeno was confused.

'There's no way that Sona would allow Tsubaki to sacrifice herself to take down the opponent's [Knight].' Akeno thought to herself. Then, she remembered the existence of Tsubaki's [Sacred Gear].

"Shit!" Akeno exclaimed.

Just as Akeno's attack was about to strike Tsubaki, a floating mirror appeared between her and the bolt of [Holy Lightning].

"[Mirror Alice]." Tsubaki said calmly as she delivered the blow that eliminated Yuuto.

At the same time, Akeno's attack struck Tsubaki's [Sacred Gear], [Mirror Alice]. Then, the bolt of [Holy Lightning was absorbed into the mirror. A moment later, it was fired back toward Akeno with its destructive power doubled. Seeing that, Akeno quickly erected a defensive barrier. Unfortunately, her hastily erected barrier was not strong enough to stop her attack with its power doubled.

"Kya~~~~!" Akeno screamed as she was thrown backward after the remnants of [Holy Lightning] struck and sent her flying down the corridor.

Tsubaki intended to follow and eliminate her injured counterpart, however, she was forced to stop and retreat when she saw a ball of the [Power of Destruction] flying toward her from down the corridor.

"{Rias Gremory's Knight] has retired.}"

A moment later, Rias, Koneko, Maria, and Xenovia arrived next to Akeno who was convulsing on the floor with her clothes burned and an expression of agony on her face. Seeing Akeno in that state, everyone was surprised. Then, Akeno used the last of her energy to deliver a message to Rias.

"Watch... out... for... [Mirror Alice]." Akeno said before fainting.

"{Rias Gremory's [Queen] has retired.}"

Underworld, Satan Territory, Capital City, Lilith.

"Beautifully done." Scathach said with a nod. "Knowing that either Rias or Akeno would follow to save the [Knight] from Tsubaki, Sona ordered Tsubaki to not use her [Sacred Gear] until the last moment."

"Yes, I have to agree." Odin replied with a smile. "It is clear this girl has a good grasp of the art of war. I hope she never has to put those skills to the test on a real battlefield, though."

"Unfortunately, with the way things are developing, I fear that your hopes will go unanswered." Michael said with a distressed expression.

"That's why we're hear discussing adding the Norse pantheon to our alliance, right?" Azazel said with a smile.

"Azazel is right." Sirzechs said with a nod. "None of us want to see this world ravaged by another war."

Hearing that the Three Factions were trying to bring other factions into their alliance, James raised an eyebrow.

"If you're trying to add members to this alliance, do you want me to ask Yasaka about it?" James said, inserting himself into the conversation.

Everyone turned their attention to James after his statement. Then, Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Serafall wore expressions that said: "Oh yea, we could do that." While Michael and Odin wore confused expressions. Only Azazel wore a smile.

"Boy, why would Yasaka listen to you?" Odin asked curiously.

"Because she's one of my women." James replied with a smile.

Hearing that, Odin's eye widened. Then, he spoke excitedly.

"You managed to get that MILF-alicious nine-tailed fox is your woman?" Odin said with praise in his tone. Then, he took off his hat and placed it against his chest. "I have to take my hat off to you, young man."

At the same time, Rossweisse looked at James with intrigue.

'That's three already.' Rossweisse thought to herself. Then with a certain kind of hunger in her gaze, she continued to think. 'That means he has a harem, right? Maybe I can find a place in his harem. Then, I could finally have a boyfriend, too.'

Here's two of three.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always welcomed.

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