
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Rias vs. Sona I

[Rating Game Board]

Rias and Sona were teleported onto the [Rating Game Board] shortly after each of them returned to their platform. When they arrived on the [Game Board], they found themselves in an eight-story tower. Team Sitri, the defending team was teleported to the top floor of the tower in a hall that took up most of the floor. In front of them was a staircase. To the left, right, and behind them were three rooms. In each room was one of the capture points.

On the other hand, Team Gremory found themselves at the bottom of the tower. On the first floor, they saw nothing but a large hall with a staircase that split to either side when it reached the wall in front of them. There was one other thing both teams noticed, however, they paid it no mind. Until the announcer mentioned the finer rules of the [Game].

"{Today's [Rating Game] will be a [Point Defense Game].}" The announcer said, beginning his explanation of the rules in place for this particular [Game]. "The [Game Board] will be the entirety of this eight-story tower. The attacking team must advance their [Pawns] to the top floor in orer to promote. While the defending team must advance their [Pawns] to the bottom floor in order to promote.}"

Up to this point, the rules were exactly what both teams and the audience were expecting. However, the next announcement made some of them take this [Game] a bit more seriously.

"{Both teams should be aware that there are expensive pieces of art and other decorations scattered around the tower.}" The announcer continued. "{A restriction has been put in place. Property damage over a certain amount will result in an immediate loss. Please keep in mind, that refers to the tower's structure as well.}"

"Damn it, what kind of rule is that?" Rias asked disgruntledly. "They're basically handy capping us."

Anyone who knew anything about Rias and her peerage would know that they specialize in destructive power. Especially Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Xenovia.

"{Also, [Bishop] Gasper Vladi's [Sacred Gear], [Forbidden Balor View] is prohibited.}"

"Seriously, this has got to be some kind of conspiracy!" Rias shouted while pulling at her hair.

Underworld, Satan Territory, Capital City, Lilith.

At the same time, in the meeting room where James sat with the various faction leaders, everyone was staring at Serafall.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Serafall asked while tilting her head cutely.

"Tell the truth Sera-Tan, you had something to do with that ruling, right?" James asked in a flat tone. "It's not good to bribe the [Rating Game] officials."

"Jay-Kun, do you really think I would do something like that?" Serafall ased in a pitiful tone.

"Absolutely." James replied with a nod. "For Sona, you would do anything."

Stopping to think for a moment, Serafall nodded herhead emphatically.

"That's right, I would do anything for So-Tan!" Serafall said as she stood from her seat. Then, she hung her head and continued. "But I didn't think about it before hand. I'll remember to bribe the officials from now on, though."

When Serafall finished speaking, everyone turned their glares in James direction.

"Don't look at me like you weren't thinking the same thing." James said while he looked disdainfully at the room's other occupants. "I just turned my thoughts into words before you all did."

Then, James turned his attention back to Serafall.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Sera-Tan." James said with a smile. "If Sona ever found out, she would hate you."

Hearing that Sona might hate her if she bribed the [Rating Game] officials, Serafall shuddered for an instant. However, the next instant she raised her head with a confident smile.

"It's okay, she'll never find out." Serafall said confidently.

"Yes she will." James replied with a devious smile. "Because I'll tell her. I won't let you ruin her dream of raising her rank with her own power, Sera-Tan."

"You wouldn't?" Serafall asked in an exagerated manner.

"I would." James replied in just as over the top a manner as Serafall. "And I will."

With that, Serafall hung her head and gave up.

"There!" James exclaimed proudly. "Crisis averted."

"*Sigh* We've known her for centuries, and we've never been able to dissuade her that easily."

"If things keep going like this, in the future, James will be the only one who can marry Serafall." Sirzechs said while shaking his head.

Unfortunately, no one noticed the glint in Serafall's eyes. Because of that, no one would know what she was thinking until she made all her preparations.

"Anyway, the preparation time for the [Game] is ending." James said as he turned his head toward the monitor broadcasting the [Game].

[Rating Game Board].

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Sona asked from her base on the top floor of the tower.

"Yes, Kaichou." Sona's peerage replied in unison.

"Good, then let's go." Sona said.

When Sona finished, Tsubaki, Reya, Momo, Tsubasa, Tomoe, and Ruruko moved down the stairs.

"Saji." Sona said as she turned her attention to her [Pawn]. "If Rias makes her way up here. Which she probably will. I need you to make sure you can attach your [Absorption Line] to her."

[Absorption Line] one of the four [Sacred Gear] that were crafted from the remains of the Prison Dragon, Vitra, has the ability to transfer energy from one end of a line that [Absorption Line] can create to whatever is connected to the other end.

"Don't worry, Kaichou." Genshirou said with a serious expression on his face. "I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen."

"Your determination is good, Saji." Sona said as she walked back toward the center [Defense Point]. "But you have to stay in the [Game] for your power to make a difference. So you have to stay in the [Game] for as long as possible."

"Understood, Kaichou." Genshirou said with determination burning in his eyes. "I won't let you down."

At the same time, Rias had also just sent off her peerage. Deciding to climb the tower from two directions, Rias split her group into two. In the first group was Rias, Yuuto, Mio, Maria, and Asia. The second group consisted of Akeno, Koneko, Gasper, Issei, and Xenovia.

Because of Asia, Rias' group was moving slower than the other group. And with Gasper as the scout, they were moving much quicker than they would usually.

For the first hour, there was no contact between the teams. Even still, as time passed, both teams became more tense. Eventually, Akeno's group made it to the fourth floor. Spending some time to explore the floor, Akeno sent Gasper ahead to find the stairs that led upward.

"Akeno-Fukubuchou, I've found the stairs that lead to the..." Gasper said as he flew toward the stairs leading to the fifth floor.

Unfortunately, he was ambushed by Reha with an ice spell that froze him in place. Though the ice was not cold enough to eliminate him immediately, it was not intended to do so.

"Kaichou is a genius." Reya said to herself quietly. "Instead of eliminating their scout, incapacitating him for as long as possible, if possible, is a much better idea."

Back with Akeno, the four remaining members of her group were confused. Gasper had never stopped his report in the middle like that.

"Gasper-Kun was discovered." Akeno said in a serious tone. "He may be under attack. We need to hurry to his location."

"Got it." Koneko, Issei, and Xenovia replied as they followed Akeno to Gasper's last known location.

Meanwhile, Ruruko was hiding while watching the only path that Akeno's group could pass to reach the fifth floor.

"I just saw them run by." Ruruko reported. "The group consists of Himejima-Senpai, Hyoudou-Senpai, Quarta-Senpai, and Toujou-San."

"{Alright, good job, Ruruko.}" Sona replied through the transceiver. "{Maintain your position for now. Let the others handle this battle.}"

"Understood." Ruruko replied before falling silent once again.

After passing Ruruko's hiding spot, Akeno had her team slow their pace.

"Akeno-San, there's no sign of battle here." Issei said quietly while scanning his surroundings.

"I can see that." Akeno replied, confused by what could have hapend to Gasper.

"Above us!" Koneko suddenly shouted, drawing everyone's attention to the ceiling.

Unfortunately, Issei reacted too late. Before he could evade, Tsubaki fell from above with her naginata pointed downward, stabbing it into Issei's chest.

"Gah!" Issei shouted in pain before being engulfed in light blue particles of light and teleported off the [Game Board].

"{Rias Gremory's [Pawn] has retired.}"

"Damn it!" Akeno shouted as her fingers began to spark with [Holy Lightning].

"Everyone, fall back!" Tsubaki shouted as she began to retreat toward the stairs.

"Not so fast!" Akeno shouted as she released her [Holy Lightning] toward Tsubaki's back.

Without turning around, Tsubaki continued to run. Even though she felt her skin beginning to tingle because of the holy elements, she showed no concern in her expression. A moment before the [Holy Lightning] would have hit Tsubaki, an ice wall rose from the floor behind Tsubaki.


Immediately, the ice was blown into diamond dust. However, Akeno's attack was also stopped in its tracks. And Tsubaki successfully climbed the stairs.

"{Akeno, how did Issei get eliminated?}" Rias asked through the transceiver.

"They set up an ambush." Akeno replied while gritting her teeth. "They managed to pull back safely, as well. On top of that, we've lost contact with Gasper-Kun.'

After reporting what happened, Akeno stopped her group's advance and waited for Rias orders.

"{*Sigh* Hold off on heading up to the higher floors.}" Rias said with a sigh. "I don't know how, but it looks like they know where you guys are.}"

"Then, what do you want us to do?" Akeno asked.

"{Let's regroup.}" Rias said after a moment of thought. "{We'll take advantage of our greater fire power as a group.}"

"Understood." Akeno replied. "Where should we group up?"

"{Let's meet up in the center of the fourth floor.}" Rias answered after another moment of contemplation.

"Understood, we'll see you there." Akeno replied with a nod.

Then, Akeno turned to the two remaining members of her group and spoke.

"Follow me, we're going to meet up with Rias." Akeno said sternly.

Without speaking, Koneko and Xenovia nodded and followed Akeno to their meeting point.

Unbeknownst to Akeno, Koneko, and Xenovia, however, Ruruko was hiding within earshot.

"Kaichou, they are regrouping with Rias-Senpai's team." Ruruko said, reporting the situation to Sona.

"{I see.}" Sona said while contemplating her next move. "{Follow Akeno's group, Ruruko. Try not to be discovered. Then, after Rias and Akeno meet up, if the opportunity presents itself, try to take out Asia. But only make your move if you can take her down in one strike.}"

"Understood, Kaichou." Ruruko said with determination burning in her eyes.

"{I'm sorry to do this, Ruruko.}" Sona said in a serious tone. "{But if you do this, you will more than likely be eliminated.}"

"I know." Ruruko replied with a nod. "But I'm willing to do anything to see your dream come true."

And with that, Ruruko quietly followed Akeno's group of three from a distance.

Underworld, Gremory Territory, Alaverus Estate.

"*Whistle* That was pretty impressive." Dante said.

"Yeah, Sona's strategies are awesome." Flora said excitedly.

"This plan could only work because Rias and her peerage have never trained with Master Scathach." Moka said. "Master Scathach would have beaten the battlefield awareness into them so that neither Tsubaki's ambush nor Ruruko's stalking would have worked."

Hearing Moka's analysis, everyone nodded as they continued to watch the [Rating Game].

Underworld, Satan Territory, Capital City, Lilith.

"Wow, Akeno uses [Holy Lightning in a similar way to her father." Azazel said with a smile.

"Don't tell her that, or you might get struck by some of that [Holy Lightning]." James replied.

"*Sigh* So, she still has yet to forgive Baraqiel, huh?" Azazel asked.

"Why should she?" James asked disdainfully. "He has yet to show up in front of her even once since her mother died."

"Oh, sounds like there is a story to be told." Odin said, interest shining in his visible eye.

"Sorry, Lord Odin." James said with a smile. "But that's not our story to tell."

Odin pouted like a child when he heard James' refusal. However, he did not push the issue. Instead, he looked at the screen once again and commented on the [Rating Game so far].

"Even though the little Gremory girl already lost two of her pieces, I get the feeling that this battle is going to heat up even more from now on." Odin said with anticipation.

Here's the first of three chapters that were promised for today.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are alway;s welcomed.

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