
chapter 10

Chapter: 10

Well, training has been going well enough.

"Orya! Oryaaa!"

For most of us at least.

I looked over at Issei who was training in swordsmanship with Kiba and can you guess how he's doing?


Kiba knocked his bokuto out of his hands again.

If you said badly you would be correct.

While unsurprising to hear that fact because Issei has zero experience with swordsmanship it's not a shock to anyone and you'd think that he would get the hint by now however he has been stubborn about practicing swordsmanship and martial arts during these ten limited days.


And what have I been doing well...

"....You're spacing out."

Koneko said as she threw a punch at me from my left. I deflected with an open palm grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me then palm struck her in the chest knocking her back.

"I was not spacing out, I was contemplating Issei's choice of training in something he has zero experience in with only ten days."

Koneko got back in her stance preparing to attack me again.

"....he does what he wants."


Koneko dashed towards me with a punch aimed at my head which I dodged and countered with a punch to the solar plexus. She blocked and kicked me, pushing me back. Not wasting any time I rushed back at her throwing a feint jab which she fell for using the opening I threw a strike to her right shoulder the hit connected as she threw a punch with her left hand I slid into a split and then into a sweep kick which she jumped over I continued the kick into a handstand kick which she tried to block with her right arm but she realized her right arm wasn't moving and kick connected sending her into a tree. I backflipped onto my feet and just in time to dodge the tree I kicked Koneko the second I tried to regain my balance but Koneko was already to my left throwing a punch that I had no choice but to block knocking me back as Koneko rushed after not letting me regain my footing I righted myself mid-air landed and I rushed back at her. She threw a punch with her still-working hand which I slid under striking her under her arm and in a continuous flowing motion I struck behind both her knees causing her to collapse to the floor.

"Looks like I won this one?"

"....what did you do?"

Koneko asked from her spot on the floor.

"I just introduced you to my fighting style 'The Acupuncture fist'."

I walked over to her with a smile then struck her in the same spots as before giving her the ability to move her body again and she sat up stretching her arms.

"You good?"

I asked and she nodded and gave her a hand so that she could stand up but she wobbled a bit as she was standing up.

"Want me to carry you?"


She nodded, yeah I thought so losing the feeling doesn't feel good even for a short period as it was, and walking would be difficult right now. I smiled picked her up in piggyback and carried her back to the mansion.

As I walked in I noticed Rias sitting on a couch with a book in hand with a pair of glasses on her face looking through it very concentrated. 

I raised an eyebrow walked over to a sofa set Koneko on it and walked behind Rias looking through the book and noticing that it was a book on the Phoenix clan's powers trying to find a weakness to exploit then I remembered something oh right I forgot mention my plan to her.

"Hey, Rias."


Rias shouted in surprise looking behind her.

"Hakura-san don't do sneak up on me like that."

"Sneak? Rias I and Koneko entered the room about a minute ago you were so into the book that you didn't notice us."

"Oh, so what is it?"

"I might have a plan to deal with Raiser."


She asked curious.

I nodded while pulling my book out of my coat and opened it to a specific page showing it to her.

"Ok let's see here." 

She took the book and looked at the page and it had the names of the members of the peerage and some words next to them with others on the bottom of the page, that went like this.

"Rias = calm mind, cosmic power, botan pass

Akeno = electric terrain 

Koneko, Issei = trick room

Kiba = swords dance, botan pass

Unsure if can be activated = primordial sea

If not = water sport

Set up = quiver dance, dragon dance, swords dance.

"Hakura-san what does this mean moves that will be set up on the field to help specific members of the peerage."

"Really how so?"

"Ok, so calm mind amplifies any energy-based attacks and energy-based defense of the user by fifty percent of your original and as of right now, I can raise it eight times and cosmic power raises both energy-based and physical defenses by the same."

"So what does that have to do with me?"

"Will you let me finish, anyway Botan Pass allows me to transfer my boosts to anyone I will soo…"

"That means you're boosting my magic and defenses by what 4 times for magic, 4 times for physical defense, and 8 times for magic-based defense respectively."

"Yeah pretty much."

"Ok, so what's electric terrain?"

"It's a move that creates a field that doubles electric/lightning-based moves in its range."

"Ok, that makes sense so what is trick room?"

"It's a psychic type move that creates a field similar to electric terrain that makes speed inverse so any that was originally fast that enters the field becomes slow and anything slow becomes fast and since Koneko and Issei are technically the slowest fighters of the peerage well it becomes a buff for them."

"And swords dance?"

"It's for amplifying speed and physical strength and for a knight that lacks physical strength a big boost as well as a one they won't be expecting."

"So what's the deal with the underlined one?"

"It's an ability that one of the Pokemon that I can embody has but the problem is that it's a legendary Pokemon that I can't embody yet and there is a high chance that I can't get the ability before the ten days are up it would be a shame too because it would be the best to deal with Raiser."

"Really? What does it do?"

"Primordial sea is a legendary specific move belonging to Kyogre more specifically Primal Kyogre the original form for him that brings down harsh rain that completely renders all fire-base powers useless."

"Wait wait wait so you're telling me that you could access an ability that can render Raiser useless?" Rias asked in shock.

"Yeah, but it is risky because even though I might be able to get access to the form I might not be able to control it."

"I see but it is possible?"


"Then what is the other one?"

"Water sport reduces the power of fire-based attacks."

Rias nods at the answer thinking about it."

"Yeah, that would work too."

"Yeah, it's a good backup just in case."

"Anyway, Rias I'm going to ask Kiba a favour later."

"Yeah later."

I turned and walked out of the room and then out of the mansion to find Kiba. I ran into Kiba later on during the day after he finished training and I asked him if he could make me a sword.

"Hey, Kiba I need a favor you mind?"

"It depends on what it is Hakura-san."

"Could you make me a sword with your sacred gear?"

Kiba stood there for a while thinking about it.

"It should be possible do you have anything in mind?"

"No, just a normal katana will due."


Kiba activated his sacred gear and made the sword. It was a beautiful katana that had a blue and white handle that at the end of it had a noted blue thread with an ornamental white rose on the end of it. A golden guard with a pure silver blade had a blue sheath with white rose patterns on it. (check comments for a picture of the sword.)

Kiba handed me the katana and I attached it to my hip with a smile.

"Thanks, Kiba it's beautiful."

"No problem."

I nodded and left Kiba to his own devices.

For the rest of the time I had to juggle three things. My swordsmanship to get used to the katana, my martial arts, and reading up on Kyogre and primal Kyogre trying to tap into his powers during this process I learned something interesting. See if a Pokemon has an altered form like for instance mega evolution or for this case a primal form I can skip learning about the original somewhat the stronger the Pokemon the energy is used the more likely it would be for me to get lost in the pokemon's power and experience but right now it's necessary.

But on a side note, Brother seemed to be doing well in his training he is training with Akeno in demonic magic and Koneko in martial arts, and well I say well I mean he's at least doing something so yeah he's fine. Asia on the other hand has been taking to her training with healing and demonic magic like a sponge while she can't do any major damage at least she can defend herself.

I'm quite certain that Rias has started back Issei's stamina training and she isn't holding back Koneko hasn't been either so he is advancing decently.

Part 2

"It's delicious!"

We are having our dinner after finishing a day of training.

We have an extravagance of food on the table. The herbs that Kiba collected earlier were used for spices.

The meat dish. It's the boar Buchou hunted. It's my first time eating boar meat, however it tastes good because it doesn't have any strange tastes to it!

The fish dish. It seems like Buchou was also the one who caught these fish. The simply cooked fish with salts sprinkled on them tastes good as well!

There are also different types of food on the table.

"Ara ara. We still have more food left so eat as much as you want." 

Akeno-san refilled Issei's bowl of rice with a smile on her face.

Everyone's digging into the food. We are all seriously tired from the training after all and that's why I can fill my stomach with lots of food. Believe me, it's not easy trying to tap into and use the powers of the Pokemon equivalent to the god of sea and storms.

Most of the things inside the luggage Issei was carrying were equipment used for cooking.

I probably shouldn't say it out loud about how Koneko-chan is eating a lot of food quickly.

"Akeno-san, you are the best! I even want you as my wife!"

Issei exclaimed suddenly.

"Ufufu, you are embarrassing me."

Akeno-san smiles while she puts her hand on her cheek.

"...I also made this soup."

The one who is looking sad beside me is Asia. She looks so sulky.

The onion soup that is on the table. Asia was the one who made it.

She probably feels down because Issei only praises Akeno-san's food.

I got the bowl and drank the soup in one sip. The sup was indeed good.

I reached and patted her head with a smile.

"Don't worry Asia the soup is good,"

"Yeah, it's good Asia! It's the best! Give me another one!"

Issei said following suit.

"It is!? I'm so glad... Then now I can become Ise-san's..."

"Hmmm? I couldn't hear the last part. What was that?"

"N-No, it's nothing!"

Asia waves her hand while her face becomes red. 

Oh, I see how it is, how cute Asia has a crush on Issei and Issei hasn't noticed yet.

"Now, Ise. From today's training, what have you found out?"

Rias asks Issei after drinking green tea.

He put his chopsticks down and gave her an honest answer.

"...I am the weakest among us."

"Yes. That's for sure."

"Akeno, Yuuto, and Koneko have lots of battle experience even though they have not participated in the game, so they can fight if they get used to it. Hakura has fighting experience and is more than capable of taking down Koneko in pure martial arts can spar with Kiba to a standstill without his sacred gear and has a high level of magic usage outside of me and Akeno. But you and Asia don't have any experience yet. Even so, Asia's healing ability and your Boosted Gear are something that can't be ignored. Even the enemy knows that. I want you to have at least the power to run away from the enemy."

"Run...? Is it that hard?"

Rias nods at his question.

"Running away is also a part of the strategy. Retreating to form a new formation is also a professional way of battling. There are ways to win a match like that. However, running away with your back facing an enemy is something quite hard. If it's an enemy with roughly the same strength as you, it is easy, but showing your back to an enemy who is far superior to you is basically asking them to kill you. So being able to run away from such an enemy will also be part of your strength. So I have to teach you and Asia the time you have to run away. Of course, I will also teach you how to fight the enemy head-on."

"Roger that."


Asia and Issei reply to Rias at the same time.

Rias then turned to me.

"Hakura how have your training been going?"

"Well for the most part doing just fine."

"How have you progressed on that?"

"It's been a pain I can barely last thirty seconds in the form and can't access the ability."

"I see."

Rias sighed but nodded, more or less expecting that answer.

"Just don't push yourself, okay?"

"I'll be fine."

I waved away her concern.

"Let's take a bath after the meal. It's an outdoor bath, so it's wonderful."

An outdoor bath, huh? Might do me some good, actually. Though some of us are more excited than others.

"I'm not going to peek, Ise-kun," Kiba said beforehand with a smile.

"Idiot! D-Don't blurt it out!"

"Oh, Issei. Do you want to peek at us while we are taking a bath?"

Everyone looked at me after Buchou's question.

"Issei, peek and I will kill you," I said with my signature smile filled with killing intent.

But Rias chuckled.

"Then how about you bathe with us? I don't mind."

"How about you, Akeno?"

"I don't mind if it's Ise-kun. Ufufu. I might want to wash a gentleman's back."

"Can you two please stop feeding into Issei's perverted tendencies?" I asked them both with a deadpan expression.

"How about you, Asia? You should be all right if it's your beloved Ise, right?"

Asia blushed and became quiet after Rias's question, but she eventually made a small nod with her head.

"Rias, stop using that against Asia."

"Hmm, what could you possibly mean?" She asked with a confused face, but both she and I knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Lastly, Koneko? How about it?"


Expected, but that didn't stop me from leveling a glare at Rias.

"Then, it's a no. Too bad, Ise."

Rias chuckled with a naughty expression.

"...If you peek, then I will hold a grudge against you forever."

"Issei, I really will kill you if you try that," Koneko and I said at the same time.

"Ise-kun, let's have a naked bath together. I will wash your back."

"Shuuuuuut up! I'll seriously kill you, Kibaaaa!"

Issei's shout of anger echoed throughout the mansion.

Part 3: Training Day 2

Outside my typical training, Rias called me and Issei to test our knowledge while I don't mind since it's important it just lessens time for training.

We gathered at the living room, and they apparently decided to teach me, Issei, and Asia about Devils' knowledge.

Some of the information I already knew, some I forgot, and some I didn't, so it's fine really.

When they pumped quite a decent amount of information, Kiba asked Issei a question.

"Our greatest enemy. The Angels led by God. What is the name given to the highest rank Angels? Also, the ones among them?"

"Ummm, it's "Seraphim", right? The members are...Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and...hmm, Uriel?"


"Yeah, it is correct, but Issei, there are few more such as; the angel of mercy Zadkeil, the voice of god Metatron, the angels of death Azrael and Samael, and the angel of wishes and music Sandalphon."

I said to him on the sofa to his left with a book in hand.


"I'm just telling you what I remember."

"Correct as well, Hakura-san."

"Next is our "Maou"-sama. What are the names of the "Yondai Maou-sama"?"

"Sure! Piece of Cake! I'm planning to meet them when I get a peerage! So, I remembered all their names perfectly! Lucifer-sama, Beelzebub-sama, and Asmodeus-sama! And lastly, the female Maou-sama that I look up to, Leviathan-sama!"


"I'm definitely going to meet Leviathan-sama!"

Oh yeah, Leviathan-sama Rias mentioned that she was female, and I'm pretty sure that's also the reason Issei wants to meet her. Sigh, Issei can't seem to be normal for a few minutes.

"Then next, I will ask you to say the names of the leaders of the Fallen Angels that you hate the most, Ise-kun."

Here it comes. The names I don't know too well.

The Fallen Angels have more leaders than the other factions. And their names are complicated...

But I remember the names of the top two.

"The main group of the Fallen Angel is called "Grigori". The name of the Governor is "Azazel" and the name of the Vice-governor is "Shemhaza". I know completely up to here. And the names of the leaders are... Armaros...Barakiel...Tamiel... Ah, and, hmmm, huh? Bene-something and C-C-Cociane...?"

"Benemue, Kokabiel, and Shariel. You have to remember them properly. This is also the basics. It's the same as remembering the names of the prime minister and the vice-prime minister of Japan as well as the leaders of the surrounding countries."

Issei did better than I thought he would though, but it does make sense to pick apart the hierarchy and levels of danger each faction has against us.

"Cough. Then now, I, Asia Argento, will explain the basics of the exorcists."

Oh. Clap-clap. I give a clap to Asia, who is about to speak in front of everyone.

Ah, she turns red. Thank you very much for such a cute response.

"U-Umm. From the place I used to belong to, there were two types of exorcists."

"Two types?"

Asia nods at my question.

"The first type are the ones that appear in films and novels. The father reads a section of the book, then he uses the holy water to get rid of the Devil from the person's body. They exorcists on the "surface". So the exorcists on the "behind" are the ones that are a threat to us."

Rias continues from where Asia left off.

"Ise, you also have met him before, but the greatest threat to Devils' are exorcists who received divine protection from a God or the Fallen Angels. We have been fighting against them for a very long time behind the scenes. They come to destroy us with the power of light received from the Angels, and with their physical bodies that they trained to the uttermost limits."

Then I remembered the crazy priest boy from before.

He is a problem I honestly don't want to meet again.

While I was thinking about it, Asia took out loads of stuff from her bag.

Rias picks up a small bottle with water inside it with her fingers and holds it as if she is touching something disgusting.

I could tell what it was, but for some reason, the energy that came from it felt familiar. Could it be?

"Now I will talk about the traits of holy water and the Bible. First of all, the holy water. It will be very terrible if a Devil touches it."

"That's true, so you can't touch it as well, Asia. Your skin will get harmed."

"Sob, that's right... I can't I can't touch the holy water anymore..." Asia was shocked after hearing Rias's comment. Well, she is a Devil after all. "I will tell you how to make one afterward. I don't know if it will be useful but there are a couple of ways to make them." Maybe this is her strong field, so Asia continues to talk energetically. "Next is the Bible. I have been reading it every day since I was a child. But I'm in trouble now because it gives me a pain in the head even if I only read a sentence of it." "You are a Devil." "You are a Devil after all." "....A Devil." "Ufufu, Devil's receive intense damage." "Sob, I can't read the Bible anymore!" Asia starts to have teary eyes after everyone points it out to her. "There there, Asia," I said patting her on the head and comforting her. Yeah, that was expected anything related to god deals damage to us in some way. "However, this is my favorite phrase... Oh God. Please forgive a sinful person like myself who can't read the Bible--au!" She received damage again by praying to God. Please God, just ignore this child's prayer. This, after we finished our morning study session we went onto our evening training. Part 4 There were a few things I found out while training like this with everyone for several days on this mountain. First was something I wanted Rias and Akeno's help in verifying and that was a theory for one of my types that I can shift into and the fairy type. This theory came up after I sensed the familiarity in the holy water. The theory was that fairy type was akin to holy energy and well it was kinda of true you see fairy type produces pure positive energy similar to holy energy but not exactly it's close, very close but not exactly and it's probably because of the fact it grants me immunity and advantage against draconic energy. But it does give an advantage against devils and a pseudo immunity to holy energy and the ability to use holy weapons. Which is good for me. That gave me an idea, see that meant that I could imbue my sword with fairy-type energy and create a pseudo-holy sword but that might take a while because my sword which I named the Tsuki Mizunoken (The moon water sword.) is made of demonic energy so it will take a while. But it would be worth it to be the first Devil to wield a holy sword with dragon-slaying capabilities pseudo or not. Hold up the more that I think about it I would have my own personal Holy sword Ascalon which is kind of cool. And Rias gave me the go-ahead so that's what I'll do. 

part 5

Part 5

"Use your Boosted Gear, Ise."

Next day. Buchou says that to Issei before the start of the training.

She is allowing him to use his Sacred Gear that he was forbidden to use since he got into the mountains. She is allowing him to use it now..... Hmm, what is she planning?

"It should be okay to have Yuuto as the opponent."


Kiba comes forward after Rias urges him. He stands in front of Issei. 

Where is she going with this?

"Ise, activate your Sacred Gear before the mock battle. Let's see...we will start the battle two minutes after you activate your Sacred Gear."


He activated his sacred gear and waited.



The Sacred Gear makes a sound at his words, With this his power was doubled.

Ten seconds later.


His power boosted again.

You may think there are no limits to his powers increasing, but the truth is that isn't the case. However similar to me when I use any of my setup moves it depends on how much our bodies can handle. 

Even if there are no limits to his Sacred Gear, the user which is him in this case does have limits. That's his Sacred Gear's weakness.

After Issei's twelfth power-up, Rias orders him to stop powering up. 

"Let's do this, Boosted Gear!"


This sound also represents the stop of the power-up and acts as a stopper.

In a combat scenario, it would be wise for Issei to run around and hide while getting a boost.

Now, his power is in a very high state because of the two-minute boost. 

"Ise, I want you to fight Yuuto in that state. Yuuto, I will ask you to be his opponent."

"Yes, Buchou."

Kiba makes his stance by pointing his bokuto toward Issei after Rias orders him.

"Ise, do you want to use a sword? Or do you want to fight with bare hands?"

Rias asked Issei how he would be fighting.

"I will fight bare-handed!"

He shouted in confidence

"Very well. Now then, I'll ask the both of you to start."

Issei got into a stance an amature stance but a stance nonetheless.


Kiba suddenly disappears in a burst of speed.


Kiba's swing came down at him, but Issei guarded it by using his arm.


Kiba makes a shocked expression. He let his guard down! he punched Kiba who stopped moving.


Kiba's body disappeared just before he could hit him, and his punches cut through the air. 

Issei looked around trying to find Kiba he looked left, right, and behind him but Kiba wasn't behind him he was above him.

He looked up to see, that Kiba was coming down with his bokuto aimed downwards.


Issei received a blow on his head. Damn, that must have hurt.


However, he didn't have time to touch the part where he was hit so he released a kick towards Kiba who just landed on the ground.


He dodged it again.

"Ise! Shoot an orb of demonic power! When you form a block of demonic power, shoot it with a shape you imagine the most!"

Rias gives him an order.

An orb of demonic power? What is she-?

Issei gathered demonic power from within his body and concentrated it in his palm. There is a ball of demonic power that is the size of a rice ball then shot it towards Kiba! That instant, I sensed it.


The magic ball that was the size of a rice ball got bigger after Issei shot it! It reached the size of a huge rock! The huge ball of magic got closer to Kiba. The velocity was quite fast as well.

I didn't bother to hesitate I activated my sacred gear in psychic-type mode and teleported in front of Kiba.


Kiba got out of the way easily. Well, that's not surprising. But Kiba was not the thing I was trying to save.

"Type shift: Fairy."

I changed my type to fairy and with a flex of fairy-type energy canceled out the ball of demonic energy. The strength was surprising though if I hadn't stopped it it would have destroyed the mountain behind me.

"Huh wha- why did you do that, how did you do that?"

Issei asked surprised and confused.

"To save the surrounding nature,"

I replied simply.

"Eh! Eh? Eeeeeeeeeeeeh!?"

"What do you-."


Issei's question was cut short as the gauntlet made a sound indicating his power-up had run out.

"I'll have both of you stop it there."

Rias finally spoke up ending the spar between Kiba and Issei. Kiba also put his bokuto down as Issei sat on the ground due to loss of strength.

"Good job you two. Now I will hear your impression. Yuuto, how was it?"

Kiba answers Rias's question.

"Yes. To tell the truth, I'm astonished. I tried to finish the spar with the first strike."

Issei seemed surprised by the statement.

"But I couldn't break through Ise-kun's guard. I was focused on breaking through it. I also tried to knock him down in my second strike by hitting his head from above the air, but that failed as well."

Kiba answers it while laughing out "Hahaha" with a refreshing expression. Kiba put his bokuto to the front to show it to everyone.

...That bokuto is already broken.

"I strengthened the bokuto with demonic power, but it couldn't give that much damage to Ise-kun because his body was too hard. If we continued, I would only have the option to run around because I wouldn't have my weapon."

"Thank you, Yuuto. That's how it is, Ise."

"Ise. You said to me that you were "the weakest and have no talent", right?"


"That's half correct. You, who haven't activated your Sacred Gear, are weak. However, you become a totally different person if you use the power of the Boosted Gear."

"That attack is one of a High-class Devil. If that hits, most people will be blown away."

"Are you serious!? But wait how did Cory cancel it out without doing anything."

"Well, Cory-san care to explain?"


"Well, one of the modes of my sacred gear gives me access to an energy similar to holy energy so I used that to cancel it out pretty much."

I replied with a shrug.


"Anyway, Rias please continue your explanation."

"Yes right, Issei Your body which went through basic training became a vessel that can handle a Sacred Gear that increases the power drastically. Even now, your body is strong enough to handle the power increase. I told you before, right? You can become the strongest as long as you improve your basics. The higher your initial strength is, the more the power can increase. The basic stamina rises from "1" to "2". Even something like that would become a big factor for you to become strong."

Hmm should i alter the plan abit for this…. No I don't think that's necessary since it won't change too much.

"Let's show it to those that looked down on you. It doesn't matter if the opponent is Phoenix or not. We need to teach them very strictly in how strong Rias Gremory and her servants are!"


Everyone replies to her with a strong voice. 

This is definitely a fight we can win without a doubt so we will not fail.

After having new-found determination, the mountain training went through smoothly.

Then we reached the day for the decisive battle.

Chapter: 10