

As Nero starts to awaken, he feels a gentle hand resting on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, he sees Buddha standing before him, his expression grave. The serene Chinese mountain environment surrounds them, adding an air of mystique to the scene.

"Boy, what happened to you in there?" Buddha's eyes bore into Nero's, his gaze intense and unwavering, as if he were trying to extract every detail.

Nero rubs his temples, trying to gather his thoughts. "Nothing too strange, I remember you mentioning something about the 'Gate of Life,' 'Gate of Sickness,' and 'Gate of Death.' I was reliving significant events from my childhood."

A furrow appears on Buddha's brow, his expression growing even more serious. "Nero, my Cycle of Reincarnations technique doesn't simply make you relive events. It triggers the specific effects of each gate. And there are four gates in total, yet you only mentioned three."

Confusion clouds Nero's face as he leans forward, seeking clarification. "What do you mean?"

Buddha takes a deep breath, then speaks solemnly. "The gate of life should cause you suffering and anguish, the gate of illness inflicts an incurable disease, the gate of old age imposes a state of weakness, and, finally, the gate of death brings you face-to-face with the inevitable."

Nero's eyes widen with disbelief. "I think killing me is a bit of an exaggeration. Viewing memories seems much more bearable to me."

Buddha's countenance remains impassive. "This is all necessary. By subjecting yourself to the four gates, you will reach a state of pseudo-enlightenment, allowing me to erase your second life."

Confusion turns to bewilderment on Nero's face. "What second life?"

Buddha's gaze intensifies, studying Nero intently. "You truly do not remember?" he asks, his intrigue evident.

Frowning, Nero shakes his head. "I'm still alive. How can I have a second life when I'm still in my first? The only time I came close to death was when my grandfather severely beat me, but I woke up after a few hours."

Buddha's smile fades, replaced by a look of realization. "You've forgotten. How is that possible? Well, it doesn't matter for now," he muses, his eyes fixed on the perplexed young man. "Do you recall our agreement?"

Nero nods, a mixture of uncertainty and innocence in his expression. "Yes, you helped me awaken my sealed power, and I agreed to work temporarily for you. But I still don't understand what you mean by a second life."

Buddha's features soften, understanding Nero's confusion. "Do not worry too much. As for your first mission, you will have to travel to a secluded village in China."

Curiosity piqued, Nero asks, "What am I supposed to do there?"

His tone grave, Buddha explains, "This particular village used to be ordinary until reports came in from a Buddhist priest's prayers. It has now become a ghost village, its inhabitants vanished. Those who pass through the area claim to witness strange phenomena. Several individuals attempted to investigate, including the priest, but none returned."

A sense of foreboding washes over Nero as he regards Buddha with an apprehensive gaze. "I'm not sure I like where this story is heading."

Buddha gives a solemn nod, understanding Nero's concerns. "Your task is simple yet perilous. Enter the haunted village, uncover the source of this anomaly, and, if possible, rescue any missing individuals who may still be alive."

A wry smile appears on Buddha's face as he delegates the troublesome mission to Nero. Meanwhile, Nero mentally curses his own naivety for hastily accepting a deal with the god.

"Good, good, all good," Nero mutters under his breath, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. His eyes meet Buddha's, and he musters the courage to ask, "But where are Kuroka, Sun Wukong, and Yu-Long?"

"Due to the prolonged duration of our experiment inside the illusion, they have departed to attend to their own business ." Buddha explains in a light tone.

'So he will send me alone, great.' He finally decides to ask directions, his tone laced with a tinge of eagerness and apprehension. "Where exactly is the village?"

Buddha's gaze turns to a specific direction , his eyes scanning the distance as if mapping out the path in his mind. He extends his arm, pointing towards the northeast, as if guiding Nero on his impending journey.

"It's a small place nestled in the remote countryside, approximately six hours northeast from here," Buddha replies, his voice carrying a hint of solemnity. His words hang in the air, enveloping the room with a sense of mystery and foreboding. "Hmmm... right here a map might help you get to the area." He materializes a map with magic.

Nero's mind whirls with anticipation, his thoughts racing ahead to the enigmatic village. Images of a desolate landscape and eerie silence fill his imagination. He tries to steady his breathing, reminding himself of the task at hand.

"So, when I arrive, I should search for any survivors and uncover the truth behind the village's transformation into a ghost town." Nero says, his voice tinged with a touch of trepidation while recapping his goals.

Buddha nods, his expression grave yet encouraging. He places a hand on Nero's shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Indeed. Trust in your abilities and unravel the mysteries that lie ahead. The fate of the village and its people rests in your hands."

Nero takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the imminent departure. He glances around the room, mentally preparing for the unknown challenges that await him. Time feels like a fleeting companion, urging him to embark on his journey without delay.

"Well, I'm leaving now as time is short," Nero declares, his voice firm and resolute. He adjusts the straps of his bag, ensuring everything is in order. His eyes meet Buddha's, a mixture of determination and uncertainty reflecting in their depths.

"Oh wait, I almost forgot to give you this..."

Nero's heart skips a beat as Buddha reaches into his robe, retrieving the sealed letter. He extends it towards Nero, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

Nero's breath catches in his throat as he accepts the letter, the weight of it palpable in his hands. His fingers tremble slightly as he gazes at the envelope, its surface a mysterious portal to unknown possibilities.

Their eyes lock, and Nero searches Buddha's face for any hidden meaning. What secrets could be concealed within those folded pages? What revelations, instructions, or warnings might they hold? A mix of anticipation and trepidation swirls within Nero's chest, urging him to unveil the truth.

Nero raises an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, a sense of urgency creeping into his voice.

{Hey there, Lucifer! Are you feeling lonely without me? It's a shame I can't bid you farewell in person, but hey, being a top wanted criminal in the underworld keeps me pretty busy, you know?

Regarding your new diary that you didn't allow me to read to only make me more curious, I couldn't care less about what it is. I can read it whenever I want, and you can't stop me, darlin'.

Now, about your offer to join your little peerage, I'll have to decline for now. But don't worry, if you ever manage to impress me with your strength, I might just reconsider. Just make sure you can provide me with some strong kittens, nya!

I'll be enjoying my time in Japan for now, causing some mischief along the way. Until we meet again, my friendly devil.


Your favorite neko-nya.}

Nero's constant smile slowly fades as he carefully places the letter inside his his pocket and he noticed a diary Kuroka mentioned. As he does so, his eyes catch a glimpse of the pages filled with information that he can't recall ever writing. Confusion creeps into his mind, knitting his brows together in a perplexed expression.

He flips through the pages, his fingers tracing the words that seem foreign to him. Diagrams, symbols, and cryptic notes adorn the once-familiar diary, leaving Nero at a loss for words.

Amidst the various notes Nero finds his own handwriting listing important events that deserve attention. Attached to this are a series of instructions explaining that the information in the notebook refers to the future and that he obtained it in his second life.

'How could I have written all of this without any recollection? It's as if another hand guided mine, inscribing knowledge that eludes my conscious memory. Could this be the second life that Buddha referred to?'

He closes the notebook, its weight heavier now in his hands. It is a treasure trove of future knowledge waiting to be unraveled.

Buddha, noticing Nero's distraction, interrupts his contemplation.

"Nero, time is of the essence. You must not delay any longer. The fate of the village depends on your swift action."

"You're right, I'm going in search of that village. 6 hours to the Northeast region, right?" Nero starts to leave when he turns suddenly to confirm the location.

"Yes thats it. Good luck boy." Buddha smiles looking at the boy that is leaving.

When Nero is leaving the place and going towards the designated place he hears a distant voice inside his head. 'Farewell my descendant, I hope you honor our family and do a better job than my crazy son.' He looks around without seeing anyone he goes on believing it's just a delirium.