
Understanding The Current Situation Part - 04

After changing of tracks several times Shiro reached in front of the cold sleep room.

"We are here." Minerva stopped in front of a large door. This door is larger than all the other doors Shiro passed by.

As soon as Minerva stopped Shiro let go of the button on the handle and slowly came to stop in front of the door beside Minerva. After Shiro came to a stop the door opened automatically.

"Lets go in." Minerva gestured Shiro to follow her.

"Ok." Shiro followed Minerva into the room. As soon as Shiro entered the room, he noticed the room is dimly lit. And there were rows of square shaped dark coffin like metallic boxes with glass tops.

"It's quite dark in here." As soon as Shiro said that the room became brightly lit.

"Wow it's bright now!" Rin exclaimed after the lights suddenly came on.

"Well I'm the ship's AI. I can control most of the things in this ship."

"Ah! that makes sense I totally forgot about that."

"Minerva where is my aunt." Shiro asked Minerva anxiously.

"Follow me." Minerva led Shiro toward the second row of cryo pods. She stopped in front of a slightly glowing pod. "This is the pod Melinda is sleeping in."

"Aunt Mel!!." Shiro stopped beside the pod and looked into it and saw Melinda's bloody frozen body in the bluish white glowing light inside the box. Shiro saw Melinda's vitals showing on the transparent display on the glass.

"Why is her vitals so low? Is this normal?"

"Usually when you are in cold sleep your vitals become very low as to preserve your body in the best condition. But in case of Melinda her vitals are lower than that because she was in a mortal danger. But don't worry she is safe for now, the nanites are protecting her from the danger. As long as we can put her in a pod similar to your parents she will be fine."

"Then what's the hold up?" Shiro asked Minerva anxiously.

"I've already ordered the manufacturing plant to produce a similar pod. But will take some time. You have to be patient."

"You said you have already started making the pod. Then what about the liquids that maintains the body. As far as I can tell it's different than the others. Shiro's is different than the others, Then what about Melinda?" Rin asked Minerva about the missing ingredient. As this was necessary for the pod to perform perfectly.

"Is it that different?" Shiro asked Rin fearing that the process to heal Melinda will be hampered.

"The nanites themselves are not that special but they are tuned to individual body to work seamlessly, also the liquid itself is a bit special."

"Then is it impossible to heal her?"

"You don't have to worry Shiro. Your parents already brought the necessary stuffs. They already planned to build a pod for Melinda after all the problems were solved. But things became like this so they were unable to accomplish that." Minerva assured Shiro.

"So we have everything ready?"

"Yes, everything is ready, now we only have to complete the pod and put her in there and wait for her to wake up."

"That's a relief."

"See Shiro, everything's alright. You don't have to worry at all."

"Hmm everything's gonna be ok Shiro."

"Thanks girls."

"Ehem. Sorry to interrupt but Tachibana Shiro I think you need to put some clothes on." Minerva pointed out how Shiro is almost naked.

"Shit!! I almost forgot I'm only wearing a trunks and even that is also coming off due to size difference." Shiro screamed realizing his current condition.

"Shiro please don't shout in here. It may disturb Melinda."

"Sorry Rin I momentarily forgot where we are."

"as long as you know it's ok."

"There is no problem. Melinda won't wake up with something of this level."

"Still lets leave this place for now."

Shiro and co left the cold sleep room and returned to the previous room.

"As I'm now I doubt any of my clothes will fit me. Minerva can you please resize some of my clothes to fit me?"

"I'm already doing that. I've taken some clothes from your room to resize."

"I've a separate room here?"

"This is your parents Ship of course you have a room in here."

"Haha." Shiro laughed awkwardly. "In my head the image of a spaceship is quite cramped and space constrained. But this ship is huge it even has a al purpose manufacturing plant." Shiro exclaimed finally understanding the size of Aurora.

"What you have seen and heard are only a fraction of what there is. I'll give you a tour soon."

"Do you have a mirror? I haven't seen myself after coming out of the pod." As he became younger Shiro wondered how he actually looked.

"You don't need a mirror." As soon as Minerva said this a holographic display with Shiro's face appearing popped up in front of Shiro. "This Ship has a lot camera those and the holographic technologies combined can act as a mirror for you."

"Ohhh." Shiro exclaimed understanding the sudden appearance of the holographic mirror. "But wait my hair they turned black again." Shiro looked at himself in the mirror. His silver white hair has become black again. His eyes were blue like his mother's. He now had a healthy complexion. Even though his body was a bit too young, he was happy. "How?"

"When we reconstructed your body. We tried to return everything to their most natural state thus your hair became black again. Don't you like it Shiro?" Arturia explained to Shiro.

"I love it. Now I have my parents hair and eyes." Shiro started to cry a little.

"Shiro don't cry it's gonna be ok."

"Yes Shiro we just have to wait. They will soon wake up."

"It's ok. I'm just happy." Shiro reassured the girls who looked at him worriedly. "Now that I've calmed down a bit, Minerva where are we now. Aunt' Mel told me that we were warping with a random coordinate. Can you please tell me where we are now and what's our probability to return to Earth and get some revenge."