
High School DXD Mars

Our protagonist Shiro Tachibana through a series of incidents warp into the DXD verse in his parents spaceship. Lets see how he survive in this familiar yet unfamiliar universe. *I'll just let you guys know before you start reading if you came expecting DXD here. Know this MC's interaction with DXD characters will take some time. This is a novel that is using the elements of DXD without completely following the DXD storyline. It's my somewhat of a different take on DXD fanfic. *I don't own anything related to the High School DXD series. High School DXD is the property of Ichiei Ishibumi. Also the cover photo I composed it with multiple photos from the internet, if you are the owner of any of those and want me to take them down contact me. *English is not my first language and this is my first novel. *If you are going to rate my novel negatively please wait till you read a few chapters, don't rate it because you disliked the first one or two chapters. Because there are plenty of novel out there which has a terrible first chapter but great overall story so I would like you to think before rating not only my novel but every novel. Because your reactions do impact our motivation. Hope you like this chapter. *Support me on pat**reon.com/kazenoou02. *Buy me a coffee https://ko-**fi.com/kazenoou02

kazenoou02 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Understanding The Current Situation Part - 03

"Ok ok , I get it alright, don't pout on me now." Shiro chuckled at their reaction. "But then again you guys are really cute, your cuteness doubles when you pout." Shiro teased them while being amused by their reaction.

"Mou, you called us cute again. I don't care anymore, just you wait till I grow up." Rin pouts again.

"Rin lets just give up for now. Look at his face it's no use arguing with him now."


"So tell me what can you guys do now that the neuro linker is connected?" Shiro asked Arturia and Rin with cheeky grin on his face.

"It's still new to us so we have to explore more. But so far it seems we can communicate with any network as well as infiltrate them also we can do a sonar type scan to detect anything within a hundred meters. If there are more abilities we don't know yet."

"Interesting, these abilities seems useful for doing covert missions and hacking. What were my parents thinking?"

"I think they wanted you to access internet from anywhere so that you can find what you want. And the scan ability is for you to detect people around you, it was made to protect you so that if ever it gets out you possess such nanite you can protect yourself better." Minerva replied to Shiro's question.

"By the way Minerva, even though I'm afraid to ask can you tell me what happened to my parents and aunt?" Shiro asked Minerva with a shaky voice.

"Come with me then please, I'll take you to them."


"I'm sure they are alright, don't worry Shiro."

"Hmm, don't worry."

"Thanks guys."

"This way."

Minerva lead Shiro towards the left side of the room where the light was dim. But you could see two large pod standing there. Those pods were bigger and bulkier than Shiro's. As soon as they arrived in front of the pods lights turned on in the area. There Shiro could see his parents in the pods. as soon as he saw them he pushed himself toward the pods.

"Mom!! Dad!! I'm glad that you are alive, I'm really glad. Sob sob." Shiro started sobbing after seeing his parents. But then he noticed something in the middle of their forehead. He wiped his tears and looked towards Minerva.

"Minerva what are those hole on my parents forehead, and why is their vital sign so low?"

"Those are bullet holes. Your uncle Sam..."

"DON'T call that b*stard my uncle!!" Shiro angrily shouted toward Minerva interrupting her.

"Understood. Sam shot your parents on the head. those are holes from then."

"I'm glad nothing happened to them. But how?"

"Before injecting you with nanites they injected the first generation prototypes into their body to make sure they are safe, Even though those prototypes were not as advanced as yours they were able to protect their life."

"How come it's taking so long? My whole body was modified so why is it that their healing is taking so long?"

"Remember those are prototypes. Also their pods are not as advanced as yours those are also prototype."

"Sigh Ok, I shouldn't be too dissatisfied about this, I'm happy as long as they are alive. But can you tell me when will they wake up?"

"My apologies, when they will wake up I do not know. Even though the nanites were able to protect their brain from the bullets, their brain received a huge shock as a result it is unknown when they will wake up."

"Can't we shift one of them into my chamber or build another one?"

"Your pod is locked to you no one else can use that. And about building one it is possible to build another like theirs with the ships onboard manufacturing plant but we can't build another one like your as it has many unknown parts whose designs only your parents know. and I suggest not to dismantle it as it may be impossible to put it back together."

"Ughh..." Shiro was just about to suggest dismantling his pod. But Minerva's word stopped him from voicing it.

"As for moving them, that's even more impossible these pods are connected to them and they are in the process of healing if we do something wrong they may die."

"Then you are saying I should wait for them to wake up naturally?"


"Shiro don't be rash, you can wait for them to wake up. But if they are gone there is nothing we can do about it. So let them heal normally."

"We must wait, may be we will find a way in the future to wake them up."

Both Rin and Arturia tried to console Siro.

"I guess I can only wait. At least it's better than losing them. What about my aunt? Minerva is she ok?"

"She is alive. She is in the cryogenic sleep room also known as cold sleep room."

"Take me to her." Shiro looked one last time at his parents and looked at Minerve.

"Then please follow me."

Shiro gently pushed on the wall and drifted toward the door, as the door opened he heard Minerva's voice again.

"When we reach into the corridor you will see two rails on both sides of the wall, those are movement assisting rails, grab the one on your right it will assist you to maneuver around. By the way there is also a automatic function for those who has a hard time moving in zero gravity. Just grab one of the handle beside the room's adjacent rail, pull it and push the button it'll help you move and release the button, it will stop. Think of it like the rails are maglev tracks and the handles are the cars or train."

As soon as Shiro got out the door he saw the rails just as Minerva described. Also the handles were docked into a a square space beside the door. He pulled one out locked it into the rail and told Minerva " Ok I'm ready."

"Alright let's go."

Shiro pushed the button on the handle to and it pulled him. This way he followed behind Minerva toward the cold sleep room.

(A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long. As I said I won't drop this. No matter what I'll finish this. I still want to write several other novel. I have some ideas for those but I won't start another novel unless I finish it or get stuck in a writer's block. But again I don't want to start another series until I finish this. But I may write a short story collection which will not have any update schedule. I'll update that when I feel like, it may be once a month or every two month, that's still in the process of planning. My main priority is this novel. So hope you guys like this and stick with me. I may disappear sometimes but it won't be as much as this time. And I'll never drop it.)