
High: school drama

Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bring in a sassy, rude, handsome, intelligent and obnoxious male lead; Dean. Dean is the typical example of a bad good high school boy who knows when to act crazy and when not to. Mary and Dean first meet isn't a nice one but a fight for apology one, with no one backing out and the competition of power, there are more exciting tale ahead of them. Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bri

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 28

Diane angrily stomped back to her classroom with dorathy following close behind her.

"That witch!" Diane yelled as she angrily slammed her hands on her desk.

"How dare she?!" She yelled as she glared at nothing in particular.

"Who gave her the permission to snatch my man? And Dean, who does he think he is? what does he want? What have I not given him?!" Diane yelled

"You have the right to be angry love, but I suggest you calm down and think with a cool head" Dorathy said in a calm tone as she placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down! Didn't you see what happened? Didn't you hear the disgusting and demeaning words they threw at me? How the he'll am I suppose to keep calm?" Diane yelled as she pulled away from her touch.

"I heard and saw all that but need you to be reasonable. The break will be over soon and the class will be filled by our so called classmates and I'm sure you know how they are...calm down, control your anger and think of your next plan" Dorathy said with a devious smirk.

"I don't care about those fools! *she closed her eyes and took a deep breath* but you are right, I need to think of a way to not only deal with Mary and make her life in this school miserable but to also separate her from Dean and make him like me back." Diane said with rage and determination shinning in her eyes.

"Now you are talking!" Dorathy smirked.


Mary walked back to her classroom with Deans blazer tied around her waist and her bag hanging on her left shoulder.

As she walked whispers followed her and some bold students even openly pointed at her.

Is that not Dean's blazer?

What is she doing with that?

Was Dean not wearing that blazer this morning?

Did she take that from his back to annoy him.

Is she looking for a fight?

How did she get hwr hands on those?

Why is she tying that personal blazer at school?

Mary closed her ears to all the annoying words being thrown around and concentrated on keeping her back straight while walking even though it increased the stomachache she was experiencing.

She ginally got to her class and quickly made her way to her seat. A relieved sigh excaped her lips as she sat down and kept her bag on her desk.

She made eye contact with Angela who was staring at her as though she was a ghost. "What" Mary asked as she leaned her head on her bag.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Angela asked with a frown.

"Tell you what? That my period came a day early?" Mary asked with an arched eyebrow

"No! Why didn't you tell me about you and Dean?"

"Cause there is no me and Dean" Mary replied

"Do i look like a child to you?, If that's true then what all that display of affection at the cafeteria for?" She replied

"That was Dean helping me out of an embarrassing situation" Mary replied with a groan as she felt a sharp pain in her lower back.

"Why would he help you?" Angela asked with a confused look

"I have no idea but I'm guessing God touched his heart" Mary laughed.

"But seriously, I don't know why he did it but he saved him from being embarrassed in front of the whole school and I really appreciate it." Mary said with a small smile on her face.

"Wow, I'm glad he did sha, cause if anyone has seen you I can already imagine what the topic of gossip will be throughout this week" Angela laughed.

"Yup" Mary replied

"So what's the latest?" Mary asked

"Diane is enraged and I'm sure the whole school will be talking about that jacket you tied around your waist cause if you haven't noticed it has Dean's name printed at the back" Diane said

Mary groaned and turned around.


The days flew by fast and it was Thursday afternoon, the school was in a lively mood as the topic of Dean's eighteenth birthday was circulating the whole school.

Everyone knows that his parties are the best even though his mom is always present to monitor the event and make sure everyone behave while having fun.

But the diwnside was that it was invites only, so only Dean's friends and the few other kids he thinks are cool are allowed to go.

Mary was on her way to Dean's classroom with Angela by her side when he saw him leaning on the hallway wall, and surrounded by his friends and some classmates that were begging for invites to his bday.

Mary walked up to the group of people and stood at the very back with a bored look on her face.

"Excuse me" she said to the girls standing before for but was ignored.

She repeated the same word three more times and still got no response, she felt her eyes twice in irritation as she pushed the girl standing before her and made her way to the very front.

"Hey! Can't you see!?" The girl shouted at Mary.

Mary glared at her with annoyance burning in her eyes, she looked at the girl from head to toe.

"I can see people but unfortunately you are not one" she replied as she flicked her braid and faced Dean.

"I want to talk to you" she said.

"I'm busy, maybe later" Dean replied, Mary glared at his smile and a plan formed in her head.

Her glare immediately turned into a sweet smile as she stepped forward and wrapped her hands around his neck.

"I feel sad, I'm your girlfriend and you hardly pay attention to me. Don't you think I need your attention and time?" Mary asked with a sly smirk as watched his expression change from a smug look to a lust filled one.

"All I need is ten minutes babe and you can come back to your friends" Mary sensually whispered so only get could hear.

Dean stiffened at the suggestive words and without thinking nodded.

"Good let's go then" Mary giggled as she grabbed his hands and dragged him through the crowd of students.