
High: school drama

Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bring in a sassy, rude, handsome, intelligent and obnoxious male lead; Dean. Dean is the typical example of a bad good high school boy who knows when to act crazy and when not to. Mary and Dean first meet isn't a nice one but a fight for apology one, with no one backing out and the competition of power, there are more exciting tale ahead of them. Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bri

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 27

Break time and Mary was already in the cafeteria silently eating her cheese balls and occasionally talking to Angela.

"That movie is awesome! Did you watch that part where the guy died? It was touching I actually cried!" Angela rangers you Mary who just nodded at everything she said.

"You cry when watching almost every movie" Mary pointed out.

"That's because I'm emotional while you are stone hearted. But seriously that movie touched me" Angela said

"The thing titanic made me feel was annoyance. Why was the film so long? I hated it" Mary said

"I see we are back together" Diane chirped in with an amused smirk on her face.

"I see you are here to irritate me" Mary rhetorted.

Diane placed her hand on her heart as she pouted. "I'm hurt, I was being so nice and yet you welcomed me with insults. Has anyone ever told you, you are as rude as a wild monkey" Diane said with a smile.

"Yes they have and they always end up with a red cheek" Mary replied with a smile of her own.

"I see the weeks you spent washing the toilet was not enough, do you need more shit time?" Dorathy added.

"No.But the shit keeps following her around. Don't you have better things to do than looking for a beating or worse?" Angela replied with a deep frown.

Mary laughed at the look that crossed Diane and dorathys face. "The ant has gotten her wings, I see" Dorathy sneered.

"And the baboon forgot her makeup today" Mary rhetorted as she stood up.

"By the way your tooth brush won't work unless you use it" Mary said with a smirk as she made to walk away but suddenly felt a body draped over her from behind.

She felt annoyance bubble within her as she tried to turn around only for the person to place their hands on her waist and tighten their hold when she tries to wiggle out of their hold.

"What are you doing" she snapped

"Saving you from embarrassment, you are stained. now smile and act loving towards me while slowly walking out" Dean whispered in her ear with a smile on his face.

Mary felt her face burning as the feeling of shame and embarrassment bubbles within her. She scanned the whole room with her eyes and felt even more embarrassed and thankful to Dean. She thought of what would have happened if she had just walked out of the cafeteria with a stained skirt.

She imagined the laughs and the mocking words that would be thrown her way.

"What are you doing Dean? Why are you holding her?" Diane yelled

"He is my boyfriend Diane try to keep up?" Mary replied with a smile as she placed her hands on Deans that was around her waist.

"Why? How? When?!" Diane yelled.

"Stop pretending as though you didn't know, we have been together for over a month now." Mary replied with an eyeroll

"That's a big fat lie. Dean is mine, and how are you guys dating when he was with me just last week and we even kissed right in front of you?" Diane asked.

"On that. I'm not a jealous girlfriend and I would never leave my man just because you decided to do giveaway for him. It is your lost." Mary smirked.

"Shall we?" She asked Dean.

"Sure babe" Dean replied with a smile as she started walking away with her back glued to his back.

Walking like that was uncomfortable for Mary but she had no choice. They finally reached the ladies restroom and Dean stopped right by the door.

Mary turned around and looked at him witha genuine smile. "Thank you, that would have been so embarrassing for me" Mary said

"You are welcome" Dean simply replied. "Here" he handed her a black blazer.

"Thank you, not be rude but why are you doing this?" Mary asked.

"Let's just say your rant the other day cleared my eyes. And I know Diane" He replied.

"Do you need anything?" He asked

"Yes, I'll need my bag can you please get it for me or just ask Angela to?" Mary pleaded.

"Okay" Dean replied.

Mary opened the door and was about to walk in when Dean mumbled under his breath.

"Guess her period makes her calm" Mary felt her lips lift up into a smile.

"He's not that bad after all" she whispered as he closed the door and leaned on it.