
High School Chronicles: The Otherworldly Harem[Dropped]

In a world where the boundaries of anime universes have merged, a high school has emerged where characters from across the multiverse coexist. Our protagonist, Orion, has been reincarnated into this new world with the knowledge of all fiction ever created on Earth, giving him a unique perspective and understanding of the diverse cast of characters he encounters. As Orion navigates through this fascinating new environment, he finds himself attending a high school filled with a vibrant mix of students and teachers from various anime backgrounds, creating a melting pot of personalities and abilities. The teachers at this high school are not your typical ones, with Moka Akashiya, Yoruichi Shihoin, Rangiku Matsumoto, Boa Hancock, Hatake Kakashi, Momo Yaoyorozu, and Korosensei each bringing their unique skills and quirks to the classroom. Orion's interactions with the female characters from various anime worlds form the core of the harem aspect of the story. From the intelligent and resourceful science teacher Momo Yaoyorozu to the enigmatic and playful philosophy teacher Yoruichi Shihoin, Orion's natural charm and aura make him a popular figure among the female characters. Moka Akashiya's literature class is always full of surprises, as her two contrasting personalities can cause unexpected shifts in the classroom atmosphere. In philosophy class, Yoruichi Shihoin teaches complex subjects by relating them to cat-related analogies. Meanwhile, Rangiku Matsumoto's biology class is an experience in itself, as she unconsciously accentuates her figure and often leaves her students blushing. Boa Hancock's theatre class brings drama and excitement to the school with her daring acts and suggestive play selections, while Hatake Kakashi's PE class is a test of the students' physical limits. The unconventional and enigmatic math teacher, Korosensei, helps students overcome their struggles with numbers using innovative and engaging methods. As Orion's relationships with these teachers deepen, so too does his harem, creating a captivating and comical experience that keeps viewers hooked. However, the ever-present conflict between good and evil forces threatens to disrupt MC's high school life, making every day an unpredictable adventure. In this universe, characters' ages have been altered to fit into the story better, creating a unique high school experience that fans of the harem and slice-of-life genres will love. High School Chronicles: The Otherworldly Harem is a delightful and entertaining journey through the unique world where beloved anime characters collide. This novel focuses on harem and erotic content. The interactions between the female characters and Orion will be swift and effortless due to Orion's natural abilities, charm, and looks, drawing women towards him. Although romance is not the primary focus, the story will feature explicit sexual content. Additional Tags: Incest, Harem, Smut, Quick Romance. No NTR. Never NTR. No Yuri! With the exception of!!! Orion and his sisters have two mothers, no father. Orion's mothers love each other, and their love will not change even after Orion becomes a part of their love life. There will be scenes depicting their love, but there will be no sex scenes involving only two of them. Other than two of them, no other two harem member will have relationship.

TheFanficGod · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

Akeno [R-18]


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Akeno gasped, her head tilting back, inviting him to claim her with increasing urgency. Her nails dug into his back, pulling him closer, as her hands made an exploration of their own, probing places that had never been touched.

The sensation was overwhelming, all thought disappearing as their shared passion consumed them. Orion had never felt so alive, and his deep groan of pleasure confirmed this.

"Orion," Akeno moaned, her voice filled with an intensity that sent a shiver down Orion's spine. "Please," she begged, her voice a desperate whisper.

Akeno's breath hitched when he got there, a moan escaping from her lips.

Orion's hands trailed down her body, finding their way to her slender hips. As she arched against him, he pushed her against the cold tiles of the shower, feeling her shiver against him as his lips found hers once more.

The heat between them was undeniable, their passion unquenchable. Orion's hand moved between her legs, feeling her pearl. She was wet, even under shower he could tell.

Akeno's fingers traced the contours of his back, causing him to shudder. "Orion," she whispered, her voice thick with desire.

Orion responded by cupping her cheeks, and pulling her into a passionate kiss. He could feel her wetness against his hand, and her shuddering breath against his lips.

Orion closed his eyes, his fingers moving to her slick entrance. He teased her gently, his fingers moving little by little. Akeno's moans were music to his ears, causing his heart to race with anticipation.

Orion lifted Akeno up and she wrapped her legs around him, as he moved his hand up to her perked breasts, taking her nipple into his mouth. She instinctively moved her body to increase the pleasure, and he dipped his finger inside her.

Orion's mouth met hers once more, his tongue finding its way into her mouth. The rhythmic sound of the water, the sound of their breathing, and Akeno's moans rang in Orion's ears.

Orion pulled back from her, looking into her eyes, his heady with desire, passion radiating from his every movement.

"Akeno," he growled, his lust evident in his voice. A smirk pulled at his lips. "Still sure you want this?"

"Don't talk," she rasped, her voice husky. "Show."

Orion lifted her to his neck, her back supported by the shower wall, he burried his head to her sacred garden, tasting her juice.

"Aaaahh," she moaned, her body writhing in pleasure. He moved his head, his mouth sucking on her pearl, making her scream his name, leaving her gasping for air. She tilted her head to the ceiling with a moan, her legs straining to wrap around his neck.

Orion's hand found its way to her back, supporting her, as his mouth assaulted her womanhood. His tongue swirled around her pearl, teasing it. She let out a drawn out moan, her voice quivering with pleasure.

Orion's hands roamed her body, finding their way to her breasts. He kneaded them gently, as his mouth continued his assault, her soft mewls of pleasure increasing his lust.

He moved his mouth up to her navel then to her nipples, his teeth nipping, almost painfully, at her skin. She gasped, her nails digging into his back.

Her fingers found their way to his hair, playing with it, as his hands moved to her ass, his fingers digging into her skin, making her gasp. Akeno's fingers pulled on his hair, her legs straining around him, pulling him back to her pussy. He started to kiss her lower lips again, teasing her button.

She moaned, her voice trembling with need, her legs straining around his head, pulling him to her. She could feel her heart racing, her breathing quickening. She screamed his name, as he moved his mouth back to her pearl, gently sucking and teasing her.

"Aaahh!" she screamed, her body shuddering. The waves of pleasure from her orgasm crashed against her, and she shuddered against him, her body quivering in his arms.

He gently kissed her lower lips, before making his way up to her. He kissed her lips, long and sensually, as the water cascaded over their bodies. His hand made its way to her rear, his fingers pulling her into him, as he pressed his manly arousal against her.

"I am ready." She whispered to his kiss. He shook his head, "Not this time." Instead, he put her back to the ground. Knowing what he wanted, Akeno knelt in front of him, looked at his erect magnificence. His cock was right in front of her lips, her breath tickling its tip.

Slowly, she licked him, starting from the base and up to the head.

The sensation was so delicious, he let out a deep growl. She smirked, and teasingly licked him again. She licked her lips and placed her hands on his ass, pulling him closer. She smiled, her eyes meeting his and she took him in her mouth, her tongue swirling around his tip, making him groan.

"Akeno." He said her name in a deep voice, as she started bobbing her head, her mouth sucking him in, her hands stroking his ballsack. His hands found their way to her hair, playing with it as she took him in and out of her mouth, her tongue playing with his length.

As he looked down at her, he could feel himself getting closer to the edge. It took all his willpower to pull back. The beast inside him wanted to claim her, but he knew he wanted this to last.

Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked him deeper into her mouth. The clear water ran over them, as she took him deeper and deeper. His hands tangled in her wet hair, making her gasp, as he pulled her closer.

Orion's mind was racing as her mouth traveled lower, her tongue swirling around his cock. He moaned, his hands pulling her hair, wanting her to take more into her mouth. She complied, taking him deeper, her tongue swirling around his shaft. His eyes closed, a low groan on his lips. Akeno pulled back, letting his cock slip out of her mouth. He opened his eyes and looked down at her. "You drive me crazy," he groaned, his voice thick with desire.

She was happy with the praise, as she returned her sucking. Taking it deep into her throat. He was already close, and he knew she was ready. His hands tangled in her hair, making her gasp.

"Akeno," he moaned, his voice breathless. "I am going to come."

Akeno pulled back, making a popping sound as she released him from her mouth. The clear water was still running over them, as she looked up at him, the lust in her eyes was clear.

Orion grunted, his hands finding their way to her hair again, as he started to thrust. Akeno's mouth was stretched around his huge manhood. She pulled back, sucking in air as she started to move her head in the same rhythm as his thrusts.

His hands played with his hair, as his groans grew longer with each thrust. His manhood exploded in delight.

Orion let go of her hair, as she pulled back, her mouth wet, his seed on her lips before she swallowed all. She looked up at him, smirking as she licked her lips.

He groaned, his hands finding their way to her body, again pulling her into a kiss, his tongue pushing into her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as his hands explored her body.

The sound of water was replaced by their heavy breathing. The tension between them had reached its peak and slowly began to wane.

Orion leaned his forehead against Akeno's, their breaths mingling. "Akeno," he whispered, still trying to catch his breath, "that was..."

She silenced him with a gentle kiss, her fingers tracing his jaw. "Uncharted territory," she murmured, a sly smile on her lips.

He chuckled softly, pulling her close. "I think we've just created a memory we'll never forget."

She nodded, resting her head on his chest. "I think you're right."

They remained in that moment, taking in the aftermath of their passionate encounter. The world outside remained distant, with only their shared breaths and the sound of water echoing in the changing room.


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