
High Pressure

It's the future. Overpopulation, scarcity of food, and other prominent issues bring up major problems for society. In order for society to thrive, the government decided to purge the population. Elderly people, who are frowned upon are chosen to be the ones who are removed first. Something goes terribly wrong with the coverup, and Jules discovered it with her team of chemists.

OrangeCube380 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Collapse of Canada

The prime minster paced up and down his office, trying to decide what to do with the angry mob of people and reporters in front of his house. He was getting really worried because he saw that some of the people in the mob were holding signs that said THE MEDICINE KILLS and KILL THE MINISTER.

I have to forcefully get rid of all of the protesters, he thought. He called the sheriff whose name was Phillip, asking for him to bring his officers to remove the angry mob.

"What do you want now?" Phillip said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"As you can probably see there is a group of protesters in front of my house. Please get your officers over here and get rid of them." The prime minister quickly said. "And hurry up".

Meanwhile more than 1,500 miles away in a small dimly lit room, the president of the United States was busily tracking Canada. He had heard about what Canada was doing to their population from anonymous sources. He was keen to understand how to replicate what Canada was doing to his own country, as the overpopulation of the United States was becoming a major issue.

Canada is doing it the wrong way, he thought. Looking through all of the bad press that the prime minister was getting. Luckily, he had a different plan on how to get rid of all those annoying old people. A plan that would actually work.

As Phillip and his team of officers quickly made their way to the protesters, he realized that a lot of the protesters were holding weapons like guns and knives.

"Please move away from the prime ministers house!" he shouted as loudly as possible over all the commotion. "The claims about the toxic medicine is simply not true."

Suddenly the mob moved forward as if all the people were one. His team was desperately trying to push the mob back but they were just simply too strong for them. Phillip felt his feet give way and people trampled over him, hitting him as they went by. He felt a sharp stab of pain in his abdomen. He realized too late that he had been stabbed, and the blood was spilling over. His vision suddenly went blurry, and all he could hear was the shouts of the other officers.

The prime minister, seeing his officers were down, saw no way out of this. He ran out the back door of his house and hid nearby. He watched in horror as his house was slowly set alight. It seemed to him that the mob was growing bigger with every second that gone by. Nearby houses were destroyed, shops were being looted, and the prime minister wished this was a dream, that everything happening now was simply a bad nightmare.