
High&Low: S.W.O.R.D Ultimatum

6 years after the fall of Kuryu, SWORD kept their promise to protect and take care of their lands and cities. Hand-in-hand they fight against different gangs and mafias who tries to take over them but none could take them down. And so, their plan goes well and smoothly. Until rumors about the release of Kuryu started spreading everywhere and their affiliates started doing damages anywhere they please inside the city. Secrets started to divulge one by one, that caused a shackle to the agreement of SWORD that was once the strongest bond in the city.

Alaysa_Deyan · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 1

Meanwhile, in a vacant parking lot near the seaport, White Rascals found some members of Doubt alongside Sarah of Mighty Warriors. They are currently transferring the women they kidnapped during broad daylight.

Earlier that day, Koo was tipped by some of the people residing in Sannoh street that they saw at least 2 white vans ridden by a bunch of men, snatching some school girls and random women who are walking alone.

Because of this, he sent Heidi and Lassie alongside Kizzy and Kaito to try and find more information about the said kidnappings. He has an intuition that this is the doing of Doubt.

Following the orders, the four Rascals went to the said school in the hope to find at least a witness. Luckily, one teacher who stated that she saw everything that happened approached them.

"Excuse me," she calls quietly.

Kizzy's attention was the first to get caught. "Yes, miss."

"You are from White Rascals, right?"

He nodded at her. He noticed her tremble, probably from fear or trauma, even. So he immediately offered a reassuring pat on her back.

"Did you saw what happened?"

She nodded before taking a deep breath. "They took two of my students. They were.. they were wearing black."

She held her forehead, a sign that she's trying to remember something.

"Were they riding white vans?" Kizzy asked.

"Yes. And uhm, they look like- no, they are children of the evil," she held onto Kizzy's arm and looked him deep in his eyes.

Kizzy was a little startled by the action but was able to hide it.

"Please get my students back. Their family... I don't know what to tell their family," she started crying.

This was enough for Kizzy to give her a comforting hug. "We will get them back safely."

The teacher nodded at him after breaking the hug. Soon they were on the move to where she pointed the van went after snatching the girls.

On their way, they found more witnesses who cooperated very well. And so, they ended up going to the seaport because according to the people that is where the van was last seen going.

Not the usual but, they went there on foot instead of riding a car. After all, it will help them sneak in easier. Arriving near the vacant parking lot, Kaito instructed the other three to keep a distance for a while and observe their surroundings first.

"How should we do it?" Lassie asked, looking at the other three.

Currently, they are hiding behind the stack of wooden boxes containing fishes. From afar they can see the men of Doubt busily transferring the women to another van.

"Do you see that new van?" Kizzy pointed. Then he looked at the other Rascals. "When they finish transferring the women there, one of us needs to drive that out of here."

"We should have brought more with us." Heidi sounded worried rather than scared.

So Kizzy snapped his fingers in front of him. "Are you listening to me?"

Heidi nodded at Kizzy, whispering his apology. Then he went to look back at the scene in front of them.

"This would be easy, won't it?"

It was Lassie's turn to voice out his thought. And the three Rascals nodded at him.

Kizzy even gave out a smirk to him. "This is what we always do."

Out of the blue, they heard the voice of a woman which made them all look at the rival gang to try and look for the source of the voice.

"Is this going to be longer?" Sarah asked, her hands are placed on her waist.

"Why in such a hurry?" The other men laughed at her.

Her sass just continued as she rolls her eyes at them and walked away.

"She's here," Kaito quietly announced at the three.

"Yeah, we can see."

It was Kizzy who replied.

"How can we fight her?" Lassie asked.

"We can't. We're doomed," Heidi answered.

For a minute they all tried to think of an alternative plan. Until they heard an engine roaring alive. Which means that the transfer's been successful.

"We don't have to fight her. But we can stop her," Kizzy suggested. "Kaito and I will hold her. The two of you, go and save those women."


Kizzy held Heidi by the collar and pulled him closer. "No more buts. We need to keep them safe and we do that even if it means we leave someone behind."

Heidi took a deep breath to calm himself before he nodded at Kizzy.

"Good. Now, let's save those women."

Kizzy and Kaito were the first to move. They left the two Rascals hiding behind the wooden boxes.

"Oi!" Kizzy called out to the other gang. "What are you guys doing?"

"Rascals, huh?" the Doubt men called back.

Most of them took out metal bars and walked towards the two. But Sarah suddenly joined them for the reason that they are fighting the White Rascals.

"I'll take it from here, boys," Sarah announced, not taking her eyes away from the two Rascals. "Just get the job done."

The men of Doubt retreated back as they let Sarah take over. As a cue for the fight, Kizzy gave out a nod to Kaito.

He was also the first to run towards her, attacking in a light way only. Instead of being offensive, he rather went all defense on her. While Kaito just offered assistance to him.

On the same hand, the two other Rascals left behind the boxes finally found their right timing. They snuck past a few of the Doubts and focused their fighting power on those near the van.

However, this alerted those who are busily watching the fight scene of Sarah in front of them.

"They're coming!" Lassie shouted at Heidi.

Heidi -who was holding an unconscious Doubt member- turned around and saw at least 3 more coming towards them. So he pushed and slightly threw the one he's holding towards the other members.

When they fell down after receiving the force, Heidi launched an attack on them. Beating them up one by one, until the last one fell to the ground.

He looked at Lassie who was just finished with the others and catching his breath. "Well that was easier than I thought."

"Yeah," Lassie scoffed, leaning onto his knees.

Heidi looked around just to make sure that there aren't any more Doubt members. When he confirmed that all of them are down on the ground, he decided to mount the van with Lassie and drive it away.

However, just as Lassie straightened his features, he fell front. His face hit the ground due to the forceful kick he received from his back. This caught Heidi's attention that's why he immediately went to Lassie to help him stand up.

Both of them looked at where the kick came from, that's why they saw a girl standing beside the van at the far back.

"There's two of them now?" Heidi asked.

"She's Doubt?" It was Lassie's turn to ask.

A quiet scoff escaped the girl's lips. "I'm a Mighty Warrior."

Lassie and Heidi looked at each other. Giving a quick signal through eye contact which both of them understood immediately.

In a split second, the new girl attacked them both. But only Lassie received and blocked it when he pushed Heidi away. The latter was left surprised because he knew he interpreted Lassie's signal in the wrong way.

"What are you doing? Go!" Lassie ordered while holding the girl by the arm.


"Go!!" the former shouted, receiving yet again a hit to his stomach.

Taken aback by the command, Heidi went for the van. Not wasting time to look back and check at the others.

He encountered some of the Doubt men who were once beaten by them. Somehow they still used the last of their energies just to finish the job. This is why it was easier for Heidi to beat them again for the second time.

Afterward, he boarded the van, immediately he got the engine to start and was driving out of the place in less than a minute. He even saw Kaito being choked by Sarah as he passes by them. But he didn't stop. I need to save them... I need to.

He drove faster, gradually increasing the speed and finally going over 60kph. Because of this, he got to the exit much sooner than he expected. They were getting closer to the only entrance and exit of the seaport when Heidi suddenly stopped the van.

From afar he saw more cars and more Doubt members approaching them. If he tries to continue and leave the port, he may have a chance to get through them but he will never outrun them and it could lead to a worse result.

"Damn it!" he hit the steering wheel in disbelief.

But he was also fast to turn the van and drive it away from the approaching enemies. He need not only to get them out of there but also to drive them to safety where he has reinforcements or someone to help him fight the gang off.

On the way back, Heidi made sure to make different turns, because he plans to lose the Doubt tailing him. He kept his eyes open and alert for any possible alternative exits from the place.

But unfortunately, there aren't any. "Fuck!"

He looked at the side mirrors before taking his phone out of his pocket. He started tapping on his phone, glancing every now and then at the road just to make sure that they won't hit anything.

Soon enough they were back at the parking lot. The Doubt far behind them, but is still coming.

"Hey, you're back," the new girl greeted him while sitting on the other empty van.

From afar, he saw Kizzy still busily fighting with Sarah while Kaito is flat on the ground, which seemed to be knocked out already. Before parking the van and killing the engine, Heidi turned it so it's facing the exit.

Then he looked down at his phone. "Come on, come on, come on."

As soon as the notification that says the message has been sent popped up on his phone, Heidi went down from the van. He looked at Lassie on the ground and clenched his fist.

Then the girl stood up and walked towards him as well. "Nowhere to go?"

"I will kill you," his voice possesses firmness and anger.

When the girl runs towards him to attack, he blocked her hands and held her by the collar of her shirt. Then he threw her towards the empty van once, making her fall down in pain.

Heidi then went to help Lassie stand up. The wounded, mustering the last of his energy held Heidi in his nape. "We can't hurt women.."

"I know."

"We can't hurt... woman," Lassie repeats. "What did you do?"

"I'm sorry, I'll just leave Rascals. But I can't just leave you to die," Heidi answered.

Lassie didn't speak anymore instead, he let Heidi take him to the van where it is safe. But before they can reach the door, they both fell forward.

This time it was Heidi who received the kick from Sarah who happened to finished her fight with the other two Rascals just now.

By this time, the reinforcement of Doubt arrived at the location. Their leader exited the car after being parked, he walked towards where Sarah is standing. He even saw the new girl having a hard time standing up, so he walked to her and help her stand up.


Arisa refused the helping hand. "I can take care of myself."

The leader nodded at her before walking back to look at the beaten-up Doubt members.

"You know girls; I have to take you back in one piece," he said, "or else, Ice will never let me sleep ever again."

"Did Ice tell you that?" Sarah questions.

The leader turned his attention to where Lassie and Heidi are right now, besides Sarah. "No. I just know it for a fact."

After seeing how hard it is for Lassie to stand up, he let out a chuckle.

"Is this the famous White Rascals? The protector of women?" He laughs while looking at Kizzy and Kaito. "I'm disappointed."

The other members laughed as they approve what their leader said.

"Finish them," the order came from the leader. Then he went to approach Sarah once more.


Out of the blue, they heard engines roaring. All of them turned to look at the approaching cars. As usual, Hyuga rides the lead car by sitting on the hood, this represents that he is the leader of the gang. While his right hands, ride in the back.

"Daruma Ikka," Sarah said.

The cars gradually slowed down as they come closer. Making the other Doubt members retreat further into the parking lot.

At the stop, Hyuga went down of the car immediately being followed by his members.

"Hope we're not yet late for the party," Hyuga spoke on behalf of the gang.

"Why are you-?" Kizzy asked. But he had to cut himself because of short breaths.

"Heidi sent out a message for a backup call," Sakyo answered. "You're lucky we're nearby."

"Did you come here to die?" It was one of the members of Doubt.

Hyuga smirked and looked at his members before speaking. "We came here to finish you."

Because of this, the leader laughed at Hyuga and clapped his hands. His face showing amusement for the threat given. The other Doubt members laughed and clapped as well.

However, this little commercial going on was broken when Ukyo spoke. "So.. are we going to fight or not?"

Silence overcame them and that was enough as a cue for them to start fighting. Hyuga being Hyuga, was the first to attack. As the leader of the gang, he does his responsibilities very effectively. He took on several men at a time, throwing powerful punches and beating them up as if they were dummies used to practice your skills with.

Of course, known to be a psychopath, just like Ranmaru, Hyuga easily gained the lead against Doubt, he penetrated through the groups of men, fighting his way in to get to the leader. Although he gets hit by metal bars and fists most time in his head, arms, back, and lower body, he didn't just easily falter. And instead of crying out from the pain, he endures them by laughing like an insane person.

He also gained control of his enemies, beating them up and draining them of their energy. He would scream in joy and laugh as he watches them suffer from his hands. Upon finishing the last of the men of Doubt in his path, Hyuga kept holding one of them by the back collar.

"Is this how you planned to defeat us?" he asked, his left eye squinted at the leader of Doubt.

There wasn't an answer, but Hyuga didn't really expect one. Of a sudden, he forcefully threw the one he's holding towards the leader. This made the latter walk backward as well as Sarah.

Then the SWORD leader sprinted towards the rival leader to once and for all finish this battle. However, he was stopped last minute when Arisa counter-attacked him.

Instead of their fists colliding, Hyuga caught her fist in his hand, perfectly fitting in his strong grip. Their eyes stared at each other for some seconds and he would admit that he got lost in hers.

The trance was broken when Arisa decided to kick him, only to have her legs caught in his grip once again. Hyuga pulled her closer, inches away from his body.

"Who are you?" he whispered.

Arisa tugged away making herself fall back on her bottom, while Hyuga who is still fascinated with her crouched down in his place as he looks at her, up and down. This was the chance that she took to catch him off guard.

"Don't belittle women," she said after kicking Hyuga, making him fall back as well.

Daruma Ikka saw what happened that's why they were all surprised and outraged. But before they can attack, another set of cars came to the place. It was Mighty Warriors, though Ice wasn't with them.

It was the two girls' cue to get out of the place. The car scared away the members of Daruma Ikka forcing them to make way for the girls to escape. While the commotion served as a distraction for all and unfortunately the leader of Doubt was able to mount in the van and drive it away following Mighty Warriors.

"The women!" Kizzy announced, as he watches the enemies drive away. He couldn't just stand up anymore and is left clinging to Kaito.

"Rocky will kill us," Lassie said, holding onto his stomach.

He and Heidi are now back on their feet but are still incapable to fight again, at least not now.

"The girls are safe," Heidi spoke. It made all of them look at him. And before anyone can even speak he already explained himself. "I dropped them off somewhere safe before I came back here."

Both Kaito and Kizzy smiled and chuckled at the successful rescue. Lassie and Heidi on the same hand smiled at each other, giving friendly pats on the back.

"Let's get you guys home," Ukyo said on behalf of Hyuga.

The men of Daruma Ikka offered help and a ride for the four Rascals to safely get home. They also didn't forget to pick up the women who are at least 10 in number.

However, the strange encounter of today left Hyuga wondering still. Who is she? he keeps asking himself.