
Hide and Seek Kekeyi

A group of young people visited their old school building to reminisce. When one of them proposes a seance game, Mikasa has a hunch that something bad will happen, so she calls her boyfriend - Eren - to come pick her up. Two hours later, Eren came alone. Her phone calls never go through, and Mikasa's messages have been cut off ever since the girl said that the ceremony has started. Completely not knowing what happened, Eren entered the school, only carrying a flashlight and a raincoat.

Godblesz · Horror
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2 Chs

Kekeyi Doll Rules

Preparatory rules;

1. Take out the doll's foam, put in the rice and body parts, sew the doll with red thread.

2. Prepare tools that use signals to detect the presence of spirits.

3. Give the doll a name, put it in the water.

4. Search all players. Finally, go back to the dollhouse, stab and say, "Now it's your turn to guard."

5. Don't look back while running.

Basic Rules ;

1. Do not leave the game area.

2. Hold the salt water in your mouth to protect yourself.

3. Offer a body part as a sign to join the game, for example like Blood.

4. Limit the duration of the game to two hours, the longer it lasts the stronger the spirit power and will not be able to be expelled.

Cancellation Rules ;

1. Spray the doll with salt water, say "we won," three times.

2. Throw it away, then burn the doll to release the summoned spirit again.

Additional rules;

1. The summoned spirit can capture the player and turn him into a vassal.

2. When the game was past three in the morning, his spirit power peaked until he was able to break free from the puppet medium and walk on his own.

3. The spirit can still be defeated by collecting dolls.

4. At the end of the game, the last person to survive will be..