
Hide and Seek Kekeyi

A group of young people visited their old school building to reminisce. When one of them proposes a seance game, Mikasa has a hunch that something bad will happen, so she calls her boyfriend - Eren - to come pick her up. Two hours later, Eren came alone. Her phone calls never go through, and Mikasa's messages have been cut off ever since the girl said that the ceremony has started. Completely not knowing what happened, Eren entered the school, only carrying a flashlight and a raincoat.

Godblesz · Horror
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 EREN

That day was Friday. Exactly Friday at 22:45 pm.

In the capital city, some residents choose to spend their time looking for entertainment under the dim lights or behind the dark night such as bars, disco clubs, side streets, cinemas and karaoke places.

It's different with Eren, this 25 year old man has been forced to stay in front of his office desk for the last 13 hours.Overlays of documents almost covered his notebook. Although it looks irregular, the location of the document has its own meaning for Eren, giving instructions to complete his duties as an investigator at an insurance company.

When the pen in his hand fell, Eren realized that for the past five minutes he was just twirling it aimlessly. He let the pen roll away from him on the carpet.

"What am I doing," Eren growled tiredly, his right hand moving automatically to wipe his greasy face. He's been here too long. And for what? he had not made the slightest progress in the last two hours. The claim still looks valid, like the confession the grandmother made this morning in front of Eren and Erwin, Eren's boss.

But, of course, as Erwin warns: before all the evidence is gathered, the company must remain skeptical and look for possible fraudulent claims made by clients.

Nothing is missed. I've finished checking everything since this afternoon.

But that's a lie, another voice inside his head said. Eren realized he was constantly avoiding having to read the doctor's examination file which was 50 pages thick.

Should I read it? the chances of finding something here were slim compared to the effort.

Eren was surprised. when his Iphone vibrated beside the table. Eren took the difference and opened the incoming message.

______________________________________________ FROM : Mikasa

"Where are you, Eren? The reunion is over. Don't tell me you forgot we had a school reunion at 8 earlier?"


Actually, Eren remembers the reunion very well. This school reunion event has been planned since two months ago in a group chat. Eren has been waiting for the chance to meet his old friends like Conny and Reiner again. However, this past week he realized that the opportunity had to be postponed due to a pile of office work.


To : Mikasa

"Sorry. Wait for me there, I'll pick you up soon."



What can I do, said the baron to himself, his hands moving to collect the paperwork as he rose from his chair. He was forced to use the weekend allotment to complete this task in his apartment. Mikasa would definitely be annoyed that he again failed to provide them with some relaxing time.

if i explain well ....

She'll still be angry, thought the baron languidly. He has already canceled the promise of many trips this month. The Baron realized that lately he had been too ambitious with his work. The balance between his professional life and personal life has been increasingly disturbed since Erwin gave him a promotion.

After washing his face in the toilet, the baron walked briskly towards the dark elevator corridor. At that time, he lived alone on the floor of the building. All the other employees had gone home and the lights had been turned off. Just a second before he pressed the call button for the elevator, the phone rang again.

"Hello, Eren?" said Eren while clamping his briefcase in the other hand.

" where are you?" demanded Mikasa's voice from the phone.

"The party was over just now. Everyone is looking for you."

"I'm... still at the office, I'll be right there now - it won't be long," said the baron quickly, hoping that Mikasa wouldn't have time to nag any longer. From the other end, Eren could hear the girl sigh in disappointment.

"Wait... wait a minute -" Eren heard Mikasa talking to a man in the middle of a boisterous conversation (Eren suspected that his friends were still gathered and hadn't completely disbanded). "I think the others still want to continue ... oh, I'll call again when we're looking for another place."

Eren glanced at his watch. it's 22:53 p.m .

"It's almost midnight now," protested Eren, "I have to take you home. I don't want your parents to scold me anymore."

Mikasa's laughter soothed Eren. "Oh come on! I have permission to come home late especially for tonight. You haven't met Conny yet, have you? Oh, you should see Krista too! She's so beautiful now. And, ..."

"I'm leaving now, just write down where you're going later," said Eren. The elevator he was waiting for finally came with a soft chime. "I hung up the phone."

"Byee.." Mikasa replied. Eren stepped in through the bright light of the elevator. Not long after, the elevator slid down at a smooth pace.

Previously , Eren had not had time to observe himself in the toilet glass. When he saw his own reflection in the reflection of the elevator's glass door, a tall, tired-looking young man looked back at him—he was wearing a blue shirt, black trousers, and sleek black loafers. His black hair was short and straight, typical of a corporate employee. Under his dark brown eyes, there are dull eye bags due to lack of sleep for weeks.

Eren raised the collar of his blue shirt. loosened the knot of his tie and untied a lock so he could breathe a sigh of relief.

'I have to change professions,'thought Eren.

It wasn't just recently that he thought about it. He already felt unfit for this kind of work. However, because Mikasa's own father helped her get this job, she was forced to run it. After all, he had to show Mikasa's parents that he could raise a fixed amount of money before proposing to the girl. His previous job as a small event organizer did not provide the expected opportunities.

"One time I'll prove it," said Eren loudly. Then he felt ashamed of himself hearing his voice echo in the elevator.



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