
Chapter 8

"Hey man how far?" Daniel said and sat down.

"Not good, I have been waiting here for you for almost an hour. You said you were going to be here by five," Clinton complained, looking at his watch.

"The time now is thirty minutes passed six Dan, I do not like this at all." He said, twitching his forehead.

Daniel stared at him like he was a nothing, "Why are you making a fuse out of nothing? I do not see any reason why you should be complaining, you do not even have a date."

"So you mean I must be on a date before I can complain about sitting down alone and looking around for an hour like a loner, with no one to keep me company?" Clinton inquired, his face looking like the back of a trolley.

"No, that is not what I meant though," Daniel said to him, holding back his laughter. "I am sorry for wasting your time," he added, even though his apology didn't sound like one. It sounded more like a sarcasm.

"That is what I wanted to hear from you, even though you and I know that the apology wasn't a sincere one. So gist me about what has been going on in your life for the past six months, has that beauty fallen for you already?" Clinton asked in sarcasm.

"I can not really tell for now but I am about to pull of a stunt that would make her love me more than anything or anyone in her life. My poor Whitney would never be able to tell what hit her the day I dump her. She has no idea that she is just an ordinary instrument and a tool that I need in getting my dad's properties, she is the the next girl I plan to break her heart.."

"Common man, do you mean that you are still bent on breaking that girl's heart. What is with all this breaking of hearts bull shit? I have told you times without number, to learn to love and let bygones be bygones. Listen carefully to me, if by chance you foolishly end up breaking the heart of that nice girl, I promise you that I will make her mine, I will mend that broken heart of hers and believe me I won't let you back into her life, no matter what. That girl is so innocent to be treated to unfairly."

"Not as if I care. Since you like her that much, you can do whatever you want to do with her whenever I am through with sing her for my strategic plan. As for me I am only playing my game and very soon it would be all over, once it is all over, you will be the first to get notified of it, then you can do whatever you please with her, you can put her broken heart back together," Daniel spoke all he had in his mind to Clinton. "So you mean you have been waiting for me to arrive before you could order for anything, wow my friend is such a gentleman," he said, looking deeply impressed at his friend.. "Waitress! Come over here." Daniel called out to one of the female waitresses.

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When the waitress reached where they were, she focused all her attention on Daniel. It was quite obvious that she had fallen head over heels for Daniel. "Hello!" Clinton called out, snapping his two fingers to the woman's face.

"So so - so, so sorry sir," the waiter stammered. She was a bit scared that they were going to report her to the manager for her carelessness.

"Yes sir what do you want?" She asked

'Give us the bar menu," Daniel said to her, showing his full teeth to her.

She smiled and handed it to him.

Daniel looked at the menu, "I will prefer a bottle of rum for myself and a bottle of mint julep for my friend over here. Bring whatever might go well with the drinks," he ordered.

"I am sure you must have a nice taste," Daniel said, flirting wisely.

The waitress smiled, revealing her broken teeth, "ok sir, your orders will be brought to your table very soon?"

"You better get going, I am really hungry," Daniel told her, the impatience on his tone and in his words, couldn't be misinterpreted.

Clinton watched how the waiter swung her hips intentionally and forcefully, in order to get Daniel's attention. "Did you see the way, she shamelessly behaved and how she shamelessly threw herself at you," Clinton asked. "This is the type of women that deserves to be heartbroken and not Whitney." He added.

"Well Clint, do you think I am stupid?" Daniel said, tapping on the table.

Clinton was a bit taken aback by his word. "Did I say that?"

"If I were to break this woman's heart, trust me from the look of things, this woman is going to destroy my reputation, she is bound to wreck havoc in my life. Looking at how desperate she displayed herself, she was definitely going to hunt me down, she would only stop when she must have drained every damn thing in my life, she is just so shamelessly desperate ... Daniel paused and smiled, then he continued, " but as for Whitney, looking at her, one could conclude that she was so innocent. Even if I pointed a gun to her head, there was nothing she could do. If I break her heart, I am very certain that she won't react, she will just cry out her pains till someone comes in and feels the void in her life and probably that someone is you," Daniel mocked Clinton by letting out a laugh, after making the sentence.

"You are just so unbelievable Dan, you can never change your ways, if you weren't my good friend, I would have told Whitney what her fate would be with you. Well all I can say to you is that marriage isn't something to joke with, it is not just a signed contract, it is a vow made by two people. Listen, I strongly believe that once you get married you will find yourself being different. You will eventually start to love her and soon you won't be able to spend a minute without her by your side. You may even become jealous whenever you see her with another man, so I'm warning you right now Dan, be wise or I might just have a reason to take something Precious away from you, there's still a lot of time for you to change your mind about all this bull shit plan of yours," Clinton said, nearly looking outraged.

"The last thing I need now is your lectures, and why is that waitress taking a lot of time, she was quick in throwing seductive glances at us but so slow in serving our orders, women and their lack of sense, they never know when to be up and doing," Daniel said in a high pitched and annoyed tone.

"Take it easy man, it's not easy to carry out these type of duties, try to be considerate for once," Clinton said to Daniel.

"Put yourself in her shoes, it's not easy. She needs to serve others too," he added. "Speak of the devil, here she comes."

"That is the problem Clint. She does not value us, if only she knew who I was then she would not dare waste my time, like she's doing.""Daniel forget all about your fame and wealth, if all of a sudden you became poor, men even I won't recognize you," Clinton said in a cool tone.

Daniel face changed to a deep frown, "do you mean to insult me?"

Clinton laughed at his question, "you take things way serious Dan, you don't deserve to be my friend."

Daniel laughed at him, "you are talking this way, soon you will come asking for some money from me, but no worries I will still give you the money anyways."

Clinton let out a dry laugh, "you better stop taunting me, I know you are indirectly insulting me, for Christ's sake, I am twenty five and I can for myself, besides I used my own money to get a place for myself and two nice cars."

"Well I do not think anyone can believe that, because merely looking at you, any body would conclude that it's either you are my driver or a personal guard. Anyways it's good to hear you brag, at least today you did not act so timid."

Clinton squeezed his face, "quite true because I am a jovial person and you are a wicked soul."

Daniel gave him a cold stare, "I am not wicked.."

"I am sorry for taking your time, gentlemen, I needed to attend to the first set of people," the waitress interrupted, as she dropped a tray of alcoholic drinks and sausage rolls with pizza. "I do not know if you like my combination, but this was the only thing I could think of."

"You can go, we like it," Clinton spoke up immediately. "The combination is very good, I don't like eating pizzas but my friend over here loves it a lot, as for the sausage rolls, he does not like them but I like it a lot," he added.

"You have brought us a nice food combination, thanks," Daniel said to her, faking a huge smile on his face.

The waitress smiled too, "you are welcome sir." In a twinkle of an she was gone.

Daniel couldn't hold back the laughter anymore, he let them all out, when he was the waitress was out of sight. "Now I hope you get to see why I said all women are fools. None of us likes any of this stuffs she brought. It was actually good that you had talked to her first, if not I would have slammed the tray of food on her face, she was indeed a stupid girl?"

"I just wish that Whitney could change you, because she's the only miracle we need," Clinton said out amidst his laughter.

"Change me for better or for worse? Forget about changing me, because my mom has changed me already and I am very glad she did, at least now I understood the type of people women are."

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Next day...

Daniel and Clinton weren't done with their get together. They met again the next day in a hotel this time around.

"I think it is time to take the next step in Whitney's life," Daniel said to his friend.

"What do you mean by taking the next step?" Clinton asked him, staring at him in confusion.

"Whitney's birthday is coming up very soon and I plan on throwing a big birthday party for her. I also plan on taking our relationship to the next step on that day," Daniel told him, with a smirk on his face.

"You mean, you want to get married to her on that day too?" Clinton voiced out, with happiness written all over his face.

Daniel looked at him and let out a sigh.

"I plan on getting her engaged to me on that day and not marrying her."

 "Wait a minute, are trying to tell me that you want to propose to her, Daniel do you mean you plan to organize a party for her and then propose to her that same place and in front of the whole guest?" Clint asked sipping his wine.

"Yeah, why not. I would love to see it go public,. Her birthday is coming up on the sixth of January next year, that is when I intend on proposing marriage to her and I am very very sure that she will accept. She is way head over hills for me," Daniel replied. "Even if she wanted to reject, seeing the whole crowd looking so expectant, she would surely not reject me."

"Alright, if you say so. When will the wedding take place?" His friend asked further.

"Four months after I propose to her. May or June," Daniel said in a haste.

"Isn't that too far? Why not get married to her a month after the engagement?" Clinton asked in inquisitivity.

"And who told you I am ripe and ready to be in bondage with that sarcastic woman? If I had it my way I would prefer marry her two days before my dad's 50th birthday." Daniel said, and sipped the drink in his hand.

" I can see that you are real damn Serious. Luckily for you, you will get your heart desires and that poor, innocent fellow, your little pawn will end up feeling so so devastated. The plan is quite good but I hope you do not get damned for making that poor girl suffer, Daniel."

"I will not get damned, Clint. So you had better stop bothering yourself," Daniel said, feeling a little bit annoyed.

"But don't you have any single feeling it attraction towards that girl?" Clinton inquired, staring intently at his friend.

"I do have a feeling for her," Daniel answered darkly. "A feeling of hatred, anger and wickedness towards her. The day I end up loving that girl, I will be very sorry at myself for being so stupid to have made such a mistake.

"Hmm, you better watch out man, Daniel it's getting late, we should probably starting home, I do not want your dad scolding you like he always does whenever you are home late."

"He will not do anything and even if he did, it would not still remove a flesh from my skin, he will only scold me and the next day he will totally forget about it," Daniel said, incredously. "A few minutes more and we will be heading straight home, so just chill and let us enjoy the night."

"Listen Dan, you better stop drinking or you will get drunk and I do not want that to happen. I can still vividly remember what trouble you caused for the last time you got drunk. You have finished four bottles of rum already, Daniel you have to stop now." Clinton said, snatching the fifth bottle from his hand.

Daniel picked up another bottle. "Clinton can you for once stop being a scared little baby and enjoy the night. It comes once in a while," Daniel said sipping his wine.

"What about Whitney, are you not supposed to call her? Remember you are her boyfriend." Clinton spoke up.

"Acting boyfriend you mean. Why are you acting like a relationship advicer, please enough of your lectures, you can call her yourself, if you care so much about her. As for me, I do not want to ruin this night Her name just makes me feel so sick, that I want to throw up," Daniel said reproachfully.

Clinton hit his hand on his forehead in a disappointed manner, "what kind of person did I get as a best friend?" He muttered, with his lips clicked together.

"Did I hear you say something?" Daniel asked him..

"No not at all," Clinton replied to him, scratching his head.

Please drop your reviews, I really want to know if the book is interesting. Thanks and remain blessed.