
Chapter 7

"If this relationship is formed, I will be sure that I won't lose and you won't either," he said to her, with his knees still on the floor. Whitney looked at him and a tear rolled down her eyes. She quickly ran out from there. Daniel watched her flee from him and it made him very angry. He quickly stood up and hit the wall with his fist in frustration. "Why did she always love to display dramatic scenes?" He asked himself in anger, his teeth clenching hard against each other.

He stormed to the direction Whitney took in anger, when he took some steps he found her sitting on a block, with her head bent and he heard her crying too. Daniel could not understand why he felt his heart ache on seeing her crying but he shoved the thought aside. He slowly walked up to her and knelt down by her side. "I am very sorry Whitney, I did not mean to make you cry. You also don't need to worry about giving me a reply, if you don't reciprocate my feelings, do not worry I understand." Whitney raised up her head and looked at him with so much love in her eyes.

"I accept you Daniel," she said amidst tears and grabbed the flower in his hands from him. 

Daniel smiled at her childish movement, then he stood up and hugged her. "I guess it's time to go."

"Alright, let me tidy up and grab my purse."

"Forget about tidying up, just get your purse and let's go."

"Ok," Whitney replied to him.

They both got into the car and Daniel sped off.

He drove down a private roads. The bare maples of the church foothills rose stark against a crisp sky and the peaceful setting was enticing.

Daniel tuned on the music player in his car. "Do you like jazz?" He asked his girlfriend.

Whitney smiled at him, "I do not like it anymore but you can leave it if you like it."

"Why don't you like it?" He asked.

"I got bored listening to them," she replied.

"Ohh ok, I do not like the music too," he replied and then he changed the music.

Whitney turned to face him, "you do not like it? Then why did you play it?"

"I played cause I thought you would like it. Majority of the females love listening to jazz." He replied to her.

Whitney nodded her hamead, "hmm I see."

"How do you see the road?" Daniel brought up another irrelevant question.

"Neat and lonely, it is good for new couples."

"Good couples? Very soon the road will be good for us then."

Whitney blushed at his words, "neither of us can tell our fate."

"I have written your fate already," he mocked inwardly.

"Where do you want us to have our picnic?" He asked.

"Well," Whitney emphasized. "I can not think of any suitable place in my head, I think you should decide a place yourself."

"Ok. What about fruit Field? It is a very nice place, what do you think? He asked her.

"I don't know about that place, I mean I have never even heard of it, where is it located?"

"In the Banana street," he said, flashing his set of white teeth.

"I think you should start visiting places more often."

"Yeah you are right, well you can't blame me, growing up, I was an introvert."

Daniel brought the car to a halt, "we are here," he announced and came down from the car. He rushed to the other side of the car and opened the door for her.

"So what are we going to use for the picnic?" She asked staring at him.

"Have you forgotten that I am a billionaire and I could get whatever I wanted so easily. I have already prepared everything for this picnic."

"Today is the first time I have ever taken someone on a picnic, you are my first and you will remain the last," he used his emotional tactics on her yet again.

"Daniel?" She called out his name in a low and angelic tone. "Why are you doing all this for me?"

"Because I am so lucky to have a woman like you in my life, I am your boyfriend and as far as I am concerned your happiness is my first priority. This loyal servant of yours has pledged to love you non stop."

"You do not have to do all this for me, having you in my life is more than enough," her words came out in a revolted whisper.

"Do you have any idea that you are indirectly saying that by pleasing you, I have been wasting my time and resources."

"No Daniel, I didn't mean it that way, I was only trying to say that...

"Fine I get you, I do not want you complaining about anything, so we will just slide away this topic and the picnic, like it never came about," Daniel intruded in a rude manner.

"No Daniel, I am not complaining in any way. I know you have put in a lot of effort in making this preparations, I can not just let it slide away. I am not just used to this kind of special treatment."

"Listen Whitney I can cancel the picnic if you want me to, I don't mind," he spoke in a carrying whisper.

 "I do not want this picnic to be cancelled Daniel." She said, hugging him.

"Then we better start going or we might be late." He said to her and grabbed her by the hand.

The both of them sat down on a blue, soft material. 

"So tell me Daniel, how did you manage to prepare all this?" Whitney asked him.

"Your boyfriend is a genuis," he replied. Whitney smiled because of the reply he gave. "Wow, I must be the luckiest girl on earth then, to have such a genius as a boyfriend," she spoke out.

"Of course, you should count yourself very lucky, many other girls would kill to get to me but here I am falling at your feet," he teased.

Whitney let out a very loud laugh. "Daniel I advise that you better stop with these your jokes or I might just choke to death," she said to him in between her laughter.

"Ok my lady," he replied, raising his hands up in a surrendering manner.

They started eating, wow they were both feeding each other romantically, anyone that saw the two of them would think that Daniel really loved Whitney so much and with all of his heart.

"Ha ha ha," Whitney laughed out loud.

"What is it making you laugh this much, I did not crack any jokes?" He asked her, wondering his eyes around, to check if there was anything he missed.

He did not see anything, then he looked back at Whitney and found her still laughing but this time around she used her hand to close her mouth.

"Whitney say something, why are you laughing?" He asked again.

Whitney bit her lips in an attempt to stop herself from laughing, then she pointed at his mouth, Daniel did not understand what she was gesturing at. "What?" He asked, looking at her fingers.

Whitney stood up and went close to him, then she brought her slender finger to his lips and wiped the milk that was slightly above his lips. She was done wiping the stuff off his face but still her fingers were still stroking that part, no not that part, her fingers were still stroking his lips. She stared lostfully into his eyes and Daniel too felt hypnotized by her charming eyes, Whitney shifted her eyes from him and brought it down to his lips, then without signal, she crashed her lips down to his. She kissed him gently, but soon Daniel took control of the kiss and from a tender kiss, it turned to a passionate kiss, then to a desperate kiss but yearning for each other..

Daniel gently pushed her backwards, then he continued kissing her, he nibbled on her soft lips and even though he wanted to pull out, even though he wanted to break the kiss, he could not. He felt so addicted to her tender lips. He lips were still on her but his hands trailed down her body. He caressed her body, even he was not touching her skin directly. He was about to raise the Hem of her dress when Whitney stopped him. "Daniel, it is getting late, I think it is time for us to get back home," she said to him. Daniel was still on top of her, he quickly raised himself up when he realized what he was trying to do to a girl he hated the most. Whitney raised herself up and tried to straighten her gown.

 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 

Some months passed by..

Daniel was still playing the role of a good boyfriend in Whitney's life and he was doing so well for an act..

"Hello Dan," Clinton, his friend said to him over the phone.

"Hey Clint, what's up?" Daniel greeted.

"Long time bro, been long since we saw each other." Clinton remarked.

"Yes, I have been so busy this days. Why not come over to Graham's hotel, I will be there at five this evening let's catch up on each other."

"No problem. I hope you have good stories to tell."

"I've got good stories to tell, I have been playing a nice stunt."

"Let me guess, cheap stunts on those lowly girls, right?" Clinton chipped in.

Daniel laughed, "far from it Clint. I have to go bro, I am busy and dad is calling for me"

"Ok, do your work and get back to me later and make sure the stunts you plan on telling me are worthy to be listened to. I do not want you messing with my brain."

"As if you have one?" Daniel teased him..

"I'll give you a befitting answer to this statement when we see each other, bye for now," Clinton sneered and cut the call.

Not long after Mr Smith, Daniel's father came in..

"Daniel!" Mr Smith called his son.

"Good day dad," Daniel greeted with a fixed smile on his face.

"Good day to you son. What is the reason behind this big smile on your face?" His father asked with an appalling look on his face.

"Tell me what the good news is," the old man added.

"There is no good news dad, besides I know where that nickel is driving to," Daniel retorted.

"You never change son, always speaking in ways which I do not understand." The old man spoke.

"Stop with your lies dad. Nothing is far beyond your knowledge. You are nearly like a god," Daniel flattered his father.

"Well what I actually meant was that I knew where your topic was heading to. The good news you are expecting is a daughter- in - law."

Mr Smith let out a fake cough, now you are sounding more like me, so give me the good news, have you found my daughter in law?"

"Well dad I still got a lot of time on my side to finding out the idle partner."

"Daniel I think I should remind you that it is only remaining two months before the year comes to an end or possibly before my years come to an end," his father said tentatively.

"Come on old man, you are indirectly wishing yourself death and I do not like it."

"You should know that I am not an immortal and I could lose my life anytime. I could die through an accident or improvidence. So I advise you get a wife soon, so that I can transfer all my properties and inheritance to you, to avoid any confusion or war in the future." 

Daniel thought through what his father said. Yes his father was right in a way, if he died without willing the will to anyone, his father's brother might see that as advantage.

"Father all I need is three more months and I will be engaged to your daughter in law. Then by your forth coming birthday I will present the woman whom I have chosen as a wife to you."

"Son, next year will be very tiring for me because I will be traveling in and out for different business, so I may not be able to attend your wedding but it does not matter anyways, you have my blessings already. By December next year, I will be settled and ready to see that beautiful damsel you have chosen and she better be worth it.

"How?" Daniel asked. "Her behavior or financial status?" He asked further.

"Her behavior, it should be very impressive," his father replied.

That statement had a bit of relieve on Daniel.

"Women can be hell, dad. But if my future wife could be different, I will be as happy as ever," Daniel said in a coldly indifferent voice and strode off toward the door.    

"Listen women are blessings from above. It depends on how you handle your blessings, son," dad said.

Daniel looked at his father for a while, "I need to freshen up dad, we will have this conversation some other time and maybe I won't walk away on it. See you dad." 

"My son is just so unbelievable," Mr Smith muttered and climbed down the stairs, to his car.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 

Daniel went to the dining table to have his much. As soon as he sat down, the maids started serving him his meal. "Why did you all prepare this food?"

"Is there a celebration going on today that I do not know about?" Daniel asked.

No one answered him.

"Answer me, why all these food?" Daniel asked in a high pitched tone.

"Well sir, you did not eat this morning, so we prepared all this for you."

"Are you planning on taking care of me or killing me?" He asked them in annoyance.

"Sorry sir, we were only doing our job."

"Job my foot. Now you all are going to get punished for your mistake and your punishment is... He paused for a while.

The servants looked at each other in fear. Daniel saw the reaction on their faces and smiled, "your punishment is that you are all going to join me on this table and gave lunch."

"No sir."

"We can't." They replied to him.

Some of them dropped their comments.

"Why?" Daniel asked them, his face filled with anger.

"You are our superior and we can not eat with you," the head servant answered.

"Yes," some of them said in concur to what the head servant had said.

"Alright then the decision is yours to make, eat with me or get ready to look for another job." He challenged them. Without saying anything further, they all pulled out chairs and sat down.