
Chapter 26

The doctor came in.

"Who brought me here?" Whitney asked him.

"Well I can not really remember his name but it was a young man that brought you here."

"Try to remember his name," Whitney wheezed.

"I am afraid that you may not be happy to hear the person's name but I will still say it to you regardless. It is a friend of your husband, who brought you in here," the doctor briefed her.

"Clinton!" She exclaimed, her eyes so wide. It was only Clinton she knew as Daniel's friend.

"Yes,  that is correct," the doctor sneered.

"Should I call him for you?"  the doctor asked.

"Do not even dare it. What gave him the right to touch him, I had warned him to never touch me," Whitney said in a cold voice.

"Calm down miss Whitney, the guy that saved you is a very gentleman. He is such a kind hearted man. Trust me when I say that man really has good intentions concerning you," the doctor said to her.

"Why do I get this feeling that you are trying so hard to meddle in my business. It does not concern you in any way. So listen carefully to me doctor, mind your business and your private life. I will not tolerate you lecturing me on how to rule and run my life," she frowned.

"I did not mean to meddle. I only wanted to help you by telling you the reality..

"I need some clothes," she said, feeling the draft on her rear from the backless gown.

"But you need to rest."

"I am checking out now, I need some clothes."

"But miss Whitney, you...

"I said I need some clothes now! She shouted.

Everyone exchanged bewildered looks. "We have no clothes," the doctor voiced out.

"Perhaps Mr. Clinton could bring you some later." Whitney drew a short patient breath and locked eyes with the doctor.

"Doctor Justin, I am walking away from this hospital right this moment. I need clothes and I have to find a place to stay. One does not shelter for herself with one's ass hanging around doing nothing. Hope you get the message clearly?"

Doctor Justin swalled hard. "Get this lady something to wear nurse."

"There will be no need for that," Clint said, entering the patient's room. "I already brought clothes that you would wear."

Whitney did not say anything, only but for a fleeting moment.

x x x x x x x x x

Whitney was limping out of hospital De la Santa. Clinton was apparently walking behind her. When he tried to support her, she declined and shoved him away.

"Listen to me Clint, do not for a second believe that you have easily got me. The only reason I am coming with you is because I have no place to go and it is too early for me to be begging," she said to him formally.

(At Clinton's mansion)

"I am very shocked that a man like you will be living alone in such a big and lonely house like this. What about your family?" Whitney asked, slumping to one of the chairs.

"Or have they abandoned you? Who knows, they must have come to terms with your deceitful character. Pretending in the outside but inwardly you are filled with schemes and plot. Listen to me Clint, you will remain lonely in your boring life, until you learn to stop supporting evil."

"Can you please stop with all of your rantings and just listen to me, hear my explanations. Trust me you will have a different view of me once you have heard my explanation."

"Answer my question first before you start feeding me with unnecessary things. What about your parents, Mr Clinton?" She sarcastically said.

"Ok you want to know about them right? Well my mom died when I still young, at age nine probably, as for my dad, he died even before I existed, before I was born," Clinton revealed to her, his face turning pale.

"You were orphaned?" She asked, feeling a sudden familiar relationship between them.

"I am sorry for saying all those mean things about your family."

"You should not apologise to me. I have always been a hard worker and that is the reason I am here, the reason why I am where I am today. Yes I might be living alone in this house, that is only because I grew up lonely, not until Daniel threw luck into my chapter. He had helped me a lot to build myself. He supported me regardless of my situation and I can't hide the fact that most of my success is because of Daniel's support. Daniel is not as bad as you think he is. Anyways I know you must feel that I am in partnership with your ex husband but believe me, it is not what you think. I and Daniel have been friends for ages. Daniel has always had my back, same with me, I too have always had his back. Listen Whitney, Daniel and I are best friends, agreed, so whatever he does in his life that is not partially my business. Daniel does not listen to anyone, to be sincere with you, he does whatever he wants and likes. Daniel has always bee..

Whitney interrupted whatever he wanted to say. "Do not bother yourself Clinton. All this explanation and recitation does not matter. At least you are better than that man whom I thought actually wanted to help me.

She stood up, "I know what you mean because I have experienced life with Daniel and he never for once showed me love. All he did was to show me pity that kills. When I noticed that Daniel had been faking his love for me, I thought I would change his mind concerning using me as a pawn but he did not. He used me as a pawn in his business and after all he gained from me, he still had the guts to send me away with nothing. He took every single thing away from me. He took away my pride, peace and joy.

"Whitney let me take you to your room, you have to rest," Clinton said flat footedly.

"I need favours from you," Whitney said openly.

"What is it?" Clinton asked, feverishly.

"First of all I need you to promise that you fufil all of the favors," Whitney said keenly.

"What is it? You and I know that I can not promise to fulfill something that I do not know about," Clinton sensibly said.

"But I agreed to stay under your roof, not knowing who you are what you have in mind. Listen to me Clinton," she said walking to him. "I will not ask you to do anything that is certainly above your capacity. Believe me, you do not have to worry."

"Whitney, promises are made to be kept. What if I can not keep the promises I make? What if the promises affect my marital life or relationship? What if the promise is against my will? Just say what you want and I f I am able to do it with my conscience, I will do it," Clinton said.

Whitney say beside him.

Clinton needed to avoid her touch, stare, body contact and sweet words.

Whitney smiled as she placed her hand on his hand.

"If you can not make this promise, then watch me walk out of your door and believe me I will run into a thousand cars just to make sure I meet my maker,," she said bravery.

Clinton turned to her . "It is hardly a joking time."

"Daniel's treatment and behavior towards me changed me. He thought he was punishing me but he did not know that he was building the spirit and courage dead in me. I am no more scared of death," Whitney said lively.

"Whitney," Clinton called out, after Whitney stood.

He stood too, "ok fine. I promise to do the favors which you ask of me but it should not be more than two.".

Whitney turned to Clinton and hugged him.

"Thanks Clint," she said excitedly.

"What are the favors?" Clint asked, releasing himself from her hug.

"I want you to..... You can't go back on your words, Clinton. I won't let you either, so do not try to think of going back on your words." Instinct warned Clinton, probably because he felt he would not be able to keep the promise.

"What is it Whitney?" Clinton asked straight forwardly.

"I want you to..." She delayed her words yet again.

"Come on, just say it."

"I want you to make me yours," she finally said it out.

"How do you mean?" He asked, looking a bit scared.

"Marry me," she said hopefully and courageously.

Clinton had his chance now. He had always secretly fancied her, from the moment he set his eyes on her in the bar. But at this moment, he felt restricted. It felt as though he was punishing someone. His best friend, Daniel. Marrying Whitney wasn't the the problem. The problem was did she love him like he loved her? Or was she just marrying him for her vengeful purposes?

"Secondly," Whitney spoke up fiercely, bringing Clinton back from his thoughts. "I want you to help me get revenge."

"On your best friend and your best friend's cousin," she added sharply, not entertaining his question. "It is simple. All I need, I mean all we need is to use what we have to get what we want. I want Daniel broken and crushed. He had broken my heart to build his business. Therefore I shall mend every pieces of my heart by destroying and crushing all that he has. I want him poor and wretched beyond human's power. I want him to come to me, begging on his knees, then I shall take him as my slave boy and I shall treat him cruelly, the way he had done to her ugly face. And in other for this to happen, I need you by my side, as my husband and I also need your money and influence for this to be possible."

"Whitney you know that this is not possible. The money I have can not be compared to what they both have. I am not financially strong compared to them and even in three decades to come, I do not think my wealth can stand to theirs," Clinton clarified.

"How much do you have? And how much does the Smith's company have?" Whitney said.

"I have only ten billion dollars and the Smith's relatively have a hundred and ten billion dollars. Can you see the difference?" 

"You have a company right?" Whitney asked ignoring his questions.

"Yes, I have," Clinton answered her.

"And your computer is partnering with the Smith's company?" Whitney asked vividly.

"Yes," Clint answered her, not knowing or caring to know why Whitney was throwing the strange questions to him.

"Do not worry. Leave the rest to me. I shall soon come up with a strategy that is ready to earn you more than you could ever think of. And a strategy that shall render the Smith's poorer than a church rat," Whitney said to him.

"Daniel is my best friend, Whitney. I can not do this to him and to his father. They have helped me a lot. When I had no one they were always there for me. If not for Daniel, at least think of his father, he has no involvement in all of Daniel's attrocities. I just can't repay him in this manner," Clinton explained on and on, becoming uncertain if she was even listening to his words.

"You have promised me Clint. You have till the end of this week to think about this," she clearly stated to him, not caring about how words or Daniel or even his father.

They all were going to pay and her mind was already made up.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

(At Clinton's company, the C. T. I) x

 x x x x 

Clinton was going through some files before a his door flew open wide open

Daniel walked in angrily and shut the door violently.

"Hey Daniel. Why are you barging into my office like a wild animal?" Clint asked, standing up.

Daniel kept his coat and smiled mischievously. "I scared the hell out of you right?"

Clinton let out a not so real smile. "Have a seat Dan," Clinton said to him, gesturing to a spare seat and sat down too.

Daniel also sat down. "Daniel had a sad expression on his face, which his best friend noticed.

"Hey what is wrong with you? Why do you look so sad?" Clint asked him.

Daniel hissed, "I do not really know what is wrong with me, neither can I explain this strange behavior of mine. Nothing seems to amuse me anymore. Every good thing that once made me happy just makes me angry for no reason. My home has become an entirely miserable and boring place. With nagging workers all around." He paused, thinking whether he should say everything he had on his mind to his best friend.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Clint asked Daniel.

"I am just wondering if I should tell you everything," Daniel voiced out

Clinton was a bit surprised, Daniel's words had taken him aback. "What is your problem man, tell me what is wrong with you, I could be of help or do you not trust me anymore?" Clint asked him.

"That's not the problem, it is not a trust issue but a mocking state," he explained, making his best friend more confused.

"Come on Dan, stop beating around the bush and just go straight to the point," Clint voiced out.

Daniel contemplated on whether he should tell him or not. He quickly stood up from the chair and left Clinton's office, without even saying anything to him. Clint was indeed very surprised at this new behavior of his friend. It was really unlike him, his best friend was never the type to shy away from saying whatever he wanted, so what was happening now, what was wrong with him. He looked at the door, hoping that Daniel would come back in, he had his eyes fixed on the entrance for about fifteen minutes or there about but there was no glimpse of his friend. He wondered if Daniel really left without saying a word to him.

x x x x x x x

As for Daniel, he headed straight to his vehicle, he entered inside his car and started hitting continuously on the steering wheel. 

"What is really wrong with me?" He muttered to himself, he had already stopped hitting the steering wheel with his hand now his head was doing the job. He banged his head on the wheel.

When he realized just how much pain he was inflicting on himself, he stopped punishing his innocent parts of his body.

He came down from his car and headed into the office, back to his best friend, he had already made up his mind. He was going to tell him everything, he did not care if he was going to be laughed at or not, all he needed was to tell him about his problem and reduce this great burden on him.

Clinton's door opened again but this time it was more gentle, Clinton didn't bother checking who walked into his office, he probably believed that it wasn't Daniel.

"Hey," Daniel voiced out, causing Clinton to raise his head up.

"You came back?" Clinton voiced out in a questionable tone.

"Yes," Daniel answered and sat down on the chair.

"Tell me what the problem is, why did you walk out on me?" Clinton asked.

"I will tell you but promise me that you won't start with all of your lectures neither are you going to mock me about it," Daniel said to him.

Clinton looked at him in surprise, "alright," he answered.

"Well I think all these are happening to me because of Whitney, I just can't explain it. Ever since she left, my house workers have been pestering me about her whereabouts, each of them begging me to bring her back. It is only nanny Feng that is aware that I sent her away but she is not aware that I took everything from her. I just can't tell what is happening in my house. I never realized that people cared and loved Whitney this much."

Clinton's eyebrows stood like the soldiers of Atlanta.

"Daniel..." He paused his words, immediately he remembered that Whitney had made him promise her that he was not going to let anyone know about her whereabouts, until they both were married.

"What is it Clint? Why did you stop amidst your sentence?" Daniel asked, suspecting Clinton's sudden change of expression.

"It is nothing. I only wanted to ask you whether you loved Whitney," Clinton said peacefully.

"I do not love or care about her. I hate her, just the way I hate my mom," Daniel said angrily, trying to convince himself.

"And what if you find out that she is married to a friend of yours. What will you do?"

"Even if she eventually married a relative of mine, how should that bother me? That is none of my business, she can be with any man of her choice, that is none of my business. I do not care about her a bit."

Clint listened to all Daniel had said and he realized that Whitney wasn't really wrong in wanting to exact revenge on this coward of a best friend.

"Listen to me Dan, you are making a very grievous mistake. If this whole attitude of yours is because of the challenge, then advise that you had better stop all your nonsense. You have already won the challenge," Clinton said, trying to reason with him.