
Chapter 25

He slowly opened the door and came out of his car. He rushed to the commotion and began to struggle his way in.

"Excuse me, I am the person that hit her, allow me to take her to the hospital before she died."

When he finally made his way through the crowd he was shocked when he saw it was Whitney that his car had hit. She was lying unconscious. What had he done? He admitted it was his fault, he carried Whitney in his hands and went for his car, when he got to his car, he dropped her at the back seat of the car.

"Is she your wife?" A woman from the crowd asked. "Do you know her?" She asked again.

"Yes," was all Clinton could say.

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As for Eric he found his way back home.

He feared for the worst, all he could pray for was that Whitney never regained consciousness, if not she was going to tarnish his image.

At that moment he realized that his father's words did make sense.

"Women are men's greatest problem."

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Daniel was at home. He looked so feeble and disturbed. He was in his study room thinking. He did not recognize the figure in front of his glass, knocking.

"Daniel," his nanny called out to him.

Daniel was busy in his thoughts, so he did not hear her. She knocked aggressively on the glass door, if she was not careful, the glass door would have cracked.

Daniel cleared his throat, immediately after realizing that someone was knocking at the door.

"Come in," he said after some seconds.

His nanny opened the door and walked in.

"Do you have any idea that you are disturbing my privacy?" Daniel asked, looking a bit annoyed.

"Say whatever you have to say and leave at once. If it is because of dinner, do not bother yourself, I shall eat when I feel like it," he added.

Nanny Feng looked at him for a while. She noticed his sadness and guilt.

"I know I am not in the position to speak to you or ask you any questions but I can not help my conscience by keeping my words in," his nanny spoke softly to him.

Daniel pretended to be impressed. "This means that you want to help your conscience, right?"

His nanny nodded her head to his question.

Daniel gestured to her to sit down. "Sit over here."

"I can not sit with you," his nanny declined.

"Why can't you? I understand that I am a wicked and cruel human being but that does not mean you should be scared of me, to the extent of not wanting to sit with me. So I humbly request that you sit down and have a little discussion with me.

Nanny Feng nodded and sat down beside him.

"So go on Mrs. Feng, tell me what it is that bothers you and your conscience."

"I am sorry Dan but your father called on the phone.....

"Stop panicking and go straight to the point, stop beating around the bush. It's my time you are wasting," Daniel said to her, his voice deep.

"He asked about you and your wife, Mrs. Whitney," the words staggered out of nanny Feng's mouth.

"And what was your response to his question?" Daniel inquired, his voice becoming deeper.

"I pretended as though there was a network problem and disconnected the call at once. I came over to you to ask what I should say to him. Your father is out on a business trip and I him get worked up about all this. This is the first time that I will have to tell a lie to your father."

Daniel stood up, thinking hard on what to do. "When he calls again, tell him the whole truth and I mean nothing but the truth. Tell him that I have divorced Whitney and I have sent her home," Daniel laid out to her.

"What!" Nanny Feng exclaimed. "Do you really want your father to die of heart attack? Have you no conscience anymore?" She added.

Daniel contemplated on her words, he knew what she was trying to say to him.

Daniel turned to her, "if he calls again, tell him that Whitney has gone on a holiday to her orphanage home and tell him that she will be back once I have arranged our honey moon trip."

"But bear in mind that my father will still find out the truth and you will have to face how wrath," he said to her.

Nanny Feng stood up, I do not mind facing your father's wrath but sir I am your sorry to ask where is Mrs. Whitney, everywhere seems so lonely without her."

Daniel gave her a quick, deep stare. In the blow of a whistle the expression was gone.

"Whitney is my wife and not your daughter, where she is should not be a matter of concern to you. Whether she lives or dies, you do not hold any existence in her life. You have been employed here, only as a guardian and not as a mother to the household of these family. If you are tired of working here, you can leave. Besides you have nothing to offer anymore," he said out those harsh words to his nanny, someone who had been there for him, ever since his mother's departure.

Nanny Feng swallowed all of his insults, he was more of a son to her anyways.

"Why are you doing this to yourself, Dan? In reality you might be mean to everyone in this universe but within yourself, you truly know that you are the one hurting because of your actions. At least listen to me for the sake of my love to you, listen to your heart for once and not your head. Please go back and bring Mrs. Whitney from wherever you have sent her, for the sake of your father and the love which she had for you. Do not crash your wonderful marriage because of little misunderstandings between the two of you. From my very short period with your wife, I could tell that she is a very good girl and she respects you a lot. I and and your dad used to think that the only person who had the power to liberate us from your suffering was your wife, because it's believed that it takes only a wife to dig deep to the part of her husband. It was only Whitney who understood you, more than you even understand yourself. You have created a bond and it is not going to be easy to break it," his nanny carefully cautioned him.

"When you are through with your tantrums, you may leave. One more thing, today I am letting you go with your tongue, just to please your conscience. Next time I may not be to kind to let you walk through that door with your tongue in place," Daniel threatened her, pointing at the door for her to leave.

His nanny looked at him. "Thank you," she said and began to head for the door.

"Nanny Feng call my father, if he does not call you. Remember to be sensible and straight forward when answering his questions. Be smart," he reminded her.

She nodded and left his study room.

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Doctor please can I have a word with you?" Clinton said to the doctor who had just come out from the patient's ward.

"Come with me to my office," the doctor said softly and began to walk away.

Clinton followed behind. He found himself jogging precisely behind the doctor, who was walking faster than his shadow.

"Who is that lady to you?" The doctor asked, entering into another corridor. "Is she your wife?" Clinton looked summarized.

"No," he had himself say.

"She is my best friend's wife," he answered. He remembered that she was no longer Daniel's wife. What if the doctor demanded for Whitney's husband, Daniel? What was he going to do? He nodded his head, vigorously. "She...

"Come in," the doctor said, cutting him short.

Clint nodded. "Thanks," he said and walked in.

"Have a seat," the doctor said to him, sitting down on his own chair.

"Alright," Clinton said and sat down.

"You were saying something before I interrupted you and I am sorry for that. You can tell me whatever you wanted to say earlier," the doctor said fervently.

"I wanted to ask about the lady, is she okay?"

"Mr, the lady has not regained consciousness yet, she is still in coma, as I am speaking with you. I have asked the nurses to prepare to carry out Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on her, that is breathing air into the mouth of an unconscious person and pressing on their chest, in order to keep them...

"Not to offend doctor but explaining all this downgrades my intelligence. I am very much aware of what CPR means, you do not need to break it down to me, as if I am a primary school kid, who is just learning words  their meaning," Clinton said courteously.

"I am very much acquainted with the CPR process," he added.

"My mistake, I am sorry for disregarding your educational background. I take offense for that," the doctor said apologetically, placing his hand on his chest.

Is this another way of saying sorry, Clinton thought.

"There is a form to fill," the doctor voiced out.

"Ok. Pass them to me, I will fill them at once," Clinton said immensely.

"Do not be too fast sir, you will have your own form to fill as the person who saved her. But there is another form which has to be filled by either husband or a close relative of hers. Only a family member can sign it," the doctor informed.

"I do not understand," Clinton said u comprehensively.

"Alright, I will explain to you further. According to our hospital's standard, only ones closest family member, like a sibling, husband, wife, child, uncle or aunt can sign on behalf of the patient," the doctor explained.

"She has no relatives," Clinton angrily said out, on remembering what his best friend had done to her.

"But you said earlier on that she had a his," the doctor reasoned.

"Yes I did say that but but her husband and here aren't together anymore. The bastard divorced her," Clinton snarled ferociously.

The doctor was a bit taken aback by the young man's choice of words and change of expression.

"Hmm. What about her child?" The doctor inquired.

Clint gave the doctor an - are - you - nuts look.

"She is just a young lady, her marriage didn't even last for half a year. Doctor as a matter of fact, I am the only person who can fill this special form of yours. So just hand it over to me and stop wasting your time and mine," Clinton advices.

The doctor nodded after a while, then he handed the form to him.

"Seems like you know much about this lady," the doctor spoke out.

Clinton nodded, "of course I Know everything about her. She was married to my best friend after all," he said, looking at the form.

The doctor smiled.

"Make sure to fill the form correctly, after that you will fill another imperating form, as the person who had brought her here," he said, flashing the other paper to Clinton.

The doctor handed him a pen.

Clinton collected the pen and began to fill the form. After he was through with filling that form, he demanded for the other one.

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The nurse had finally performed a CPR on Whitney. It was done to send air through her lungs and every part of her respiratory organ.

The lights over Whitney's head were brighter, now sterile.

She was on some kind of examination table.

She smelled astringent, strange chemicals. Her clothes were taken off and an injection was put into her body system.

The images around her blurred, drifting in and out. Whitney's eyes slowly began to focus. Her legs ached and her legs felt like it had been run over by a truck. She was lying on one side and something stunk like bile.

She could still hear the sounds from a driving motor. There were other sounds too, talking close around her. She saw blurry white figures. Were they all wearing white gowns? She felt as though she was in an asylum or maybe in heaven.

From the burning taste in her throat she realized that this was not heaven.

Whitney felt hands rolling her onto her back.

Her head swam. She tried to sit up but those strange hands, gently forced her back down.

Her body submitted. Then she passed out cold..

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Dr Justin felt the pulse of the bed raggled lady. The concussion of hitting the car had knocked the victim unconscious.

"Can you hear me?" Dr Justin asked. "Whitney can you hear me?" He asked again.

Definitely not gypsies, Whitney decided in her semi conscious delirium. Aliens perhaps? Yes, she had heard about things like this. Fortunately these beings would not harm her. All they wanted were her.

"Not on your life!" Whitney sat bolt, upright. Her eyes flying wide open.

"Attention," one of the creatures yelled, steadying him. His badge read Dr. Justin. He looked remarkably.

Whitney stammered. "I ... Thou... Out... Ght.."

"Easy Mrs. Whitney. You are in the hospital."

The fog began to lift. Whitney felt a wave of relief. She hated hospitals but they certainly beat aliens harvesting her testicles.

"Sorry Mr. But I am not married in any way," she corrected.

"Ohh that is true. I am sorry for addressing you as a married woman. I heard about what happened between you and your husband. Relationships are very hard to make but easy to be broken, I am very much aware that divorce can be emotionally terrific. My name is Justin by the way. Dr. Justin," he introduced.

Her body aches everywhere. They gave her some water and she rinsed out her mouth. They placed a new gauze on her palm.

"Where are my clothes?" She asked.

She was wearing a paper robe. "Mr Justin, who told you that I was divorced?" She finally asked the question which was lingering in her mind for some minutes.

One of the nurses motioned to a dropping was of shredded khaki and teeed on the counter.

"Your accident happened jusras immediately as the drizzling of the rain. By the time you were rushed here, you had been soaked. We had to cut them off you miss Whitney."

"I can barely make sense of my own memories. Who brought me here?" Whitney asked, feeling a bit weak.

"A good young man, you are very lucky it was him that hit you. If it were to be any other fellow, they would have left you behind to die there."

"An example is the hit and run drivers," another nurse added.

Whitney looked at her shredded Tweed and frowned. "They are ruined. What is the guy's name, who did not let me die and have my peace? He should have just acted like the hit and run drivers. I would not have cared, infact I would have been so grateful to him for sending me to a place much more better than this dreadful earth."

"Life could be hell sometimes and life could be unfair too, so unfair that people had to wish for death or whatsoever. But this life is not a bed of roses as we all think. One must suffer in order to enjoy. Miss... Em... Sorry what's your name?" The nurse asked.

"Whitney. My name is Whitney," she answered.

The nurse nodded to her. "Miss Whitney, if someone or something in your life makes you miserable, you should also make that person or thing miserable to the core too. As a woman, I would recommend revenge, it heals faster than medicine. My boyfriend is an example, I used money to shut his ego. Try that and you will see that not everyone that claims to be higher than you in position or level is. They are just empty fools. You should not pay for any other person's son. Life gives and life takes. So whatever one has, one should hold tightly to it and not give up on them because they are weak or because of what others say to them," the nurse said vaguely.

Whitney took in all that the nurse had said to her. She was right, Whitney knew she needed to get back on her feet. She was going to avenge on everyone who had used her when she was still a naive little innocent girl.

She swore to show no mercy to everyone of them

Starting from Daniel to everyone who had used her. She was going to destroy each of them, one by one.

As for Daniel, he was having sleepless nights, thinking of what and all he had done to Whitney. He had no idea where she had gone too but he hoped that Clinton had picked her up just as he had said. 

After that night that he divorced her, he had tried severally to reach to his best friend but it wasn't going through. He hoped that all was well with both his best friend and his ex wife.

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