Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.
Chapter 40
(This chapter is a little different due
to when it was written.)
Hiccup Pov:
Narrator: this story begins in the end of the toothless found scene.
Drago: "do something" Drago tells the bewilder beast.
Hiccup: "We need to get those two apart." Hiccup tells toothless as he grabs a piece of cloth, and then the bewilder beast fires off an ice blast which toothless evades. Toothless Roars and hiccup says "Got to block him out toothless. Do you trust me bud." Toothless Rumbles. "We can do this. You and me. As one." Hiccup says. "That's it. Now let's try this one more time.
Narrator: Crowd Cheers.
Astrid: "Take him down, babe!"
Crowd: "Go Hiccup."
Valka: "Go get them!"
Narrator: Bewilder beast Roars.
Drago: "Take Control of it."
Narrator: Humming from Bewilder beast trying to take control of Toothless
Hiccup: "Shut it out, Toothless."
Drago: "Stop Them!"
Hiccup: "Now!"
Narrator: Drago laughs/chuckles and then he gasps because he sees that hiccup is gone and then he turns around and gasps at hiccup flying towards him. Drago grunts as hiccup sprays hideous Zippleback gas around Drago. Hiccup grunts as he ignites it causing an explosion and Drago screams and groans as he is thrown off and his scepter lands nearby in the ground.
Hiccup: "Not again." He says as the same thing that happened after the battle with the red death with the tail. "Toothless! It's now or never! Hiccups shouts as toothless flies towards him engaging his turning ability? "Come on bud!" (Grunts) "Hold on!" (Night fury Whistle from speed) they make it. "Yeah! We did it." Lands and stops Drago from grabbing his scepter by throwing sword between him and the scepter. "Hold him there toothless. It's all over now."
Drago: "Or is it?"
Hiccup: "Oh no!" hiccup yells as he is incased in ice
Astrid: Drago laughs as Valka Runs down yelling no about hiccup being incased in ice as the bewilder beast leaves an then not a moment later I hear the sound of arrow hitting flesh and then twice more in rapid succession. I look over and see that it hit Drago luckily
Drago: "Who dares attack me" Drago says as he falls down dead.
Astrid: I look over to where the shots came from and see the one person who I thought could never come back after getting his face burned and later four arrows in the back along with an electrocution from a Skrill. "Viggo" I say, and the others look to where I am looking and ask, "how he is supposed to be dead." I Respond saying "I don't know." An as I say that he points to an incoming ship and see 2 figures and at that point we are welcoming our dragons. Me and the other riders go down there along with Eret who I asked to look after skull crusher as the other villagers dig hiccup out. When we get there, we see a hunter from our time at the edge help out someone unexpected.
Stoick: "Well don't all ask at once" he says as the hunter hands him to Eret and leaves.
Astrid: "How are you alive we saw you take a plasma blast."
Stoick: "I had a sword and that took the blast, all I got was the impact that slowed my heartbeat down."
Astrid: "but you were sleeping when the fire arrows were shot how did you escape."
Stoick: "Easy I woke up as it was burning and jumped overboard and drifted when I came along Viggo and his hunter and told me why he was helping me, also I just noticed where is hiccup."
Astrid: we didn't want to tell him but then he said don't say all at once. So, we said where he was and that was trapped in the ice by the alpha and we were currently mining him out. He panics and we take him up the hill surprising people since Drago said he was dead. When we arrive, they are almost to where hiccup was and then we break open and there is nothing. We start looking around and then go in and then we feel wings beats and look around though no dragon is flying. From what I know Nightfurys can't go invisible, so I don't know what happened.
Stoick: "Where is he!"
Astrid: "We don't know." Then Valka sees stoick and wanders off to talk and I couldn't help but wonder where hiccup is.
Narrator: Meanwhile Little did they know that hiccup was in there when they dug him out so what happened... when they were digging him out and toothless let out his alpha mode, he accidently went invisible covering hiccup and didn't know that Drago was dead and just flew off to a safe place.
Hiccup: "Hey bud where are we." Toothless Grumbles.
Unknown: "You're on my Ship." said someone.
Hiccup: I look up and see Viggo and I say. "How are you alive last I saw you had 4 arrows in your back and the Skrill let out a giant electric blast."
Viggo: "Easy. all the shock did was stun and he got me out of there and lay me on a nearby island when someone who owed me my life came and helped me out, now they have repaid there dept and are doing what they want. Also, your father is alive he was just knocked out by the blast." He says as he hands me a drink and some food.
Hiccup: "though why am I here."
Viggo: "I Have something to tell you though your father can tell you better, your choice."
Hiccup: "What do you mean he can tell me better."
Viggo: "Well he has had trouble with them in the past, see Drago was a part of a group of 4 leaders."
Hiccup: "The 4 Warlords of the Northern Alliance, Drago Bludvist, Ragnar the Rock, Griselda the Grievous, and Chaghatai Khan."
Viggo: "Ye--, Wait how did you know?"
Hiccup: "At the attack at school and some past experiences."
Viggo: "I see then that should be all I need to say, so I shall see you next time our paths cross."
Hiccup: "Ok, though I do need to go back to a place to pick something up, so we may cross sooner than you think."
Viggo: "Ok, Goodbye then."
Hiccup: "Ok, See you later then."
Narrator: Back to the village
Astrid: where could he be.
Hiccup: "Hello ma lady."
Astrid: "very Funny Twins."
Tuffnut: "What are you talking about."
Ruffnut: "Yeah what are you talking about."
Astrid: "Then who's be-, Hiccup."