
HH System

I was a young man on earth, living a normal life until one day I woke up as the princess of the Pergrande kingdom of Earthland, Lina Pergrand. Fairy Tail... That was not all, however, I had a system of sorts as expected; HH System... Human Harem System. As it says, the system was designed by some omnipotent entity to help humans get harems... Every target I made fall in love with me would give me a shard, and every shard could give me things from the store; From powers to body modification to universe traveling... Everything was possible. And my first target was... Erza Scarlet. How was I supposed to make her fall for me while I was in a girl's body?! Sigh... I decided to chase magic, hoping for the best.

ArthaS · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


I managed to change into the simplest looking clothes I could find after half an hour, it was embarrassing. I could only hope for better as I left the room through the broken door with a simple black dress.

I began memorizing the path as I roamed the place, it was strangely empty...

I began to wonder, 'If I am a princess, then why does this place look deserted? It is clean and all but no one is around...' I was curious.

This matter did not help to find food and information. I was hungry...

After minutes of walking around, I found a massive lobby and found the exit. I finally saw two guards chilling there and chatting.

I approached them, the moment they saw me, they stood straight and strong.

I looked at one of them and asked, "Why is this place so... empty?"

The guards looked at me weirdly, as if I should have known obviously, one of them mustered his courage and answered, "As you well know, Your Royal Highness, today is the arrival of your fiance, His Royal Highness, Prince Arthur."

I was surprised and extremely annoyed, 'What should I do?! I am not a girl!'

The guard continued when he saw I was silent, "The King knew you disapproved of this arrangement, thus he has ordered this palace to be empty and has put you under arrest as you well know. We can't let you pass, Your Royal Highness."

I was a little shocked as well, 'So the girl didn't want to marry a stranger and thus was put under house arrest in an empty palace.'

I was curious about one thing though, "Wouldn't the so-called prince hear of this matter, what would he think of us then? Also, I am hu... famished."

The guard looked as if the answer was obvious, however, he hesitated to answer. The other guard intervened, "Your Royal Highness, the food shall arrive shortly. Please wait in your room. We can't let you pass, please understand that we have our orders..."

I sighed and walked away, 'So I am imprisoned in this empty palace for now? This is a... Great Chance! I can Train and no one will bother me. The fewer people around the better. As for the idiot king, let him do whatever he wants, for now, he will probably lie about my health or something. Anyway. I should focus on training this body.'

As I was returning to my room, I realized another matter as well, 'That's why it took so long for the guards to arrive, they ran from outside to inside the palace and then here.'

I observed all the empty rooms, most were just halls and such but I saw a library. I memorized their location and returned to the room. I stood on the balcony and watched the view and thought about what to do and how to behave to not arouse more suspicion.

A dozen minutes later, I heard someone enter the room. It was an old maid, she brought food and I instantly attacked and began eating. Thankfully the long hair was in a ponytail, otherwise, it would have been a problem.

As she left, I didn't forget to remind her to send someone to fix the door. She didn't say anything until the last second, she hesitated and asked, "How can you bear this, Your Royal Highness? I would have died if I had been imprisoned all by myself in this palace for 6 months... Please accept and end this. I can't see you suffer like this anymore..."

I looked at her with wide eyes, seeing my face, she sighed in pity and left quickly.

I was left shocked, 'Holy Shit! What a fucked up father, how can he do this to his daughter? No wonder she died. But this is a great chance for the current me, I don't have to act like a royal around people if I am all alone. Time to Train.'

I quickly went to the library and began searching for books. Most of it was nonsense about history, families, literature, and such...

However, I found an entire shelf about magic. I was so excited I couldn't control myself. I emptied the shelf on the ground, all the books about magic laid before me.

I couldn't help but smile as I picked one up, not to my surprise, I could read it just like I could speak the language instinctively. It seemed whatever had brought me here had taken care of that.

Thus I began spending my days in tranquility.

I would eat 3 times a day, the same maid brought food every day. I would train my body from early morning to lunchtime, thanks to the knowledge I had from the earth, I knew how to slowly build a strong body. Strangely, my speed of improvement was very fast, the magical energy seemed to accelerate it.

From lunch to dinnertime, I would read books about magic with various spells and try using them. I didn't succeed for a long time for a simple reason, I had too much magic power. The spells collapsed when I tried them. Getting the hang of it was very difficult.

I tried to control my magic power and master controlling it from dinner to the time I slept.

The palace got creepy and sinister at night since it was empty, I was so scared the first few nights that I didn't sleep and observed the stars on the balcony. I got used to it in time...

Days turned to weeks and I slowly got the hang of my magic power, I got used to my body and it became stronger. My knowledge of magic and how it worked improved by leaps and bounds. I was not bored at all but with no one around but a maid that rarely spoke, I began to feel lonely. But besides that, everything was okay.

There were 2 types of magics, Caster or Holder.

Caster Magic was Magic that would be expelled from the body as opposed to Magic done through the use of a weapon or outside source. In a sense, the body was the medium for the magic.

Holder Magic was Magic that required a Mage to use an external source to produce the Magic. It usually required the use of Magic Power as well. In a sense, an object was the medium for the Magic.

Inborn talent and affinity played a huge role in what kind of magic someone could learn and use. I had no affinity for fire, so no matter what I did, I couldn't do the simple fire spell in one of the books.

The books didn't actually contain any useful magic, only explanations about magic power and what it was with some spells here and there. These spells were simple ones like cleaning something, producing a candle-like flame, etc.

They also explained about Ethernano and magic circles, etc.

I didn't manage to cast a spell fully but I managed to produce some pathetic results. It was still fascinating though.

The books were meant for a total noob, they provided nothing useful for a wizard. Perhaps the king didn't want the princess to read anything more. However, that was just what I needed.

However, I read through those eventually and found myself out of things to read. I did not despair at all. Because I knew that people could awaken their own magic, thus I stopped reading and focused on trying to cast a spell with instinct or something like that. Optimistic for the win, right?

Weeks turned to months, I had no success. The loneliness was getting to me. I had been transmigrated in this world for 4 months and had not met anyone but the guards and that maid. Every day, I became more frustrated and angry.

One day, I stood in front of the mirror, checking my status like usual.

[--Name: Lina Pergrand


Princess of the Pergrande Kingdom (Earthland)

Lonely Princess

Greatest Beauty of Pergrande

Political Tool

--Physical Status:

Age: 18

Strength: C-Class

Stamina: B-Class

Speed: C-Class

Looks: S-Class

--Magical Status:

Magic Power: S-Class

Magic: N/A

--Current Target: Erza Scarlet

--Harem Members: 0

--Available Shards: 0]

My body was much stronger, a faint six-pack had formed and I was several times stronger compared to my body on earth. I could easily lift half a ton or something!

It was definitely due to magic but I had already grown to such length by simply reached the C-Class. However, I had stopped improving. I had reached a limit of sorts.

'God knows what a monster an S-Class physical being would be, probably Acnologia has that kind of strength...' I sighed with a frown.

I thought it was going to be like any other day but it wasn't. A guard came and kneeled in front of the door.

"Your Royal Highness, the king has a message for you." He said and left a scroll then left.

I went and picked the scroll, I opened it and began reading.

'Stop this stubbornness, your husband-to-be is getting anxious. This matter affects the affairs between our kingdoms. How could you be so selfish?

You have a choice, either accept and behave, or I will stop sending meals. Let's see you be stubborn with an empty stomach.

Don't force...'

I didn't read the rest of it, I threw it away in anger. I was mostly angry at myself, 'Why can't this magic thing work?! I am a man, I can never accept this. I will commit suicide before I sleep with another man, Fuck this.'

My anger seemed to affect my magic power... I was very angry, every day more of my frustration and loneliness turned to anger and the target was obviously the king.

'This trashy king forces her daughter to marry some loser then puts her in solitary confinement, and now no food?! I have been slowly going crazy and now this? I want to kill this fucker...'

My magic power pulsed and began leaking out of my body.

'If I had a sword and this fucker was in front of me, I would definitely kill him like Arthas killed Terenas...' I made a stabbing motion with an imaginary sword in mind, I froze mid-way.

I had a sword in my hand, it looked like some sort of construct made of bright green energy. I gulped and forgot all about my anger, filled with awe for what I was holding in my hand.

'My magic is some sort of maker magic...' I realized and moved the sword around. It buzzed faintly like a lightsaber, it was much quieter though.

'It's like it's made of light... no...' I realized as it casually cut the wall just like a lightsaber when I wanted to cut the wall, it didn't cut anything when I didn't want it to.

I was holding it in my hand and yet, I didn't feel anything but a warm flow even though it was cutting the stone wall casually.

'My will can affect this construct, which can only mean one thing, it is still magic power, just in a morphed state... if so...'

I quickly ran to the mirror and checked my status, as I thought, it was not light-make magic... It was something with far more potential and power.

It was...

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