

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · Video Games
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24 Chs


Sylvanas awoke to an agitied Anduin as he paced around his room, he had to be in deep thought as Sylvanas repeatedly called his name before he finally turned around.

" What's going on Anduin." She asked in annoyance. It seemed that pregnancy didn't do anything to her temper but make it all the more abundant.

Anduin put his hand to his face before sighing. "We received reports that the forsaken are resurrecting undead Kaldorei and using them in the front lines. I have to burn the remaining remains in teldrassil, a spell of holy fire should do the trick. Some of my spies reported that forsaken rangers are stealing the remains under the cover of night, but now a large force of Forsaken soldiers have been spotted near a kaldorei grave site. Most likely they are seeking to do a mass resurrection."

She paused for a few brief moments at the mention of teldrassil. Her husband had to do this because of her crimes of the past and how many kaldorei are suffering in undeath because of her. All forsaken knew that undeath was a terrible fate that was a constant torture daily. To enforce that upon people was simply horrible. But just a few years ago she was all in favor of such a cruel act but now….

" I have to go!" She blurted out, which caught Anduin by surprise.

" Why?" He asked in confusion, also knowing that more than likely Tyrande would most likely be in the area. " Her abilities might give away Sylvanas identity before we even get off of the ship." Anduin thought.

" Because it's only right that I help right something that I did Anduin. I know it will not amend everything but at least it helps."

Anduin was almost floored, he knew she had changed but this was completely drastic than what he would have expected. Of course he knew she would have thought deeply about her hand in the burning of teldrassil but to actually go back and help is something else altogether.

Anduin pondered his decision, he knew that not only was her life at risk but his children as well. One wrong mistake and he would have a lot of explaining to do with either his words or his sword and holy magic.

Sylvanas looked at him with her golden eyes and pleaded with him. " I will be safe I promise Anduin, besides I am a ranger after all. Concealment was my speciality long before you were born. I won't be on the front line but I could heal the injured

Anduin relented, "Fine but you have to do what I say Sylvanas and don't let your anger get the best of you. That could get you and our children killed, however don't you have to be back in silvermoon by next week?"

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, but begrudgingly accepted his he was her husband she had issues with his authoritative command over her but Anduin did have a point. If she lost her temper even in the slightest it could cause her to make rash mistakes.

"Fine Anduin but don't think you can order me around like some simpleton." She spat and then answered his question. " My letter stated that I would be back within the month as long as I dont not delay it will be fine."

Anduin held up his hands in dismay. " Sounds reasonable and Sylvanas, you know I would never treat you in such a way."

"Whatever." she retorted before hearing her stomach growl which didn't go unnoticed by Anduin.

" We should get some breakfast first." He chuckled.

She quickly nodded in agreement knowing that her hunger only grew all the more. Anduin quickly grabbed her by the hand as they made there way to the royal dining hall.

The Ruins of teldrassil

"We thank you King Anduin for coming at a moments notice, although our priest have been working hard to rest the souls of the dead we thought you would know more about this particular subject." Tyrande explained as she accompanied Anduin's entourage with her to the ruins.

" It's not a problem I live to serve others as a paladin and leader of the alliance. But I have heard reports that some of your priest have been killed while attending to the dead. However a large forsaken force has arrived and it all but impossible without a large scale conflict.

Tyrande nodded her head, slightly eyeing the high elf that followed Anduin. She thought it was strange that she looked very uncomfortable. Anduin had told her that this high elf was an accomplished priest so certainly she was used to such things like war and dead corpse?

" Yes forsaken rangers have been seen throughout the area, most likely seeking to put a stop to our efforts. But the bastards won't succeed and I won't stop until they are hunted down like the animals they are, especially after this conflict is over." Tyrande spat.

" Then I will have to watch my back in the battle field especially, but I am hopeful this will be the last time I will be here as there are only…"

" Ten more corpses in the burial site, some of our best hunters were buried there after the fire. I can see why the forsaken are so keen on trying to take the graveyard. So far we have set up a front line along the area to prevent them from raising the dead."

" What do you mean?" Sylvanas interjected, wishing no longer to be silent. She needed to know why Thandor had detected so much man power to this one burial site.

Tyrande sighed, " The burial site is in a virtual no man's land,the forsaken have a large and capable force just one hundred yards out. Its lined up parallel to our own, so anyone who is brave enough to go in between would risk death. But we have heard about king Anduin abilities with the light and its safe to say that we have incredible confidence in his power."

" So I'm the man for the job." Anduin smiled, eyeing Sylvanas who smirked.

" It appears so but unfortunately I won't be here to see it, my scouts have reported that they are close to Sylvanas whereabouts." Tyrande said, which made Anduins and Sylvanas blood run cold.

" If the fools were close I would have been killed on site as soon as I arrived. They are no closer to finding me than a human beating a Turian in hand to hand combat." She inwardly smirked,which didn't go unnoticed by Anduin.

" So I see your witch hunt continues Tyrande." Anduin sighed shaking his head in disappointment but relieved that it was apparent that they did not actually know where she was.

" And your complacency continues Anduin, as I said before I will continue to hunt her until the end of time." Tyrande spat, turning to leave, clearly done with the conversation. But before she left Tyrande gave Anduin a kiss on his cheek. " Be safe little lion." Tyrande smirked.

"She seems like a joy to be around." Sylvanas chuckled, eyeing Anduin who still harbored resentment toward Tyrande. " Although I had to hold in my anger least I put her down when she stands."

" Im sure she is, but make no mistake about it, she is a danger not just to you but to our children. This is nothing to joke around about. The kaldorei scouts have been on your trail since we arrived. It worries me so much Sylvanas." Anduin whispered in a hushed tone, making sure no one heard them.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes as they made there way to his war tent to prepare for the upcoming battle. Sylvanas knew he was right but her pride wouldn't admit it. A gaping silence became apparent between them as she dressed him in his plate armor. " Please be careful Anduin I don't have a good feeling about this."

" I don't either but I have to go, first for those noble warriors and for the alliance." He sighed rubbing his head in exhaustion. The voyage was a long journey and he didn't get any rest, he felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. Although in the privacy of his room Sylvanas tried to ease his burdens, but his biggest concern was her time away from the horde least they suspect something on her part.

Sylvanas felt her pent up emotions come forth as he turned to face her, she had almost never cried in front of anyone. But now, in front of her husband she had came undone.

" This is because of me!" She cried hugging Anduin behind.

Anduin felt tears drip down the back of his neck, he understood why she shed so many tears. Although he needed her to see more than just the burden he bared by coming here, Sylvanas had to also understand the pain she inflicted on the people.

" I have to put these souls to rest and make sure they are at peace. Sylvanas I know your contrite and you bare a great deal of responsibility for this predicament but you need to calm down for the children." Anduin warned as he returned the hug.

She nodded in understanding, " It is not easy to know that in my other life I caused so much unnecessary pain and suffering to innocents. Who am I to become upset that you're going into battle to help. I just don't want you to get hurt Anduin."

Anduin nodded in understanding, pulling his wife close. " I know Sylvanas but Ill be fine, I won't let those monster take me away from you or my children. Hopefully we can put the souls to rest before they are put into slavery by the forsaken."

She couldn't help but nod in understanding, she wanted to be by his side and fight, something that her old self would have considered so treacherous to her horde. But it could come with great consequences,namely; that being the safety of her unborn children and although her disguise was effective it may come undone in the field of battle. This would put her safety at risk on both sides, all she could do was hold unto the hope that he would come back safely but something in her spirit wasn't right, she felt like it was a trap, an effort to draw the alliance king into a killing zone. But even if she did warn Anduin he would still risk his life to help others, something she admired greatly in him as they spent time together.

A knock could be heard at the front of Anduins war tent as they both turned their attention to see a kaldorei general standing patently in the front.

" It's time King Anduin." the Kaldorei general said before leaving the two of them alone again, The young king sighed as he placed his father's sword in hand.

" Well Id better get to the battlefield before our soldiers lose their moral." The young king joked as he made his way towards the tents opening before being suddenly grabbed by Sylvanas who eyes became red with grief.

" Please come back to me in one piece and if I suspect anything then I will come out there myself to bring you back." She declared with a slight glare in her eye's.

Anduin nodded in agreement as he said his goodbyes and made way to his troops, who also prepared themselves for the coming battle. He noticed the determined look on the kaldorei troops faces as they sharpened their swords and arrows. Druids could be heard in the distance chanting phrases as they prayed to the wild Gods for there power. The young king also saw many hunters who wore symbolic war paint and threaded the notches of there bows. Anduin once held the hope that wars like this would be over after the legion was defeated, he thought that maybe facing death at its doorstep would make the alliance and horde put an end to the endless bloodshed. But as he soon found out it was a fool's dream and he had to be honest, if it's wasn't for fate' mysterious hand in changing Sylvanas one would dare say that the war would have been more brutal.

" My king are you ready? No mans land is just one hundred yards out from our positions and my forces are posed to attack " A ranger general asked Anduin before as he turned to see the kaldorei general who wore a look of a calm demeanor.

" How could she be so calm at a time like this? Everyone knows that this battle will be a dog fight. The Kaldorei people will fight tooth and nail to make sure that none of the loved ones become forsaken. However the forsaken would most likely do anything to ensure that many undead Kaldorei will be added to their forces." Anduin inwardly thought before he answered.

" Yes I am." Anduin replied looking at the troops who had hoped he would have words of encouragement before before the battle.

Not being one to disappoint Anduin stood atop of a large tree stump, using it as a makeshift podium before he spoke. After only a few moments and with a heavy heart Anduin began to speak but not before he saw Sylvanas in the distance who smiled while rubbing her stomach. He needed that encouragement, he needed to be reminded the reason why he was here in the first place and what he was fighting for.

" Kaldorei people… I wish this battle had not come, it is with a heavy heart that we must stop those who seek to use your buried loved ones as servants of the forsaken, they are abominations not just to the light but also to nature as well. Our task is not a easy one and it will be meet with great resistance but when your knees become weak and your bodies seek to give up just remember your loved ones, remember the horrible tragedy that overtook your people. Do not let their legacy be tarnished by resurrection unto un death. Give your last breath and every ounce of your strength to destroy this threat and honor your ancestors that have passed on. Today I ask that you all join me in battle and in wiping out this threat once and for all. Today I assure you that your loved ones will have the rest and the wretched forsaken will be defeated, even if I give my life!" Anduin voice boomed as the troops around him erupted into a resounding chant.

" King Anduin, King Anduin, King Anduin." The troops shouted all around him as he pulled out his sword and marched toward the front lines.

" For the Kaldorei people and for the Alliance!." Anduin charged as most if not all the troops behind him followed as they pressed the front lines into no man's land where a unknown fate awaited them.

Sylvanas smiled as she saw her husband lead the troops into battle, although she still couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. She promised Anduin she would remain at the camp but she needed to know what Thandor was planning. The Kaldorei rangers and spies were experienced but didnt know how the dark rangers moved and thrived in the area of concealment and war.

" But I do." Sylvanas thought inwardly as her eyes moved toward a bow and hood that was left among other weapons and equipment in the camp. She felt a deep desire and yearning to reach for them. She had to help Anduin, but he told her to stay, however she couldn't deny who she was a heart and that was a Quel dori Ranger.

"Sorry Anduin." she whispered.