

once again it aint mine uploaded so i can listen to it - original titel Honour thy blood - by TheBlack'sResurgence

supahsanic6969 · Book&Literature
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It was now April and the cold weather that had been sweeping across Britain for the past several months had started to lift and give way to the spring. However the brightening and warmth of the weather was not reflected within the castle at Hogwarts.

Since returning from the Christmas holidays the students had been subject to even more strict and stringent measures, making it near impossible for them to hold any further meetings and even when they managed to come together as a group, it wasn't long before they were broken up. Today was different though. After the news of the mass breakout from Azkaban the members of the group knew they had to meet, it was imperative.

After managing to create a big enough distraction in the Great Hall, in the form of a very large loose bunch of pixies, provided by Luna, the students had managed to secure a classroom on the sixth floor to have a much needed meeting to discuss the events of the past few months.

"It's really happening isn't it?" Lavender Brown spoke once they were all present.

"It's been happening for months Brown" Daphne explained. "A few shops have closed in the alley and are only operating an owl order service. My mum was attacked by a Death Eater in January while my dad was away" she added clearly still upset by what had happened.

There was a collective gasp from the rest of the students.

"Oh my god, is she ok? What Happened?" Hermione questioned with concern.

"She got lucky" Daphne began. "She said that some young guy saved her and kicked the Death Eaters' arse" she added with a grin. "She said that he modified his memory when he was out cold and put a portkey on him and he even paid for the damage in the shop" She finished frowning thoughtfully.

"He must be really brave to take on a Death Eater" Parvati Patil chimed in.

"Or a complete idiot" Ron added.

Hermione frowned at the red head. Ever since they had returned he had been even more bitter and lazy. She thought that after his father was attacked he would buck up his ideas and put more effort in to his work but he instead did the opposite and often found himself in trouble with the Professors for producing such poor work.

"Did she say who he was?" She asked the blonde Slytherin.

"She didn't get his name" Daphne explained shaking her head. "She said he looked average but she thinks he was wearing a glamour and the only unusual thing about him was his wand" She finished shrugging.

"His wand?" Neville questioned.

"Yes, she said it was a white wood and black crystal wand, they were woven together" She replied.

"He must have some very strange cores for it to be made that way" Hermione mused thoughtfully.

"How so?" Neville asked.

"Well usually a wand is one wood with one or two cores that complement each other" she began her explanation. "Crystals are usually used only as focus points, different crystals have different purposes" she added. "If his wand is a mixture of both then that means he has cores that won't bind or will negate each other, he must be a very unusual wizard for that to happen though" She concluded with a shake of her head.

"How do you know that?" Daphne asked in surprise at the knowledge the Gryffindor bookworm had.

"I asked Mr Olivander about the different types of wands and he told me that wands like that are almost unheard of" she explained.

The rest of the students just shook their heads at the bushy haired girl.

"Has anyone else heard anything?" Ginny asked expectantly.

When no one spoke Hermione decided it was probably best they end the meeting so they didn't get caught.

"Are we going to train soon?" Luna asked hopefully.

"It's impossible to do it with Filch, the toad and her squad around" Tracey cut in.

"We just have to practice on our own while we can for now" Hermione said a little sadly. "And just hope we've done enough to pass our OWLS" she added.

"What is Harry going to do about his OWLS, he's missed the whole year" Neville asked. "If he is still alive of course" he added sheepishly.

"I think if Potter is still alive, then OWLS are the least of his worries Longbottom" Daphne sighed exasperatedly. "Has anyone even heard from him? It's almost been a year now" She asked irritably.

"Not a word" Hermione said sadly.

"He's probably done a runner" Ron spat bitterly.

"He has not run Weasley" Neville retorted angrily.

The rest of the group looked at them clearly seeing that something had happened or something was not being shared.

"What is it you know Longbottom?" Daphne asked with a raised eyebrow.

Neville looked like a rabbit caught in headlights and looked at Hermione, clearly wanting her help.

Hermione shrugged at him.

"You haven't heard from him since, have you?" she asked the very nervous looking boy who shook his head in reply.

"Then I guess it doesn't matter if you say" Hermione shrugged again.

"What the hell is it Longbottom? Spit it out or I will hex you" Daphne threatened, drawing her wand.

Neville huffed exasperatedly and held his hands up in defeat.

"I sent Harry a birthday present last year and he replied" Neville explained.

"And you didn't think to tell us" Tracey cut in angrily. "When is his birthday?" she asked clearly annoyed.

"I promised I wouldn't" Neville retorted firmly. "July 31st, a day after mine" he sighed.

"So you" Daphne began prodding the Gryffindor. "Hear from him a month after he disappeared and didn't tell us all year" she asked dangerously.

"He asked me not to tell anyone" Neville replied, now getting annoyed himself. "But he wouldn't run away, I'm not that close to him but I know he's not like that, when have any of you known Harry to quit?" he asked the group heatedly. "He never quit in second year when you all thought he was the heir of slytherin and was attacking us. He didn't quit when the dementors were here and they got to him worse than anyone else and he didn't give up when you all thought he put his name in the goblet of fire and he was pretty much segregated by everyone for months" He finished feeling very angry.

The rest of the students looked embarrassed by the way they had treated Potter.

"And even if he did run from it all would any of you really blame him?" It's not like the wizarding world has been good to him, hell his whole life has been a shit storm" he finished exiting the room and slamming the door as he left.

"Who knew Neville had that in him?" Lavender asked in shock.

Suitably cowed the rest of the group departed for their own dormitories. They were glad they got the chance to discuss at least a few things of importance, even if it did end with them being reprimanded by Longbottom.


The mood of Lord Voldemort had not improved over the last few months. Firstly, Lucius and Severus had failed in their investigation to identify the young man who had thwarted Peter's attempt at capturing the wife of Jean Delacour. Secondly, the Death Eaters he had had under his command had been nothing but incompetent having failed to carry out the most simple of orders, one of the reasons he found himself liberating his more loyal and useful followers much sooner than he had originally planned.

The Dark Lord was nothing if not meticulous in his planning and he had spent many years as a younger man finding a way to secure his place in this world in the form of his horcruxes, something exceedingly difficult to create. Being the paranoid man he was, he had been to check on the ones that he could currently access and found himself in an uncontrollable rage from what he had discovered. Discovering that Regulus had betrayed him had surprised him but he had killed the man many years ago for his actions. He discovered that the ring belonging to his paternal Grandfather had also gone missing and that whoever took it had left no trace of themselves behind. He concluded it must have been a very gifted wizard to pull off a feat like this.

Upon questioning Lucius about the diary he had placed in his care, the man went to pieces and had to be most severely punished for his transgression against his master. He was very fortunate that he was a very useful asset or he would most certainly have found himself dead. The Dark Lord suspected that the man had wished for death during the course of his punishment.

This led to him making the decision to free his followers prematurely and risk coming out in the open, he needed to be sure of his other items.

Bellatrix had one in her vault at his request and her connection to the Black family and Regulus had him worried for the welfare of the cup. Thus, this was the main the main reason for acting as he had. He also required the services of the Dementors to offer a distraction while Peter retrieved the final one he had placed at Hogwarts.

Usually he would simply ask Severus to retrieve it but with the man's knowledge of the dark arts, it was very likely that he would recognise what it was and he wanted to protect his secret as best he could and keep it to himself unless it became entirely necessary.

He knew Peter could get in to the castle as he had spent many years there undetected in his rat form and he knew he was not versed enough in magic to recognise what it was he was retrieving.

The last one of his creations was with him always in the form of his familiar. He knew it had been a risk creating one from a live vessel but he found upon doing it the snake became much more intelligent and very resistant to magic. Overall he was content that this one was at least safe. The thing that had him concerned the most was the fact that he knew he wouldn't be able to create any more. The soul is not an infinite source and he knew from the creation of the last one that it would no longer be a viable option.

They pain had been unbearable and he had been out of sorts for months. Perhaps creating the last one had been a mistake on his part.

He was broken from his reverie by the arrival of Bellatrix who was looking terrible, Azkaban had been terrible to her and she looked just like an inferi. Her beauty had faded with her years spent in there and what was left was a shadow of the vibrant woman she used to be. Now she was nothing more than a psychopath but would certainly be useful in a fight once she was a little healthier.

"My Lord" She began falling to her knees in front of her master. "The goblins allowed me entry as you said they would" She explained.

"And what of my item?" the Dark Lord asked impatiently.

"My vault was empty my Lord, there was nothing in there" She sputtered, quivering in fear. "The goblins said that the ministry seized the contents" she added continuing to shake.

The Dark Lord growled in annoyance, but was hit by a realisation. If the ministry had seized it then it is likely that all of the contents were simply moved to a larger and much more protected vault of their own.

Although that was likely he still did not want to risk his final one and knew he needed Peter to be successful in his plan. If he wasn't then so help the rat, he would die the most painful and humiliating death the Dark Lord could devise.

"Very well Bella" He intoned neutrally, "go rest and eat I will have use for you soon enough" he instructed.

"Yes my Lord, thank you" Bellatrix replied bowing, clearly relieved at the mercy of her master. She left the room followed shortly by the Dark Lord, who had a discussion with some Dementors to have.


Harry Potter was currently sat in Diagon Alley eating ice cream outside of Florean Fortescues' simply watching the crowd, something he had been doing a lot recently particularly after the incident in the apothecary a few months ago.

He had in the intervening months prevented a few other attempts at intimidation and attacks from single Death Eaters and had recommended that the owners run an owl service only business for the time being which they had quickly listened to, having been harshly made aware of the reality of the spreading rumours.

He had become adept at disguising himself but it was something he did not enjoy doing, he did not feel himself in his various disguises he had come up with, something he made sure he changed each time he came here.

He had, as he promised himself, both changed and increased his training, incorporating many new aspects to improve himself as much as he could and as a result he knew now that he was better than ever which was a relief to him, particularly after the breakout from Azkaban and the subsequent reporting of the incident in the Daily Prophet.

Clearly the minister had prevented any speculation or allusions to the Dark Lord, blaming Sirius for helping the prisoners to escape as he had done it himself before. Both Harry and Arcturus were incensed by the article and it had taken them both a very long time to calm down. Harry knew that it would have to be sooner rather than later that he would have to bring the Dark Lord out in the open if things continued the way they were but first and foremost he had to catch the elusive rat to clear his Godfather's name.

The rat had yet to make any appearance that Harry had been aware of. He had done as he previously had and spent times in various hovels trying to catch even a whisper of the rat and his whereabouts but to no avail. He had picked up a few names of Death Eaters and made a mental note of them for future reference but other than that, these efforts had been fruitless. It seemed that Pettigrew was keeping a low profile and it infuriated Harry to no end but he knew he would have to remain patient. He had tasked Dobby with searching for the man also and much to the elf's disappointment, it had been a dead avenue also.

The reason that Harry was here was that he simply needed some fresh air. He and Arcturus had had a heated discussion about the Azkaban escape and in particular Arcturus's granddaughter, Bellatrix.

Arcturus insisted that although she was one of Riddle's top Death Eaters, she was still his family and he would not allow Harry to kill her if he came across her unless absolutely necessary.

Harry had countered the argument by pointing out that she had tortured and murdered innocent people, but Arcturus would not concede.

Eventually the argument got so heated that both men were no longer making any sense and Harry had left not wanting to upset the man further. Despite the fact that he was a cantankerous old git at the best of times, Harry did care for him deeply and was grateful for what he had done.

While sitting here he had decided that he would respect the man's wishes but would not hold back if the deranged woman tried to attack him or anyone else. He knew Arcturus would not be entirely happy with his compromise but he would accept it.

Harry had been visiting his Godfather more regularly since he met with Dumbledore and the rest of the order but had not attended any more meetings with the group knowing he could trust the old man to contact him with any important information.

He had received his OWL results in mid-February, much later than he had expected to. The letter with the results had informed him that there were difficulties in grading his work as he was clearly capable way beyond the curriculum and there had been some considerable debating between his two examiners which had caused the delay. Overall he was very happy and very proud of what he had achieved as was Arcturus who praised him for his efforts and ability in a rare show of visual pride. He ensured Harry that his grandparents would be extremely proud of him also. With his results he had been offered a very rare opportunity and he was very much looking forward to it when the time was right.

Harry continued watching the people in the alley that was definitely much emptier today than it usually was; hardly surprising considering the outbreak. He would spend the day here until darkness falls and then he would head to Knockturn Alley and see if any information could be gathered about the rat or even the escape from the notorious prison.


Peter Pettigrew had just been dismissed by the Dark Lord and he was not comfortable with the mission he had been given to redeem himself but knew he could not refuse his master. He knew he could get in the castle without any problems it was getting out that worried him. He was aware that as soon as the Dementors attacked then a full alert would be implemented and the castle would be locked down. The rat would be alone, something he did not like.

The only back up he had would be the distraction of the Dementors and that made him very nervous. The one thing he was grateful was that the Dark Lord had allowed him to wait until the next Hogsmeade weekend meaning that the castle would be mostly empty, giving him the only real advantage towards completing the task. He just hoped that it would be enough and the plan would go off without a hitch.


The day that the students of Hogwarts had been waiting for had finally arrived; the last day of term before the Easter holidays. Today was a Hogsmeade day and the students were grateful at the early reprieve from the tyranny of the toad and her chosen cronies. Even though they were leaving tomorrow, everyone in the castle who could leave seem to have opted to do so for a few care free hours.

Hermione, Ron, Neville and Ginny had decided to go to the village early as none of them had fully packed for the trip home the following day and they were hoping that with the castle much emptier, they would be able to get a little practical practice in without being disturbed. Thus they were among the first students to leave the castle hoping to return quickly.

They spent their time shopping for sweets in Honeydukes and at the request of Hermione, went to Slug and Jiggers for a top up on her potion ingredients knowing that Diagon Alley was not the most desirable place to be at the moment in time.

With their shopping complete they had time for a quick butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks before they headed back to the castle to pack as they had planned. Ron complained loudly that his day in the village was cut short but even he couldn't wait to get home for a breather and to have some of his mothers' home cooking.

With their packing complete they made their way to the 6th floor classroom they had used for the previous meeting and began practicing the spell work they were not allowed to under normal circumstances, completely unaware of anything that was happening outside of the room they had warded and silenced accordingly.


Daphne, Astoria and Tracey had decided that they would pack before heading to the village knowing that most of the students would be getting the carriages at the earliest possible opportunity to spend as much time out of the castle as they could.

It was around 11:30 by the time they had finished their packing and made their way to the entrance hall to be checked out by Filch who was clearly in a sour mood.

The castle was silent as the trio had expected as clearly the students had acted as they had predicted. After being jabbed and prodded unnecessarily by the caretaker they caught a carriage and made their way in to the very busy village.

"So much for it being quieter later" Tracey grumbled agitatedly.

"I didn't say it would be quieter" Daphne pointed out. "I just said it would be better to pack earlier and avoid the rush for the first carriages" she explained to her friend.

"Let's just be grateful we get to leave" Astoria chimed in. "I can't stand Malfoy leering at everyone and strutting around the common room like a peacock, I just want to hex the bastard every time I see him" she said with a cruel smirk.

"Yes, well we get two weeks away from the ferret, he's been much worse since Potter has been away and not embarrassed him all year" Tracey added in disgust. "I wish he would come back even just to put Malfoy in his place" She finished thoughtfully.

"Draco is just a ponce" Daphne proclaimed. "He will get what's coming to him eventually" she concluded.

The trio made their way to the Three Broomsticks to get some lunch as it had taken them a reasonable amount of time to make their way through the crowds. They managed to find a table in the busy pub and ordered their food.

When they finished eating the left the pub and re-joined the crowd in the busy street.

"What do you need to get?" Tracey asked the sisters trying to avoid being bustled around too much.

"I need potions ingredients" Astoria replied.

"I was only planning on getting some sweets and going to zonkos' to get a surprise for our resident fifth year prefects" Daphne responded looking mischievous.

Tracey shook her head at her friend. She knew Daphne had quite a mean streak but she had been terrorising Pansy a lot recently and now seemed to be ready to turn her attention to Malfoy.

"Well why don't you do that and I will go with Tori, I need to get a new cauldron and we can meet you here in half an hour" Tracey suggested.

Daphne knowing that it made no sense for all three of them to try and make their way through the crowds to the different shops agreed and went on her way. Zonkos was not far from the apothecary so she went to Honeydukes first, thinking she would catch her friend and sister as they were finishing their shopping.

Things were going according to plan. She had gotten her sweets and exited the shop to make her final stop. It was then that things went horribly wrong. She could feel a slight chill in the air and could hear screams coming from the other side of the village.

She withdrew her wand and made her way towards the screams filled with dread. It was then she realised what was happening.

"Oh Shit" she cursed.

She had been practicing tirelessly ever since Granger had spoken of the difficulty of it, but she was not ready for this.


Arcturus was sat in his office poring over the map he had borrowed from Potter that his moron of a grandson and his friends had made at school. He was loathe to admit it, but it was quite an extraordinary item and one that he was sure would be able to help him find what he was looking for.

He was sure that Riddle had left one of his abominations in the castle, he was cocksure enough to do it, that was for certain.

He had waited for today to look over the map after he discovered it would be a Hogsmeade day and he could look at it without being distracted by the moving dots of the students. He had already discovered that there were many rooms and tunnels around the castle that he had never been aware of and according to Potter, there were even more.

The boy had pointed out that the chamber of secrets wasn't marked on the map so the chances of there being other hidden rooms was quite high. But Arcturus knew that learning as much as he could from the map was a good start and he could at least garner some idea where it could be hidden. He would have Potter check the chamber when the time was right and any other room he found of interest on the map.

He knew Potter could get in and out of the castle with his cloak and the map undetected so had already began to put a plan in place to have him search but that meant he would need to include the boy on all the details, something he wasn't ready to share yet unless he was completely sure of a firm location he had confidence in.

As he was looking the map over he noticed an isolated dot located in the Shrieking Shack that made him stiffen and had him hurrying quickly from the room with a cruel yet triumphant grin on his face.


Harry had just finished dressing after his post-workout shower and was preparing to make his way to the alley to see if he could gather anything from listening to the crowds. He was about to begin applying his glamour when his door burst open and Arcturus charged in clutching the map looking gleeful.

"The rat is at the Shrieking Shack" he spoke breathlessly handing the parchment to the teen, evidently the older man had ran to the room.

Harry looked at the map and grinned. He was about to disapparate when a pop sounded and a frantic Dobby appeared in the room looking very fearful.

"Harry Potter sir the Dementies are attacking the students' sir" he shouted in a panic.

Harry grabbed the elf to calm him and addressed him as quickly and controlled as he could.

"Go and tell Dumbledore" he instructed the elf.

"Professor Whiskers is already there Harry Potter sir" the elf explained. "Professor Whiskers and the other Professors is there sir but they is too many Dementies" he explained panicking more.

"Get the rat first Potter" Arcturus said. "Dumbledore can at least hold them off until you or the aurors get there" he said confidently.

Harry nodded and disappeared, appearing outside the shack. He checked the map and saw that Peter was just inside. Harry disillusioned himself and silenced his feet before entering.

Seeing the door opening that rat squeaked and made a break for the stairs that led to the tunnel that would bring him the base of the Whomping Willow. It did not take long for him to locate the rat who was making his way through the tunnel. Harry saw a glint of silver in the darkness and fired a well-aimed stunner at the traitor, catching the rat on its flank.

He summoned the rat and stunned it again, for good measure.

"Where were you going Peter, we have a lot of catching up to do" he spoke to unconscious vermin with a twisted smile.

He quickly remembered the Dementors that were plaguing the village and quickly made his way to help. He exited the shack and walked straight in to a scene of complete panic and chaos.

The Dementors were spread out and not attacking in a concentrated fashion as they usually would, making it much more difficult to combat the creatures. Harry charged forward and quickly saw a blonde student attempting a patronus charm that was just not strong enough to fight of the Dementor that had accosted her. He watched in horror as her weak shield fell and the beast approached her.

"Expecto Patronum" he said casually, knowing he had to remain calm.

His Thestral erupted from the end of his wand and galloped audibly into the Dementor causing it to flee with a loud screech of fury into the air, which his patronus followed and began flying at every one of the creatures it came to. Harry noticed the girl was about to keel over and apparated to her side and managed to catch the near unconscious blonde in his arms before she hit the floor.


The sheer number of Dementors that were attacking had Albus Dumbledore worried. He was very adept with the Patronus charm but the way the creatures were scattered made it difficult even for his powerful phoenix to combat.

He had sent word to the auror office but they were notoriously slow at responding so for the time being it was only himself, Minerva and Filius who were able to produce the charm powerful enough to be of any use.

The cold was truly settling in on him now and he began to feel the effects which made it difficult to maintain the spell. He could see that his colleagues were fairing no better but he would not give in though.

He steeled himself and pushed as hard as he could with his magic.

His phoenix grew brighter but he knew it would not be enough to put the odds in his favour.

He was beginning to lose hope when he suddenly heard a screech of rage from one of the beasts and looked up to see a huge Thestral Patronus ploughing through the air, beating its powerful wings and defending the village without abandon.

Albus Dumbledore smiled as he felt the warmth and hope fill him, there was only one young man capable of such a feat; Harry Potter had come to their aide.


Daphne Greengrass knew that she was at her limit and was feeling the last of her magical reserves leaving her body in her attempt at repelling the Dementor that had attacked her. Upon realising what had happened she had tried to hurry to find her sister and best friend when she encountered the creature. She had been working on her patronus for months and had only been able to produce a silvery misty shield at best which was much harder in the moment when it mattered.

She felt her shield fail and knew that this was it; she was going to be killed before she had even left school. She felt disorientated and slightly delirious from the effort it had taken to even fight as well as she had. She thought she could hear the galloping of hooves followed by a terrifying screech, She felt as though she had been hoisted from the ground then she knew no more.

She came to her senses feeling very light and warm as though she was in a gentle and comfortable embrace; if this was heaven then she would be content with this feeling eternally.

She could still hear the screams and was confused as to why she could still hear the happenings of the village in the afterlife. She opened her eyes and found that she was in the arms and pulled gently against the muscular chest of a young man.

The first thing she noticed as she looked up was a bright emerald fire in his eyes, beautiful emerald eyes that were radiating a power, but it was not a power that made her shudder in apprehension. On the contrary it was a power that made her feel safe and added to her already comfortable state.

"You have very beautiful eyes" She murmured in her delirium and pulled herself closer to the young man instinctively and nestled her head deeper in his chest.

She felt the man chuckle and shake his head.

"Thank you miss" the man replied in obvious amusement.

"Am I in heaven?" she mumbled, causing him to chuckle again.

"If you are then I am honoured that I am your idea of a suitable afterlife my lady" he responded sounding even more amused.

It was then that Daphne realised she was in fact not dead as she heard the voice of Astoria cut in to her bliss.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing with my sister?" she heard her question the young man angrily.

"Calm down Miss" he replied quietly. "Your sister was being attacked by a Dementor, I helped her and she passed out" he explained.

"Yes well you can put her down now" She retorted clearly annoyed to find her sister in the arms of a man.

She felt him shrug before he addressed her.

"Are you ok to stand Miss?" he asked.

Daphne nodded reluctantly and felt herself being placed gently on her feet. She shot her sister a look to express her annoyance before turning to face the man.

He was tall and muscular with short dark hair and was well groomed. He had the brightest green eyes she had ever seen that were still simmering with the undercurrent of power she could see there but the eyes looking back on her were now looking at her with concern in them. She could get lost in those eyes and she wouldn't even care. She shook her head. Daphne Greengrass did not fawn over boys. It was then that she saw the wand that he was holding and her eyes widened in shock.

"It was you" She stammered pointing at him.

"Me?" he questioned looking confused, clearly thinking that she was still delirious.

"Yes, it was you, you saved my mother" she explained looking at Tracey and Astoria who by now had also noticed his wand.

"I did?" he asked again.

"Yes the apothecary in Diagon Alley, all she could remember was how unique your wand was" she explained getting a little frustrated.

"Ahh" he replied in realisation. "The beautiful blonde lady who looks much like yourself and your sister" he realised indicating the sisters.

Daphne flushed at the compliment that didn't go unnoticed by her friend who raised her eyebrow at her.

"Thank you, for saving her" Astoria cut in no longer annoyed at the mystery man.

"Yes, thank you" Daphne echoed her sisters' sentiments. "And thank you for saving me" She said shyly. "It looks like my family owe you" she added.

The young man shook his head.

"You don't owe me anything" he intoned. "I just did what I knew was the right thing" he explained.

Strangely, he then removed a rat with a silver paw from his pocket and sighed in relief.

"Now if you ladies will excuse me, I have to go and clear my godfathers name" he declared placing the rat in his pocket and nodding to someone behind the trio of girls.

"Wait.." Daphne shouted, but it was too late, the young man had disappeared without a sound.

The group turned to see Professor Dumbledore watching them with his eyes twinkling madly.

"Professor, do you know who he was?" Daphne asked the headmaster.

"Yes, he is the young man who prevented a lot of loss and heartache today" the old man replied cryptically.

"I meant his name sir" Daphne responded.

"Ahh, he did not give you one?" he asked the girl clearly amused.

"No sir" Daphne replied. "But he saved mine and my mothers' life and I wanted to be able to thank him properly" she explained.

Even though the young man had insisted she nor her mother owed him anything, she at least wanted to show her gratitude and appreciation to him. There are not many who would intervene the way he had, and to do so twice was certainly something.

"Yes he is a rather special young man isn't he" the headmaster mused. "But if he did not give you a name then it is not my place to" he explained firmly. "I'm sure all will be revealed soon enough" he added knowingly with an amused twinkle in his eyes.

With that the trio left the company of the headmaster and made their way back to the castle, grateful that they had managed to survive an encounter with the now former guards of Azkaban.

"He was gorgeous wasn't he?" Tracey broke the silence dreamily.

"Daphne thought so" Astoria replied with a hint of mischief in her voice.

"Oh shut up Tori" her sister retorted and moved ahead of the other two who seemed intent on teasing her because of her lapse in coherency in a moment of weakness.

They made their way in to the entrance hall and were stopped by Granger, Longbottom and the two youngest Weasleys.

"What happened?" Granger asked having seen the state of some of the returning students.

"Dementors" Tracey replied shaking her head.

"Oh my god" Hermione replied with wide eyes. "Is everyone ok?" she asked clearly concerned.

"Dumbledore seems to think so" Tracey answered the Gryffindor who breathed a sigh of relief.

"It was close to ending badly though" Astoria cut in. "If it wasn't for that guy turning up with his patronus it would have been bad" She surmised.

"What guy?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"Ask Daphne" Tracey responded, her eyes full of mirth. "She was the one who was in his arms" she added laughing at her friends look of betrayal.

"Shut up Tracey" Daphne hissed at her friend.

"What happened?" Hermione asked ignoring the teasing from Tracey.

"I don't really know" Daphne admitted. "I was trying to fight off a Dementor and I passed out. I woke up and this guy was holding me" she explained.

"Things were going bad" Astoria cut in. "They were everywhere and the Professors couldn't stop them" she continued shaking her head. "Then there was this loud screech and a really big patronus came out of nowhere and chased them all away".

"What was the patronus?" the bushy haired girl questioned the younger blonde.

"I don't know I've never seen a creature like it. but it was like a really big horse with wings and it looked wrinkly, oh and it had a pointed tail and a weird face" she explained her face screwed up in thought.

"A Thestral" Hermione breathed.

"A what?" the rest of the group asked in unison.

"You can only see them if you have seen death" she explained. "They are supposed to be really bad luck because of it but they are amazing creatures and very powerful and intelligent. They are really protective of their young and vulnerable members of the herd. If that guys has that as his patronus he must be quite something" she finished thoughtfully.

"And he is gorgeous isn't he Daphne" Tracey asked nudging her friend with her elbow who just growled in response.

"He was the one who saved our mum" Astoria explained. "He had the wand".

Hermione frowned.

"Was there anything else about him?" she asked.

"Well he is tall and muscly and gorgeous" Tracey started listing off but was elbowed by Daphne who was clearly getting irritated by her friend.

"Green eyes" Daphne said quietly. "He had really bright green eyes" she said again a little shyly.

"Oh and he left without even giving a name" Tracey added. "He had a dead rat with him and said something about clearing his Godfather" she finished.

That final piece of information had the Gryffindors' sharing knowing looks of shock and realisation.

"Harry" Hermione said breathily.

"Huh?" Tracey questioned.

"It was Harry, the rat must have been Pettigrew" she exclaimed.

"But Harrys' patronus is a stag" Ginny pointed out.

"It can change" Hermione said dismissively.

"Potter?" Astoria chimed in. "You're saying that was Potter" she said looking amused.

"Definitely" Hermione replied clearly thinking.

"Oh this is great" Tracey suddenly cut in laughing and pointing at Daphne. "You were saved by the golden boy and were melting in to him, don't even deny it I saw that look you gave him" she added gleefully.

"Shut up Tracey" Daphne hissed again, cursing herself for the way she had acted. "Like I would be interested in Potter" she finished unconvincingly.

"Just as well" Ron piped up angrily. "Harry wouldn't date a snake anyway, he hates all of you" he spat and had a bitter grin on his face.

The three Slytherins knowing that Weasley would be on a rant for a while decided to make their excuses and leave and go back to their common room.

Daphne quickly made further excuses so she could be alone for a while citing that she was tired.

She sat on her bed in her dormitory lost in thought. She couldn't believe that she had been saved by Potter. Not that she had anything against him personally but if word got out about the way she acted then it would be a nightmare for her. She was grateful that tomorrow was the start of the holidays and that this could all just blow over. She would have to have a word with her sister and so called best friend to ensure they kept their mouths shut.


Harry arrived back in the drawing room to an expectant Arcturus, who just looked at the boy with an impatient expression marring his face.

"Well?" he questioned when Harry said nothing.

Harry reached into his pocket and removed the still stunned animagus and dangled him in front of the older man, his face splitting into a triumphant grin.

"Good work Potter" Arcturus praised. "Now we can get that idiot grandson of mine free finally".

Harry nodded in reply.

"I will let Sirius know we have him" he replied.

"Good, and make sure you take the rat directly to Amelia Bones, she's a fair woman and will do what is right. If she doesn't then do whatever you have to do to make sure that Sirius gets his trial, understood?" he finished questioningly.

"I'll take the rat, but first me and Peter have a little catching up to do" he replied with a cruel smile.

Arcturus shook his head at the boy.

"I understand" he began. "But do not kill him" he instructed firmly. "We need him alive and don't you forget it" he finished sternly.

He knew Potter would want to confront the man hell, he had more right than any. He just wanted to make sure the boy didn't forget what was at stake here and make the same mistake his moronic grandson made.

"I won't kill him" Harry promised. "But he might just wish I had" he added with malice and clear intentions.

With that Harry left the drawing room and took the rat to the training room. He conjured a chair and placed Pettigrew on it and pointed his wand at the traitor. He flicked his wand at the rat and it slowly changed in to the man he had met almost two years ago, the man that was responsible for the death of his parents and the man that was the cause of the second rise of the Dark Lord.

Harry looked at the man with disgust, just his breathing offended him and made him feel a hatred he had never felt before. He flicked his wand towards the man and bound him to the chair.

"Ennervate" he muttered, causing the rat to stir.

Peter Pettigrew awoke in an unfamiliar room and immediately saw that he was being watched by a young man, a young man with eerily green eyes that instantly put him on edge and feel a trickle of fear seep into his very being. He realised he was bound to a chair and despite his efforts, he could not transform.

"The Dark Lord will kill you for interfering in his plan" he explained to the young man who just narrowed his eyes.

"Oh I hope he tries" the man replied laughing.

It was not a joyous laugh, but a cold one that truly dared the ire of the Dark Lord to turn to him and it made Peter very uncomfortable.

"You managed to escape me in France you fucking traitor but I knew I would get you in the end" the man spat and snarled at Peter.

A sudden realisation hit him and the animagus began to tremble uncontrollably. This was the man he had seen destroy his entire team.

Peter knew he was truly in trouble now.

"Whatever I did I'm sorry" he tried pleadingly. "I don't even know who you are" he finished lamely.

The man just raised an eyebrow at him and continued to stare. It was several moments before he spoke again.

"So you don't recognise the son of your so called friends?" he asked. "The friends you sold out to Voldemort, you cowardly shit" he roared, his eyes flaring even brighter in anger.

It was then that Peter realised who this was. But how could it be? He had seen the Dark Lord kill him. He remembered the boy from 2 years ago, the small underfed boy who had pleaded with Black and Lupin to spare him. He felt a brief moment of hope that he would be spared again but catching the young mans' eyes, he knew that would not be the case.

"Ha.. Harry?" he asked disbelievingly.

"So you finally see it do you" Harry replied coldly.

"You're not going to kill me, you're not like them" Peter managed to reply unconvincingly and sweating profusely from the nervousness he was feeling.

"You're right Peter, I won't kill you" the teen replied much to the relief of the other man. "But I am going to make you suffer, cause you a fraction of the pain you caused me, Sirius and Remus" he added icily and began to walk towards the shaking man.

"Wh.. What are you doing?" the rat stammered out, clearly terrified.

Harry looked at the rat calculatingly before giving a single word answer.

"Justice" he replied callously.

The next several hours would be the worst of Peter Pettigrews' life. Many times he wished that the teen would just kill him but it was not to be. By the end of his ordeal he had screamed his vocal chords raw and he had, and was, experiencing a pain he never thought possible. He found himself looking forward to being handed over to the aurors, at least there he would be safe from Harry Potter.


Platform 9 ¾ the next day was filled with worried and frantic parents waiting for their children arrive for the Easter Holidays. They had of course been informed of the attack in Hogsmeade yesterday and now almost every parent of the students seemed to be waiting to make sure that no harm had come to them personally.

One such couple were the Greengrass parents.

Ophelia and Jonathan were waiting with Davis family, having spent a restless night and day for the moment their children would be safely back with them. Jonathan in particular had not slept. Ever since his wife had been attacked he had not been able to relax and had been very on edge. Finding out that his two daughters had been in such danger had pushed him over that edge and he just wanted them with him so he could hold them in his arms and see that they were truly ok.

After what seemed like an eternity the train pulled into the station and the students slowly began to exit the train. Tense eyes scanned each child as they left impatiently, slowly turning into relief when the recognition of their child registered, others continuing the tense search seeking that same relief.

Eventually the tension subsided and each parent and child were reunited, they were safe, miraculously they were all safe.

Jonathan pulled his daughters in to his arms and held them for everything he was worth. He was not usually an overtly emotional man and it was not often that he would be seen giving public displays of affection such as this but today was different, today he was a father first and foremost, his reputation be damned.

"Are you girls ok?" he asked the trio when has was satisfied they were physically well.

"Fine dad" Daphne replied quietly.

"All thanks to your hero" Tracey chimed in, feigning a swoon that caused Astoria to laugh.

"Hero?" Jonathan asked with a frown.

"Yep" Astoria responded looking mischievous before her sister could. "The same boy who helped mum, the one with the wand" She added turning to her mother.

This peaked Jonathan's interest greatly.

"Is that so"? he asked with a raised eyebrow. "And did you happen to catch the name of this mystery wizard?" he added.

He himself was keen to track the young man down. He had spent the last few months making discreet inquiries but to no avail. The man had saved his wife and now had seemingly come to his daughter's aide also. He wanted to show the young man his gratitude for rescuing the most important thing to him, and now it seemed he truly owed the wizard.

"Not here" Daphne growled in an annoyed tone to her best friend and sister, turning and walking towards the barrier.

"What's wrong with her?" Ophelia asked the other two teens.

"She's been in a bad mood all day" Astoria responded, "I think she's embarrassed" she finished with a shrug.

"Embarassed? Are you going to explain what happened?" She questioned the two impatiently.

"Yes but Daphne is right, not here" Astoria replied, indicating the large crowd.

"Back home it is then, are you coming Robert, Susan?" Jonathan asked Tracey's parents.

"We are just as keen to get to the bottom of this as you are" Robert responded eliciting a nod of agreement from his wife. "Lead the way" he shrugged.

The group made their way to the apparition point where Daphne was waiting for them looking impatient.

The parents apparated the teens to the Greengrass home where they could talk more privately. Jonathan led them to the lounge area and gestured for everyone to take a seat, Daphne did so reluctantly.

"So what happened yesterday?" Jonathan asked. "We were told it was a Dementor attack but we didn't get any details" he explained.

"The village was busy" Tracey began. "So we split up. Me and Tori needed some things from the potion shop and Daphne went to Honeydukes. We heard screaming but didn't pay any attention to it at first. When we went outside it was really cold and they were everywhere" she explained with a shudder. "The professors were trying to fight them but there were too many".

"How many?" Robert cut in.

"Easily over a hundred" Tracey replied to which Astoria nodded. "Well out of nowhere we heard one of them screech and we saw a huge patronus fly in and sent them off" She continued.

"A Thestral" Astoria piped up. "It sent them all away with Dumbledore, McGonagall and Flitwicks' help" she explained.

"We went looking for Daphne and saw her in his arms, it was his patronus" Tracey finished.

"Daphne?" her mother questioned.

Daphne sighed in resignation but knew her mother would want to know.

"I came out of Honeydukes and heard the screams and could feel the cold. I tried to find those two and was attacked by a Dementor" she continued quietly. "I tried to fight it off but my patronus isn't strong enough" she explained disappointedly. "I felt myself getting weak and then my spell failed and I woke up in his arms. But I think I heard hooves and the Dementor screech and he caught me before I fell" She finished.

"Well just the fact you can produce any kind of patronus is a hell of a feat and you should be very proud" Her father praised. "What happened next?" he asked further.

Daphne turned red at the question not wanting to answer.

"Well we came over and Daphne looked very happy in his arms" Tracey cut in, her eyes full of mirth. "What was he laughing at by the way?, you didn't tell us" she asked her friend.

"Shut up Tracey, I thought I was dead" Daphne retorted heatedly turning red further.

"Daphne?" her mother questioned.

"I told him he had beautiful eyes alright, can you just drop it now" she responded irritably. "And if you tell anyone I will kill you" she threatened the two teens.

Tracey and Astoria burst out laughing to the point they had tears in their eyes. It was the fact that Daphne had even said it that amused them so much, it was so out of character to the point of hilarity.

After the two had composed themselves it was Tracey who attempted to come to her friends rescue.

"You are right though, everything about him is beautiful" Tracey intoned dreamily.

"Oh Shut up" Daphne replied simply.

"You still haven't told us who he is?" Jonathan interrupted.

"Oh that is the best bit" Tracey replied instantly looking very amused again. "It was Potter, Daphne was happily in the golden boy's arms" she added with a grin.

"Potter? As in Harry Potter?" Jonathan asked clearly surprised.

"The one and only" Tracey responded.

"So he's been found then?" Robert asked.

"Not exactly" Tracey replied. "He didn't tell us his name it was his friends that worked it out. Dumbledore saw him and wouldn't give us his name either" she explained further.

"Not that it matters anyway" Daphne cut in after finally composing herself.

"What do you mean?" Jonathan asked.

"Well I explained that he had saved mum, which he remembered, and when I said that our family owes him he just shrugged it off and said we didn't owe him anything and that he was just doing the right thing" Daphne explained.

"And he said you were beautiful, just like your mother" Tracey added much to the chagrin of the blonde.

"Shut up Tracey or so help me I will hex you" Daphne threatened.

"Well the boy clearly has good taste in women" Jonathan added receiving a slap to the shoulder from his wife who had turned red.

"Be that as it may" Ophelia began. "I would like to thank him in some way, I guess none of you know how to contact him?" she asked the teens.

"Actually Longbottom sent him an owl and he replied last year" Tracey answered, remembering the previous meeting they had. "And I'm guessing Dumbledore knows how to contact him too" she added.

Ophelia nodded.

"Then we shall invite him for dinner" she stated, gaining different reactions from those assembled.

"Oh please mum no" Daphne pleaded. "It's embarrassing enough" she moaned.

"Oh I have to be here for that" Tracey demanded, her eyes alight with amusement once again.

"It's the least we can do Daphne" her mother replied firmly.

"Don't worry Daphne" Astoria chirped. "You get to tell him how pretty his eyes are again" She finished causing everyone except her sister to laugh.

Daphne half growled, half screeched and left the room in a huff.

"She's been like that since she found out it was Potter who saved her" Astoria pointed out.

"Ahh" Ophelia intoned. "She's torn" she concluded, getting a nod from Susan.

"Torn?" Tracey questioned with a frown.

"Clearly she likes the boy" her mother explained. "But because of who it is she won't admit it" she explained knowingly.

"Oh" Tracey whispered in understanding. "And there was me thinking she swung the other way" she added.

"Tracey!" her mother reprimanded.

"Well she's almost sixteen and up until yesterday she had never shown any interest in boys, what was I supposed to think?" she asked rhetorically.

"There was no need to be so crass about it" her mother reprimanded her again.

"I guess it didn't help with what that prat Weasley said" Astoria spoke up.

"Weasley? What did he say?" Ophelia asked with a frown.

"He's one of Potter's friends and he said that Daphne wouldn't stand a chance with him" she shrugged.

"He is probably right though" Tracey added. "Pretty much everyone in our house has given Potter grief, he has no reason to like any of us" she pointed out.

"You mean Malfoy and the idiots he hangs around with, and the qudditch team" Astoria interjected.

"Yeah well Potter does have a tendency to embarrass them all" Tracey replied. "But Daphne hasn't ever spoken to him apart from yesterday" she mused.

"Doesn't matter, she's still one of us" Astoria shrugged.

"Yes well, I'm going to write to the boy, he might not even respond" Ophelia cut in.

"Yes, Tracey say goodbye to Astoria and Daphne it is time for us to head home" Robert addressed his daughter.

"Ohh if he does reply I want to be there" Tracey requested.

"Yes Tracey" Ophelia replied, shaking her head.

With that she left the room to write a letter to the Potter boy. Never in a million years would she have guessed it was him that had saved her that day.


Harry went to the drawing for breakfast and was confronted with an annoyed looking Arcturus who just stared at the teen with a penetrating gaze.

"Feel better now?" he questioned neutrally.

"It wasn't about making me feel better" Harry replied taking a seat. "There is nothing that can make me feel better about losing my parents or the fact that Sirius spent 12 years in Azkaban and that I had to grow up with those bastards" he explained. "I did what I did because that's what he deserved. He doesn't deserve to just be handed to the aurors and get a cell in Azkaban away from the war. If I didn't need him to clear Sirius then I would have killed him slowly, because that is what he deserves, no other reason" he finished a little heatedly.

"So it was justice?" the older man questioned.

"Yes, but I won't pretend that I'm not glad that it was me that got to give it to him" Harry replied flatly.

The older man shook his head but he understood his reasoning.

"Just like your Grandfather would have done" he sighed. "Are you planning to hand him over any time soon?" he asked.

"Today" Harry replied after finishing his mouthful of banana.

"Good" Arcturus responded. "The sooner we get him in the sooner the idiot will be free" he explained.

"I'll take him after breakfast" Harry promised.

"Good" the older man responded again. "Did you get anything useful from him?" he asked.

Harry grinned.

"I know why he was there, what he was after and exactly where it is" he informed the man triumphantly.

Arcturus suddenly had a look of relief quickly followed by one of amused anticipation.

"Finally" he said to himself.


Amelia Bones was sat in her office going through the mountain of paperwork that came with her job. The last 10 months had been nothing but stressful for the head of the DMLE and it was only getting worse.

The evidence that the Dark Lord had returned had been mounting since June to a point she knew that even now it was going to be a disastrous time when it was revealed. The breakout from Azkaban had only added to her stress. Fudge had blamed Sirius Black but Amelia knew otherwise, she knew that You-Know-Who was involved.

She was frustrated by how obvious it was and how Fudge was blatantly ignoring everything she told him. Extortion and reports of attacks had increased tenfold and she simply did not have the manpower to increase patrols or even protect the publicly the way she wanted to. Fudge was a moron and he was going to be responsible for a lot of deaths. If anything, the idiot was making it very easy for the Dark lord and Amelia was powerless to do a thing.

She shook her head in annoyance as she was pulled from her thoughts by a knock at the door.

"Enter" She commanded irritably.

"Madame Bones, there is a young man here to see you" her assistant spoke as she entered.

"Who is it?" She asked in annoyance.

"He didn't say Ma'am but he is insisting on seeing you and you only, he says it is important" the assistant explained.

Amelia sighed.

"Send him in then" she said waving dismissively.

Shortly afterwards a tall and muscular young man entered dressed casually in a white t-shirt and light jeans and boots.

'That's how my aurors should look' the older woman thought, taking in the young mans' athletic appearance.

"How can I help you?" she asked shaking herself from her musings.

Instead of saying a word the young man removed a rat from his pocket and placed it on the desk before taking a seat and folding his arms.

Amelia raised an eyebrow at her guest.

"And what am I supposed to do with a rat?" she asked irritably.

"Oh that is no rat, that is the ticket to my godfather's freedom" was the reply she got with an amused look.

"And who would your godfather be young man?" she asked getting more annoyed by the minute.

"Sirius Black" he replied casually.

Amelia chocked and sputtered but quickly composed herself.

"Potter?" she asked looking at him critically who just nodded the affirmative.

Amelia removed her wand and was about to lock her door when she found herself staring at the tip of a wand mere inches from her face.

"I was just going to lock the door" she explained calmly raising her free hand to placate the boy.

Harry nodded and replaced his wand back in its holster.

Amelia shook her head and locked the door with a flick of her wand.

"Damn your fast" She observed shaking her head again.

"I have to be" Harry replied shrugging.

"Care to explain?" She asked gesturing to the rat still sat limply on her desk.

"Ahh, Madame Bones" Harry began. "Let me introduce you to Peter Pettigrew, the traitorous bastard who betrayed my parents" he finished coldly.

He then removed his wand and flicked it towards the rat. In a matter of moments a short and squat man missing most of his right arm now laid where the rat had been. He had certainly been through the mill and was quite badly beaten, he was covered in various cuts and bruises and the stump of his arm had been cauterized crudely.

"He put up a surprisingly good fight" the boy explained with a shrug.

"Hmm, I'm sure he did" Amelia replied choosing to ignore the condition of the man. "It looks like I have more work to do" she sighed.

"I just want Sirius to get a fair trial, he never had one before and I know he is innocent" Harry explained. "It was the rat who was my parents' secret keeper" he finished.

"Fudge won't allow it if he finds out, you've put me in quite the position Potter" she explained.

"Then we have to be shrewd" Harry responded. "As the head of the DMLE you have the power to call an emergency meeting of the wizengamot I understand" Harry spoke in a questioning tone.

"I do" Amelia answered, seeing where this was going.

"Then you don't tell him and call an emergency meeting with an impromptu trial then he won't be able to intervene" Harry explained. "Sirius is a member of an ancient house and everyone on the wizengamot will have to allow the trial if only to protect their own rights" he finished knowingly.

"That might just work Potter" Amelia conceded thoughtfully. "But it seems that I'm the one sticking my neck out here" she pointed out.

"True" Harry agreed. "If there is anything I can do for you then of course I will" he offered.

Amelia thought for a moment before answering.

"I want you to be there" she requested with a nod. "It will offer your godfather more credibility if you are there supporting him and it will make Fudge look bad" she added with a smirk.

"I can make Fudge look bad if that's what you want. I told him almost two years ago that Sirius was innocent and he ignored me and wouldn't believe me about the rat" Harry explained. "And because of him nothing is being done about Riddle" he stated with a raised eyebrow towards the woman.

"My hands are tied" Amelia replied. "He won't listen and he's ignoring everything" She continued frustrated. "I don't have the funds nor the men to make any difference right now" she finished.

"Then Fudge needs a wake-up call or he needs to go" Harry responded.

"And how would we achieve that?" she questioned the boy.

"I could kill him" Harry replied casually.

"You do realise I could arrest you for saying that" Amelia warned raising her eyebrow at the boy.

"You could but you won't" Harry responded.

Amelia just shook her head.

"Malfoy is the real problem, he's got Fudge firmly wrapped around his finger" she explained.

"Ahh, now Malfoy I can handle" Harry grinned, already formulating a plan in his mind. "It will take a little time but I'm sure it will work" he explained.

"Are you going to share your idea?" Amelia asked.

"The less you know the better Madame Bones" Harry answered. "Plausible deniability and all that" he added with a grin that caused Amelia to shake her head once more.

"Don't make me arrest you Potter" She pleaded "because I will deny everything if you get caught" she warned.

"Funny that that's exactly what I am planning" Harry mused looking a little smug.

"I really don't want to know" Amelia replied clearly flustered by the apparent recklessness the boy was displaying. "I will call the emergency meeting for the day after tomorrow in the morning" She decided aloud. "It gives us a day to get ready, does he have a representative?".

"He will have" Harry answered.

Amelia unlocked the door, opened it and gave some instructions to her assistant.

"I just sent for some aurors to deal with him" she explained pointing to Pettigrew. "Don't worry, I trust these men with my life" she added when she saw Harry was about to protest.

Five minutes later there was a knock on the door and Mad-eye Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt entered the room. Upon seeing the unconscious form of Pettigrew on the desk and Harry in the room Kingsleys' eyes widened and Moody roared in laughter, leaning heavily on his staff.

"Got him then did you lad?" Moody growled in amusement.

"I didn't know you and Potter were acquainted Alastor" Amelia interjected with a raised eyebrow.

"Aye Amelia, I duelled the lad for his OWL" Moody replied thinking quickly and a little reluctantly.

"That's why you were looking worse than you usually do back in January" Kingsley cut in. "Why didn't you say?".

"Aye we had a good fight" Moody replied. "I was asked to keep my mouth shut about it, it's not anyone's' business the boy was doing his OWLS" he added giving the other auror a stern glare.

Harry took the hint that he was not supposed to know these men and stood to introduce him.

"Hello sir" he said to Kingsley. "I'm Harry Potter" he added extending his hand to the man.

"Kingsley Shacklebolt" the man returned. "You've had us all rather worried Mr Potter" he continued.

"Well as you can see auror Shacklebolt I'm quite alright" Harry answered.

"What happened to his arm?" Moody suddenly cut in.

"Accident" Harry answered casually.

"You said he put up 'quite the fight'" Amelia added staring at the boy.

"Same thing" Harry shrugged.

"Aye got what he deserve if you ask me" Moody surmised.

"You recognise him then?" Amelia asked the heavily scarred man.

"Aye, Pettigrew, apparently killed by Black who was thrown straight in Azkaban without a trial. We were told to keep quiet and that was that" he finished with a shrug.

"I need you two to watch him, he will be going to trial the day after tomorrow" she instructed. "Neither of you are to leave him and you will not speak a word of this to anyone, understood?" she asked firmly.

"Aye Ma'am" Moody replied.

"Yes Ma'am" Kingsley followed.

"Good, I'm relying on you both, now get him out of here" she commanded.

The two men disillusioned the body and carried it between them. They both gave Harry a nod before exiting, leaving the head of the DMLE alone with the teen.

"He will get his trial Potter, make sure you're there" she pressed.

"I will be, I will bring him with me" Harry promised and left quickly to give Arcturus and Sirius the good news.

Harry arrived home and sent Dobby to give Sirius the message to be ready for him to collect. He would use the cloak to get him in knowing it was the best way under the circumstances. He then sent Dobby to Andromeda and Ted to inform them of the development. Their reply stated that they would be ready and would see him there.

Harry made his way to the drawing room after he had finished his correspondence to inform Arcturus of the plan.

"Good" Arcturus replied when Harry told him what had happened. "I will be coming with you" he announced. "I don't trust Fudge and the morons around him to not fuck this up in some way, my title will at least give him some levity" he explained. "And with you getting the last piece of information I need from the rat there is no need for me to be inconspicuous anymore, I've grown weary and bored of the shadows and I feel like kicking a few arses" he finished with a look of cruel amusement.

"It looks like a few people are in for a rude awakening then" Harry intoned.

Arcturus just nodded.

"This came for you earlier" he broke off suddenly handing Harry an envelope.

Harry took the letter and read it with a confused expression. "The girl must have worked out who I am" he said to himself with a frown.

"What girl?" Arcturus asked.

"Oh I helped a girl yesterday and apparently her mother in the alley a few months ago" he explained. "What do you know about the Greengrass family?" he asked the older man.

"Not much" he replied thoughtfully. "Old family and neutral" he added with a shrug. "Why?" he questioned.

"They've invited me for dinner tomorrow" Harry replied.

"It might be worth going" Arcturus advised. "They have a seat on the wizengamot and could be a difference maker if things go tits up" he suggested. "And it doesn't hurt to make connections" he added. "You never know when they could be useful".

Harry nodded.

"It couldn't hurt I guess" Harry responded and penned his reply. He sent it off with Hedwig who was happy to finally have something to do.

With that done Harry spent the rest of his day training and reading, he still had improvements to make and he knew he would need to be at his best soon if he was to put his plan into action.


Daphne awoke, stretched and groaned at the thought of what was happening today; Harry Potter was coming to dinner. She had hoped that he would refuse the invitation sent by her mother but he had surprisingly accepted.

The truth was that Daphne was a little embarrassed about what had happened, even though she hated to admit it to herself. The thing that bothered her about the entire situation was how vulnerable she had made herself appear and that did not sit well with the blonde teen. She had nothing against Potter hell, she had never spoken to the boy but she knew there was no love lost between him and the members of her house.

She had cursed herself repeatedly on her reaction upon waking and finding herself in his arms. She had never looked at a boy and felt that wow factor that she had read about as a little girl; that was until that moment. It made her feel more vulnerable than she ever had and it bothered her that she was not uncomfortable with the feeling, it was the thought of the ease of comfort she felt that made her uncomfortable. But the biggest problem of the entire situation was the fact that the wow factor came to her with a boy who was seemingly unattainable for her, especially if she went by what Weasley had said, another thing that bothered her.

As much as she tried not to, she couldn't help but think of how nice it felt to be in his arms, how nice it was to open her eyes and see that emerald fire and how nice it felt to feel so safe despite the danger that was around her.

She shook her head.

No. She would not allow herself to think about it no matter how much she enjoyed it and wanted to feel it again. She would not allow herself to appear so vulnerable the same way and she would not allow herself to get lost in those desires the way she truly wanted to.

It was going to be a long evening, but she would keep her guard up and not let it falter in front of Harry Potter.


Harry had spent his day training and was just finishing getting dressed for his dinner appointment with the Greengrass family. He decided to forego the formality of wearing robes and decided to dress in a white, fitted short sleeve shirt, tailored black trousers and some stylish chocolate Chelsea boots. He topped off his look with a black pea-coat keeping his dress smart but fairly casual. He made his way to the drawing room to inform Arcturus that he was leaving and to receive the no doubt last minute advice the man would give.

Upon entering he was given the nod of approval for his outfit and the older man addressed him as expected.

"Remember your manners Potter" he began. "These people have invited you in to their home and you will address them as Lord and Lady Greengrass unless you are told otherwise, understood?" he asked to ensure the teen was listening.

"Yes sir" Harry replied gratefully, knowing he was not well versed in wizard etiquette as well as he should be.

"Good, then be off" Arcturus dismissed the teen.

Harry gave him an amused look.

"You seem keen to get rid of me, you wouldn't happen to have a hot date would you?" he questioned cheekily before disapparating.

Arcturus growled.

"Fucking Potter" he mumbled. "I will curse that insolent little shit" he vowed with a shake of his head.


Harry appeared in front of a large set of gates as per the instructions of the invitation. The house was very impressive; it was a massive Victorian style building that one would read about if they cared to browse classical literature. It was set on a slight hill and was made from brick with heavy timber beams placed intravenously throughout the architecture. The lawns were well kept and the entire property was surrounded by high railings that matched the black and gold gate. It was then that Harry realised he was dealing with a family of class and suddenly felt a little underdressed. There was nothing he could do now knowing that it would be much more rude to be late than dressed the way he was.

He made his way to the door and composed himself, it was important for him to show his independence and strength but to be respectful and not intimidating. It was a delicate balance that had been explained to him by Arcturus; he had to be strong but not come across as though he felt he was better than them, they should be treated as an equal.

He knocked on the door and waited to be admitted.

The door opened to reveal a young looking house-elf that was dressed in a very clean, white apron with the family crest stitched lovingly into the front of the garment.

"Master Harry Potter sir" the elf greeted him. "Please follow me and I will takes you to my Master and Mistress" the elf instructed.

"Thank you…"

"Tilly sir" the elf responded blushing a little.

"Thank you Tilly" Harry said with a smile. "Please lead the way".

The elf led him through the beautifully decorated entrance hall that was largely neutral colours. The thing that set it apart from most other houses was the amount of family portraits and photos that were on the walls.

They eventually came to a dining room and Harry was taken aback by the number of people waiting for him, he had expected 4 but there were seven.

"Mr Potter.. It is Mr potter isn't it?" a tall and mousey haired man addressed Harry. "Welcome to our home" he said approaching with his hand extended.

"Technically it is Lord Potter, but please call me Harry" the teen insisted. "And thank you for your invitation Lord Greengrass it is much appreciated" he replied and shook the mans' hand firmly.

"Well you are very welcome Harry, let me introduce you to the rest of the people here" he said leading Harry to the assembled group. "This" he explained indicating to the other man in the room, "is Lord Robert Davis and his wife Lady Susan Davis" he finished.

Harry shook the mans' hand gave the lady a bow and a gentle kiss on the back the hand as was custom.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both" he intoned.

"The pleasure is ours Lord Potter" the man replied with a warm smile which Harry returned.

"And this" Lord Greengrass cut in. "is my wife, whom you have already met I believe" he finished with a raised eyebrow.

Harry recognised the woman immediately and took her hand and brushed his lips across the back of her knuckles.

"It is nice to meet you in much more pleasant circumstances my lady" Harry greeted her with a bow.

"Likewise Lord Potter" Ophelia replied with a smile and a slight curtsey.

"And finally the three young ladies here are my daughters Daphne and Astoria" he introduced, gesturing to the two blonde girls who looked very much like their mother. "And Tracey the daughter of Lord and Lady Davis" he finished indicating the final girl who had brown hair and seemed to take more after her father in looks.

"Ladies" Harry acknowledged with a bow.

"Lord Potter" they replied in unison with a curtsey of their own.

"Ok now that is strange for me, Please call me Harry or Potter if you prefer" he requested to the group.

Jonathan laughed.

"Of course Harry, Tilly would please take Harrys' coat" he asked of the elf.

Harry removed his coat, folded it and handed it to the elf.

"Thank you Tilly" he said looking her in the eye causing the elf to blush again.

"Please have a seat" Jonathan offered to which Harry accepted the indicated chair.

The group sat in silence before it was broken by Ophelia.

"I just wanted to thank you Harry for helping me and Daphne the way you did" she spke to the teen genuinely.

"You're welcome" he replied. "I was just in the right place at the right time" he explained. "You haven't had any more trouble have you?" he asked. "I have been keeping an eye on the alley but I can't be there all the time" he added.

"Well there are very few who would intervene, almost anyone else would turn a blind eye, so I am truly grateful" she responded with another warm smile. "And no there hasn't been any other problems thankfully" she finished.

"Yes I would like to thank you also Harry, if it wasn't for you then I may have lost my wife and my daughter" Jonathan added with a look of concern.

"I just did the right thing sir" Harry reiterated.

"Well then I'm grateful that you were there to do it aren't we Daphne?" he said shooting his eldest daughter a look.

"Yes, thank you Potter" the girl replied somewhat coolly.

It was then that Tilly brought in the first course of dinner and the group ate their soup in silence for a minute until Susan Davis broke the silence.

"I must say Harry you are, er, very developed for a fifteen year old" she pointed out.

"Mum" Tracey gasped horrified by her Mother's comment.

Harry just laughed.

"I had my magical maturity last year" he explained casually " and I train a lot" he added.

"Really, already?" Ophelia asked with raised eyebrows. "How long did it last?" she questioned further.

"Now dear, that is a very personal question to ask a young man" Jonathan chided.

"It's ok sir" Harry replied chuckling. "It lasted 11 days" he informed the lady.

He was suddenly startled by the sound of several spoons clattering against bowls as the adult occupants at the table dropped the cutlery they were holding.

"11 days?" Jonathan choked.

"What's the big deal?" Tracey asked unsubtly.

"The average wizard goes through their maturity between 17 and 21 years old" Jonathan explained. "And it usually last between 3-5 days, the fact that Harry has already had his and it lasted that long makes him quite the exceptional wizard" he concluded.

"His patronus is definitely impressive" Astoria piped in.

"And the bludgeoner he hit the Death Eater in the shop with was very powerful" Ophelia added. "And the magic he used afterwards too" she continued with a frown. "Where does a fifteen year old learn such things?" she asked Harry.

"Out of necessity mostly" Harry answered a little dismissively.

Ophelia took the hint and changed the subject.

"What about your wand, that was the only thing I remembered about you because you certainly didn't look like you do now" she said. "You're not wearing a disguise now are you?" she questioned.

Harry chuckled.

"No it would be quite rude to wear a glamour now" he replied. "And my wands" he said flicking the one in his wrist holster in to his hand and summoning the other to his left hand, "are quite unique" he pointed out with a frown.

"Two wands?" She questioned. "May I?" Ophelia asked holding out her hand.

Harry nodded and handed her one of the wands keeping hold of the other firmly.

"A back up is definitely useful" Harry said.

"It is beautiful" she said appraisingly. "What is it made from?" she asked.

"White ash and Obsidian" Harry explained indicating the two separate elements.

"What about the core?" she questioned further.

The teens at the table were paying rapt attention waiting for the answer.

"Hungarian Horntail Heartstring and Golden Griffin claw" Harry answered.

"Typical" Daphne mumbled.

"Basilisk venom and phoenix tears" he added ignoring the girl.

Jonathan let out a long, low whistle.

"That's quite a combination" he intoned. "I'm guessing that's why the wood and the crystal are fused like that" he observed questioningly.

Harry just nodded in reply.

"Does it have basilisk venom because you killed one?" Astoria piped up.

"Who told you that?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Granger and Weasley" the girl replied with a shrug

"I didn't know you were friends" Harry replied with a frown. "It looks like I'll have to have a word with them when I see them about keeping their mouths shut" he added clearly annoyed by his friends.

"Wait a minute, killed a basilisk?" Ophelia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup, in our second year" Tracey cut in. "Someone opened the chamber of secrets and Potter went in and killed it with a sword" she told the adults who blanched.

"Surely that's not true Harry" Susan stated to which Harry sighed.

"I'm afraid it is" he replied. "But they shouldn't have told you that" he added looking at Tracey. "And the reason I have the venom in my wand is because it bit me and I have the venom in my blood" he explained to Astoria.

"But you would be dead" Jonathan pointed out knowingly.

"It was healed by a phoenix, hence the phoenix tears" Harry responded.

"You are quite the marvel" Ophelia acknowledged handing Harry back his wand which he immediately replaced.

"I have heard that a few times" Harry replied with a chuckle.

Tilly brought in the second course of the meal and the table was quiet again while the occupants ate.

"May I ask you something Harry?" Ophelia asked.

"Of course" Harry responded.

"You said that there is always some truth in rumours that day in the shop, does that mean he is really back?" she asked a little nervously.

Harry noticed that everyone was watching him waiting to hear his reply.

"He is" he answered simply.

"How?" Jonathan asked curiously.

"I know how but it is not something that should be discussed at dinner" Harry advised. "It is very disgusting and a very dark and very rare type of magic" he explained.

The group heeded the warning that the teen gave and carried on eating.

"Why didn't you come back to school?" Tracey asked. "What have you been doing all year?" she questioned further.

Harry looked at her calculatingly for a moment before he answered.

"The night I was kidnapped he thought he killed me and he still thinks I'm dead" Harry explained. "And I have been training mostly and hunting" he added.

"Then why are you here?" Daphne asked irritably.

"Well after tomorrow I won't be hiding anymore" Harry replied.

"Why tomorrow?" Tracey asked.

"Because I will be at the wizengamot meeting in the morning making sure my godfather is set free and no doubt Lucius Malfoy and the rest of his cronies will be there and will go running to tell his master" Harry responded.

"But there isn't a meeting tomorrow" Jonathan pointed out looking confused.

"An emergency one will be called" Harry assured him.

"And what do you mean your godfather?" Robert cut in.

"Sirius Black" Tracey whispered.

"They told you that too?" Harry asked to which Tracey nodded.

"Sirius Black is your Godfather?" Susan questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Yes and he is innocent" Harry retorted firmly. "Peter Pettigrew is the one who was my parent's secret keeper and he is the one who helped bring him back" he added.

The adults were shocked at what they had just heard.

"That's what you meant by hunting, you were looking for Pettigrew" Ophelia cut in knowingly.

"I caught up with him eventually" Harry explained. "He is now currently sat waiting to be brought to trial tomorrow, that will be quite the shock to Malfoy and his master" he added with a dark chuckle.

"The rat" Astoria interjected. "That's why you were at the village" she stated.

"You're right" Harry confirmed with a nod.

"What are you going to do about You-Know-Who?" Tracey asked. "Surely you could just run away if he thinks you're dead" she pointed out.

"I'm going to kill him" Harry answered darkly his eyes lighting in a gentle fury. "I'm not going to run from him, he killed my parents and my grandfather" he growled.

"You can't be serious" Ophelia stated. "Regardless of how grown up you look you are just a child" she said trying to appeal to the young mans' sense of self preservation.

"I've never been a child, he took that away from me" Harry returned quietly.

"The muggles" Astoria chimed in knowingly.

"Do you know everything?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Pretty much" the girl replied with a grin.

"What does she mean the muggles?" Jonathan questioned.

"Harry was raised by his aunt and uncle and they were horrible to him" Astoria answered.

"And lets leave it at that" Harry interjected silently cursing his friends.

"You said he killed your grandfather?" Robert stated questioningly.

"Yeah he attacked him in the middle of the night and caught him with a curse that killed him slowly, but my grandfather kicked his arse and sent him running" Harry explained with a grin.

"I didn't know that" the other man replied. "In fact I don't know much about your family at all" he added.

"What do you know?" Harry asked curiously.

"Your Grandfather was a Baron and he killed giants" Astoria piped up with a smirk.

"That's general knowledge. The Potters have always been a reserved family and very private" Jonathan explained.

"That's what Granger said" Astoria grumbled irritably.

"Well my family are famous for their fighting skills" Harry began. "And fighting for people who can't fight and sticking up for people in need" He explained giving Ophelia a look. "My family motto is: Honour Thy Blood" he continued. "It means carrying on the family tradition of standing against tyranny and doing the right thing, fighting the fights for the people who need help". "I'm still learning about them but that is the gist of it" he finished with a shrug.

"So you're going to fight You-Know-Who because that's what is expected of you?" Daphne asked disbelievingly.

"No" Harry replied. "I'm going to fight him because I can't live my life knowing he is out there, tearing families apart the way he did to mine" he explained.

"Then you're an idiot and you're going to get yourself killed" Daphne replied shaking her head.

"I didn't know you cared so much" Harry retorted.

"Like I care what you do" Daphne returned heatedly.

"Daphne" her mother hissed warningly to the girl.

"Well obviously he's going to get himself killed isn't he?" she asked as though it was an obvious conclusion.

"I should already be dead" Harry mumbled bitterly.

"What was that?" Jonathan asked.

Harry sighed.

"What do you know about the night I was kidnapped?" he questioned.

"Nothing much, just that Diggory got killed" Tracey shrugged.

"Well when I explain what happened you'll understand" Harry sighed.

He then went on to explain everything that happened that night and actually found it to be therapeutic. The only detail he left out was the fact that it was Arcturus who rescued him. By the time he was finished the females at the table were crying except Daphne who refused to let her guard down and the men were looking horrified.

"You got hit with another killing curse?" Jonathan asked incredulously.

"Yeah I'm guessing that's what started my magical maturity early, my body and magic need to be ready" he said with a shrug.

"And he really tortured you?" Astoria asked to which Harry just nodded.

"And you still want to fight him?" Ophelia asked disbelievingly.

"I have to" Harry replied. "Who else do you know that will?" he asked.

"What about Dumbledore?" Tracey asked.

"He's too old" Harry responded. "You saw how he struggled with the Dementors" he pointed out.

"So the Gryffindor golden boy has to save the day as usual" Daphne cut in in an annoyed tone.

"I didn't hear you complaining the other day" Harry retorted.

"Well I didn't ask you for your help" Daphne responded hotly.

"Because you were unconscious" Harry pointed out. "Would you rather that I left you to the Dementor" he asked.

"Yes, then I wouldn't have to live with the shame of being rescued by" She shouted and stormed from the room to the shock of the other occupants.

"I'm sorry for my daughters behaviour" Jonathan apologised to Harry. "I don't know what came over her" he added.

"It's ok" Harry assured the man.

"It's because she's embarrassed about what she said the other day" Astoria chimed in. " About you having beautiful eyes" she explained seeing Harry looking confused.

"Ahh" Harry said. "Then I should apologise, I didn't exactly help the situation" he pointed out.

"No harm done Harry, she will get over it" Ophelia said shooting a worried look at the door her daughter just left through.

"I guess I should go, I will be having an early start in the morning" Harry explained. "I'm sure I will see you both there" he said to the two men who nodded.

"I wouldn't miss it" Jonathan replied.

"Thank you for inviting me and it really was nice to meet you all properly" Harry spoke while putting his coat on that Tilly had just handed him.

"And you too Harry, see you in the morning" Jonathan replied shaking the young mans' hand.

After a chorus of farewells Harry made his way out of the house and apparated home, tomorrow was going to be a long day.


Daphne left the room feeling furious, furious at herself. She had been doing so well. She managed to keep her guard up even when Potter smiled at her and she wanted to smile back, she managed to keep control.

She entered her room and threw herself on to her bed and buried her head in to the pillow and began to sob uncontrollably but she couldn't figure out why. She wasn't sure if it was because she was so angry or the effort to keep herself from crying when Potter explained what had happened that night had finally caught up to her. It had taken all of her willpower not to cry as the others had at what the boy had gone through to the point that it actually made her heart ache. She was mad at him for making her feel that way and was mad at him for thinking that it was him that had to fight the dark lord. A part of her wanted to hit the prat for thinking that way and the other part just wanted to grab him and comfort him the way he had her after the attack. No, she shook her head. She just wanted to hit him for being a prat.

The teen was experiencing a maelstrom of emotions that she had never felt before and it confused her. She was upset, angry and confused all at the same time. She had tried to convince herself that the feeling she had the other day for the boy had all been because of the situation but the moment she saw him this evening she had a desire to be held in those arms again, a feeling that she quickly fought down. Try as she might she couldn't help but look at the boy and imagine the things she promised she wouldn't dwell on and it had finally gotten too much for her to the point that it frustrated and angered her to the point that she lashed out, hoping that it would make her feel better if she angered him the way she that she felt angry.

What is so great about Harry Potter anyway?

He is handsome and caring. He is selfless and he gave her that feeling of safety and comfort without even having to try. He gave her that immediate feeling that left her awestruck and warm throughout her entire being.

She shook her head again.

No. She could not have those feelings for him, it could never work, could it? No it couldn't, he would never look twice at a snake.

Daphne resigned herself to the fact that she would just have to ignore what she felt for the boy, it just wasn't to be. He was Harry Potter, Gryffindor golden boy and he planned on fighting the dark lord.

She was Daphne Greengrass, Slytherin. Someone who Harry Potter would never look twice at.

Daphne Greengrass tried to be logical in her approach but even logic made no sense. All she knew for sure was that the boy infuriated her yet, she wanted him to hold her in his arms, even if it was just for one more minute just so that she could feel that warmth and comfort again and savour it, imprint it into her very soul so that she could remember it for the rest of her life.