

once again it aint mine uploaded so i can listen to it - original titel Honour thy blood - by TheBlack'sResurgence

supahsanic6969 · Book&Literature
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25 Chs


Today was the day that Harry had been waiting for for almost 2 years, the day that he would be able to see his godfather as a free man, if nothing untoward was to happen to prevent it. He was nervous, that he would freely admit. He knew nothing was assured in the wizarding world but he would do everything he could to ensure the wrongfully accused man was clear so that he could live the life he had been robbed of for the last fourteen years.

He knew that he and Arcturus were going to make waves in the community today but he did not care about what people thought. In his eyes he was doing the right thing and he would happily sacrifice his popularity and the public opinion of him to succeed in what he needed to do. He also hoped that with he and Arcturus making a public appearance, that the trial of his godfather would not be seen as such a big deal.

Harry was sat opposite the older man as he always did while they ate and he could see that the man was excited. His eyes were alight with that excitement and anticipation and Harry was sure he was planning something that would be both grand and memorable. The only time Harry saw the older Black in such a good mood was when he had or was about to really give someone a good dressing down. He knew that the man was going to be in his element today with so many potential 'morons' to insult and subdue in one room.

Harry shook his head at the thought; today was going to be very entertaining at the very least.

"Are you ready Potter?" the older man suddenly asked, the glee evident in his voice.

Harry nodded at him and smirked.

"You look like a kid a Christmas" he pointed out.

"Ohh this is going to be the most fun I've had in years" he replied with a smirk of his own. "It's about time someone slapped the dust of those stagnant old puppets and piss in the face of the bastards that are pulling the strings" he explained.

"And that's your plan?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes" Arcturus answered simply. "It was never a good session unless I'd upset the establishment and I have 15 years of it to catch up on. Some of those shits have gotten way too big for their boots without a good kick up the arse to keep them in line, by the time I'm finished with them they will be queuing up to either kiss my arse or have me killed" he finished.

"Probably the latter" Harry mumbled ruefully.

"With what I'm planning there will be some wet and brown trousers that I can promise" Arcturus replied cryptically. "Remember your glamour and don't sit near me" he added.

"Why?" Harry asked puzzled.

"Dramatic affect Potter, as soon as you announce yourself Fudge will start blowing hot air" He said knowingly. "Just wait and see" he advised shaking his head.

Harry released a deep burst of air but nodded. He knew there would be no changing his mind when it was made up so he would just have to play along. Also he was much more well-versed in politics so it was definitely in Harry's favour to listen to the man.

"It's time to get that idiot grandson of mine" the older man announced. "Put him under that cloak and make sure he keeps his stupid head down Potter, for fuck sake, do not let him piss this away" he finished sternly.

"I'll keep him in line" Harry promised.

"Good, if not the Potter line ends with you boy" Arcturus warned. "And Potter?" he asked making sure he had his attention. "Don't take any shit from any of them, Charlus didn't, and you shouldn't either, you are a Potter, don't forget it" he reminded him firmly.

Harry gulped and nodded, he knew the man was not joking.

Harry collected everything he would need and apparated to collect his godfather feeling more and more nervous about the day ahead.


If Harry was nervous then it was nothing compared to what Sirius Black was feeling, he knew that today he would be either a free man or once again a resident of Azkaban. That thought alone terrified him; not that he couldn't survive it again. What terrified him the most was the thought of Harry being left alone to face what was coming, a thought that had haunted Sirius since Harry had informed him that he had handed the rat over. So many things could go wrong today and Sirius prayed to every deity he knew of to favour him.

He was shaken from his thoughts by the arrival of his godson who he immediately clung to in a sense of desperation.

"We don't have to do this pup" he rambled. "We can just leave things as they are then at least I can still be here when you need me" he added almost pleadingly.

Harry smiled at his godfather and could understand his frantic demeanour.

"Calm down Padfoot" he intoned. "If things go wrong I will personally come and break you out of Azkaban" he promised causing the animagus to return a weak smile. "Just have faith in the old man, he wouldn't let this happen if he wasn't sure about it" Harry explained.

"I know, it's just hard Harry" Sirius responded with a swallow. "It's been fourteen years and I may as well have had no life. I lost you and everything else I cared about, after today I might just have a chance to have something of a life again" he finished.

Harry placed a hand on his godfather's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I know life has been cruel to you but after today we will make up for it I promise" Harry spoke confidently.

The confidence his godson was showing calmed the man considerably and he knew the teen would not steer him wrong. Sirius looked at the boy and couldn't be prouder of the man he was becoming.

"Thank you Harry" he said sincerely. "I'm not sure what I would do without you" he added.

"Neither would I Padfoot" Harry returned the sentiment. "Now shall we go and claim your freedom you mongrel?" he asked with a smirk.

Sirius looked affronted.

"I will have you know that I, Sirius Orion Black, am a dog of the finest breeding" he replied morphing into the black behemoth and posing regally.

Harry shook his head. It was moments like this that he was beginning to truly appreciate and after today, he was looking forward to many more like it.


After having made it through the check point Harry and Sirius were making their way to the chambers in which the wizengamot meeting would be taking place. Harry spotted Amelia Bones scanning the passers-by clearly looking for someone. He managed to catch her eye and give her a nod to which she gestured for him to join her in a room to her right.

"Potter, I assume" she stated as he closed the door behind himself and his godfather.

At his nod she continued.

"Ok I managed to tip-off every major publication in the country to ensure that Fudge can't simply sweep this under the rug" she explained. "He will immediately know that something is going on but by then it will be too late" she added with a grin.

"Good thinking" Harry praised her, not having considered that option. "There is something you should be aware of though Madame Bones" Harry informed her.

"What's that Potter?" she asked with a warning tone.

"I don't want to ruin the surprise I just want you to be prepared for anything" he replied cryptically, having had seconds thoughts about filling her in on all the details.

"I don't like the sound of that" she muttered shaking her head.

"Oh, it's a good thing for us, it is certainly going to create some fireworks though so just be prepared" he responded with a smirk.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm going to have to arrest you one day?" she asked ruefully. "Did you bring him?" she added.

"He's right here" Harry stated gesturing to the space next to him.

Sirius removed the cloak from his head to show that he was present.

"Good" she replied. "Keep hidden until Pettigrew is declared guilty, I have several aurors in the crowd to make sure nothing happens and Potter?" she said turning back to face Harry. "Stay vigilant, I wouldn't put it past some of those in there to take a shot at you or him" She finished nodding towards the animagus.

"I would welcome the attempt" Harry challenged sincerely.

Amelia shook her head.

"I'm sure you would, now, there is one other request I have" she said looking very serious.

"And that is?" Harry questioned.

"Do not mention the dark lord" She instructed firmly. "Today is about setting him free everything else will have to wait, we don't want to give them any reason to discredit you, we want to get in and out as soon as possible, this is going to cause a big enough stir" she warned.

Harry nodded.

"You're right, I have a plan in motion for that anyway where the proof will be irrefutable" he replied knowingly.

"Good, now go and get a seat it will be starting soon" she informed the pair.

Harry and Sirius entered the chamber to see that almost every seat in the room was full. He caught the eye of Jonathan Greengrass who sat in the section of the older families and gave him a wink. The man realised who it was after moment and shook his head while grinning in recognition.

He managed to find a couple of seats around mid-way up the public gallery and decided to simply wait until the festivities started. He noticed Dumbledore staring at him at him from the chief warlock position and gave him a nod. The old man's eyebrows almost disappeared as he realised who the unfamiliar young man was and his eyes twinkled in anticipation, evidently, he had not been told about the rat yet.

Harry looked on as Cornelius Fudge made his entrance surrounded by his usual cohorts including, to Harry's delight, Lucius Malfoy who strutted along next to the minister. Fudge paused when he realised how full the room was but managed to hide his shock fairly well and proceeded to take his seat next to Dumbledore with Malfoy situated on his right.

When the man was seated Dumbledore banged his gavel several times to silence to room.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we have been requested to join here today by Lady Amelia Bones, Head of the department of magical law enforcement to discuss a matter of a grave injustice" he explained. "Madame Bones, the floor is yours" Dumbledore informed her.

"Thank you Chief Warlock" She said inclining her head towards the older wizard. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I hold in my hand here an arrest and conviction record that makes for some very interesting reading, and had it not been brought to my attention it is something I would never have looked at believing as you all do that the man in question is guilty of everything that said record pertains to" she began. "I would like to read some of this record to you and beg that you have patience and indulge me" she requested.

There was a little bit of murmuring amongst the crowd who clearly thought they were having their time wasted on such a small matter but they allowed the head of the DMLE continue.

"It begins in June 1977 with a charge of public indecency" She began again. "The man in which this record refers to had gotten intoxicated after his Hogwarts graduation and exposed himself to a group of passing witches in Diagon Alley stating that;", "My wand is superior to any you will come across". She paused to allow the small pockets of laughter in the room to pass. "Said man then proceeded to vomit on one of the witches and proclaim that 'she was now fit for any ball as she wore the contents of the finest stomach in all the land" she finished shaking her head.

There was some more laughter in the room and Harry could feel his godfather shaking in his efforts to control himself under the cloak next to him. Harry just face-palmed and waited for the moment to pass.

"The man was ordered to pay a 100 galleon fine and make a formal apology to the woman in question" Amelia continued after the laughter had subsided. "There are a few more less serious incidents involving the same man and each time he was arrested and ordered to pay fines and one bout of community service, all recorded in this file" she explained waving the documents. "So I believe it would be fair to deem him a casual nuisance at best, agreed?" she questioned the gathered people.

There was a mumble of agreement from the members of the wizengamot and Amelia continued.

"When we reach the year of 1981 things take a sudden turn for the worse" she continued gravely. "The arrest record dated November 2nd of that year is far more serious; 14 counts of murder" she explained. "I am of course referring to the criminal record of one Sirius Orion Black" she finished.

The uproar in the room was spectacular and it took several minutes for the room to calm down.

"What is the meaning of this Amelia?" Fudge shouted turning red in either rage or embarrassment.

"Well that is where the record ends" the witch explained. "There is an arrest record but there is no transcript of a trial nor is there any documentation of a sentence" she added.

"His sentence is life in Azkaban" Fudge replied in rage. "He is guilty, there is no doubt about it" he said warningly and with a hint of threat in his tone.

"Well I looked into the matter" Amelia continued, "and there was no trial and Sirius Black was never convicted in a court of law" she informed the room.

"Well that is easily fixed, I will sentence and convict him now" Fudge replied as though the matter was now dealt with.

"Actually Cornelius you won't" Amelia retorted.

"And why is that Madame Bones?" Fudge asked using her job title purposely. "I am the minister of magic and I feel that it is within my power to do so" he said smugly.

"And I am the head of the DMLE, it is part of my job to ensure trials are completed and sentences are befitting of the crime committed" She responded. "And the reason you will not sentence Sirius Black, is because new evidence has been brought forward that in fact clears his name" she added just as smugly.

Again there was an uproar in the room as many men and women shouted what they thought of that piece of information.

"The case is 14 years old Amelia, what new evidence could there possibly be?" Fudge questioned, clearly becoming flustered.

"A new suspect" Amelia answered simply.

"Impossible" Fudge retorted to which Amelia raised her eyebrows.

"Bring him in" She shouted towards the door of the chambers.

The door opened to admit Kingsley Shacklebolt and Mad-eye Moody dragging Pettigrew between them into the room.

Harry saw Malfoy blanch and several other people in the room shift uncomfortably, he made sure to take note of them.

The two aurors placed and bound the man to the chair that was already set up in the centre of the room.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Peter Pettigrew" Amelia introduced the squat man.

Again there were many shouts of outrage and it took a canon-like blast from Dumbledore's wand to silence them.

"Peter Pettigrew is a national hero" Fudge shouted at the head of the DMLE. "He is the reason we captured Black" he added. "I do not know who this man is but you have crossed the line" he finished with a roar pointing a shaking and accusing finger at the witch.

"This is the man stated, it has been verified by several sources" she explained ignoring the minister.

"Then why is he in your custody?" he asked. "Surely we as a nation should be celebrating the return of a hero and yet you have him bound like a common criminal" he countered but was clearly looking nervous.

"He is in my custody as he was apprehended by a member of the public who recognised him and knows for a fact that he is guilty of not only murdering the muggles that Sirius Black is accused of, but also selling out the Potters to You-know-who that led to said murders." Amelia explained sounding a little smug.

Fudge was clearly getting flustered, especially at the reference to Voldemort.

"And what evidence do you have to prove this?" he questioned.

"For starters" Amelia began. "We have questioned Pettigrew under veritaserum and he had some very interesting things to say" she continued. "And" she continued further walking towards a very shaky Pettigrew, "there is this" she said pulling up the left sleeve and revealing the dark mark on the man's forearm.

There was a gasp within the room as the offending tattoo was revealed. It was clear to see that Fudge was thinking hard. Admitting that Sirius was innocent would put his political standing in a very precarious position especially as the gathered witches and wizards were from predominantly old families who would not take kindly to one of their own being persecuted wrongly to such an extent, despite personal feelings towards the man.

"The mark means nothing" he responded angrily. "Some of the most prominent members of the community have been marred with its ugliness unwillingly, it being given to them under the Imperius curse" he concluded with a nod.

"That may be so Cornelius" Amelia retorted sceptically, "but you cannot break the Fidelius Charm unwillingly even if you are placed under an Imperius or even given veritaserum" she explained knowingly. "The fact of the matter is that Peter Pettigrew is guilty, why else would he hide for all these years?" she asked the room in general.

"Perhaps he was scared" Fudge tried.

"Of what exactly?" Amelia replied with a raised eyebrow. "Sirius Black was in Azkaban and he was hailed a hero, what possible reason would he have to spend the best part of the last 14 years hiding in his animagus form?" She questioned.

"Now see here Amelia, Peter Pettigrew is not an animagus" Fudge responded triumphantly. "He is not on the register and none have been registered in almost 40 years" he concluded confidently. "Now if you cannot offer me any other evidence besides a mark that means nothing and your own speculation then we will end this farce" he said with a sharp nod.

Amelia stared at the man and couldn't believe he would think she would allow it to rest so easily.

"Come off it Cornelius you know as well as I do that there are hundreds of unregistered animagi out there" She pointed out. "And I will happily administer veritaserum to him again to prove to everyone here that what I have said is true" she replied.

Lucius Malfoy leaned in to Fudge and whispered in his ear which caused the man to nod vigorously and grin victoriously.

"Veritaserum can only be used if it can be assured that the man is in his correct frame of mind and has not been subject to mind altering spells" he replied. "And I am confident that if what you have said is true, that this man has spent more than a decade in an animagus form, then he is in no mental condition to be held accountable under the potion, and add to the matter that he was brought in by a member of the public, as you say, we cannot guarantee that his mind has not been altered unduly to corroborate what you claim" he responded. "So it is in the interest of our community that I do not allow you to proceed and all dealings pertaining to Mr Pettigrew today will be stricken from the record and the media present will not be allowed to publish or speak of anything witnessed here this morning, vows of silence will be taken on the matter before anyone leaves" he concluded with a smirk.

Harry had seen enough of the ministers antics and with a wave of his hand across his face he dispelled his glamour and stood.

"I don't think so Fudge" he spoke loudly but controlled in his emotion.

The minister looked towards the young man and frowned.

"And what concern of this is yours?" he asked irritably.

"It was I who apprehended and brought him in" Harry replied.

"And who might you be?" Fudge asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Lord Harry James Potter" the teen replied neutrally.

A heavy silence fell across the room as the identity of the young man sank in. Many sat with mouths wide open and some looked as though they had been slapped.

Harry revelled in the shock on the face of Lucius Malfoy and he took a moment to glare at the now even more pale man.

It was those eyes that had Lucius in such a state, he remembered that emerald fire that made him very uncomfortable then, but now it sent a shiver through every fibre of his being.

Fudge took a minute to compose himself but when he did he was back in full political mode.

"Well, Mr Potter it is nice of you to come out of the woodwork" he intoned insincerely. "We have been looking for you for some time and have been very concerned for your welfare" he continued. "But you must know that as an underage wizard you are not allowed within these chambers" he explained with a grin. "Therefore I will have to ask you kindly to go with the aurors who will accompany you to my office and when this meeting is concluded we will be having you placed under ministry care as it seems your current guardians are clearly not fit to care for a child" he concluded.

"Actually Cornelius" Dumbledore cut in. "Lord Potter is able to be within these chambers with his guardians permission ad as you so accurately determined, Lord Potters guardians were not suitable so as chief warlock and as Harry's headmaster I had his care transferred to a much more suitable guardian" he explained with his eyes twinkling merrily.

"I will be the judge of appropriate guardians" Fudge replied annoyed. "I am sure I could find a suitable family in which Potter can reside for the foreseeable future" he said shooting a glance towards Malfoy that Harry did not miss.

"I would be very happy to reside with Mr Malfoy, if he would be so kind to offer his hospitality" Harry broke in with a malicious grin to which Malfoy blanched at.

"There is no need Lord Potter" Dumbledore said dismissively. "I have taken it upon myself to have you placed under my care, I couldn't think of anyone more appropriate than the chief warlock of the wizengamot" he explained. "And I am sure there will be no disagreements here" he spoke again, addressing the room to which no one objected to the old man's conclusion.

Fudge looked nothing short of flustered and was clearly thinking hard. His thoughts were interrupted by Dumbledore.

"As Lord Potters current guardian, for however long that may be, he has both my permission and full support in this matter" he allowed, again addressing the room.

Malfoy snapped out of his shock and began whispering to the minister again with urgency.

"Well Potter, I have just been informed that veritaserum would not be appropriate for you" he began. "It seems that you have a high resistance to the Imperius curse, as demonstrated by yourself in your fourth year at Hogwarts" he elaborated. "That means there is a distinct possibility that you can fight off the effects of the potion, therefore your input is denied" he finished gleefully.

"It is Lord Potter Fudge" Harry retorted standing his ground. "And yes Lucius Malfoy would be aware of my resistance to the Imperius curse wouldn't you?" he questioned the blonde. "What is wrong Malfoy? You look as though you have seen a ghost" he continued with glare at the man. "And I won't allow you to sweep this under the carpet again minister" he explained. "I told you about Pettigrew two years ago and you ignored me then, but not this time" he said shaking his head. "I may not be able to be questioned under veritaserum, but I can give an oath which I am sure will be sufficient for all of those present" he finished looking around the room.

"I for one would be very interested in what Lord Potter has to say" Augusta Longbottom announced standing to be acknowledged.

Harry nodded at the witch in recognition and gratitude.

"As would I" Jonathan Greengrass interjected.

Fudge again looked flustered and turned towards Malfoy who was looking defeated.

"I will not allow it" Fudge roared slamming his fist on the table.

"Yes you will Fudge" Harry replied calmly. "My godfather has spent 12 years in Azkaban because of ministry incompetence while the man responsible for the death of my parents has been allowed to roam free" he continued. "If there are no other objections then you have no choice but to allow it, but answer me this" he added. "Why would I lie about this? Why would I be here speaking on behalf of Sirius Black if he was the reason my parents were murdered?" Harry questioned gravely.

"Clearly someone has addled your brains" Fudge retorted.

"You were just informed of my resistance to the Imperius curse, if you believe someone has messed with my mind then it would be weak enough to be completely under the influence of the potion so then we can proceed with that avenue" Harry responded. "Or you can let me give an oath and we do it that way, it is your choice minister" Harry replied triumphantly.

There was silence for several minutes as Fudge blustered and clearly tried to counter the young man.

"Excellent" Amelia cut in after more than an appropriate amount of time had passed. "If you would care to come down, Lord Potter" she requested.

Harry approached to where Amelia indicated and waited for her to proceed.

"If you would give an oath that you will tell the truth and answer all questions honestly regarding the events in question then we may proceed" She explained.

Harry gave the oath and when everyone in the room was happy that it was given satisfactorily Amelia continued.

"Lord Potter, can you give, in your own words, your account of what you know to be factual in regards to what has been discussed today" she requested.

Harry went on to explain the events of third year and the conclusion in which Pettigrew was discovered and admitted his guilt. He then went on to explain that Pettigrew escaped and Fudge dismissed the claims of Himself, Ron and Hermione.

"So to the best of your knowledge Sirius Black is indeed innocent of the crimes he has been accused of?" Amelia questioned when Harry had finished his version of events.

"He is" he replied.

"Are there any doubts to Lord Potter's account?" she asked the room.

"I do not doubt Lord Potters account" Lord Abbott cut in. "But it is not irrefutable, I for one need more evidence and I think a trial for Sirius Black is necessary to eliminate any other doubts" he explained.

"I think you are right Lord Abbott" Amelia replied, surprising many in the room. "Mr Black? If you don't mind" she requested.

To the shock of the room Sirius Black appeared where Harry had and made his way to where his godson was now stood.

"Aurors arrest that man" Fudge roared.

Harry slid his wand into his hand and gave the man a cold glare.

"Any man who attempts to attack my godfather will have to face me" he spoke quietly but dangerously, allowing some of his magic to escape him.

The whole room was stunned by the showdown between the two until Augusta Longbottom intervened.

"For goodness sake minister we have just ascertained that Lord Potter was telling the truth" she pointed out exasperatedly. "This trial is simply a formality" She concluded.

"Be that as it may Mr Black is still a wanted criminal and will be taken into custody, a trial will be ascertained at a later date" he replied clearly looking to delay things and gain himself some time.

"Oh shut up Fudge you overblown piss-monkey" a voice suddenly rang out. "The boy is here so he will get his trial now so you and your corrupt bunch of buffoons can't try and cover it up" the voice continued.

Fudge looked murderous at such an interruption and there was a lot of mumbling in disbelief that someone would dare speak to the minister in such a way.

"Who dares address me in such a manner" he asked angrily.

"That would be me you incompetent sack of shit, how the hell did a moron like you ever make minister?" a man questioned rising to his feet. Harry could see Arcturus had clearly had enough of Fudge and his attempts to both stop the proceedings and delay them any way he could.

"And who the bloody hell are you?" Fudge asked angrily but with a hint of wariness.

"I would be Baron Arcturus Orion Black, head of the Black family" Arcturus answered.

There were several loud gasps and looks of shock within the crowd. Harry found it very amusing that most of the darker families were looking very smug and triumphant all except for Malfoy who looked on the brink of fainting.

Fudge swallowed several times and attempted to compose himself but failed miserably. Seeing his opportunity, Arcturus continued his tirade.

"Is this what has become of this once great governing body?" he asked the room. "All I see now is a shower of bastards and cowards, your Fathers would be ashamed of you all" he continued. "You allow yourselves to be led by this glorified paper pusher who has his strings pulled by the biggest scumbag in existence" he added gesturing to Malfoy who was doing a very accurate impression of a gaping fish. "You all disgust me" he concluded.

"Baron Black" Theodore Nott Senior called out. "It is good to see you alive and well" he said with a bow. "Tell me, we thought you were dead, where have you been these past years?" he asked.

"Not that it is any of your concern you jumped up fuck wit" Arcturus replied. "But I have been… hunting" he finished with a grin. "It was recently bought to my attention that my grandson is in fact innocent so I am here as his head of house to offer my unconditional support, he will after all be the next Lord Black" he explained.

"Baron Black" Lucius Malfoy cut in sounding very nervous. "I too would like to echo the sentiments of Lord Nott and say it is good to see you back, I, having married a daughter of your house have been carrying out your duties in your stead as you know my son will one day be the head of your family" he explained with a bow.

"Is that so?" Arcturus questioned. "And under what authority have you been acting in my stead?" he asked with a glare. "Was it voted on by the other families?" he questioned further.

"It was I who appointed Lucius to that position" Fudge replied confidently. "I felt that as he was married in to your family and his son is the heir to the Lordship that it was appropriate" he answered.

"So you gave my family votes without the permission of the governing body?" Arcturus asked clearly angry. "And let me clarify, your son will never be the head of my family, I would sooner see it crumble to nothingness than allow a Malfoy to have that position" he spat. "My grandson is my heir and shall he not be able to produce an heir of his own then he already has one in place that will more than suffice" he explained coldly. "I will be taking my votes back also and this matter is not closed Fudge, how dare you usurp the house of Black with your dirty politics" he finished glaring at the now suitably cowed minister.

"I think that it is prudent for us to continue" Dumbledore cut in looking very thoughtful and uncomfortable.

"Yes, we should" Amelia replied in a similar state. "Administer the veritaserum to Mr Black Please" she requested and attempted to compose herself.

Sirius willingly took the potion and the tell-tale glazed expression could soon be seen in his eyes.

"What is your name?" Amelia asked him.

"Sirius Orion Black" was the reply she received.

"Did you kill the muggles in question?" she asked.

"No, it was Peter Pettigrew" was the monotonous answer.

"Were you the Potter's secret keeper?" she questioned further.

The room was silent waiting for the man's reply.

"No, it was Peter Pettigrew" he answered again.

There was furious whispering from the crowd and Amelia waited for it to stop before she continued.

"Are you or have you ever been a supporter of the dark lord?" she asked finally.

"No, I have not nor ever will be" he answered firmly.

"Are there any other objections?" Amelia asked the room who were suitably shocked by the events of the day.

When nobody objected Dumbledore addressed the room.

"Then it is my duty to inform you Mr Black, that all charges against you are therefore dropped, you are now a free man" he finished with a smile.

Sirius immediately stood and grabbed his godson in a crushing hug.

"We did it" he said dumbly. "I'm finally free" he added his eyes starting to water in happiness.

Harry said nothing but hugged the man tightly, very pleased at the outcome. He turned to look at Dumbledore who was looking between Harry and Arcturus knowingly. He gave the teen a smile and a nod.

"Oh and one other thing" Arcturus said loudly, gaining the attention of the room. "Any and all alliances that the house of Black has that I have not personally facilitated are hereby void and null, if any of you shits owes money to my house you have one month to pay it in full or the consequences will be very unpleasant" he finished with a glare.

There was some very uncomfortable looking men in the room now.

"I guess it turns out that you didn't need us" Andromeda said approaching the small group with her husband. "It looks like Potter handled it quite well" she added.

"No but it was best to have you there in case things really got messy and that shit Lucius nearly caused some real problems" Arcturus explained bitterly. "Speak of the devil" he muttered seeing that Malfoy was approaching.

"Baron Black" Lucius intoned with an elaborate bow. "I believe we have much to discuss in regards to your house and in particular some of the financial investments I have made on your behalf" he requested. "I have a very interested party who would seek an alliance with yourself" he finished with another bow.

"We" Arcturus replied. "have nothing to discuss you moron, did I not make myself clear?" he questioned the blonde. "As for your interested party he just like you can go and fuck himself" Arcturus growled firmly.

"You have no idea what you are doing" Lucius hissed with a whisper.

"Oh I know exactly what I am doing you French goat botherer, I was there that night back in June, who do you think helped young Lord Potter here" he explained with a grin.

Harry looked as though he wanted to kill Malfoy there and then and was clearly exercising some significant restraint.

Arcturus stepped towards the blonde and spoke in a whisper.

"Believe me Malfoy nothing will give me greater pleasure than seeing Potter end you in the most painful way possible, I hope it is something I get to witness soon" he said with a sadistic smile.

Malfoy blanched and made to flee, obviously to inform his master of the developments.

"Malfoy?" Harry called out causing the blonde to turn to him. "I look forward to seeing you again, I think our world will be much better without scumbags like you in it, even though your home country is very nice, I hear you had quite an unsuccessful business trip there recently" he finished with a smirk seeing the look of realisation dawn on the man's face as he managed to scarper.

"Might I assume that it is you that have been keeping young Mr Potter here safe?" Dumbledore addressed Arcturus having approached unseen by the group.

Arcturus growled at the intrusion, clearly not happy by it.

"Assumptions are very dangerous things Dumbledore" he retorted. "I suggest you don't make them where I am concerned" he advised.

Dumbledore chuckled.

"I see that you still have your venomous tongue" he intoned undeterred by the man's demeanour.

"And I see you are still an interfering old git with that annoying twinkle" the other man replied casually.

"I believe we will need to have a conversation" Dumbledore returned questioningly.

"Oh we will be having a conversation when I can tolerate your presence enough to do so and in the mean time you will hand over Potter's guardianship to my grandson, where it belongs" he demanded irritably to which Dumbledore nodded.

"I look forward to our conversation" he replied with a bow. "And may I offer the use of my floo connection?" he asked. "You will find it through the door behind my desk I am sure you don't want to be delayed by the crowd who will no doubt want to be talking to you" he added before leaving.

Arcturus growled again and began swearing under his breath about 'old bastards' and such.

Nevertheless the group made their way to the floo point as directed by Dumbledore when Harry was stopped by Jonathan Greengrass and Robert Davis.

"You certainly know how to make a wizengamot meeting much more interesting Lord Potter" Jonathan said while the other man nodded his agreement. "I very much look forward to seeing you again" he finished with a genuine smile.

"You too Lord Greengrass, Lord Davis" Harry replied returning the smile.

The group continued to the floo point ignoring the looks from several others who clearly wished to speak to them but clearly dared not approach.

"Back to my place?" Sirius questioned.

"Yes, it has been some time since I've seen that hovel" Arcturus answered with distaste evident. "I need to speak to the elf as it happens" he added.

With that the group flooded to Grimmauld place and all took seats around the kitchen table but were quickly and unceremoniously interrupted by the arrival of most members of the order of the phoenix.

"Dumbledore asked us to meet here" Kingsley explained giving a nervous glance towards Arcturus who was mumbling about being surrounded by imbeciles.

"Then we should leave" Andromeda announced standing.

"You will stay put" Arcturus instructed firmly. "This is a Black family home and we will be present in it as and when we wish" he finished glaring at the order members who were looking confused by his presence.

"You are of course quite right Baron Black" Dumbledore agreed entering the room causing some of the gathered people who knew of Arcturus to gasp. "It would be quite rude of us to insist that you leave" he finished.

"You don't mean to offer him membership?" Molly Weasley asked nervously to which Arcturus allowed a bark of laughter.

"I wouldn't join this group for all the gold in Gringotts" he snarked bitterly. "You all might be happy kissing his crinkled old arse" he added pointing to Dumbledore, "but I will answer to no man" he finished resolutely.

"So whose side are you on?" Kingsley asked clearly offended.

"Mine" Arcturus answered simply.

The room was silent for some time until Molly broke the silence.

"So it is you that has turned Harry into what he is" she said accusingly to the older man who glared in return.

"I think you will find that I merely helped the boy when he was in need, everything he has become is his own doing and he should be proud of what he has accomplished, not that it concerns you" he pointed out.

"He should be proud that he is a killer?" she responded disbelievingly.

"He should be proud that he has become his own man and one that holds his family values as true as he does" Arcturus replied coldly. "He should be proud that he is willing to truly fight for what he believes in regardless of what any of you think" he finished with another glare around the room.

It was then that the door opened, admitting Mad-eye Moody and McGonagall.

"Well Pettigrew has been…" Moody began but froze at the sight of Arcturus as did Minerva.

"Auror Moody, I see your dodging and shielding did not improve over the years" Arcturus said disappointedly. "And stop gaping like a moron for fuck sake" he added shaking his head.

Moody composed himself and snapped to attention.

"Yes sir" he replied loudly and clearly. "I lost my damn leg before I could improve sir" he added in a military fashion.

"Hmm at least not all of you are completely brain dead idiots" Arcturus mumbled. "Be seated Moody" he commaded dismissively and to the surprise of those in the room the man obeyed.

"I was not aware that you and Alastor were acquainted" Dumbledore spoke, addressing Arcturus who ignored him.

"Aye, he came and taught us a few things when I was training" Moody replied still looking a little shocked.

"Interesting" Dumbledore mused stroking his beard.

"Nothing interesting about it" Arcturus cut in. "I taught the boy a few things end of story" he explained. "Now Minerva it is good to see you" he added to the still stunned Scot.

"You too Baron Black" She replied with a curtsey. "I was upset to hear that your wife passed" she added sincerely.

"She was a good woman, who I plan on being reacquainted with soon enough" he responded genuinely causing another silence in the room.

"Well now that everyone is here we can celebrate the fact that Sirius is now a free man" Dumbledore broke the awkward silence, to which those who were not in the know cheered for the man who had already begun to summon bottles of firewhiskey.

Arcturus snatched a bottle from his hand.

"There will be plenty of time for you to drink yourself into a grave after the war" he growled to his grandson. "Priorities first" he added firmly to which Sirius just nodded. "Have you been practicing?" he asked.

"Every day for as long as possible" Sirius replied.

"Good so you won't be completely useless in a fight" Arcturus responded. "And did you get your wands?" he asked again to which Sirius nodded and removed one from a wrist holster.

"Willow and cherry with direwolf claw and chimera heartstring with and obsidian focus crystal" he explained the elements of his wand.

"Satisfactory" the older man deemed.

The gathering continued with people having casual conversations and Arcturus even spoke to Moody in a somewhat friendly manner. It wasn't much later that the door opened revealing a very dishevelled Remus Lupin to whom Sirius ran to immediately.

"We did it Moony, I'm free" he announced pulling his childhood friend into a hug.

"That's great Padfoot" the man replied genuinely but he still looked apprehensive.

"Remus, what's wrong?" Sirius asked in concern.

Before the other man could reply a woman entered the room and moved him to the side and simply stared at Sirius with so much emotion in her eyes.

"Oh shit" Harry said having recognised the woman.

"Hello Sirius" the woman addressed the man looking very nervous and uncomfortable.

Everyone could see the shock on Sirius' face but no one spoke a word. None of them recognised the woman who looked as dishevelled as Remus but was clearly very beautiful. She had many scars on the skin that could be seen on her arms and she looked a little ragged.

"But you're dead" Sirius replied dumbly and fled the room as quickly as he could.

Remus made to follow him but was held back by the woman.

"No Remus, I will go" she said firmly. "It is me that has a lot to explain" she added and followed the man from the room.

"Who the hell was that?" Kingsley asked after a few moments had passed.

"That would be Sirius' fiancé" Harry replied to the shocked group.


Sirius entered the drawing room in complete shock and utter disbelief at what just happened. He paced backwards and forwards mumbling to himself.

"No it can't be right, someone is playing a trick on me" he spoke to himself. "She's dead, she wouldn't do that to me" he added trying to convince himself that it wasn't true.

His rambling was interrupted by the woman he was currently thinking about. She entered the room and closed the door softly. The two just stared at each other for some time before she broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Please will you talk to me Sirius?" she pleaded. "Please just let me explain".

"What is there to explain?" Sirius asked in reply. "You died 15 years ago" he said shaking his head.

"I'm right here" she whispered attempting to grab the man's hand but he pulled away much to her dismay.

"No" he denied shaking his head.

He looked at the woman, he could see it truly was her but instead of feeling relieved he felt angry. Had someone said to him only 24 hours ago she would walk back in to his life he would have welcomed it, but seeing her now did not reflect that sentiment. He was hurt and he was furious, how dare she just walk back in like that?

"Sirius please" she pleaded again. "Please talk to me, don't do this" she begged.

"Me?" the man replied furiously. "Me do this? It was you that did this Marlene, how could you?" he asked becoming emotional.

"Please I was scared Sirius, look at me" she demanded when the man would not meet her gaze. "Look at what they did to me" she added removing her blouse and showing off her scarred torso. "I was ashamed, they turned me into one of them and I didn't know what to do" she said beginning to cry.

"You should have come to me" Sirius replied.

"And you would have wanted me looking like this?" she questioned bitterly and sceptically.

"Yes" Sirius replied simply. "There was nothing that could have happened to you that would have made me want you any less" he confirmed firmly. "Do you think so little of me?" he asked. "Do you think that I was only with you because of the way you looked? If that is true then you did not know me at all" he finished in disappointment again turning from the woman

"And it would have been that easy, you would have just accepted it?" she asked.

"Yes it is that simple and yes I would have accepted, but I would have hunted every one of those bastards down for what they did to you" he explained.

The woman remained silent and something within Sirius snapped.

"15 years Marlene" he began. "15 years I have mourned for you, every single day I thought of you and wished for nothing more than to have you with me and for 15 years I have felt this pain" he choked, beginning to cry himself. "And let me tell you it doesn't get any easier, the pain does not go away, I just got better at dealing with it" he finished swallowing and just allowed himself to cry for a minute.

"I understand…" she began but was cut off.

"No you don't understand" Sirius shouted. "I thought you were dead, do you know what that did to me?" he asked. "Even if I didn't end up in Azkaban there would never have been anyone else for me, you were my whole world and you just left as though I was nothing" he added bitterly.

"It wasn't like that" she replied quietly through her own tears.

"Then what was it like?" Sirius retorted. "Explain it to me because I don't understand" he said grabbing her by the hands.

"Do you think people would have accepted us being together with me like this?" she asked. "You could have had any woman you wanted besides Alice and Lils why the hell would you want a werewolf and one with these?" she asked gesturing to her scars.

"Because I loved you" he replied without hesitation. "Because I loved every last thing about you and no other woman could be you and they never could be" he continued. "Regardless of if you were a werewolf or not I would have stuck by you and everyone and everything else be damned, because I know that we would have been happy and that is all that would have mattered to me" he finished.

"Loved me?" she asked quietly. "So you don't anymore?" she questioned desperately.

"There will never be a day that I stop loving you Marlene but after this what do you expect from me?" he returned.

"To please not shut me out and give me a chance to make it up to you" she asked gripping the man's hands tighter in her own.

When he did not reply she continued.

"All I wanted was to come back and I almost did" she began. "I got back to England and heard the You-know-who had been killed and that you had been sent to Azkaban for being a traitor" she explained.

"I was innocent" Sirius replied heatedly.

"And I know that now but I didn't then" she responded. "I believed for all these years that you were guilty and that it was me that had driven you to it, it wasn't until Remus found me and explained everything that I realised how stupid I had been" she continued. "And I knew I had to come back and see you if only to apologise, I couldn't live with that kind of guilt" she sighed shaking her head.

When the man remained silent she continued.

"I love you Sirius Black and I never stopped loving you" she spoke sincerely, grabbing his chin and turning him to face her. "Even though I thought you were guilty and I tried to stop loving you I couldn't" she whispered clearly ashamed. "I still love you and there has never been another man for me, this" she said waving her left hand in his face showing a white gold ring with a diamond in the centre, "is meant to be for life, no matter what, and I'm sorry that I didn't understand that but I was young and I was scared and I still am" She admitted. "If you want me to leave then I will but please do not make the same mistake that I did" she pleaded.

When Sirius remained silent she pulled away dejected and began to remove the ring to return to the man.

He grabbed her hand, stopping her, and looked her in the eyes, the same eyes he had thought about the last 15 years, those same eyes he had fallen in love with all those years ago.

"You mean it?" he managed to croak his eyes welling with tears.

"With all my heart" She answered sincerely.

Sirius grabbed her and pulled him to her, clinging as though he would never let go, he certainly didn't plan to. It would be some time before they would be seen again, 15 years is a lot of lost time to make up for.


Lord Voldemort was currently sat at a table in Malfoy manor going through the various reports he had received from his men on the continent. Things were beginning to look up. He had managed to easily bring the werewolves to his side and he was about ready to begin negotiating with the vampires. He was even managing to find more followers from abroad which pleased him greatly and they would certainly be a welcome addition to the army he was amassing. He was a little concerned that the rat had still not returned but he took the sign of the returning dementors as a good thing. The problem with them was that he could not communicate with them but they seemed to be in their normal spirit. He was dragged from his thoughts by the door bursting open to reveal a very frantic and concerned looking Lucius Malfoy.

"This had better be important Lucius" he hissed. "I am very busy" he added.

"My Lord" Lucius intoned bowing before the man. "It was Potter" he managed to stammer out.

"What are you blathering on about Lucius" Voldemort replied confused.

"He was the one in France my Lord" he whispered clearly fearful of his masters wrath.

"Impossible" the Dark Lord spat. "Potter is dead, I killed him" he continued vehemently.

"He caught the rat, he was at the wizengamot today" Lucius responded almost pleadingly.

Lord Voldemort allowed a moment to pass for the information to sink in and to let the shock pass. After a moment he roared in fury and aimed his wand towards the wall and blasted an enormous hole in it.

"Rookwood" he roared.

The two men waited for the third to join them. When he did he looked confused for a moment and then fearful after gaging the mood of the Dark Lord.

"My Lord" he greeted bowing to the clearly furious man.

"I want the guard on the department of mysteries doubled and I want to know the second anyone enters the room who should not be there" he ordered.

"Yes my Lord" the man replied with a bow.

"Fetch Rowle and Nott also, I have a job for the three of you" he demanded to which the man left immediately to carry out his orders.

"That is not all my Lord" Lucius cut in shaking and cowering.

"What else is it?" Voldemort asked daringly.

"Black is back, Arcturus" he managed to stutter out.

The Dark Lord could not understand how that would be so important, but then the realisation sunk in, not that Lucius would understand the importance.

His Horcruxes. Regulus knew about them and must have told the old bastard. But why would he get involved? He realised it must have been him that helped Potter and then it sunk in. He must have known the Dark Lord killed his Grandson and the Blacks did not take kindly to transgressions against them. Arcturus had a reputation for vengeance, it was well known that he fought against Grindelwald for killing his brother and father. He would have to be eliminated, he could cause problems but Potter was the main concern and the Dark Lord was truly concerned. No matter how much he had tried he had not been able to kill the boy.

"You said that it was Potter in France?" he questioned Lucius with a hint of worry.

"Yes my Lord" Malfoy replied keeping his head bowed.

"It seems that he has learnt a thing or two" he mused to himself, his worry increasing.

He knew he would have to gage how powerful and skilled the boy had become and he needed to know the contents of that prophecy. Something felt very wrong to the Dark Lord, he just hoped that Wormtail had been unsuccessful in reaching the castle.

"I want Potter punished" he suddenly spat. "I don't care how, but I want it done" he roared his worry turning to fury but not completely fading.

"What would you have me do my Lord?" Lucius asked.

"I want you to tell me everything and keep doing what you are doing Lucius" he commanded. "Keep close to Fudge and report back everything and anything" he added.

Rookwood returned with Nott and Rowle who were both looking concerned, both having been present at the meeting this morning.

"My Lord" they all intoned in unison.

"Lucius" he said addressing the fourth man. "How would you suggest we get to Potter?" he asked.

"If he is protected by Black then there is no chance and it is impossible to get to him at his relatives because of the wards in place" he began knowingly. "But we could get to him through the people he cares about" he added, clearly having an idea.

"And that would be?" the Dark Lord asked.

"The Weasley's" Lucius replied with a smirk.

"There you have it gentlemen" the Dark Lord said to the other three. "That is your mission, and do not fail me" he warned darkly.

The other three men just nodded and left, they had a job to do.