
Hey Stop Chasing Me

I want to avoid them but they keep coming back. Four guys, five lives change once we met. I didn't want them to get caught into my troubles. One guy: "I will always protect you" Second guy: "You are worth more than anything valuable in this world" Third guy: "I just want to chain you up and trap you in a cage" Fourth guy: "You heal me better than any medicine I could create." (This is a reverse harem genre. So that means one girl multiple guys. No it’s not smut but does have steamy scenes later in the story.)

Helpful2468 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

"Hey, did you hear?" one girl asked her friend.

"What?" her friend replied back.

"I heard that we are getting a new student today."

"Really, is it a girl or handsome boy?"

"I heard that it was a guy."

"Though, I wonder why he is transferring in so late in the school year."

"Yeah, it's hard to get into Sì Xiàng Academy unless you're one of those that buys their way into the school like some people." Both girls smirked

Sì Xiàng Academy, the one educational facility which has the best of the best studying within it. From academics, sports, military, and medicine Sì Xiàng Academy teaches them. Though there is one bane that the academy has is class thirteen where the lowest of the low in each grade go. It mainly consists of the trouble students and students that score extremely low that they mostly buy their way into the school.

Down a hallway two sets of footsteps echo the hallways. "I do hope that you don't cause any trouble or disgrace our school while you are studying here. You will be joining class thirteen since you someone scored a zero on our admissions test." a short pudgy male teacher lectured the guy as they walked. "Did you hear me student Nian Qu?"

Nian Qu yawned, as he lazily answered, "Yes, teacher."

The teacher hmp and walked into the classroom.

Today he was dressed really shabby. His long hair was a mess that it even covered over his eyes, he wore thick nerdy type of glasses, his uniform was wrinkled and not tucked in. One word that seemed to sum him up was bumpkin. A very unfashionable dirty country bumpkin.

The class became silent as the door opened. Everyone stared at him as he entered. "Just sit anywhere." the teacher said casually.

He nodded and headed all the way back where he saw a familiar face. He smiled as he looked at her. "We meet again, cutie. Nice to meet you." also my target Mo Tang.

Mo Tang was surprised at the strange fellow who looked very messy in his school uniform. "You are?"

He pouted a bit as he lifted his glasses a bit to only show her his face, "Remember me from yesterday."

Recognition filled her face as she remembered him but then she frowned. "Here is a bit of advice since you helped me yesterday but it's better for you to not to get too close to or else, you'll be outcast by everyone as well."

"Is that so," he said with a gentle smile, "Thank you for the advice but I think I'll stick to you since you seem to be really honest."

Giggles and snickers from the people, "Trash pairing up with a bumpkin seem to be a match in heaven. Hey Mo Tang don't you think so, now you might actually have a chance to have a boyfriend."

Mo Tang didn't say anything as she lowered her head in embarrassment. She was used to this but she didn't want the nice guy that helped her yesterday to be caught up in her troubles.

Nian Yu just gave the two people in front of them a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "You know I heard some interesting news before coming to school. A certain female was spotted to be shoplifting from a store close to the building. They just caught on camera yesterday and she is a frequent customer there so they're now reviewing past tapes to see if she stole any other items in the past. Also, I heard that some went to a drag race and totaled his father's limited-edition car without his knowing.

Both pale when he finished speaking.

"Hey quiet down in the back. I know you guys would pay attention so I don't care about that, just keep your mouths shut while I'm teaching a class." shouted the teacher.

He yawned again and put his head down. Mo Tang just stared at him, wondering if he'll survive this class and school. Because in this school the strong bullied the weak here. Especially her who is a primary target.

A piece of paper landed on her desk. She opened it and it read, Can you show me around the school today? I will wait for you by the door." She looked at the guy next to her with his head down. She pondered for a bit and wrote yes and threw it on his desk.