
_My disturbed slumber!

Oh my goodness...who the hell is knocking on the door like a mad man? Seriously? Are you trying to breakdown the poor innocent wooden door?

Groaning getting up from disturbed slumber, I checked the alarm clock on the side table. 3.00 am. Oh...that person totally gonna get a hard slap on the face! Can't they check the time properly before knocking on somebody else door? I've got work tomorrow morning. Damn early!


Walking out from my bedroom, unlocked the door I look out with flat expressed face towards that person with cloudy eye sight. With grumbling inwards I did curses to whoever outside because how dare my slumber to be disturbed!

"Seriously? What is going on here? Can't you considered yourself to not to wake up the neighborhood with that loud banging especially on my door?"

I did crossed my arms on my chest to show how my real feeling right now towards that...Lily?

"Sorr-sorry...hehehe....I- I missed you..." obviously with the slurred and strong unpleasant smell, I could see the way Lily leaned on the door's iron gate. Giggling and hiccuping made her look so wasted. I blinked rapidly to adjust my sight. Hmm...yeah, she is Lily the youngest.

"You really did missed me at the 3 o'clock in the morning? Hmm...nice way to expressed your feeling but...I'm not missing you at all. Get in!" I drag her arm into the living room and propped her on the couch after locking back the door.

Just like that she's snoring in her instant sleep. I shoke my head not getting understand about this little miss Lily. Not to mention about her wicked sisters: Orchid and Poppy. The triplets really a troublesome...all the time. I sigh harshly walking into my room to continue my slumber.

5.17 am.

Not again! I trashing on my bed under the sheet before I kicked out the sheet off for the loud knocking with almost crying expression.

Please let me sleep peacefully. I don't mind to have a very comfortable sleep while I can but it's not going to happened if the other two wicked sisters wondering outside and did not used the key at all!!

Waaa....I did cry because how exhausted myself lately. I couldn't have the nice and peaceful sleep in couple of months due to them. Why can't they just get out from here? Why can't they stay with their own family? Why so many questions Aulia? Just go open the damn door and let those things inside and get to bed again.

Dramatically approaching the door with damped faces, slowly I opened the door to reveal another persons. Drunk! So wasted!

What happened with our society nowdays? I just hope one day someone will build the special booth for the wasted to overnight wherever they have a good time alone without getting a person like me to tend them by myself! Yeah a portable overnighter! Hell yeah, then throw them into the shark tank!

I just standing by the door to wait until that creatures to enter. With slow paced and wobbled around, both Orchid and Poppy hugging together and dropped to the carpeted floor and lost in their sleep.

"Piece of trashes! Hate all of you!" I cursed them openly like usual after their daily hobbies, got drunk and hoked up with the aliens I presumed! Good luck for you guys boyfriends to follow you up with the attitude!

"Arggghh...hate you three for having the awesome boyfriends!"

I stomped off into my room before smashed the door grumpily. Now, I couldn't sleep at all. It's all because of them!

Stupid! Idiot! Double stupid! Triple idiots! I really hate you Hibiscus for let your wicked daughters ruining my schedule...the most organised schedule is my awesome slumber!

You're gonna pay for that Hibiscus along with your daughters.

"Haiya...just let them stay with you ma. I will pay for their monthly with interest. Nothing to worried about because I know they were very polite, very shy and more hardworking ma..." Hibiscus said with swiff motion of her hand fan, flicked back and forth to chase away the heat from the surrounding.


Very shy?

More hardworking? It's that even related?

Those pure statements that came out from the wicked sisters mother's are truly my a**. Fishing to be kidding me! I can't even strike my very famous curses in here because I will felt bad about it.

And once again I did crying. I don't really understand why I cry? Am I'm about to having the bff visiting reminder? Is it? No....I just wanted to cry...just let me cry...

Wuuu...I missed you mom...I missed you dad. You guys did left me forever.


"Is everything okay, sir? Do you need anything else?" asked the butler, Mr. Goby.

"No. I'm good. Oh by the way, please contact Joe for me G." Daniel still on his work load without spare any glanced at the servant.

"Right a way, sir." slightly bow his head, Mr. Goby grab those large antique phone and dial the number by heart. It must be something serious for sir Daniel to call Mr. Joe immediately.

"Good afternoon sir. I am so sorry to disturb your busy appointment today but...sir Daniel really wants to talk to you now."

Pause for awhile.

"I do understand. Alright sir I will convey the messages to sir Daniel...thanks once again."

With heavy sigh, Mr. Goby approaching towards the boss. Oh my...please spare my life sir. Please... let me alive sir do spare my life. Daniel still drowning in his pile with head down.

"What happened?" asked Daniel immearsed on to his work.

"He's being chased by the authority...sir" Mr. Goby let out a small voice. Daniel pause for a second before continue his job.


"Need anything, sir?"

"No! You may leave. Thank you once again " Daniel reply with small voice.

"Your welcome sir."

With that, Mr. Goby left the room without spend anymore glanced to his employer.

"What happened, Joe?" sighing with a hint aspecially his smile, Daniel dropped the pen and propped himself more in his chair while closing his eyes, tired.

"Oh my...I forgot about my baby girl. Poor of her keep being disturbed by me. You will remember me Aulia, baby girl. It took me enough time for me to find you. Huh...you really did changed...but...I won't force you my dear baby girl. I will wait for you...always..."

Chuckling to himself, Daniel keep muttering under his breath while on the other side Aulia is in difficulty to sleep back. Then, the girl keep scratching her head until it became a bird nest hair. What a stressful day for both of them, right?

I hope your fine red. I did miss you terribly. Missing to drive you everywhere...Hmm...

so sleepy ?!

jayizzabellacreators' thoughts