
Heroic Evil&Love System

BlushingMen · Urban
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3 Chs

Queen's Husbands (1)

Lance woke up in a dark room, the shock of travelling through time and space his head hurt a little, he frowned and rubbed his forehead.

[DING! Mr. Lance, we have arrived to save the world! Buckle up, as we are about to receive this world's storyline!]

Lance laid back down on the bed he was on and started receiving the storyline.


This was an era where women ruled and men had pretty low status. 

It was the reverse of the world in which men were viewed as superior to women.

Here, women supported the family. Only women could become nobles and women were the ones governing the nation.

The women here worked like animals, every single one of them was tenacious and tough. 

Men married into the woman's family.

The protagonist of this book was the Queen of Britland.

Because the queen of this empire, Eleanor Bates Britland, loved her childhood sweetheart, Julian Haines Holt very much.

She married Julian into the castle at the age of sixteen but after three years of marriage, the Queen still didn't get pregnant.

She didn't want another man while also not wanting Julian to be accused by the people for not being able to procreate with the Queen.¹

Thinking day and night, the Queen finally decided to marry a few men in name to appease the nobles and people.

From noble sons to talented men all over the empire, sixteen men were chosen.

In Queen Eleanor's eyes, her husband Julian was sweet and naive. How could he know how to handle the sixteen men?²

Of course, she had to choose a smart and clever man to handle the trivial matters of the men for her.

Lancelot White is the flexible and clever man Queen Eleanor chose.

With Lancelot in charge of the internal affairs of the castle, Queen Eleanor concentrated on Countess Elisha Banes Britland, her older sister and her arch-enemy.

Julian, being the adoring husband, also assisted Queen Eleanor with a brilliant thought.

Why don't they arrange Lancelot and Countess Elisha in an affair? As Julian explained, "Lancelot isn't a good person, he killed two servants just for being lazy!"

Queen Eleanor set up³ the cunning Lancelot and her sister and banished them both to the North with Julian's assistance.

A royal romance novel should have ended here, but six months later after Countess Elisha and Lancelot were exiled.

In just two days, the protagonist of this world attacked the northern cities and killed more than 6,000 people, including Countess Elisha.

This sparked a revolt among the nobles and the public of the empire, which eventually led to a civil war between the nobles and the royal family.

The protagonist was killed, and the Britland Empire was destroyed in less than two years.⁴

This ended the storyline memory.


Lance who thought that was the end was about to sit up when another pain hit his head.


Lancelot White was born in a neutral Duke family, his mother never opposing the queen.

If Queen Eleanor said that the sun came from the north, Lancelot's mother would believe it came from the north.

He was the illegitimate child of the White Family when the Master of the house slept with a male maid.

When Lance grew up in such an environment where his mother didn't like him for being a boy⁵ and his father cried all day, he turned out to be both beautiful and clever with a honey-tongued mouth.⁶

Such a person who always sucked up to the strong was chosen by Queen Eleanor to manage the "harem" of her.

To sum it up, I made you my husband now do whatever I say.

If it was just like this, Lancelot White wouldn't have such a huge grievance, after all, it was the path he chose, and even if he was unhappy, he couldn't criticize others.

It's just that he never expected that Queen Eleanor would become suspicious of him because of Julian's words.

And in the end, because of some unwarranted evidence, that he had slept with Countess Elisha.

He was thrown into the cold north by royal law. 

Lancelot was also a little disappointed, he, who had sworn to not love anyone had fallen in love with the Queen.

After that, he was disappointed and soon became seriously ill.

Before his death, the Northern Countess Elisha told him the truth after she investigated herself.

After listening to the Countess's words, Lancelot White passed away in shock, the message was simple: The Queen did it.

The person he loved the most, killed him.


After reading both the memories, Lance's headache was relieved a lot. 

The Heroic System's voice sighed as well and spoke:

 [Ding! This protagonist, is she mentally ill? She could've chosen one man but she had to choose so many.]

Lance sneered, "This world is an ancient feudal society, and also ruled by women. I have to say, if Eleanor was a man would you be saying that?⁷"

The Heroic System replied: [Mr. Lance is right, we can't think of women as weak anymore, after all, because of a woman, your brother killed you..] 

Lance could hear the gloating in its voice.

"Since there isn't a judgment day and I have already died recently, it is irrelevant if I do so again." Lance mumbled as if he didn't care about the system's words.

[Ding! Forgive me, Mr. Lance! Once the Player gets near ten meters of the mission target, the mission will begin.]

This mission requirement was also expected by him, but Lance is a little surprised: "Doesn't Lancelot want to take revenge on Eleanor and Julian?"

The Heroic System scoffed: [Ding! He didn't want to do anything with this world anymore so we provided his soul to a modern world in compensation.]

"So the original Lancelot won't be coming back." Lance half-smiled, "So what do you guys get from forcing me to do these missions?"

The Heroic System said after being silent for a few seconds, but his tone sounded incomprehensible⁸:

 [Ding! Insufficient Authority! Player please focus on the mission.]

It seems that the company of this system is very experienced, he needed more authority.

Lance sat up from the bed and looked around seeing that the dark room was slowly being illuminated by sunlight.

"What's Lance's status now?" He had spoken to the Heroic System in this room for so long, but no one appeared to wake him up.

[Ding! The host is now at a point in time after Lancelot White was chosen as the Queen's husband.]

As soon as the Heroic System's voice fell, he heard a slight noise of a door opening, and then someone pushing open the door and entering

"Lord Lancelot, are you awake?" The person who came in was a man in butler's clothing, and he seemed very surprised to see that he had woken up. 





¹[ The Britland Empire is a Hereditary monarchy, where the current Queen's children will be the next queen. Here, the Queen hasn't had even one children in three years, which prompts the Nobles and the people of the Empire to be worried. ]

²[ Queen Eleanor is worried that the sixteen men would became jealous of Julian's favor and disturb or victimize him. ]

³[ "Set up" here means, showing others that the Queen's sister had actually slept with one of the Queen's husbands. ]

⁴[ With Countess Elisha dying, Queen Eleanor became the only Royal member of the Britland Royal Family, as the civil war consumed troops inside the border, the external empires had attacked the Britland Empire, easily killing the Queen without the huge amount of soldiers not noble battalion support. ]

⁵[ The original owner, Lancelot White already had four step brothers and one sister when he was born, seeing that another son was given birth to, the Duchess of White was disappointed. P.S- During this century, ordinary men weren't respected much. ]

⁶[ Speaking sweetly or softly, or in a way that is intended to please, often without being sincere; As a handsome, honey-tongued politician, he convinced the nation that going to war was a good idea. ]

⁷[ Lance here is mocking the system of being biased as it assumes a reverse harem (Women with a lot of men) isn't okay but a normal harem is. ]

⁸[ The tone of the system had no emotion, Lance could figure out if the system was telling the truth or not. ]
