
Heroic Evil&Love System

BlushingMen · Urban
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3 Chs

Love Complex...Death Complex (2)

It seemed that Lance had heard something ridiculous, his mouth moved casually and a sneer formed, spitting out cold words: 

"You are mad at me for shooting your cheating wife? Brother, I didn't expect you to be so in 'love'?"

The anxious and flustered male voice spoke again:

"Lancelot, listen to my explanation, find me a person with a heart with the same blood type as Chearith¹ right now! I love her and I need to save her!"

Lance sneered out again: "Big brother, did you tell father about this? I only listen to father."

"How did you know..." The man called big brother seemed to understand something, "Father ordered this? Did father order it!?"

Then came a few more curses and the sound of things being thrown to the ground. 

Lance's expression didn't change, and he listened calmly as his brother broke the items in the office.

After a few breaths, the brother begged again:

"She treated you so well, Lance, please, I beg of you..save her.."

Lance's patience was finally exhausted: "Did you forget why I backed down from the position you are in now, brother? Why do you show me such a pitiful state of yourself." 

A cold light flashed in Lance's eyes, and his voice became colder: 

"You still remember how our mother was killed because you broke off the engagement with Charlotte² for your cheating wife? You disgust me."

The man called big brother lowered his head following his words, his body trembled slightly, and his voice was erratic:

 "So you absolutely refuse to help my wife and let me go out of this office, do you?"

It was only at this moment that Lance felt vaguely wrong, and he turned around to face his brother: "Yes, I have to listen to father."

The man raised his head, his face full of madness, and he held up the gun in his hand.

Before Lance could dodge, he was shot by his own brother, who had lost his mind. 

Lance's body fell heavily to the ground, and his brother laughed wildly.

There is no silencer on the pistol, such a loud noise has long ago made people outside realize that something is wrong and broke in. 

Of course, it is shocking to see such a scene. 

The scene was chaotic, some people hurriedly called his father, and some people took the opportunity to stop his brother and kick the pistol aside.

Lance's brother didn't seem to notice what was going around him, just sat there blankly, staring blankly at his dead body.

Suspended above his corpse, Lance looked at the chaos around him.

Although his brother was acting so crazy, they both knew how to use guns from a young age.

This caused Lance to be directly hit in the head.

Lance didn't try to re-enter his body, it already had a see through hole in it's head, even if he comes back to life- he will be seen as a monster by this society.

Seeing his father enter the office, Lance turned to focus on what he was saying.

"You piece of shit, even though you killed that illegitimate tool³, why did you fucking kill him in such a public place?"

"Dad! Dad! He got me angry! Please save her.."

"Tch, you know how much I hate cheating women. Your wife turned out to be just like Lance's mother, a fucking whore!"

"William, shut up everyone who saw Lucas kill Lance right away.." 

Lance listened as his father ordered someone on his phone.

No wonder his father didn't want to pass his company to him, because he wasn't the first son even though he was so capable?

Pfft, because he wasn't his son.

There's no use being angry, if he could, he wanted to kill these two fuckers and throw their bodies in a chemical lake to rot.

Slowly his vision seemed to be covered with a NSFW filter, blurring everyone, he tried to focus on the sounds around him.


In the endless darkness, a voice spoke.

[The Heroes League has welcomed Player 4013!]

[Pairing Player 4013 to Heroic System…]

At this time, the mechanic's voice changed to a cheerful young child's voice, it sounded annoying rather than being cute to him.

[Ding! Hello Player 4013, I am your Heroic System and I am here to inform you that you'll be transferred to your first task once you say the magical words, "Let's begin!"]

[Ding! As your guide and lovely system, I would love to create a wonderful working relationship with you!]

[Ding! Please ask me anything you have in mind!]

Lance rolled his imaginary eyes. It really deserved the old saying: there is no worst, only worse.

He had lived for nearly twenty-five years but had never come across this thing called good luck.

The voice of the system suddenly popped up again,

[Ding! 4013, in your real world, you have died already, please talk to me so I can assume that you are ready to cooperate?]

Lance said after a while, "Hm, we are not friends. I would rather be called Mr. Lance, Heroin⁴ or whatever your name is."

Heroic System, "..." Heroin, what the heck is that!

[Ding! Does Mr. Lance want beauties, power or be admired by thousands of people? I guarantee you that once you agree you can have all that!]

Lance said without hesitation after hearing the classic line of scammers, "Be gone, I don't want to be some slave." 

Heroic System: "..."

[Ding! Mr. Lance, after the number of needed missions, is completed, you can return to the real world with the time earned by doing missions! ]

Lance's eyeballs turned, that's right, what he wanted was to be alive again.

After a while, Lance calmed down, "What is the mission?"

[Ding! It's to acquire hero value.]

Lance didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

[Ding! Thousands of popular novels have turned into worlds, and each world has its own protagonist⁵ that controls the direction of that world. However, unstable crumbling factors are beginning to appear in some of the worlds, affecting the fates of the protagonist causing them to either lose their protagonist aura⁶ or their very own lives. Mr. Lance's mission is to save the protagonist!]

[After that, you will receive the mission completion prompt and the countdown to leave the world.]

Lance frowned, "From what I understand,  was my world a novel as well? Was my brother the protagonist and I just a side character..heh, no, maybe I was the big bad villian?⁷"

The system was inexplicably silent.

"It sounds like a kid's dream of being a hero." Lance rolled his eyes again. "So brainless..tch."

Heroic System: "..."

Heroic System repeated: [Is Mr. Lance ready to say the Magical! Two! Words!]

Lance was a little surprised: "So I can't refuse?" 

Heroic System's voice seemed to have a trace of wronged grievance: 

[Ding! Of course, our League already has 4012 Players, it's not like it's hard to find a villian killed wrongly because of the protagonist's madness! You can refuse but I really want sir as my host! I specially chose you!] 

Lance keenly captured the information in Herion- Heroic System's words, so there was a requirement for him to be chosen.

He was selected because of cause and effect, his brother- the protagonist being affected by something and the cause being the villian- him dying early in his world or book as the effect. 

But now was not the time to scold that idiot's eighteen generations.

"What will happen if I don't say those magical words of yours?"

[Ding! Mr. Lance has resentment in him and will slowly disappear due to lack of soul energy in thirty days!]

So, his end was after all death here.

"How does doing your missions keep me alive?"

[Ding! Mr. Lance will receive a thousand Soul Coins or more after every mission completed! Each Soul Coin equals to an hour of life...that adds up to 40 days to live for! ]

"..." Looking at his corpse which his father and brother had given to a cheap morgue to hide his whereabouts, he finally made his decision.

"Let's begin."




¹[ Cough, yes, their names (Chearith+Terrence) means cheater. ]

²[ Charlotte is Lance's brother's ex-fiancee. ]

³[ Children born of bigamous marriages; Lance's mother slept with "another man" and gave birth to Lance, Mr. Noble(The father in this chapter) kept Lance to avoid the gossip that he was cheated on. ]

⁴[ A highly addictive analgesic drug derived from morphine, often used illicitly as a narcotic producing euphoria. Lance calls the Heroic System, Heroin, as in, he thinks whatever is happening to him occurs only when you're on drugs. ]

⁵[ the leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel, etc. ]

⁶[ No matter how many people are in the crowd, you can always see them at a glance. Their presence is totally impossible to ignore. People with the protagonist's aura are a world's favorite, every one suffering will reward them ten times the reward. ]

⁷[ Cannon fodder are character in a book, only created to show off how good the protagonist is compared to them. Cannon fodder's also usually die fast.


Heroin: a highly addictive analgesic drug derived from morphine, often used illicitly as a narcotic producing euphoria.

The MC uses this world for two reasons:

1. It's similar to the System's name.

2. His dying and meeting the system seems like a thing that would only happen after taking some substance like "Heroin."

BlushingMencreators' thoughts