
Heroic Conquest: Anti-Hero In Another World

Rizki Irawan's fate took a startling turn when a goddess selected him for a singular, paradoxical mission: to be the villain in a parallel world. Initially, Rizki embarked on his journey, expecting it to be a typical narrative. But all expectations shattered like glass when a looming darkness, the ominous entity known as the Dark Alliance, cast its shadow upon the realm of Acra. The once-peaceful land was on the brink of succumbing to this malevolent force, and time was running out. With a heart divided between his divine mandate and a growing determination to protect Acra, Rizki defied convention and chose an unprecedented path: Be an Antihero "You tasked me with being a villain, and now you ask me to become a hero. Well, I'll do both," Rizki declared, setting forth on a journey to reshape destiny in a world where boundaries between hero and villain blur. --------------- Release date: Daily 23:00 GMT+8, 2 chs/d Mass release 5chs every end of month, +20 if castle or above is given at least once. [Warning: Extreme violence, explicit sexual content and disturbing content ahead, please read it in discretion and refrain from replicating such in real life]

iDagon · Fantasy
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128 Chs

Rotten Beans (Part 2)

The sun's warm embrace enveloped Rizki and Eve as they strolled leisurely down the path, their words weaving a delicate tapestry of connection. Their footsteps mirrored the winding roads of their conversation, leading them through shared laughter, introspection, and the blossoming of an unexpected friendship. Rizki, once stumbling through the nuances of romance, now found himself gracefully waltzing through the dance of companionship with Eve.

Eve's presence beside him was both comforting and exhilarating. Her laughter harmonized with the rustling leaves, creating a symphony of camaraderie. Amid their lighthearted banter, a spark of curiosity ignited within Rizki. He turned his gaze toward Eve with a playful glint in his eyes and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Eve, I've been pondering, have you ever had the chance to experience dating?"

Eve's smile held a hint of nostalgia as she gently shook her head. "Dating has always been a luxury I never truly entertained," she replied, her gaze momentarily drawn to a physical aspect of herself that often sparked mixed emotions. Rizki chuckled, his laughter a reflection of genuine amusement that caused his wheelchair to vibrate with each cheerful sound. "Your breast," he began, a grin tugging at his lips, "are not just high-end, they're practically flagship!"

A mischievous sparkle lit up Eve's eyes as she replied, "Ah, but you see, there's a rather unkind saying about female elves with such proportions." Her words prompted more laughter from Rizki, who raised a hand in a playful gesture of stopping her. "Hold on, don't let those baseless rumors get to you. You should be proud of who you are. Your uniqueness is something to be cherished, not dismissed."

Eve's eyes softened, a genuine smile curving her lips as she met Rizki's gaze. "Thank you, Rizki. Your words hold a depth of meaning for me." And so, their easy exchange continued as they embarked on a journey that led them to an aged industrial area teeming with activity and stories of days gone by.

Within the heart of the complex, a symphony of sounds and a whirlwind of movement greeted them. Eve took the lead, unraveling the intricacies of the tempeh-making process – from inception to completion. Rizki, an eager listener, immersed himself in her words, interjecting with his insights and observations. His amusement was evident as he playfully suggested that crafting tempeh was a skill he could easily master.

Eve's curiosity was piqued, and she propelled Rizki's wheelchair forward. "Really? And how would you go about making tempeh, then?"

Lounging back in his wheelchair, Rizki adopted a mock serious expression. "It's a piece of cake, actually. Just gather some yeast and semi-cooked beans, blend them together, let them ferment, and voilà – tempeh!"

Eve's raised eyebrow indicated her intrigue, but a crease formed on her forehead as she asked, "But why do the beans sometimes emit an odd odor?"

Rizki's contemplative expression gave way to wonder as he agreed to explore the mystery. With Eve at the helm, his wheelchair glided towards the complex's exterior, revealing an expansive farmland stretching out before them. She unveiled the challenges of cultivating beans in elf soils, a task that necessitated importing beans from other races – a costly endeavor.

Rizki's eyes grew wider as Eve shared the cost of these beans – 20 gold per kilogram. "You could buy a car with that much money!" he exclaimed, mentally converting the sum.

Amusement danced in Eve's eyes as she repeated, "Car?" She sought clarification on the unfamiliar term.

Quickly realizing his error, Rizki cleared his throat. "Ah, I mean a horse carriage" With a nod, Eve acknowledged the correction. However, her tone turned somber as she spoke about the significance of tempeh in addressing elves' protein deficiency. Only nobles and seasoned warriors had access to this limited resource.

Observing the diligent farmers tending to the bean crops, Rizki's curiosity ignited a new determination within him. Seeking permission from Eve to rise from his wheelchair, he was granted approval. Slowly, he stood, marveling at the absence of pain in his foot. Expressing gratitude to Eve for her support, Rizki playfully suggested, "Perhaps Faye's blessing is responsible for my swift recovery – you know, like when someone sneezes due to a conversation about them."

Eve's laughter accompanied his jest. Taking cautious steps toward the nearby soil, Rizki allowed his fingers to graze the earth's surface. Memories of his mother's teachings flooded his mind, prompting him to whisper softly to himself – a realization that the soil lacked essential nutrients, specifically, milk.

Recognizing that elves did not consume dairy, Rizki's thoughts turned to an alternative – bones. He recalled using chicken bones to cultivate beans in his previous world, a method that had yielded astonishing results and even earned him an award.

Turning to Eve, Rizki inquired if there were any spare bones available, whether from animals or warriors. Eve explained that bone collection typically fell to her father, Varian, and the other warriors. Any available bones would likely be in their possession.

Rizki's thoughts raced as he mulled over the idea of using bones to improve the soil's fertility. He muttered to himself, voicing his skepticism about the feasibility of such a solution. Frustration crept into his voice as he wondered aloud if it was even possible to obtain the bones needed for the task. Turning to his phone, he contemplated sending a message to Faye, seeking her advice. He asked Eve for a moment of solitude to gather his thoughts.

Before he could type a single word, Eve's voice broke through his concentration. "Why do I need to leave, especially when you're still recovering?" she questioned, her concern evident.

Rizki sighed, realizing he needed to explain. "I just need a bit of time to think and come up with a plan," he replied, his tone gentle yet resolute.

Eve studied his expression, seemingly satisfied with his response. "Alright, take your time. I'll be nearby if you need anything."

As she walked away, Rizki seized the opportunity to focus on his phone again. He called Faye, the voice on the other end carrying a sense of curiosity. Rizki wasted no time in getting to the point, asking if there were alternative ways to fertilize the soil. Faye's response reached him, tinged with the sound of munching on snacks as she informed him that healing magic was the key. Rizki's brow furrowed at the realization that the solution might be harder to achieve than he initially thought.

Determined to find a way, Rizki questioned further, asking who else might possess knowledge about this aspect of magic. Just as he leaned in to hear Faye's response, he was taken completely by surprise as a powerful embrace enveloped him. The force of the hug knocked him off balance, causing him to instinctively react by slamming the figure down.

Shock rippled through him as he registered the yelp of pain that followed. His eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at the girl before him, who bore a striking resemblance to Eve. His words rushed out in a mix of shock and confusion, "Eve?"

The girl's voice wavered as she responded through the pain, "Ouch! Can you be a bit gentler? I'm Evelyn!"

"Yeah, I know, I know," Rizki replied with a chuckle, a knowing look in his eyes. He was aware of Eve's twin sisters, which made Evelyn's appearance all the more intriguing.

She then stood up, aching on her butt as she complained, "You are horrible by slamming a woman to the ground!"

Rizki then replied in evil chuckle, "Problem?", and she stared at him in an unamusing stare.

As they stood facing each other, Rizki's gaze unintentionally drifted down to take in Evelyn's features. His mind wandered as he noticed the details that set her apart from her sister. He suddenly realized that she had a unique combination of characteristics that made her distinct: a round face shape with fair skin, a height of 158cm that exuded a petite elegance, vibrant yellow hair that cascaded like a sunlit crown. Her slender physique seemed to embody grace, with a high hip, and an enigmatic allure emanated from her rose-red eyes and delicate, pink-tinted eyebrows. The pointed shape of her nose added a touch of refinement to her countenance. Her choice of attire spoke volumes – a silver dress with modest armor plates for adventures, a yellow-colored dress for restful moments, and a vibrant yellow coat for winter's chill. Her weapons of choice, a rattan rod and a sword, mirrored her versatility and prowess. Together, these facets painted a captivating portrait of Evelyn, capturing the essence of her uniqueness.

"You are muttering about bone thingies, aren't you?" She asked.

Rizki moved his left leg on the soil gently as he replied, "Yep, I can't find any more best calcium replacement apart of bones, or at least nitrate."

"That can be do, easy for me!" Evelyn replied with assurance while rubbing her butt painfully as Rizki mentioned those. Then, she muttered in her mind painfully, "His strength is out of the world!"

Rizki couldn't help but notice that Evelyn's stature was rather petite, causing him to cast his gaze downward involuntarily. The realization of his unintentional behavior caused him to quickly raise his eyes to meet Evelyn's. To his surprise, she seemed unfazed and instead looked back at him with a gentle smile. "You have beautiful eyes," she commented, a soft blush touching her cheeks.

"Thanks," Rizki replied, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude for her compliment. Shaking off the awkwardness, he shifted the conversation back to the matter at hand. "So, Evelyn, what exactly can you help with? Since you said that is easy."

Evelyn's expression grew thoughtful as she considered his question. "Well, I'm quite the adventurous healer," she began, her voice holding a note of enthusiasm. "While my sister Eve specializes in nature-based healing, I lean more toward magic-based healing. I've been conducting experiments on growing beans in the village, as part of my responsibilities."

Rizki's interest was piqued as he listened intently. "Magic-based healing for growing beans? That sounds intriguing."

Evelyn nodded; her eyes alight with passion. "Yes, exactly! Using magic to enhance the growth of crops and plants. It's been quite the journey, and I'm eager to see the results."

Curiosity burned within Rizki, and he couldn't resist asking, "But if you have magical abilities, why not simply use your magic to cultivate the beans?"

Evelyn's gaze turned thoughtful, her expression a mix of contemplation and a touch of hesitance. "Well, I could, but I have my reasons." She paused, her voice softening as she continued, "Using magic to accelerate growth is efficient, but it can disrupt the natural balance. I prefer to work with nature and magic in harmony, allowing for a more sustainable and wholesome outcome."

Rizki regarded her with a mixture of surprise and respect. Her dedication to preserving the balance between magic and nature was evident in her words. He found himself gaining a deeper appreciation for her perspective.

Just as he was about to voice his thoughts, Evelyn's mischievous side emerged once again. A playful gleam danced in her eyes as she reached out and poked Rizki's side, eliciting a surprised yelp from him. Without thinking, he instinctively pushed her away, causing her to stumble and land on the ground with a surprised yelp of her own.

Rushing over to help her up, Rizki's heart raced as he realized his reflexive action. Guilt weighed heavily on him, and he berated himself for his hasty behavior. "Evelyn, I'm so sorry!"

Evelyn managed to compose herself, her amusement evident despite the circumstances. "I suppose I should have seen that coming," she said with a wry smile. "But please, no more slamming me down, okay?"

Rizki offered her a sheepish grin, feeling a sense of relief that she wasn't angry. "Deal. I promise to keep my reflexes in check from now on."

As they shared a moment of laughter, their connection seemed to deepen. In the midst of their conversation, a bond was forming – one that was built on mutual understanding, curiosity, and even a bit of friendly teasing. The tempeh complex buzzed with activity around them, a backdrop to the growing camaraderie between Rizki and Evelyn.

However, Rizki's patience reached its limit as he looked at Evelyn, his expression turning stern. "But let me warn you, Evelyn. If you fool around again and put yourself in danger, I won't hesitate to do something more sinister than just push you down."

Evelyn's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden shift in Rizki's tone, realizing the gravity of his warning. She nodded solemnly, her playful demeanor momentarily replaced by a sense of understanding. "I hear you, Rizki. I promise to be careful."