
Heroic Conquest: Anti-Hero In Another World

Rizki Irawan's fate took a startling turn when a goddess selected him for a singular, paradoxical mission: to be the villain in a parallel world. Initially, Rizki embarked on his journey, expecting it to be a typical narrative. But all expectations shattered like glass when a looming darkness, the ominous entity known as the Dark Alliance, cast its shadow upon the realm of Acra. The once-peaceful land was on the brink of succumbing to this malevolent force, and time was running out. With a heart divided between his divine mandate and a growing determination to protect Acra, Rizki defied convention and chose an unprecedented path: Be an Antihero "You tasked me with being a villain, and now you ask me to become a hero. Well, I'll do both," Rizki declared, setting forth on a journey to reshape destiny in a world where boundaries between hero and villain blur. --------------- Release date: Daily 23:00 GMT+8, 2 chs/d Mass release 5chs every end of month, +20 if castle or above is given at least once. [Warning: Extreme violence, explicit sexual content and disturbing content ahead, please read it in discretion and refrain from replicating such in real life]

iDagon · Fantasy
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128 Chs

Rotten Beans (part 3)

Rizki's hands were already deep in the soil, using it as a sample for further examination, when Evelyn's voice interrupted his work.

"Use gloves!" she admonished him, tossing a pair of pink-colored gloves in his direction. Rizki, however, remained unfazed.

"Appreciated, but a man should not fear dirtiness," he replied confidently as he proceeded to stuff the soil inside the gloves, much to Evelyn's exasperation.

She couldn't contain her frustration and walked over to Rizki, smacking his head while scolding him, "Put your goddamn hands in the gloves!"

Rizki rubbed his head in pain but didn't back down. "I told you that a man should not fear dirt! This is not a big deal for me!"

Just as he was about to remove the bandages on his right foot to demonstrate his manliness, Eve, who had been quietly observing, decided to intervene. She dashed towards Rizki and stopped him from removing the bandage.

"Don't pull it out!" she yelled.

Rizki looked at her in complaint and continued, "Why?! Someone is required to know what manliness looks like!! I may be only 17 years old, but I know the essence of manliness."

His eyes flared with fire as he explained, "A real man should not hurt a woman nor fear blood and dirt!"

Both sisters, who looked remarkably alike, retorted simultaneously, "Says someone who smacked a girl down recently and is now talking about dirt."

Eve was still holding onto Rizki's foot, even as her dress became dirtied in the process. She explained that it was fine for her to get dirty, but she didn't want Rizki to get injured again.

"Manliness without being healthy is plain dumb, indeed," Evelyn chimed in, nodding in agreement. Her words led Rizki to stop his actions and gently move his right foot away from Eve. He helped her up and cleaned the dirt off her skirt.

With the tension between the sisters momentarily diffused, Rizki returned to the original topic. "Back to the topic, you said there is a way to fix this ground with magic…"

Eve immediately dismissed the idea, "She is bluffing."

But Evelyn, undeterred, asserted, "I am not bluffing."

The debate flared up once again, with both sisters passionately defending their viewpoints. Rizki had to step in once more, seeing the argument escalating beyond control.

"Stop it, both of you," he insisted, "It's forbidden for siblings to fight."

Reluctantly, the sisters complied, but their differences still lingered beneath the surface.

Rizki then refocused on the task at hand, asking if there were any bones or remains he could use to make compost for the soil, which held great potential but lacked fertility. He had taken a soil sample earlier for experimentation.

Eve, anticipating Rizki's needs, revealed that she had brought a pack containing a collection of smelly, decaying materials. This immediately prompted Evelyn to cover her nose and complain, "How do you not get stinky with that stupid bloody stuff!"

Rizki accepted the pack with gratitude and decided to bury its contents in the same ground where he had taken the soil sample. He carefully placed it below the surface, covering it with soil, and then cleaned the gloves he had used.

"This will do," Rizki declared. "We'll wait for the next two weeks before we can use it. Now, can we check the storage of the beans you have?"

Evelyn hesitated, looking concerned. "That's impossible. It requires special access from my father, Varian."

Rizki, however, was undeterred. "We have to check it. If we don't, we won't know the extent of the problem. The government could shut down your factory if they find out about the rotten beans."

Evelyn looked puzzled. "Why would they do that?"

Rizki sighed, realizing he had to reveal more of the truth. "Your beans are rotten. I want to check if anything else is affected or not."

They looked at each other, their faces pale with apprehension when Rizki mentioned those, the tension between them still palpable. Eve, seemingly lost in thought, continued to wipe her hands on Evelyn's skirt, causing Evelyn to finally shove Eve's hands away and complain about the mess.

"Stop wiping your bloody hands to my skirt!"

Eve, realizing her actions had caused discomfort, immediately apologized in sheepish face. "Sorry~~"

The tension between them began to ease as Eve's apology bridged the gap between their differences, at least for the time being. They both turned their attention back to Rizki, who had just dropped a bombshell about government regulations they had never encountered before.

Rizki then explained further, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "There is a certification of hygiene that you have to comply with. If you don't comply with it, the government can come and shut down your operation."

Both sisters were now thoroughly puzzled, their minds grappling with these unfamiliar concepts. Evelyn finally voiced her confusion, "Government? Comply? What is that?"

Rizki, realizing the stark differences in their worldviews, asked, "Don't you guys have FDA certification?" His confusion was evident.

Evelyn shook her head. "We don't do that here. I heard my father mention visa earlier, and now you're talking about FDA. None of these are things that even exist in our world."

Rizki scratched his head in frustration, realizing that they were operating in a different legal landscape. "These legal certifications are needed. Things will go bad if you don't have them." He sighed, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "You might want to consider talking to your father about this. It's essential to ensure the safety and quality of your products, and it's required by the government."

Rizki, taken aback by the mention of a "future husband," protested, "Future husband? I haven't said anything yet!"

But as he glanced at the sisters, he realized that they were teasing him playfully. He chuckled and said, "You two aren't giving me a chance to say anything at all!"

Eve couldn't help but smirk mischievously and decided to drop a bombshell. "You need to know that you are going to marry all of the twins in elf tradition if they have a twin sister." She paused for dramatic effect, and then continued, "But, at this time, I should let you in on a little secret. There are four of us, including me and Evelyn."

Rizki's eyes widened in disbelief. He had thought he was agreeing to date just one of the twins, but it seemed that the elf tradition was more intricate than he had imagined. He was now faced with the prospect of dating four sisters.

Despite his initial shock, Rizki remembered that he had said yes to this scenario when he made a promise to Faye, the goddess. With a resigned sigh, he realized he had no choice but to comply with the elf tradition's unique customs.

They decided to focus on their task at hand, examining the sacks of beans in the barn. Rizki chose one of the sacks, located at the bottom right, and tore it open. To his surprise, it was wet inside. He couldn't hide his astonishment and exclaimed, "You guys paid 20 golds for these sacks?! This is clearly a scam!"