
Heroes Of Marvel Reupload....

(Before anyone says anything, I am the original translator for this fanfic, I am posting it here in hopes of getting a larger fanbase and hopefully get some support and I am reuploading it here) After an accidental electric shock, Jackson traversed into a parallel world filled with supreme beings—beings whose might and strength could hold the skies on their shoulder. At first, Jackson preconceived the idea that he’d only traversed on the other side of the world, the United States, until that is various peculiarities popped up. While watching the news channel, Jackson wondered whose the big green guy jumping up and down the buildings of New York without care. Who is that bodybuilder statue donned in a red-blue uniform standing tall and proud in the Memorial Hall? And who is that man flying the skies with a big hammer calling himself a God? Jackson wondered if he should advise his parents to move away from New York. But after a moment of thought, Jackson pulled out his mobile phone and dialed a number. “Mr. Stark, for the safety of mankind, I think it’s necessary to discuss the developments of technology and advanced armor with you.” This is the story of a young man living in the world of Marvel who only wished to live a quiet and stable life but as fate would have it, fate had other plans for him. Author’s Note: The story is based on the Marvel World.

DarkShadow95 · Movies
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1338 Chs


Lin Rui told Tony about his plan after "Visiting" Hydra base. The reconstruction of this Hydra large base will serve as a hidden base for League of Defenders in the future. Moreover, Lin Rui thinks that it can also be used as a secret base for himself and Tony to meet and hold meetings in the future.

After all, the establishment of the Earth Federation must be very confidential. Tony, Rogers, and Professor X are all famous people in the world, and their combined might is a powerful force. It is very necessary for them to act secretly and this base will provide that secrecy.

"Well, we could retrofit the Hydra base, of course, I can just build a new one but since there is already a base there, the transformation will be quick. As for the place where we will meet in the future, we can discuss it again. Our group hasn't had its first formal meeting yet, and If you really did die this time, I'm afraid we would not be able to stay together." After listening to Lin Rui, Tony answers calmly.

"Well, the elimination of Hydra this time is the victory we achieved after the initial team-up. So, when I get back, I think we should have our first meeting." Lin Rui said with a wink when he heard Tony.

Hydra has been almost completely eliminated. This time, the attack against Hydra can be said to be officiated by Lin Rui. If it weren't for Lin Rui reminding Fury about Hydra lurking in SHIELD, then these fights wouldn't have happened and by the time they had found out, SHIELD and Hydra would have completely exposed each other and the death count would have been quite high.

And because of Lin Rui's relationship, the two forces of League of Defender and X-Men also played a great role when SHIELD attacked Hydra. Although Iron Man did not join SHIELD's Avengers Alliance, Tony did his best to provide help in dealing with Hydra. Therefore, because of Lin Rui's relationship, Hydra has suffered more than they did in the original plot.

Although Red Skull has a bug level item like Magic Cube in his hand due to the change of the plot caused by the power of the world, he could only exert a bit of its power, otherwise, the plot might not have developed like this. With the combined strength of SHIELD, Iron Man, Avengers Alliance, League of Defender, and X-Men, even Magic Cube's powered Hydra was finished.

It is safe to say that Lin Rui is in the most relaxed mood in recent months, despite his many injuries. The Mainline Quest to eliminate Hydra is progressing towards 100% completion. Lin Rui has been fighting with Hydra for so long. Between SHIELD and X-Men, he can finally relax.

Moreover, during the period of time when he was dealing with Hydra, Lin Rui also slowly completed the plan he had made before and made efforts to establish the Earth Federation. With Lin Rui's efforts, Captain America Steve Rogers, who has fans in the United States and even the world, joined that team.

Professor Charles, a Fourth-Level Peak Mutant and the leader of X-Men, also boarded the ship, plus the one with huge wealth and top technology on earth Tony Stark and himself who owns the system is also in it. Lin Rui feels that his goal may not be so remote in the coming future. At least, the combination of these people is enough to deal with almost all the threats on the planet.

"Those things will have to wait until you come back. Now, your friends and X-Men are already on their way, I don't want them complaining to me when they do not see you here." Looking at the time, Tony knew that the Iron Man Armors which has been deployed to rescued Lin Rui would be approaching his position soon.

"Well, I don't want to stay longer in such a cold place. The Phantom Suit is a bit damaged and I'm in the tens of degrees below zero right now." Lin Rui joked.

"That's what you get for doing whatever you want, this will teach you to not be impulsive next time." Tony has a big problem with Lin Rui getting involved in dangerous situations.

For a young man with Lin Rui's appetite, ambition, strength, and intelligence, Tony sincerely treats him as a close friend. Although Tony's relationship with Pepper is very stable and Tony could get married early. It is still far for him to have a child, so Tony now has the idea of ​​letting Lin Rui inherit some of his Stark Industry Shares.

"Next time…hehe, I'll watch out for myself next time. However, even if I was so impulsive this time, I still didn't get the Magic Cube in the end. I've searched for it for a long time before, but I didn't found the Magic Cube.

Perhaps, it fell out in the transmission process and I don't know which corner of the earth it fell off to." Lin Rui said with a wry smile when he heard Tony's obvious concern for his safety. Lin Rui can't guarantee that he will hide behind in the future, that is not his character.

"As long as it is still on the earth, it will be found sooner or later. Also, I don't think it would be too far from your location even if it dropped early in the teleport. I will arrange some Iron Man Armor to conduct a careful search when the base is renovated, and I think that we will find the Magic Cube." Hearing Lin Rui's words, Tony was unfazed. While it's sad to see Magic Cube lose again, at least Lin Rui is still alive.

"Well, the Iron Man has arrived. You come back first. I will leave some Iron Man Armors to search the location where you and Red Skull teleported and they will also look at this base. Just let JARVIS take over for the time being, and transform things slowly."

"Well, okay." Lin Rui hung up the satellite phone after agreeing.


Then, Lin Rui, who was at the gate of the base, could already hear the rapid thruster sound of Iron Man from midair. Two seconds later, Lin Rui saw dozens of Iron Man broke through the sky and they quickly landed in front of him.

"Mr. Jackson, It's very nice to see you again." Falling in front of Lin Rui, JARVIS's voice came from the front Iron Man.

"Haha, JARVIS, I'm glad to see you again too." Lin Rui agreed with a smile when he heard JARVIS's voice.

Then Lin Rui walked directly to the Iron Man in front of him. As Lin Rui walked over, the front armor of the Iron Man opened directly. Lin Rui walked over and was armed with the Armor.


"Let's go back, JARVIS, I don't want Peter and others to wait for me." Lin Rui commanded after looking at the 3-D display that was lit up in front of him.

"Yes." With a promise, JARVIS has started the Iron Man Armor with Lin Rui inside it.

Huh! Brush!

At the next moment, the Iron Man armed with Lin Rui had already risen into the sky again and flew towards New York. As for the remaining Iron Man, they will stay here. They will take over the secret base of Hydra to carry out the initial system transformation and upgrade.