
Hero To Overlord: Arlott the Unfettered!

[On Hiatus] Warming: Mature Content. R18 and Dark but cute and wholesome too. Balanced dose of both. Despite doing nothing but good, Arlott received nothing but bad. He saved the world by being an unaware puppet, but all he got was darkest of mud plastered on him after "they" stripped him of his powers that he thought were his. Drug Addict. Abuser of power. Executing manslaughter just because of a few mocking words and getting offended easily. A sexual beast who would take any woman he liked with his power. The hero, Arlott, was never a savior! All he did was to gain the favors of the public, high status, and riches. With his God-given talents, he was a mighty hero of the masses outside and a devil in private! Those who used him and threw him into the sea of despair didn't even bother to kill him because they kept him as a live example to the other rising tides of the world. And they enjoyed seeing him struggling, doing reckless things, experimenting on himself, and doing anything for that far away chance of revenge. But at the age of forty six, his search for revenge and power finally made him stumble upon an encounter--a sea of malevolence, a shrine of cosmic catastrophe-- that forever changed his fate as his path to vengeance finally started with a second chance at life after being born as a son of one of his main betrayers. This time, Arlott would have his revenge as he walks on the path of an overlord, a ruthless tyrant, and a villain in their lives as he vows to make their life a living a hell, all while thoroughly enjoying his new life in the lightest and darkest ways. Discord: https://discord.gg/ArkM72f9aq ——————————————————————— Disclaimer: [This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.]

Eminent_Vellichor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Kiera's Thoughts, Mission Ghosting (1/2)

"Mom, go inside first. I'll come in a bit."

After Arlott and Kiera returned to Black Rattan House, Arlott told Kiera to go inside first before he stood at the center of the front yard and created five Earth-Soul Golems like the two he had created this morning.

[Good. I would also sense any intruders, but it is better to put golems there for everyone to see and make anyone who comes here to snoop wary.]

'Mhm,' Arlott nodded.

After he entered the mansion and went to his bedroom on the top floor, he saw that Kiera had already stripped everything and was sitting on the bed.

Without further ado, Arlott's figure blurred as his clothes vanished into his storage ring, and he appeared atop Kiera.

"We are not sleeping tonight," Arlott deviously grinned and inserted his dick into her pussy.

"Yes…" Kiera nodded, her face flushed red with lust.

And then, the sound of flesh hitting flesh started reverberating in the room.

Arlott's eyes abruptly opened as he felt his senses awaken.

Backing away from Kiera's juicy breasts and taking out her nipple from his mouth, Arlott felt another sensation of warmth and heat before he glanced down and saw that his dick was still inside Kiera's pussy.

[Good morning. You both passed out while fucking, but I have to say, you fought till the end and squeezed her dry. You made her climax wildly, hahaha.]

"My strength…I opened my third geno gate," Arlott muttered. 

\_Genome Tree_/

_Realm: 1st realm—Burgeon.

—> Genome Pulse: 86,430.

—> Vitalis: [ 860,000 / 860,000 ]



_Talents: Vigor Sack, Blood Bank.


—> Super Vitalis Armor.

[Your strength increased drastically, and congrats, you got your second Geno Talent from this third Geno gate. Perfectly filling your lacking area.]

Laverna snickered and popped up the talent detail in his mind.

[Blood Bank]: You have a Geno organ that can store the same amount of blood in your body for emergency use.

'How useful is this?'

[Very useful, especially after you get a Geneline because Geneline's powers consume Blood Essence and Vitalis both.]

'Blood Essence?'

[You will automatically produce Blood Essence from your blood once your Genome Tree manifests a Geneline.]

'I see.'

Laverna laughed.

[Well, your blood is being consumed after the shots you poured into Kiera the whole night, so that might be the reason why you got Blood Bank.]


Arlott got off the bed and directly went into the bathroom.

After ten minutes, he exited and put on his clothes while Kiera also awakened.

"Arlott, where are you going?" Kiera rubbed her eyes and woke up, stretching her arm.

"Go and take a bath. I'll gather kids."

"Alright," Kiera nodded before her expression turned concerned, "I'm proud of your work, Arlott. But are you sure you can handle the situation? If not, I can contact my father to find some solution."

'Damn this witch,' Arlott internally cursed. 

[Calm down. We told her the situation, and she is still Kiera. Her personality and methods are the same, so this is natural. Just calmly and assuredly dismiss her.]

"Mom," Arlott wryly smiled. "I told you everything is under my control. Don't ever contact anyone without my permission, okay?"

Kiera felt compelled and knew the bond's power was at work, as she would have no choice but to listen to her son.

"Fine. If you say so," Kiera smiled as she got off the bed. 

"But I became very powerful thanks to our bond, so I can help a lot."

Kiera's eyes showed excitement as she lovingly looked at Arlott and approached him before grabbing his hands, "My Genome Path progression surpassed my decades of Arcane progression. Arlott, the power of our bond is truly miraculous. If we continue and explore more, we'll become very strong and get a higher position in this world in every way."

Kiera hugged Arlott and softly said, "We should do this daily and train, okay?"

"Haha, of course," Arlott laughed and squeezed her buttcheeks before he grabbed her shoulders and pushed gently, "Go and take a bath. I'll be waiting in the hall below."

"Alright," Kiera smiled and pulled Arlott towards her using her hands at his waist and pressed her chest before saying, "But no more milk today, okay? You already drank a lot last night."

[Gosh, she wants to go for a quick round deep down.]

"Fine, but I'll drink lots again tonight," Arlott grinned and squeezed her breasts with his hands after creating some space. "But for now, go take a bath and come downstairs. We have to finish some tasks."

"Alright, I'll be there in time," Kiera smiled and went inside while Arlott left the bedroom.

'Her ambitions haven't died down deep inside,' Arlott sneered.

[More like, you awakened her ambitions after fucking her and making her strong while also being so strong…all thanks to me, not some stupid bond, but she has no idea, hahaha!]

'But we still have to suffer the wait of 48 hours before accomplishing the first revenge.'

[The fruit of patience tastes better. It's just 48 hours, so have a blast and set up the stage.]

'I can't imagine its taste until I taste it in reality. These forty-eight hours are going to feel long, haha.'

[For sure.]

After five minutes, Arlott gathered all ten kids in the second floor's hallway since all the kids were sleeping in the second floor's rooms.

He gave them the clothes he bought yesterday and then told them to take a shower and gather in the hall below.

"After that, we'll have a tasty breakfast," Arlott smiled. "Now, go."

After the kids left, Arlott went into the hall below and sat on a sofa chair before calling Iris.

[Iris: We just finished breakfast, so I am going to pick up the RV and get there as soon as possible.]

[Arlott: Alright, but don't come inside.]

[Iris: I understand. I'll wait at the sun-moon park, right?]

[Arlott: Yep. Stay outside where there are only a few vehicles parked.]

[Iris: Gotcha. See you soon.]

Arlott put away the phone and leaned back with a thoughtful expression, "Now is the tricky part."

[The situation will require Ghost. They are there, and all of them are just watching and waiting.]