

Henry bright Daniel Diana Michael Wesley Gabrielle Gabriel Mitchell Edward Alex Steve Steven

Muiz_Adeogun · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


on a sunny day at Crispen campus Henry sat down on a bench viewing cheerleading squad dancing and a little sec his phone rang he glance at it and pick it immediately

Henry: hi dad

Mr bright: I don't have time for compliment just get back home now

Henry: but dad (interupted by his dad)

Mr bright: no excuse just get back home it's really urgent I mean very urgent

Henry: ok dad ( he hung up and left the field for his house


he finally get to house and drove into his compound and finally he step out and went in barging the door behind him he found his dad sitting on the couch simply watching TV he stare at his dad for a few seconds and finally spoke out

Henry: you called me dad

Mr bright: you are going to Florida today park a few thing you might need and prepare for ( he interupted him)

Henry: but (he cut out)

Mr bright: I'm not done talking so shut up

Henry: dad what's up with the sudden change in you

Mr bright: I said shut up ( he said angrily)

Henry: okay Dad I'm sorry

Mr bright: so go prepare now

Henry: okay Dad

( he left for his room he knew he didn't dare go against his Dad so he just left quietly)


He went back to meet his father as he step out he found two hefty grown ups with him before he could say a word his father said interrupting his thoughts

Mr bright: meet Bruce and Brooke they are a very skilled fighter with indestructibility power

Henry: skilled fighter ( he grunt with a faint smile)

Mr bright: I know you can defeat them but you can't hurt them they accompany you and will also act under you command but you should follow their advice they have more experience than you do

Henry: okay Dad

Mr bright: I have arranged for a new school for you and take my card ( he extend his hand and handover a gold card to him he saw him as he joyfully collected the card)

Henry: I have always wanted this but you will never give me now you are giving it to me yourself ( his happy face suddenly turn sad )

Mr bright: what now?

Henry: we are really staying there for so long I will be missing my friends so much

Mr bright: I know but you will also find new friends there

Henry: okay Dad ( he said trying to cheer up)

Mr bright: that's my boy, treat him with respect (he said facing the two other guys and they answered in unison)

Bruce/Brooke: yes sir

Mr bright: you won't be needing anything else right ( he said facing his son)

Henry: yes since I have your card

Mr bright: good you guys can leave now my driver will drive you to the airport (he said as he handover a bag to Bruce and Henry also gave Brooke his as they went out Mr bright follow them out )

They went into the car has the driver drove out of the compound Mr bright wave at them

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