

Henry bright Daniel Diana Michael Wesley Gabrielle Gabriel Mitchell Edward Alex Steve Steven

Muiz_Adeogun · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Ch2 New City New Energy

After hours of journey they finally arrived in front of a large gate as they went in Henry exclaimed

Henry: this is a huge place I mean this is a heavon on Earth, woooow

Bruce: don't exclaim too much your father spent so many years building it and it contains a large amount amount of advance technology. which makes you the only person that can unlock this place

Henry: oh I see

Bruce: you are gonna love it inside

Henry: have you been to this place before

Bruce: yeah we are very close to your father so we knew almost everything about him

Henry: why are you been so quiet are you scared that I will scold you ( he said pointing at Brooke)

Brooke: scold me ( he laughed) I just don't have anything to say. Well let move inside

Henry: there is even the latest Ferrari here my dad is very rich then

Brooke: yeah let go

They move to the door where the door automatically scanned Henry and it opened as they move inside he exclaimed

Henry: woooow this place is paradise

Bruce: yeah little one

Brooke: and don't forget to prepare for your new school tommorow

Henry: yeah I'd love to

They move into the sitting room while Henry fell on one of the chair

Henry: it is so comfy

Bruce: let me show you your room

Henry: just tell me I will move there myself

Bruce: there is more than one hundred rooms here you might get lost

Henry: you mean more than one hundred rooms are you kidding me

Bruce: No

Henry: okay let go

they moved inside as he exclaimed

Henry: it is really much but not up to hundred

Brooke: do you want the upper room or the lower room

Henry: I knew something wasn't right outside

Brooke: what wasn't right

Henry: although this place look luxurious but it does not look like a complete building to me

Brooke: what do you mean by it doesn't look like a complete building to you

Henry: this place actually look like a storey building but there is nothing on the first building and why is that

Brooke: that's really smart of you yes you are right. this place is a storey building but you can't see the remaining of the building

Henry: and why is that

Brooke: your father invented a machine that can make things invisible

Henry: oh so the remaining of the building is invisible now I understand.okay I will prefer the upper one

Brooke: good choice that was your personal room specially made for you

Henry: then what are you waiting for

Brooke: let go then

They went into the elevator pressing 40 Henry exclaimed

Henry: are you telling me this a 40 storey ( the building AI interupted him )

AI: pls verify

Brooke: Oh I forgot to tell you that no one can go to no 40 without you like I said it is specially made for you

Henry: oh I see

He place his palm on a screen that came out of a opening in the elevator

AI: verification complete you can proceed

The elevator start moving to No 40 as chatted for a while then elevator finally stopped

Henry: so fast, we are already up

Brooke: advance technology

Henry: I will sleep now so I may not meet you till tomorrow I can't wait to get to the new school

Brooke: okay then

He said and went into the elevator as Henry stare at the large room

Henry: wow this place is for me only no wonder nobody can come here without me well I love it that

He said and went to bed after a few minutes he slept off


He woke after an alarm from the room AI

Henry: good morning new city. I feel different today, well new city new energy. let me prepare for the new school

He went to take his bath his after 20 MINUTES he came out of the bathroom he went to his wardrobe he brought a green top and a black trouser after 30 minutes he is already well prepared so he went down stairs when he reach down stairs he saw the both of them sitting on the dinning table waiting for him so he quickly join them while eating Brooke said

Brooke: Bruce will accompany you to school to keep your company and also keep you safe

Henry: No I'm going alone

Brooke: okay he keep distance you know just to keep you safe

Henry: NO and I'm even driving myself to school

Brooke: No you can't do that

Henry: who follow whose command

Brooke: okay okay okay you can do what you want

Henry: good

He left his food and went out. in a jiffy he went into the Ferrari he spotted the other day

Henry: goodbye

He said and drove out to school