
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

Dao5203 · Games
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181 Chs

Chapter 9: Announcement

Lin Yi turned the eight beads in his hand and looked at their breathtaking green light. He said slowly, "Because you ate the tears of time, the treasure of death, you can make your eyes extremely powerful and indelible. So your four doppelgangers all turned into black powder, but only your eyes remained."

Tears of Time I didn't think you even knew the efficacy of such divine things.However, with these alone, I can be sure that I am a dead scale, "Rouse said with difficulty, by this time his hands had completely turned to ashes, leaving only half of his body still struggling, but he still insisted on looking up and staring at Lin Yi.".

Lin Yi looked up at the keys flying all over the sky and said, "When you come out of your cell, you must want to get your own key, or the key of someone who is very important to you, in order to gain the freedom of your body and restore your original strength.".But you lost four doppelgangers and couldn't get the key, so you had to borrow my hand to get it.And you've been asking me for key 22 a lot these days, and when you finally saw that I couldn't get it, you settled for key 250. Obviously, one of these two numbers is you. According to my previous speculation, you are obviously the dead scale of Hydra 250. Only in this way can we explain all this.

Rouse gritted his teeth against the pain of destruction and struggled. "If I'm 250, why am I taking the key to 22?"

"Because you have to do this,"Lin Yi looked down at Rouse."Even you, a 250-level strong man, can only be locked up in No.250. The strength of No.22 should be far more than you. Why do you want to get the key of No.22 so much? Who can make you care so much? Obviously, No.22 is your master."

Hearing this, Rouse's face changed completely, his face was ashen, and the word "Dharma God", like a bullet, hit him hard in the heart and caught him by surprise.

But Rouse still did not give up, his face twisted and asked: "The first 200 criminals are held in sealed cells, can not be checked, do not know whether I can know that the law God is 22, how can I know that he is still alive?"

"Because you have eaten the tears of time, your eyes have mutated, and you can see through the past and the future. You can see what happened in the past in the hero's prison. Naturally, you can see that the Dharma God was numbered 22 when he was imprisoned.".After the Dharma God is locked up in the sealed cell, although it cannot be checked, you are his mount and have a master and servant contract. You can live only when he lives. If he dies, you must die.You are still alive, proving that the Dharma God is still alive unless you can get the water of the contract and wash away your master and servant contract.

Speaking of this, Lin Yi's mind came up with the post of "Ten Gods" in the forum. If he had not read that post, he would not have known the function of the tears of time and the water of contract at all. In a sense, the author of that post, Bai Chi, did him a big favor.

By this time, Rouse finally stopped struggling, his torso had turned into black ashes, leaving only a head, which was about to die completely.He stared at Lin Yi for a long time. Finally he sighed and said faintly, "Yes, I am the dead scale of a hydra. I didn't expect that I would be planted in the hands of a nobody like you for countless years, and completely disappear in this world."

"Did you finally admit it?"Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief."In fact, I can't be 100% sure that you are dead. No matter how reasonable the speculation is, it can only be a kind of speculation, not a substitute for the facts.But your suspicion is so great that I can only do this to deal with you.Said Lin Yi, looking at Rouse's head and saying, "You're not completely dead. At least your two eyes should be able to stay."

"No, not two, but 20,"Rouse said in a tragic tone."Do you know why I only dared to send four doppelgangers into this stone chamber when I came out of my cell? Because if I had less than five doppelgangers, I would be completely dead. So I have been waiting patiently all these years until you came.Although I have the eye of time, I can't see your future, and I can't see that you will kill me. Once my main doppelganger dies, the four doppelgangers outside my door will not be spared. They will be annihilated with me, leaving only 20 eyeballs, which are cheap for you.

"It's cheap for me."Lin Yi frowned slightly."Is there any other use for your eyes?"

Of course, the effect of the tears of time is not so easy to dissipate, when I die, you eat all my 28 eyes, you can also have the effect of the tears of time, get some magical ability.Believe it or not, I'm going to die anyway.It's a pity that I can only die in this prison, and I can't go back to my hometown to have a look. "At this time, the magnificent yellow stone has begun to wear away Rouse's head. His voice has gradually become ethereal, and his eyes have become more and more scattered." I still remember that I was a carefree snake, living freely, basking in the sun every day, patrolling my territory, carefree.One day, that hateful bastard seized me and forced me to sign a master and servant contract. From then on, I had to become his slave and work for him. Do you know how you feel? You hate your enemy so much, but you have to work for him. Everything about you is implicated by him. You want him to die.But once he dies, you have to die, too. You can only save him and risk your life to save your enemy. Ha ha. What a ridiculous world. What a tragic memory. Now I can finally get rid of it. "At the end, Rouse's voice became broken and finally dissipated completely. His head was completely turned into ashes, leaving only two green beads in place."It sparkles with breathtaking light.

At that moment, the world seemed to stand still.

A moment later, the whole world sounded a voice:

"System announcement: Chinese player killed Hydra Dead Scales level 250, became the first player to kill more than his own level 200 NPC, awarded 2000 points of public reputation, won the only achievement over level 200, China's national honor value 2."


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