
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

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181 Chs

Chapter 8: Q & A.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yi walked to the door of the stone room with a relaxed face. He waved to Rouse and said, "Rouse, come here quickly. I got the key No.22."

"Ah, did you finally get the key?" Rouse and the four jailers behind him were so happy that they ran to Lin Yi and ran to the threshold of the stone room.

"Where is the key?" Rouse stared at Lin Yi, glancing back and forth over him.

At that moment, Lin Yi suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed Rouse like lightning, and dragged him into the stone room.

It all happened in a flash of lightning, and neither Rouse nor the four jailers reacted.

"Ah,"the next moment, Rouse let out a shrill cry, collapsed on the golden floor of the stone room, looking extremely painful, like a desperate cry before dying,"seconds, Mr. seckill, why did you do this?"

"Are you still pretending now?"Lin Yi stared at Rouse and said slowly,"You are the dead scales of Hydra."

At that moment, Rouse trembled and stared at Lin Yi in shock, his green eyes full of disbelief, as if he had forgotten the pain in his body.

Seeing Rouse's expression, Lin Yi was more sure of his guess. He pointed to the golden walls around him and said, "Why are you always unwilling to enter this stone room? In fact, you are not unwilling, but dare not at all."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand. You, you get me out of here first," Rouse begged in pain.

If I get you out of here, I'll be the one who dies.No way, I can only rely on this stone room to kill you, after all, you are a powerful hydra dead scales, and this stone room is your nemesis, "Lin Yi stared at the struggling Rouse on the ground, but did not have any intention to come forward to help.".

Rouse's face was white, and the little blood on his face suddenly faded, like the face of a dead man. "Why do you say that?"

Lin Yi looked at him and said, "I didn't think that this stone chamber was made of Xionghuang stone, but just now I suddenly thought of the appearance of Xionghuang stone. The color and material were exactly the same as this stone chamber. Once, after I took out the scales of dead scales in this stone chamber, the scales melted and turned into a pile of black fly ash.".At that time, I thought that this stone room could not appear any auxiliary props, but now I know that this is a realgar stone room, which is the nemesis of insects and snakes.

Enduring the pain, Rouse collapsed on the golden floor of the stone room. He raised his head with difficulty and stared at Lin Yi with his green eyes. "Is it just because of this that you guess I am a dead scale?"

"Of course not,"Lin Yi shook his head."In fact, I didn't know you were dead scales at the beginning. It was not until today that I finally guessed after linking up all the doubts and details.First of all, it's not normal for such a famous man to be polite to me as the warden of the hero prison, who runs the prison under the command of death.Second, these days you are always here waiting for me to finish the task, without any behavior of managing the prison, which is not like the style of a warden.Third, you are the warden here, but you can't enter this stone room. How can there be such a place that even the warden can't enter? This is not normal.Fourth, if you really can't get into this stone room, how do you know that the key to the cell is in the northeast corner? Is it not self-contradictory? All signs indicate that you are not the warden at all.

"Even if I am not a warden, why must I be a dead scale hero? The material of the prison is very special. It has the function of banning and sealing demons. It can't be destroyed, it can't use magic in it, and it can't let people with magic fluctuations go out."."If I am a dead scale, imprisoned in such a powerful cell, how did I get out?" Rouse asked angrily. His legs had begun to turn to black ashes under the stimulation of the stalagmite, and he was not far from death.

Ignoring his anger, Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Although the cell of Hero Prison is very powerful, there is a crack between the two iron doors. For a huge criminal, this is a crack. But for a small man like us, this crack is equivalent to a passage. We can walk freely through the crack.".On my first day in Hero Prison, I entered the cell of Hydra's dead scales.Although Hydra's dead scales are very large, the introduction board outside its cell says that it can shed its skin, and then it can get rid of its huge body and turn into nine small, humanoid bodies without magic fluctuations, which can completely get out of the crack of the door. And of all the criminals I know so far, it is the only one that can eliminate the magic fluctuations and not be blocked by the iron door.To escape from prison, I can only think of Hydra dead scales, since you are not the warden, then you are probably dead scales.

"It's, it's just your guess, there's no proof," Rouse said, his face contorted in pain, as his hands began to annihilate and his limbs began to turn to black powder.

"The black powder you turned into is a kind of evidence."Lin Yi looked at the black ashes of Rouse's legs, took out eight green beads from the storage ring, shook them in front of Rouse's eyes, and said:"That day, I found these eight green beads in this stone room, beside which there was a pile of black powder.I didn't know what it was at the time, but now it seems that these eight beads are so similar to your eyes, the same size, the same green, and that pile of black powder is the ashes of your doppelganger.

Rouse looked at the eight green beads, his face changed, he closed his eyes in pain, clenched his teeth and said, "Is it just because they look like each other that I suspect they are my eyes?"

"It looks like it's just a part of it. There are eight eyeballs here, and it can be inferred that four people have died here, plus you, and the four jailers outside the door, which are exactly nine people. After the dead scales shed their skin, they will turn into nine small human-shaped doppelgangers, which are exactly the same as your number. So these eight eyeballs are left by your four doppelgangers. When you escaped from the cell,Must want to come here to get your key, but this is the stone room built by Xionghuangshi, your Fen Shen has no magic power, very weak, simply can not resist the erosion of Xionghuangshi, so four Fen Shen are buried here, leaving only eight eyeballs. "Lin Yi finished, turned to look at the four jailers outside the door, at this time they also collapsed on the ground, suffering to the extreme."Looks like he was implicated by Lawes.

"Even so, why can Xionghuangshi only erase my body, but not my eyes?" Xionghuangshi also knows how to show mercy.


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