
The Two Swords

Hero finally taught Simon everything he knew which made him stronger. The dagger that Peitho forged for Simon was already done as well, since a dagger is only small it is faster to be made than Hero's sword. Also, Reyana was making sure that the sword she would give to him was of good quality which is why it took time to make his weapon.

"When is the estimated time you can complete my sword?" Reyana looks at Hero while she waiting.

"It would be another day of waiting, at most." Hero let out a sigh. "Why? Is there something wrong?"

"I just saw Smokevine monsters heading their way to the city. I think they can't find any food in the school any more that is why they chose to head to the city to find food. It would be bad luck to us." Peitho gasped after what she had heard.

"You mean Smokevine monsters will come here and eat us?" Peitho trembles after saying it. Hero nodded.

"If all of them will slowly go here and let the female smokevine monsters bear their children in the city, it will be over for us. We need to kill the female smokevine monsters first in the forest. After that, we can kill the male smokevine monsters."

"But, how could we do that?" Simon asks as he holds his rifle.

"We just need to cut their necks however, it is impossible that there will be no male smokevine monsters protecting the females. It would be difficult for us either to kill them with just ordinary weapons. They are blue gem monsters, and their neck is their weakness but their heads are also hard like big boulders. We need to use weapons forged with gems even if it is only orange ones."

"Well, Simon's dagger is forged with a red gem, right?" Peitho speaks as she points the dagger at Simon's hips.

"Yes, it is good that you finish forging it. That would be helpful. However, one weapon is not enough to kill them so I needed your assistance, Albino and Peitho. I know you are not that skilled enough to kill monsters but we don't have a choice. Can you do it?" Peitho and Albino smile and nod their heads in response. "That is good." He then looks at Simon and stands up.

"The two of us will head to their nest to observe and investigate before making plans. I need to know their well-being and when will be the females born their children." Simon nodded and followed what Hero said.

"Please take care of yourselves."

The two are now walking to the forest. Hero senses that they are finally getting closer and closer to the nest. Simon was just looking at Hero who was seriously walking and looking in front of him. "We are here." They both hid immediately when they heard big footsteps. They hid behind the big tree while taking a peek at them.

The smokevine monsters were huge. Their height can be level up to 20 feet. They are huge like T-rex dinosaurs. One male smokevine monster spits the food out of his mouth and puts it on the female smokevine monster while she is lying down. Her stomach is not big which is why you can't identify if she really is a female. "They look the same. How can we identify them when they are out from the city if the male and female look the same?" Simon asks.

"We won't let the female smokevine monsters go to the city. We will kill them right here. We must not lure them to the city as they will only attract more monsters." The male monster left after giving the food from the female's mouth. "From the look of it, she will give birth tomorrow so we need to plan the attack today and tomorrow morning when the clock strikes five, we must already be here and kill them one by one."

They are now at the workhouse and Hero begins to give them their designated task. Simon will attack in the distance together with Peitho. They will kill the female ones. Hero will kill all the males with the support of Albino behind by using a bow and arrows. They will forge some arrows tonight with orange gems, it may be can't behead a monster but it can be used to at least slow them down and for support.

As for Reyana, she will continue to forge the weapon in the workhouse. There would be no person left to protect her so she needed to take some precautions if ever a monster will break out into the house.

While Albino and Peitho are forging arrows that they will use for the battle tomorrow, Simon and Hero are the ones who added some things to cover the house so the monster won't be able to see Reyana or smell her. They put herbs around the area.

"Gosh, glad I made some arrows last week forged with blue gems that Simon gave us. I guess it can also support the battle?" Peitho speaks as she sits on the chair staring at the ceiling.

"I am tired!" Albino exclaimed. Hero looks at them two sitting with their sweat streaming then looks at Reyana who is busy forging his sword. Hero looks at the arrows that they made and count them. They have made hundreds of them causing Hero to smile.

"You guys can rest now. It will be a long day for us tomorrow." The two nodded and went to their room. "I have already covered the whole house and painted the door and windows with the blood of the dead chaos mutant we have seen earlier."

Simon abruptly went inside and sat on the chair.

"The sword. I can feel a strong aura." Reyana looks at Hero. "You think you can handle this? It is not yet complete but I will make sure to complete this tomorrow in the afternoon to give it to you."

Hero looks at the sword and observes it. Reyana is telling the truth, he can really sense a strong aura in the sword. 'Maybe because we have used four red gems in this?' he thought to himself. But it's not just that, something inside of Hero screaming eager to touch the two swords. What is it?