
Simon's Challenge

The smokevine smashes the wall with its bare hand causing a strong wind from its punch to move Hero's desk where he was hiding towards at the back of the building. He was also carried away by the wind causing him a lot of bruises from his knees and elbows. The cabinet where Simon and Albino were hiding was also pushed and both of them were carried away, their cabinet heading towards Hero's location. That leaves Peitho and Reyana alone in the restroom.

Both of the two women still shut their mouths, their bodies trembling in fear. Reyana shut her eyes hoping the monster wouldn't sense them however, its hands were trying to reach the restroom causing Hero to grit his teeth and try to find something that he could use.

"Sh.t, this isn't good," he muttered as he kept looking around. When he couldn't find something he glared at the monster and quickly jumped towards its hands but suddenly someone screamed causing him to jump backward and hide when he was now standing on the second floor. The monster got out of the place and all the smokevine monsters followed where they heard the scream. All of them felt relieved and Hero immediately opened the door and helped the two get out of the building.

They were on their journey to go to the workhouse of Reyana's grandfather. Hero was staring at Reyana and thinking of what he knew about her in the past. Reyana was known for her intelligence as well as her courage and power in fighting monsters. Maybe it is because Hero meets her earlier than before but he is hoping that this doesn't change her personality and power.

"Why didn't you try to kill those monsters earlier anyway? It seems you can kill all of them," Simon asks him.

"Smokevine monsters may be weak but their quick movement is something you should pay attention to. Especially if they are grouped into five or more. Can't you see? There are no Smokevine monsters heading out from their forest without their companion. They can't fight for themselves if they are alone. My speed may be able to catch up with them but my skills aren't enough to kill all of them and my weapon is still weak to kill monsters. I still need to consume many orange gems as much as possible before consuming the red ones," Hero explained to him while clenching his fist. Simon just nodded his head and understood what he was saying.

"We're here," Reyana said and opened the door at the back. All of them headed inside and they couldn't believe that the front door led to a town near the City. "It is still dusty as Grandfather already died a few years ago. After his death, no one tried to open his workhouse as he forbids any of his sons and daughters to enter here as well as my cousins except for me."

Simon looks at her. "Why didn't you use this?"

Reyana takes off the dust using a broom while Albino and Peitho help her clean the place. "I am a student. I can't prioritize what I have learned from Grandpa. I need to focus on my studies and graduate but, what happened now seems like it will never happen. I guess it is a good thing that Grandpa gave me his workhouse. I didn't think I would be able to use it."

"Hey, brother and Simon! Help us!" Peitho shouted causing the two to immediately help them clean the house.

After all the cleaning, Simon and Albino head to the store to take food that is good for a month. Peitho was looking at Reyana, wondering how she did the work with Hero's swords. Hero was out of the workhouse to hunt some monsters with orange gems. "Hero still not here?" Simon asks as he drops the bags of food at the table.

Without looking, Peitho responds. "Not yet. Don't worry about him. He can protect himself, anyway." Right after Peitho speaks, the door opens and there they see Hero carrying three bags of orange gems. "Hi, brother!"

"Whoah, you did all that? I mean you killed many monsters all by yourself?" Simon speaks while looking at Hero with amazed eyes and looks at the gems he is carrying. "How will you consume it anyway?"

"Watch and learn, Simon," Hero speaks as he drops the bags of gems. Peitho and Reyana didn't pay attention to the three men as both of them were focusing on doing their own. Hero took one orange gem and held it, closing his eyes and breathing properly. He then began to control the blood flowing through his veins and when he was able to control the flow of his blood he tried to consume the energy from the gem causing the gem to gradually turn into a gray color.

"I didn't get it," Simon speaks as he looks at Hero who's now opening his eyes looking at the orange gem who now loses its power.

"I will teach you once you will be able to bring me a bag of blue gems. Meaning, if you can kill a monster with blue gems all by yourself and if you can't, I don't need to waste my time teaching you this." The cold response from Hero causes Simon to feel hurt. To him, it seems that Hero was underestimating him but also trying to challenge him. But how could he be able to do that when he can only kill monsters one at a time and is weak in close combat?

Simon started walking causing Albino to look at him confusedly. "Where are you heading?" Simon stopped and looked at Hero who was busy consuming the gems then looked at Albino.

"I will practice outside. I need to make myself stronger. My master said that" he responded, pointing his index finger to Hero and leaving the house immediately.

He walks as if no monsters around. He finds a hallway on the 2nd floor of a big house and immediately jumps and climbs to get there. "I guess this is a good place to hunt monsters. I am good at sniping so rather than try how to hunt monsters in close combat, I should make myself stronger in sniping. This is my specialty anyway," he said as he prepared his rifle and finally saw one monster with blue eyes, indicating that he was a blue gem monster.

Since his rifle is something he fixed and organized, he was able to make a silent rifle so every time he shoots there will be no noise can be made. "First hunt." Simon shoots the monster from its head three times causing it to be killed and lay on the ground immediately.