

It was already nighttime. Peitho carries his brother to a room that is still completely whole and locks the door. After hearing her brother's scream, she couldn't bear it anymore and immediately ran and climbed up, there she saw her brother lying on the ground bleeding. While assisting her brother, she couldn't believe what she saw when she saw his brother's one hand that was cut but was gradually turning back. It means that his body was regenerating. The wounds in his palm also healed! But the blood was still there.

Peitho shook her head and set aside her confusion. She takes a look at the bag that her brother ordered her to carry and looks for something that she could use for her brother's treatment. Hero was sick and had a high fever, his temperature was very high which Peitho was concerned about.

"There was no medicine for fever!" she exclaimed and stopped for a while. She remembered they still had one stock left in their room but their room was five rooms away. She knows that it is very dangerous to go outside now as monsters are lurking around the area, especially the flying ones, the Bonewraith monster.

She let out a deep sigh took her brother's dagger and headed towards the door. She stopped when she finally held the doorknob. "This is for brother, if I won't do this now, he'll die. I was able to kill one earlier so I know I can kill another one again," she muttered and slowly opened the door.

She looked outside and saw no signs of monsters. She slowly steps outside and walks gently and calmly, moving her head around to check the surroundings. She was able to go into their room and return safely, which made her feel better. She immediately opened the medicine and forced Hero to drink it while caring for him as his fever grew higher.

"I hope you'll be alright, Brother."


Hero opened his eyes to discover that he was surrounded by complete darkness. He began walking and looking around for someone or something, but he could not find it. As he walked, he heard a child speak. He was in tears. When he finally sees the child sitting on the ground beside him, he notices a small chair filled with blood. The child embraces his knees while crying, and when Hero sees him, he rushes towards him.

He looked at the child's body, inspecting it for any signs of bleeding or bruises. "Hey kid, are you okay?" he asks, but the child doesn't respond and just keeps crying. He tried to reach out to the child, but he suddenly stopped when the child stopped crying. The child slowly raised his head, making Hero unable to move. The child's eyes were dark as black, staring blankly at him before gradually darkening. He instantly remembered the monster's eyes, causing his body hair to stand up.

Hero moves backwards as he feels something strange about the child, he may want to move away but he can't. As Hero keeps on staring at him, the child slowly opens his mouth and speaks. "You k.illed me."

Hero opened his eyes and saw in front of him a white ceiling with a fan pointing only at him, gasping for air. He quickly gets up and looks around, seeing his sister sleeping on the chair at her head placed on the table. Around him were a lot of medicine, a tub of water, and a clean cloth that was used to lessen the heat from his body. "She did this all night?" Hero muttered as he picked up the wet cloth.

"3 days and 2 nights, Brother," Peitho speaks as she keeps on yawning and stretching her body looking at her brother. "Thankfully we still had medicine in our room, we were able to survive the monster's attacks thanks to you," she added and got up. "By the way, Brother. What do you want to eat, I was able to get some cup noodles at the store near the area, good thing I managed to survive while taking food outside."

Hero's face was confused after hearing Peitho's statement. "What do you mean by thanks to me? and what? 3 days and 2 nights? You head outside to get some food alone?" Hero continuously asks.

"Brother, calm down. Let us rest and eat first and I will tell you everything that happened in that 3 days and 2 nights, okay?" Peitho speaks as she preparing for the food they will eat for the day.

Hero just looked at his hands and was surprised to see his two hands complete. He touched his body the holes that were made by the monster's tentacles were all gone. His body regenerates! Hero thought that maybe the black gem that the monster put on his body made him have superpowers just like the purple gems.

It is such a relief that he cuts the palms of his hands to quell the monster's rage, believing that cutting himself with his own will and allowing the blood to drip from the ground will calm the monster down. He didn't expect it to last for days and nights, but what confused him even more was Peitho's statement that they were able to survive the monster's attack because of him.

When Peitho finished preparing everything, Hero helped himself to eat food silently until Peitho broke the silence. "Every time monsters head in the room, you are unconsciously killing them. You are sleeping yet your body is moving on its own. I can't believe that you have such abilities to kill all of them at once," Peitho speaks while eating the cup noodles.

Hero looked at her and continued to listen. "I saw you laying on the ground on the first day and you were bleeding but I was shocked to see that your body regenerated and saw the body of a child that looks like he died from malnutrition beside you. What just happened to you?" Hero stops eating and looks at his sister making him slowly drop the spoon and fork to speak. He gradually explained everything and answered Peitho's questions.

When he finally managed to explain everything, Hero did the proper breathing in order to fully consume and control the black gem's source without allowing the monster in the gem to control his body. However, he was surprised to discover that the monster had long gone. He feels nothing but only the power that the black gem gives him. Hero opens his eyes and gets up.

Hero could only consume 60% of the power of the black gem, while the remaining 40% was blocked from consumption for unknown reasons. He reasoned that perhaps his body was insufficient to absorb the power and that he needed to strengthen it in order to do so fully.

He looked at the clock and realized it was already 2 p.m. He decided to leave their city today since this would become dangerous after a month. He remembered the deadly monster sleeping at the train station from his previous life that cause this City to be dangerous after a month. He still need to train as he is not yet strong enough to fight against that monster.

He is still thinking about what Peitho said about the monster's body, or should we say its old vessel. That it became a child's body, and by coincidence, he dreamed of a child telling him that he had killed him. It is the first time he has encountered something like this after consuming the gem.

"Where are we heading, then?" Peitho asks him whilst preparing the things they need to carry. Hero looked at his dagger. It was very old and getting rusty, not enough to be used for weeks of their journey. He suddenly remembered the woman who forged his weapon in his past life that he used for years.

"We're gonna find Reyana," Hero speaks making Peitho stops.

"Reyana? She's from the other university known for her talent in taekwondo. How did you know her?" Peitho asks him which Hero looks at her.

"Do you know where that place is? We might see her there. I needed to see her," Hero replied looking at his sister.

"Yes, if we use a car, it will only take hours to get there, but it appears we cannot use one anymore; if we walk, we will get a day, I guess?" Peitho said, and Hero took the bag to carry it.

"It is fine, I still have things to do before going there; I want to collect as many gems as possible so that she can forge my weapons and give them to Reyana," he replied and began to walk outside the room with his dagger out, confusing Peitho. The way Hero speaks about Reyana as if he has already had a conversation and interaction with her perplexes her because she knows her brother does not like to interact with others. Also, regarding the gems and forging weapons he mentioned, it appears that her brother has some knowledge of what is going on in their world now, about the monsters invading their world.

"Brother," she called out his name. "I will be the one to carry the bag," she said, taking it from his back. "I know you have a lot of things to do."

"If you can carry it, then go ahead," he said, jumping from the second floor and looking in front of him. He spin the dagger from his hand and stared at the spider monster in front of him, which was devouring three dead people and enjoying its food. When the monster sensed his presence, he smirked.

"An orange one," he said as he dashed towards the monster, lifting his hand to kill it by cutting its neck and beheading it. Blood splashed on the ground, and half of the deceased's bodies rolled on the ground. "One." Hero counted and gave a smirk facing the monster's dead body.