
Hero Crisis: Running to the Only Reality

hey readers! this is another book I have marked down to get it on paper. I have 2 other books Poor Man Reborn, Should Have Let Me Die that are contracted and once one is finished I will he working on my other books in this order. but if a certain book gets more collections I will start that book sooner 1.Hack&Slash 2.Death March In To The Otherside 3.Hero Crisis: Running To The Only Reality 4.The Fall And Rise Of The Seven Witches Of Miasgard 5.Heartbeats Of Magic A story draped in the scars of a devastated kingdom. This is the story of one man that woke up in a place that he did not fall asleep in. Tom went to sleep in his room and woke up to a person rushing toward him. His next eight seconds could decide the rest of his life. A friend could betray him or an enemy he doesn't know could become his most valuable ally. Nothing is certain, except the shadows hanging over the kingdom, waiting to devour the light.

Magic_ · Fantasy
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2.A New World of Inconsistencies

Stepping out under the lamplight, Adriene looks up and notices the lights don't flicker. Power? Though, on closer inspection, he can see thatched roofs and even a horse tied to what looks to be a local bar. Simons Tappers Pub. Pieces keep filling themselves in, but he knows this isn't right. His sub-consciousness was fighting with him to overlap his old memories.

Adriene stumbles, grabbing his head groaning. He wasn't going to let whatever did this to take it all, and he began to force himself to think. He was Tom, and last night he had pot noodles before falling asleep watching "Diamond Dust Crisis." It was a new special pilot episode about...his mind wouldn't work. Each time he thought about what the show was about, it melted away like a dream.

Something about that show? Is this all some elaborate dream? Could he need to wake up? Looking around again, he sees that there is the beginning of the dock area. Open space without a boat gives him an idea. Seeing the place to conduct his test, Adriene starts to leave when his blood freezes.

The impending danger of feeling courses through himself makes his body move mechanically. Turning as the female's knife slices the fabric of the of his shirt, barely missing him. In the same fluid motion, his leg lifts, using the momentum of his turn to connect with the back of her head. This causes her face to smash into the dirt and stone with a sickening crunch.

She let out a muffled cry, but before she could move, his body continued the motion as a blade stretched into his outstretched hand. As his hand and knife descended, He was forced to stop himself from killing her. This body is way to good at this. Instead, he grabbed her by her black hair and lifted her face to reveal a bloody face with a nose bent in an uncomfortable angle. Uncomfortable? This mind has a loose hold on the definition of uncomfortable.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you have a thing for me," Adriene joked, but in response, the woman spits blood in his face.

"You need to die, Adriene!" She yelled at him, but it came out muffled and garbled caused by the broken nose.

"Well, You know my name, but I don't..." Then he had another memory forced into his head, and then he began to smile.

Reaching forward, he grabbed the girl's broken nose and retched it back in place, causing her to let out a cry. He let go of her hair, and she scrabbled around. As she did, he turns his back to her again, wiping his face clean on his shirt. She also wiped her face and began to try standing again, but froze when he spoke.

"Don't Karlie; my head was fuzzy before. You have had fun and will live to talk about it unless you try this again," He said blankly.

"Why didn't you kill me then if you know who I am. You know I can't just let you go," Karlie said to him, but the fire had gone out of her speech. It felt like she wasn't sure of the words now.

"Somethings wrong with my head, and I'm in a bad mood. You must be familiar with this mood and know that walking away is the only way," Adriene said, walking away. He didn't feel the malicious intent coming from behind himself. As he walked towards the dock, he gave a cursory glance over his shoulder and seen that she had disappeared.

As he was walking to the docks, he was looking around at his surrounding, not wanting only to trust his super-human reflexes. The port was strange. The place seemed to be a smashing of cultures. Dragon boats, Steamers, Galleons, metal hauled behemoths, and even what looked like a Viking longboat. What the actual fuck. How are all these boats here? These damn things are from different eras, some more than a thousand years apart.

Then Adriene notices something that almost every ship has in common. The flags came in different designs, and some had colors, but they all had one thing in common. Each flag was some form of a skull and bones crossed. Really? Pirates? What's next?

Walking up to the space at the dock, he turns around. Life and death didn't seem to jar him from this dream, so the only thing to come to mind is falling. Adriene turns his back to the water and notices for the first time the view.

The city or whatever it was called here was massive. Light dotted the twisting and winding roads, and some of the more prominent looking buildings had lights on. Behind it all stood an enormous wall that surrounded the city in a half-circle shape. At the middle and farthest point stood a castle, but something didn't seem right. Is that castle built on the outside of the wall?

Shaking his head and bringing himself back to his present dilemma, he glanced back at the water. Is this what I want? What am I going back to? I don't remember my life as Tom being that spectacular. Adriene stepped away from the edge and looked towards Simon Tapper Pub.

"Why not? I know, but don't know everything, Adriene, me knows. Nothing seems to be clear until I need to know it. Convenient," He muttered to himself as he walked towards the pub.