
Hero's Villainous Quirk

In a world filled with both wonder and malice, a child finds himself abandoned by his parents at the young age of four... the day that his quirk had awakened into something that would make others fear him. He'd been saved from the path of a villain and exposed to the world of heroes his entire life. Joining the prestigious High School of UA, he will try and change how 'villainous' quirks are viewed in society. *I do not own the world of MHA or any of its character besides the one I created. All rights go to Kohei Horikoshi*

Kogatsu · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Workplace Experience

"Hey There! I brought the first year!" Mirio cheered as if the sight in front of us was a normal daily occurrence.

"What exactly am I looking at here?" I ask my companion.

"Bubble Girl, his sidekick, it seems she didn't have enough humor, did she?" Mirio shake his head sadly.

With his impressive figure hunched over, Nighteye turned towards me, giving me the stink eye.

Clearing my throat, I give my best Kronk impression, "What do you call a wagon with no wagoner? A waGONE."

Having thought I gave a real knee slapper of a joke; I look to find Mirio with his mouth agape. Hearing a quiet chuckle from the person in question, he strode up to me and stuck out his hand.

"It'll be a pleasure to work with you Kou."

"Likewise, Sir."

Dwarfing me with his height, Nighteye put his hand on my shoulder and start to guide me out of the room.

Passing by my still startled friend, he eventually nods his head, "That was pretty good… I might use that joke from now on."

Entering the agency elevator, we head… down a floor. Exiting, I find myself in a blindingly white open space.

"Having Eraserhead preach for your on-job-training here was probably the worst choice." Sir Nighteye suddenly comment, "He doesn't have the necessary energy that are vital for the future of society… so I initially presumed that you had inherited his lack of it."

"So, the goal of getting into the Top 3 at the Sport Festival served as a way to see if I had the necessary energy, sir?"

"Exactly." Nighteye crane his neck, "After all, what would be the point of training someone unwilling to put in the extra effort."

"What'll we be doing first then Sir?"

"Put on your suit, I'll need to see your current fighting prowess firsthand. So, come at me with everything you've got for one minute."

Having equip my suit, I stood across from Nighteye who was giving me an inviting stance.

Sprinting forward, Nighteye spoke, "A full frontal assault… or so you've led me to think. But actually…"

I jump over him and try to throw my capture weapon down on him.

"You'll launch another attack, from above."

Throwing something from his hand, it struck the capture weapon, causing it to hurtle back towards me.

Having something heavy hit against my chest, I'm launched further into the air, crashing down far past Nighteye. Scrambling to my feet, I go to punch the ground, only to hear Nighteye speak again.

"You'll punch the ground to create debris that you'll soon slap with your capture weapon..."

Hitting the ground with my gauntlets, the ground bounces up and then I spin around and start hitting it with my weapon.

"But you'll send the wave too high."

Halting my spin, I stare at the serious Nighteye in the midst of a split, having dodged everything I threw at him.

"And then you'll try to throw out your capture weapon…" I do exactly that, "To block my vision and then run towards me whilst I'm blind…" I run towards him, "To then try and punch me…"

Before I can get any closer though, something flies out of my capture weapon that encircled his head, striking me right between the brows, and causing me to pass out.

Bursting awake, I see an unentertained Nighteye looking down on me.

"Even while you couldn't possibly prevail over my 'foresight', you could've been a bit smoother in your transitions."

"What do you mean sir?"

"For example, you should've first analyzed me to see if I carried anything on my person that might be deemable as a weapon, like the pens in my coat pocket or even the tie on my neck. If you'd expected me to use a weapon, then your way of attacking should've changed. Then, there's the issue that the time between your attacks is too spread out. I had the time to describe your moves to you before you actually execute them. And finally, the look on your face needs to change. You made it appear as though you were in a dire situation where you couldn't win. You need to smile and laugh in all situations to illude to the fact that you have more cards to play… even when you don't."

"Something All Might taught you?"

Nodding his head, Nighteye slapped slabs of papers down onto my face.

"Follow this exact routine to a T and you'll find yourself at U. If you have any questions about it, ask Bubble Girl… I must get back to agency work."

Left in the training room, I find an everyday routine. It specified what I should be eating, what I should study, and how I should train. There were even segments in the routine that were meant for personal reflection, sparring with Nighteye/Bubble Girl/Lemillion, and improvements to the way I should use my quirk.

I found it rather bizarre at first but because he had a plan for nearly everything, my surprise wore off. Looking at the clock on my phone to find that the first step began in thirty seconds, I quickly got to it. The regiment was a sort of test of my body as it pushed me to my absolute limit with every step.

When I got to self-reflection, Nighteye suddenly strode into the room, sitting down across from me.

"What is it that you're truly striding for?"

"To f-"

"I do not need an answer." Nighteye interrupt me, "This is a question for you to answer. Actions will always speak louder than words. This shines true for everyone, including heroes. You want the public to recognize you as a symbol, how will your actions reflect that. From the way you carry yourself to how you handle villains, all of it matters. Do you care about fame, the next paycheck, or something greater. For example, All Might's mission is to be someone who instills fear into the hearts of villains through power and hope into the hearts of civilians through good humor."

Nighteye left me alone after that, but before he left me alone once more, he said, "That regiment was made with your body in mind… so, don't try to overdo things."

Squinting my eyes, I ask, "But didn't you tell me that energy is needed to for the future of society?"

Smiling at my words but giving no answer, the period of contemplation on my schedule grew to be the most important part. Within three days, I found myself solidifying the image of a hero that I wanted to become and ways that I could improve myself without pressing myself too hard. Similarly, the time I'd spend to improve my quirk felt equally important. Though, it was my many more means much harder.

Nighteye had apparently paid close attention to my fights in the UA festival, mainly my fight with Todoroki, where I had arced my quirk around the ice wall to hit him. So, to train my quirk, Nighteye had planned for me to increase the intensity of my 'bolts' and be able to guide them even after I released them.

Everything proceeds like normal for the majority of my stay until we reached day three of my workplace experience.

In the schedule that Nighteye had prepared, he wanted me to survey the town on Day 5 with Mirio. But Nighteye suddenly switch his decision when he handed me my ass in our spar. He had left the room, seemingly in a hurry, and then made a sudden announcement to Bubble Girl, Mirio, and I where he state we would be heading towards Hosu City.

Changing into my hero costume, I board the train with the rest of them, finding myself staring at Mirio who look at Nighteye with concern.

"What's with the sudden change Nighteye?"

"Yeah, what's the deal?! Don't we still have a ton~ of agency work to complete. I don't think we can be taking an excursion to somewhere so far away, even if it is to train this boy." Bubble Girl point at me.

Inching his face closer to Nighteyes, Mirio ask, "Is the situation serious? Or are we soon to be the butt of a few jokes?"

"I don't know…" Nighteye rest his head back and I watch as the expressions of Mirio and Mirio change to one of panic.

"Whaddya mean you don't know?!"

Placing a hand on my shoulder, Nighteye explain seriously, "After I beat Kou in his scheduled spar, I humored myself a little by looking a bit further into his future and found him fighting against the Hero Killer: Stain along with three of his other classmates. I know little about anything else happening in Hosu, but from what I could see from Kou, a multitude of buildings were on fire."

"When's it set to happen?"

"Somewhere close to evening to midnight."

Giving Nighteye a bright smile, Mirio cheered, "Sir, it's lucky that you used your quirk on Kou, otherwise we wouldn't have head to Hosu."

"Luck has nothing to do with it," Nighteye look out the train window, "It was already predestined that we'd be heading there…"

I could hear the disgusted undertone when Nighteye said, 'predestined', but I think it better than to pry into the personal life of Nighteye.

"You know who went to Hosu, Kou?" Bubble Girl asked.

"I think Iida, a kid with boosters in his calves, chose Hosu. And then Midoriya is 'close'. I don't know of anyone else close enough."

"The third-place finisher… Todoroki I believe his name was." Nighteye input.

"But why would he be in Hosu? He's working at Endeavor's Hero Agency after all."

Unable to answer my question, we spend the rest of our time on the train entertaining each other. Since, if we didn't, Nighteye would start harassing us saying that we aren't showing enough vigor.

Finally able to exit from the train, we head out and bump into the No.2 Hero, Endeavor.

"Nighteye? What're you doing here?" Endeavor says in his gruff voice.

"I could ask you the same thing." Nighteye pulls at his sleeve, showing a clear dislike towards the No.2 Hero.

"I'm here in search of the Hero Killer that's been on the loose for a while now… giving my son the much-needed exposure towards how to deal with villains. So, let me ask you again Nighteye… why're you here?"

"To control the situation that's soon to arise."

"What's that supposed…" Endeavor quieted as smoke suddenly appeared amidst the many buildings of Hosu.

"Alright," Endeavor shoved his way past our group, "Let's go deal with these thugs who're plaguing the streets."

But Endeavor was once again stopped in his tracks when the next train that was set to arrive in the station had something barrel into it. Having his agency head in that direction, Nighteye instead chose to head towards where the smoke had appeared.

Running through the streets of Hosu with civilians standing on the streets with terrified expressions, I receive a sudden notification on my phone. Looking at the message I received, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. After all, it was the exact coordinates to Midoriya's position.

"Go," Nighteye turned towards me, "We'll deal with the larger problem while you go save your friends."

Just as Nighteye says this, a Nomu, one comparable in size to the one from the USJ, drops down in front of us.

With black skin but the lack of eyes, the Nomu wear a pair of beaten yellow trousers and shin guards. Emitting a clicking sound from its mouth, the Nomu dove forward only to be met by Mirio.

With his fist phasing through Mirio and striking the ground, Mirio sent a punch forward and knocked the Nomu away. The dent that appeared in his skin soon fix itself meaning it had the 'Super Regeneration'.

"Kou, go now!" Nighteye yell at me.

"Yes Sir!" Giving a grateful nod, I run away from our group, heading to the narrow lane by Ekou St., 4-2-10.

On my way there, I managed to catch up with Todoroki. Giving a nod to one another, I pass along the information Nighteye told me, explaining that we might have to fight the Hero Killer. Instead of slowing down, Todoroki speed up his pace, wanting to save our classmates who were presumably in extreme danger.

Arriving at the mouth of an alleyway, we look inside to find the Hero Killer standing over Iida, his sword ready to plunge into his eye. As I continue to stare into the alley though, a wave of unpleasant memories start to float back into my brain.

"You're not alone. You are not alone." - Ochako Uraraka

Kogatsucreators' thoughts