
Hero's Villainous Quirk

In a world filled with both wonder and malice, a child finds himself abandoned by his parents at the young age of four... the day that his quirk had awakened into something that would make others fear him. He'd been saved from the path of a villain and exposed to the world of heroes his entire life. Joining the prestigious High School of UA, he will try and change how 'villainous' quirks are viewed in society. *I do not own the world of MHA or any of its character besides the one I created. All rights go to Kohei Horikoshi*

Kogatsu · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

All Might's Practical Training

It turns out that being overanalytical actually managed to help the green boy in his adventures against his childhood friend?/opponent.

The fight between the two was rather spectacular as one abused his quirk constantly, forcing the other into a corner. However, the other would then analyze the fight and develop a strategy to counter without using his quirk once.

On the other side of the fight however, booster calves and bubbly girl were facing off against one another in a game of cat in mouse. When bubble girl tried to jump towards the bomb, booster calves would move it away, making for a rather unentertaining show.

All of that changed in a single moment though when green guy used his quirk. Shattering through every single floor, he managed to create rubble that bubbly girl could use against booster calves which then allowed her to get close enough to the bomb and touch it.

"The Heroes…" All Might sucks in, "WIIIIN!!!"

"The losing team is fairly uninjured; The winning team is collapsed… In other words, they lost the scuffle but won the match." A bird man stated.

"I change my opinion," Hagakure 'shivers' (her gloves vibrate), "This doesn't seem so fun anymore…"

With All Might coming back with the contestants of the first match, he started with his critique of the match overall, giving the greatest of praises to Iida aka. Booster Calves. All Might asked us as to why Iida was the best of the match and was quickly answered by one of his students who covered everything the heroes and the villains had done wrong, giving no room to All Might to show off.

If I remember correctly, the girl who explained it all was Yaoyorozu Momo, a recommended freshman.

Using a different building, the next match was between Pair B (Heroes) and Pair I (Villains). It just so happened that I was part of Pair I.

"So, what's the plan Kou?" Hagakure skips through the desolate halls of the new arena.

"Well, it'd be great if either of us had a physical enhancement quirk, but sadly we don't."

"And why's that?"

"Well, we could put the bomb at the top floor, punch our way to the bottom, and then when the heroes enter, we would threaten to drop the bomb over the ledge. Villains typically tend to use hostage situations when dealing with things like bombs."

"Really," Hagakure stops, "That's scary."

"Indeed, it is," I pass by her, "So, since we can't use a plan like that, we'll scare the shit out of them…"

Feeling the stare of Hagakure, I look at her and ask, "What?"

"Scare them?"

"Yeah… we'll be using both of our quirks to make them never want to approach the bomb in the first place."

"What is your quirk?" Hagakure harmlessly asks.

"It's a secret for now… but just know that it'll be the reason that our scare plan works in the first place."

Finally finding ourselves in the room with the bomb, Hagakure gets ready by… taking off her gloves and boots?

Unable to stop myself from asking, I blurt out, "Hagakure, are you perhaps naked?"

Hagakure, who'd been going to put her gloves down, froze. Probably looking at me with a blush if I were correct, Hagakure starts to back away.

"Kou, you pervert." She protects her 'assets'.

"I'm only asking since things will definitely get uncomfortable from here on out."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Shota once told me that one of the most defining attributes of a hero is their costume. You can almost always determine someone's quirk based on the way their costume looks." I explain, "So, Todoroki Shoto, the son of Endeavor, has half a costume that looks like ice. And if his power is anything like his father's, he should have the ability to freeze over this entire building and everything inside."

"What're we ever supposed to do against something like that."

Showing her a smile, I say, "Jump…"

"You can't be serious." Hagakure's jaw drops. "Also, you really shouldn't smile Kou, it's really scary."

Ignoring her remark about my smile, I say, "I'm completely serious. Any other technique that we might try to use will still cover us in ice. I thought about attaching ourselves to the bomb, but he could choose to freeze over the bomb and us alongside it. We could try to barricade the door, but we don't have enough time for that. So, all we can do is… jump. Especially if his ice spreads as fast as I think it will."

"Well, say that we're able to dodge his ice… what should we do about his other teammate."

"Hun… we won't have to worry about it." I shake my head, "From what I've seen of the recommendation students thus far, they're extremely overconfident in their abilities, believing that every situation can be handled by them alone. So, Todoroki should come waltzing into this room having fully expected to capture us. And now, going back to what I'd said before, this'll get uncomfortable for you."

"Because it'll be really cold, right?"

Nodding my head, I continue with, "In the case that you are naked, this entire scare operation becomes a lot harder. And, if you're naked, I have some costume recommendations that can fix that so a situation like this won't ever happen again."

I could hear as Hagakure opened her mouth, but she then snaps it shut and in a mosquito voice, she murmured, "I am…"

"Well, shit."

"TRIAL OF INDOOR BATTLE!!!" I hear All Might's voice boom through the walls, "START!!!"

"That certainly doesn't help either." I outstretch my hand.

"When will we be frozen over?" Hagakure anxiously asks.

Shushing her, I kneel, carefully listening for anything that'll clue us in. Everything is silent for a moment before a rushing sound flood into my ears.

Hurriedly, I yell out, "JUMP!"

Almost like time had slowed down, I watch ice creep through the door and cover the entire room instantly. The ice had even tried to reach up and grab at my foot, but fell back in on itself, letting me breathe a sigh of relief.

Landing onto the now icy ground, I think myself cool for having stuck it, but then my foot slips and I fall face first.

"Ow." I rub my nose.

"A-are y-you ok, K-Kou?" Looking to where the voice had come from, I see that Hagakure hadn't managed to jump in time, now being coated in ice.

"Are YOU ok?" I worriedly make my way over to her.

"Y-yeah… p-per-fectly f-fine." She chatters.

Kneeling, I stare at the area where her feet were frozen.

"I could try to free you, but it'll probably take too much time… and I might cut you too."

"U-use me a-as ba-bait then." Hagakure starts to rub her arms, "It's the o-only thing le-left I c-can do."

As much as I hated the idea of leaving her like this, I nod my head, making my way over to the blindside of the door. After only a few more moments of waiting in this unbearable cold (and I'm even wearing clothes), the man of the hour stepped into the room.

"Something like this won't be much…" Todoroki trailed off, realizing that he didn't see me anywhere in sight.

Pointing my hand that I had outstretched this entire time at him, I 'shoot' the charged beam.

Turning his head slowly towards me, Todoroki flinches and falls to the ground, his breath growing uneven, and sweat flooding from his body.

"No… no…" Todoroki sticks out his hand towards me, but his quirk doesn't come out. "Stay away…" Todoroki starts to hyperventilate, "STAY AWAY!"

Screaming, Todoroki tries to crawl away from me, but ends up slipping on his own ice consistently. Trotting over to him, I wrap the capture tape around his legs.

"Todoroki Shoto has been captured!"

Todoroki, who was still experiencing the nightmare starts to scream more.

Taking his head into my hands, I say, "You're lucky that I learned how to do this."

Flinching, Todoroki eventually falls silent until he finally returns to his normal, quiet demeanor. Looking down at his legs, Todoroki found himself captured.

"W-What happened?" He arches an eyebrow.

"Wh-what did h-happen?!"

"I used my quirk…" I explain simply before then turning back to Hagakure. "I'm sorry that you had to witness that, and I hope that you won't think any less of me because of it."

"B-but what di-did you do?"

"I made him scared… like I said I would."

"Then why don't I remember anything?" Todoroki speaks up.

"The brain naturally discards extremely upsetting, distressful, harmful, etc. memories to preserve itself. Your brain followed the natural order and blocked out everything it'd seen just moments prior. Though, it shouldn't have blocked the helplessness that you had felt in the few seconds."

Todoroki looks away.

As he does, the ice which had coated the building started to disappear and the temperature finally returns to normal.

Hearing as Hagakure continued to chatter and sniffle, she suddenly proclaimed in her cheery voice, "Al-Alright, le-let's get the o-other one."

"You're in no condition to fight Hagakure… I fear that if you do, your state will become even worse…"

"You ju-just want me t-to stand here a-and do noth-thing then?" She asks indignantly.

"Well, if Todoroki's partner manages to make a break away from me, you'll be the last line of defense between him and the bomb. You are a necessary piece of the puzzle we must solve to win this battle."

After a moment of silence, Hagakure agrees. Just as I was about to leave to try and track down the guy with six arms, I huff, remove my long-sleeved shirt, and throw it in Hagakure's general direction.

Screaming at my show of exhibitionism, I cut through her girlish scream stating, "I'll need you to be in top shape if the other one gets here. Put it on, it'll help you get warmer faster."

Running out of the room before I could hear her argue with me, I heard her scream, "Kou, you really are a pervert!"

Sprinting down to the stairs, I peer through the long stretch of hallway on each floor, seeing if I could spot six-arms. When I hit the second floor, I managed to catch six-arms sprinting up the other set of stairs. Running back up my set, I find myself staring six-arms straight in the eyes across the hallway of the fourth floor.

Walking towards one another, I hear six-arms ask, "Why don't you have a shirt?"

"Why don't you have arm coverings?" I ask in response.

"What?" Six-arms tilts his head.

"Doesn't matter… all that matters is our mission is a success."

Showing a sinister smile, I watch as a violent shiver runs up his body.

Sticking all six of his arms up, he courageously states, "For the sake of my teammate, I'll capture you and then the bomb."

"Oh," I take the ends of my capture weapon into my hands, "Then go ahead and try."

Dashing towards me, six-arms sent a one of his sets forward for a layered punch. Dodging it by a hair's breaths, I wrap my capture weapon around his webbed limbs and tug him to then throw him into a wall. Bouncing off the wall, six-arms holds his head.

"You know, as a hero, your first objective should be to save your partner… Like they say, two quirks are better than one."

Having gotten his bearings, six-arms swings towards me again, but the ends of his limbs had all transformed into mouths. Letting out what should've been a deafening scream, I shrug it off, enter his defense and punch him straight in the jaw, sending him tumbling to the ground.

"After having trained with Uncle Hizashi, sounds don't really affect me anymore."

As six-arms started to pull himself up, breathing heavily, he suddenly receives a heavy strike to the head from behind. Stumbling forward slightly, six-arms then falls, unconscious.

Behind his now unconscious body, there stood the invisible Hagakure who was wearing my shirt like I instructed, wrapping the capture tape around his legs.

Giving her a thumbs up, I praise her, "Good job."

Jumping up and down in what I presume to be excitement, she shouts out, "Yay! I did something helpful!"

"The Villain Team… WINS!!!"

Both of our moods fall the moment we're reminded of the fact we're villains.

"I feel so conflicted now," Hagakure states while waiting for All Might to come and collect us, "We fought as villains and won. But we're also heroes. But… It's all so confusing."

"Truly." I nod my head.

Heading out of the arena with All Might, we once again have critiques about our match with me being the MVP. Ending our intense match, both Hagakure and I relax on the spectator benches, watching as the other groups preform.

"Hey Kou…" I turn to Hagakure who was touching her gloved fingers together, "What were those costume recommendations you mentioned before?"

"Become the hero you want to be." - Shoto Todoroki

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