
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Fateful Coincidence

Concerned about the mental state of 'Flame Dragon' Ike Aliuul, Ruto deemed it dangerous and requested a vacation for the Reivan Squad from the higher-ups. If a young individual with a potential future were in such a condition, it was customary for a specialized counselor in the imperial capital Aldaal to attempt treatment.

Especially for a rare S-rank Magitek Knight, such accommodations were granted.

Consequently, the higher-ups approved a one-month vacation for the Reivan Squad.

"Over here, Captain."

And so, Ruto, Misra, and Sadina, seeking to enjoy their vacation, were searching for a renowned café in the imperial capital. This café was famous even among the nobility, and Sadina, being a noble herself, expressed her desire to visit it based on what she heard from her family. Thus, they decided to use their vacation to hold a small gathering among the girls.

Ruto, Misra, and Sadina had all lived in the world of Magitek Knights. Unfortunately, they were all inexperienced in matters of romance and didn't even have significant others at the moment.

Especially Sadina, being the daughter of a noble, it wouldn't be unusual for her to have a fiancé at her age. However, due to her overwhelming strength as a Magitek Knight, she had no suitors. The purpose of today's gathering was to discuss things that only women could talk about, including such frustrations.

"Perhaps that place? It seems to be bustling."

"Yes, indeed. I hope we can secure a table..."

"I can't wait. Looking forward to the pancakes."

Lately, there had been a trend for cold sweets like ice cream, and a new creation involving putting ice cream on pancakes had been released. Girls were flocking to the café for that very reason.

Misra seemed excited as well, her usually drowsy eyes sparkling.

Without delay, the three entered the shop.

As expected, they couldn't find any available seats.

"What should we do? I suppose we'll have to come back another time..."

Seeing Sadina's troubled expression, a waiter approached.

"Welcome. Are there three of you?"

"Yes, that's right. It seems there are no vacant seats. Perhaps we should come back."

In response to Lut's inquiry, the waiter timidly replied,

"If you don't mind sharing a table, we can prepare one for you right away."

"Have you received the other party's consent for sharing the table?"

"Yes. Since our establishment is often crowded, we require the consent of customers who come to dine together. Refusal is possible, but it comes with an additional charge."

"I see... Misra, Sadina, is that acceptable?"

All three were S-rank Magitek Knights, so money wasn't an issue. They could easily pay the extra fee to secure a table just for themselves. However, that would mean waiting.

Sharing a table wasn't a bad suggestion.

Moreover, Misra seemed unable to wait any longer.

"...I don't mind."

Realizing this, Ruto conveyed to the waiter that sharing the table was acceptable.

The waiter then led the three to their table. Already seated there were two customers. One was a man with long hair, dressed in dark clothing. The other was a young woman.

Both had black hair and seemed to be of a different race from the locals.

"Customers, there are other customers who would like to share this table. Is that alright?"

"What do you think, Iris? I don't mind."

"I'm fine with it too!"

"That settles it. We don't mind."

"Thank you. Please take this seat."

Seated at the table was none other than Shu and Iris.

This was the moment the 'Grim Reaper' and the Reivan Squad, tasked with subduing them, crossed paths.


At the same time, in the Emperor's castle that symbolizes the Subarokia Grand Empire.

Emperor Gias Suritaruti Murujifu Baratto Noazu Subarokia was listening to the researchers' reports in a massive underground space.

"Currently, about eighty percent of the seals have been released."

"I see."

In front of Emperor Gias' gaze lay a staff covered in countless magical arrays and connected to mysterious devices, all of which symbolized the empire. The staff was as tall as a person, intricately designed with a serpent motif.

Without elaborate crests or gems, it appeared to be purely functional in design.

"Once released from the seals, can it be controlled?"

"Of course, Your Majesty. Although it will be a preliminary assessment, at this stage, we believe it can be controlled."

"It can truly extract power alone?"

"Yes, absolutely."

Emperor Gias was an incredibly capable ruler, but he wasn't involved in magical research. While he might be knowledgeable about psychology and politics, his expertise in magic was limited. Therefore, even when researchers spoke in technical terms, he couldn't fully grasp what was impressive or lacking.

The researchers understood this as well, and that's why they made a proposal.

"Shall we conduct a brief experiment? Would you like to observe?"

"Hmm. Very well, show me."

"Understood. Please wait a moment."

This was something the researchers should welcome as well. The fact that the Emperor would witness their achievements was significant. Depending on the results, rewards could also be on the table. This excitement fueled the male researcher.

He called over an assistant nearby and gave orders.

"Initiate Experiment Three. Prepare for it."

"But, Your Majesty, that experiment was already conducted the other day..."

"His Majesty desires it. Besides, having more data is better. Isn't that right?"

"Understood. I'll get things ready."


The laboratory became bustling as numerous researchers began preparing for the experiment. One researcher operated a machine that supplied magical energy to the sealed staff. Another researcher had prepared a cage with a captured magical creature. Yet another researcher activated measuring instruments.

The magical arrays glowed pale blue, and the staff responded.

"Alvein's staff has successfully initiated magical energy supply."

"No anomalies in the magical formula."

"The restraining spell is responding normally."

"Please infuse a bit more magical energy. We can't maintain the protective spell."

"Permission granted."

The experiment progressed steadily, and Alvein's staff was activated.

"Your Majesty, please observe closely."

The researcher pointed to the magical creature they had prepared for the experiment, a massive ogre. Emperor Gias' anticipation grew as he observed the process of the experiment.

From the experimental subject, Alvein's staff, black flames emerged.

Controlled in the form of a sphere, these black flames flew towards the caged ogre. The cage was enchanted to subdue magical creatures, having an effect that dampened magical energy. As a result, it was normal for magical attacks or enchantments from the outside to disperse along with the magical energy.

Even though Emperor Gias wasn't well-versed in magic, he had a basic understanding of these principles.

But, in this case, there was no need to worry.

"I see."

The black flames instantly melted the cage and reduced the internal ogre to ashes. No, it didn't leave a trace; it eradicated the ogre from existence.

Clearly, it was something entirely different from ordinary flames.

It was a flame that defied natural laws.

"Your Majesty, though this is still an experimental phase, it already possesses this level of power. Once it's complete, it could potentially incinerate entire armies."

"Hasten its completion. The Revolutionary Army Liberation and the people of the Holy Grinia are preparing to take action. I won't stand for them wreaking havoc."

"As you wish."

Emperor Gias stood up. The attendant who had been waiting approached, and they departed together. He was the great Emperor who ruled over the Subarokia Grand Empire and its vassal states, bearing the duty to protect the nation. Following the policies of previous emperors, which stabilized the country through military power, he had governed the nation thus far.

While there had been internal strife before, it had never escalated to this extent.

In the history of emperors, Gias was the only one who had allowed such turmoil, an unforgivable matter. But what had happened couldn't be undone. At the very least, it needed to be quelled; otherwise, the point wouldn't be made.

Strong individuals don't gather around a weak emperor.

This experiment was also about reclaiming the Emperor's authority.

("'Inferno'... General Aliour's assassination was too painful.")

This experiment was a continuation of what previous emperors had pursued.

However, the danger involved had indeed been real. Pushing it to the point of actual deployment required a considerable amount of determination. The one who had roused the dormant dragon known as the Subarokia Grand Empire was undoubtedly the "Death God."


Encounter between the "Grim Reaper" and the Ravane Squad at a popular café.

Surprisingly, the atmosphere was unexpectedly harmonious.

"Hmm. Are all of you magical soldiers in the military?"

"Yes, that's correct."

Iris and Lut had already become friends. Watching Iris get along with anyone, Shu thought, "As expected."

(I never thought the Ravane Squad from the rumors would be like this.)

Through self-introductions in the conversation, Shu learned the names of Lut, Misla, and Sadina. Having gathered information about the Ravane Squad from "Takame," Shu had uncovered their true identities.

They were magical soldiers in the military, and their names matched.

This can't possibly be just a coincidence. Moreover, the three individuals before him had magical power on par with S-rank magical soldiers. It was undeniable evidence.

(And Lut Ravane... This person is exceptional. An awakened magical soldier, perhaps?)

Shu also knew that Lut was an awakened magical soldier from "Takame." He didn't think she would cause a ruckus in the city, but he remained slightly cautious.

He had heard that Lut had used gravity magic to annihilate the Revolutionary Army Rebellion's forces one after another.

Seeing Lut chatting amiably with Iris might make him let his guard down, but she was undoubtedly one of the strongest magical soldiers even within the Great Empire.

"But you seem down. Did something happen during your mission?"

"Huh?! Did I look down?"

"Hehe. My eyes can't be deceived, you know!"

Shu considered Iris a bit of a fool, but not entirely foolish. She was skilled at getting into people's minds and adept at reading their expressions.

Thus, she had deciphered the emotions Lut had been hiding.

"Yeah, that's right. I am troubled. My subordinates are mentally unstable. Although this is something a specialized counselor should handle, they won't listen at all. Father was killed, and comrades were killed as well. Considering Ike's age, it's natural for him to be unstable."

"Ike is an idiot, so it can't be helped."

"Misla, you shouldn't say such things."

Misla, who had been eating pancakes absentmindedly, chimed in. Sadina tried to stop her, but Misla grumbled derogatory remarks about Ike.

"Ike is an idiot. He doesn't even respond when the captain is worried. And he charges ahead on the battlefield all by himself. There's no other way to describe him but an idiot."

"Really, Misla..."

Misla was irritated.

Usually emotionless, she still had opinions about Ike's behavior. While consuming pancakes, she vented her frustration and complaints.

Seeing Misla like this, Sadina let out a sigh.

"Being a captain seems tough."

"Oh, Shu-kun, you understand."

"But, seriously, it's bad. Ignoring even the captain's words. Despite having strength, something uncontrollable is useless. Wouldn't it be better to kick him out of the military?"

"It's not that simple. He's mentally unstable, but he's accumulated achievements. It's not possible to kick him out."

The Great Empire prioritized power, if not above all, then quite significantly.

Ike might not obey his superiors' orders, but he was contributing to the eradication of the Revolutionary Army Rebellion, the unanimous will of the Subarokia Empire Army. Unless there were compelling reasons, retreating from the front lines was unacceptable.

For the Subarokia Empire Army, Ike was becoming a new hero. Furthermore, expelling him wasn't feasible.

"Captain, we came here looking forward to today, so let's forget about work. I'm worried about Ike too, but the captain must be under a lot of stress."

"Forget about work... Right. Then don't call me 'Captain' if that's the case."


Sadina, a nobleman's daughter, struggled to differentiate between public and private. Due to her father's upbringing, always expected to behave as a noble, Sadina was quite formal. Her work mode was hard to shake.

"You're quite serious."

"Completely the opposite of what I heard about Ike."

However, Shu felt slightly uneasy.

It seemed that Ike was quite troubled due to the "Grim Reaper" Shu's influence. However, Shu had no obligation or duty to resolve it.

(Shu-san, this is definitely your fault.)

(I don't know.)

(What if you took care of it somehow?)

(We haven't suffered any harm, so it's fine.)

Using telepathy recreated by magic, Iris spoke to Shu.

For Shu, who was both a monster and the "Grim Reaper," this matter was unrelated. Moreover, Shu had merely carried out his task. Although it couldn't be said that he was completely blameless, it wasn't something worth cleaning up after.

However, Iris hadn't made this suggestion thoughtlessly.

(Hehe. This is a chance to raise the reputation of the "Grim Reaper"! Once it's clear that I can manipulate the Great Empire single-handedly, I can demand a reward!)


(So, getting hold of the forbidden grimoire will become easier!)

(That makes sense. You're quite clever, Iris.)

(I'm growing too!)

Iris' proposal wasn't bad.

It aligned with her initial purpose of making the name "Grim Reaper" known. Therefore, rather than hiding it, a grandiose display was necessary on this occasion.

Shu took out a piece of paper and began writing something, casually.

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