
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Avenger of Flames

About two weeks after the collapse of Elda Fortress, Shu and Iris were walking through the streets of the Imperial Capital Aldaal. The sky was already dyed red, and the sun would set in a little while.

Today, they were heading to the Black Cat Tavern after a long time.

"Is it open?"

While saying this, Shu opened the door.

The Black Cat Tavern didn't seem to be doing very well, as there were only empty seats available. Occasionally, there were people sitting, but their appearances seemed shady.

The tavern's master noticed Shu and beckoned him over.

"Long time no see. We have some other interesting guests today besides you."

"Interesting guests?"

"Yeah, they're in the private room. You should pay them a visit too."

Shu and Iris exchanged glances and tilted their heads.

To be honest, they didn't have many acquaintances in the Imperial Capital Aldaal. They mostly knew the staff at their part-time jobs and the regular customers at the store. They shouldn't have any acquaintances from the underworld that would visit the Black Cat Tavern.

While wondering about this, they headed toward the room indicated by the master, all the while remaining cautious.

The Black Cat Tavern was a gathering place for those who wanted to make requests to the secret organization known as the Black Cat. In other words, it could be considered the headquarters of those connected to the underworld. Vigilance was necessary.

"Don't let your guard down, Iris."


With Iris possessing the immortal magic attire, there wasn't much to worry about. However, they couldn't afford to be careless. Even Iris, who usually seemed carefree, was now more cautious, having acclimated to this dangerous world.

Shu knocked on the door and opened it without hesitation.


Inside was a man dressed suspiciously. He was the embodiment of a suspicious character, with a mask and a black cloak.

However, Shu recognized his magical aura.

"Ah? You're 'Hawk Eye,' right?"

"Are you the 'Grim Reaper'? And Iris-san as well. Long time no see. Since you wiped out the Holy Knights in the Elyse Republic, right?"

Hawk Eye, an executive of the Black Cat.

He was a master of information trading, and his name was associated with those who undertook information-related tasks. However, he was known to manipulate information to toy with nations, and he was even willing to bring them to ruin. Each executive of the Black Cat had their own way of causing a stir in society.

"So, you've been in the Grand Empire."

"You as well. Did you rush in early for a Black Cat meeting?"

"That's part of it, but it's not easy to stay in the Holy Grinia. As long as you have power, the Grand Empire offers more freedom. That's why I came here."

"Indeed, it seems that the activities of the 'Grim Reaper' would be more convenient in the Grand Empire."

Shu and Iris sat before Hawk Eye. Shu took out a gold coin from his pocket.

"First, give us some interesting information."

"It's worth one gold coin, right? It's a mix of things..."

Hawk Eye's eyes shimmered slightly, as if pondering something. He appeared to be sorting through the information worth a gold coin.

After a short while, he spoke.

"Let's start with the Revolutionary Army, Liberation. I believe you, the 'Grim Reaper,' have taken on their requests a few times. For instance, the request that led to the destruction of Elda Fortress..."

"Hey, how do you know about that... now of all times?"

"Well, yes. About Elda Fortress, it seems a unit called the Raven Squad managed to recapture it. To be precise, it seems the Liberation forces that were headed to recapture the destroyed fortress were wiped out."

"The Raven Squad, huh? Weren't they formed to take down 'me, the Grim Reaper'?"

"Yes. Do you want more details?"

The squad aiming for Shu, the Grim Reaper. That information was of interest.

They had bought some information from the Black Cat before, but information from Hawk Eye was always exceptional.

"What do you have?"

Shu presented a bag of gold coins to Hawk Eye. The number of coins matched the count of his fingers.

"Ten coins, huh? It's a tough choice... but considering how you, the 'Grim Reaper,' wreaked havoc, I don't have a shortage of information. Let's make a deal with that."

Shu took out the bag of gold coins. Hawk Eye received it, counted the contents carefully, and then placed all the coins back in the bag, tucking it into his pocket.

Seeming satisfied, he smiled beneath his mask and proceeded to share the information.

"Let's start with the members of the Raven Squad. The leader is Lut Reivan, a magic-wielder of the 'Boundless' class. It's said she manipulates gravity. Moreover, it's likely she's awakened... Ah, do you know what awakened magic-wielders are?"

"Yeah, I'm somewhat familiar."

They had fought against the Holy Knight, Celstar Altrain. Thus, they understood the threat of awakened magic-wielders. Though, it wasn't as if they couldn't be defeated.

"It seems Lut Reivan is a new awakened magic-wielder in the Grand Empire. Aside from her, there are other ordinary S-rank magic-wielders. There's Misla, 'Magic Eye,' who possesses the power of petrification, Sadina, 'Sky,' who can fly, and Ike, 'Flame Dragon,' who fights while cloaked in flames."

"... I feel like their forces might be lacking to defeat me."

"Shu-san, you rarely lack the ability to handle such situations..."

The true identity of the "Grim Reaper" is the Lord of the Underworld, Arklight.

It's a monstrous creature of the region that can only be defeated by multiple S-ranked magic knights. However, it's not enough to defeat Shu, who possesses a power that surpasses the laws of death magic.

"Hehehe... The current 'Grim Reaper' is renowned as the strongest. It seems they've defeated the two S-ranked magic knights at the Elder Fortress and shared some useless information."

"I don't really care about their combat prowess. If that's the case, it's better to discuss the situation."

"In that case, the infamous 'Flame Dragon' seems to be quite angry. It appears that he's been bothered by the fact that you've killed his comrades, the magic knights of 'Infinity' and 'Reverse Mirror,' while destroying the Rebellion revolutionary army in various places."

"That sounds troublesome."

"Who's the one saying that?"

Assassinations of important figures, destruction of crucial military bases—compared to the 'Grim Reaper,' the Flame Dragon is far more menacing. Iris's retort was justified.

"What kind of guy is the 'Flame Dragon'?"

"He's the son of the former S-ranked magic knight, 'Inferno' Schmidt Ardule. He's still young and emotionally unstable. I hear he's not accustomed to battle either. Although he possesses significant potential as a magic knight, he's relatively weak overall. Would you like to know more about him?"

"...So I understand why the 'Flame Dragon' has a grudge against me. He sees me as responsible for his father and comrade's deaths."

The 'Flame Dragon' isn't physically young.

However, he was too inexperienced in battle. He was still too immature to navigate the ruthless world of the battlefield.

"Shu-san, are you being targeted again?"

"That guy Ike doesn't even know my face. It's not a problem. If it gets annoying, I'll take care of it."

Being an assassin, there are times when you'll be resented.

It was an anticipated situation from the beginning. Don't unnecessarily stir things up; ignoring it is best. When it truly becomes a hindrance, act not as the 'Grim Reaper,' but as the Lord of the Underworld.

While embodying the faithful aspect of the 'Grim Reaper' in work, there's also a facet of being a free-spirited creature.

"So, is this all the information for the equivalent of ten gold coins?"

"...Do you still want more?"

"In that case, which side is currently stronger, the Subarokia Grand Empire or the Rebellion revolutionary army?"

"It's a complicated situation, but at the moment, the Subarokia Grand Empire has the upper hand. There's still a significant difference in military strength. However, there's also a reason they can't quickly crush the Rebellion. The reason is an assassin who's aiding the Rebellion... you, the 'Grim Reaper.'"


"That's what it seems. You're feared to that extent. Even the nobles of the empire don't want to die. Currently, the ones taking active measures are likely the Emperor of the Subarokia Grand Empire and the dukes who are his close aides. They have confidence in their own protection."

The impact caused by the 'Grim Reaper' is indeed substantial.

For Shu, whose intention is partly to make a name for himself, it's going exactly as planned.

"However, the empire's confidence is gradually diminishing, partly due to the forbidden spell you used during the destruction of the Elder Fortress."

Being able to use a forbidden spell.

In other words, it means having the power to obliterate the imperial capital at will. Currently, it's said that there's only one person in the world who can activate a forbidden spell.

Of course, Iris was able to use it thanks to Shu's assistance.

"I see. The forbidden spell could become a trump card."

"That's right."

Certainly, the information from 'Hawk Eye' is proving useful.

It was a reaffirmation that it would be wise to maintain a good relationship.


Burning battlefield.

Revolutionary army Liberation soldiers, piled up like corpses.

The scorching heat that melted even iron and scorched the ground was reproducing hell.


Advancing slowly with his back to that, the crimson demon... no, the magic dragon of the crimson lotus.

Ike, who had materialized the deep red flames into the form of a dragon, had obtained overwhelming combat capabilities.

"Another day of devastation. Are you satisfied?"


"You're going too far. The Liberation army is a rebel force of a vassal country. Once suppressed, the vassal country will be exhausted without manpower. Rebellion might rise again, you know?"


"Sigh... can't be helped."

Captain Ruto speaks, but Ike ignores and passes by. Lately, he's been like this, and even if Ruto advises him, he doesn't listen. It's a violation of military regulations, but Ruto hasn't been too strict about it.

(Since Elina and Yuri were killed by the 'Grim Reaper'... things have been chaotic.)

Ike's mental state is at its worst. He constantly exudes an aura that's hard to approach, and now even Misura and Sadina avoid trying to talk to him. The Ike of now, with his exposed blade-like demeanor, is very hard to approach.

After Ike passes by, Totete and Misura approach. Then Sadina descends from the sky and speaks to Ruto.

"Hey, Captain. Ike isn't saying anything?"

"Since losing those two, he's been like that all the time."

"Yes, that's right."

Ruto, Misura, and Sadina are all very powerful magic knights, holding considerable power within the Spalokia Empire. However, counseling troubled teenagers like Ike is beyond their expertise.

Upon joining the front lines against the Revolutionary Army Liberation, Ike goes wild using magic armor. He tears apart even defenseless enemy soldiers ruthlessly. He repeatedly charges into the Revolutionary Army Liberation's camp alone, burning everything to the ground.

Because of his independent achievements on the battlefield separate from the Imperial Army's operations, he is treated as a new hero by the Imperial side, and referred to as a demon by the Revolutionary Army Liberation.

"Not a very good trend. Being consumed by revenge..."

In the battlefield, losing friends is not uncommon.

As a result, there are always young people driven by revenge. But the fate of those consumed by revenge is often tragic.

For example, charging into enemy lines driven purely by anger, dying in a concentrated attack.

Lacking the courage to charge, turning to dangerous drugs due to stress and experiencing mental breakdown.

Or twisted by revenge, turning into a murderer.

Having seen such cases as a high-ranking officer in the army, Ruto was worried about Ike.

"He ignores me even when I offer him food."

"Heart wounds don't heal easily."

"Hmph... then I'll use Aroma Company's busty potion with the logo of approval and get a nice bod--"

"That's not the issue here! And besides, Ike-san isn't seeking out a busty figure... and seriously, is Misura drinking such suspicious potions?"

"Hmm. Troubles only a girl with a well-endowed bust would understand."

Misura's easygoing nature and Sadina's seriousness often lead to such exchanges. Amidst the blazing battlefield, Ruto sighed at how they can engage in such casual banter.

On the other hand, Ike advances towards the headquarters of the Imperial Army, his heart boiling with revenge.

('Grim Reaper'...)

Ike's eyes aren't focused on what's in front of him; he's visualizing the target of his revenge who isn't present in this scene.

('Grim Reaper' 'Grim Reaper' 'Grim Reaper'... )

Every time he brushes past Imperial Army soldiers, Ike lets out a scream, but he keeps moving forward.

"I will definitely... kill you."

The negative aspect of war.

Ike currently embodies it.

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