
Chapter 355

he suspected his men are hiding something from him, he ended the call "humph! I am going to find out" he said with determination.

Ju Su helped in the final closure of the account for the day, she met with the man that came to take the money, to save in the bank.

She yawned sleepily, and stood at the restaurant entrance, the cold night breeze, graced her exposed skin, and made her feel refreshed, she picked up her bicycle and hummed a song, as she rode home swiftly.

Two couples were holding hands together when Ju Su rode past them, "Hey, stop!" The man called out to her, she looked back and waved at them.

"I am running late" she yelled and rode faster, the moment she got closer home, she could see people blocking the street, looking towards their home.

An aged man ran to her "Ju Su, did you people offend Xiao again, he is here to cause trouble, I think you should stay back until he is gone" the old man suggested.

Jeane smiled, knowing the man was concerned about her wellbeing "Elder Zupe, you don't have to worry about me, those bunch of clowns can't do anything to me" she assured him and rode towards their house, breaking through the crowd.

The street was filled with people that are terrified to offend Xiao because he was known for 'causing trouble, and the police don't call him to book.

Jeane could hear the commotion coming from inside, she ran inside and saw her Mom and Dad, forced to kneel on the floor, and two burly men, standing behind them.

Three other fierce-looking men were standing in the flanks, waiting for Xiao's order, the moment she opened the door and stepped in, everyone's gaze turned towards the door.

Her foster parents were smiling the moment they started smiling "Is this your daughter, Madam Ming?" Xiao asked, drooling over Jeane.

He couldn't believe his luck, getting a pretty lady like Jeane can only happen to him in the dreams.

"Hump! She is, and you don't deserve her, go to hell" the woman ranted.

Xiao was exasperated that Jeane might escape "go, grab her" he pointed at a burly man, who ran towards Jeane, ready to make the catch.

His eyes widened, when Jeane kicked his groin, his eyes became bloodshot when the pain exploded all over his body.

"Oh!" He groaned, and rolled on the floor, crying pathetically, Xiao was surprised to see him, weeping like a baby.

His facial expression hardened "you!" He pointed to another, Jeane leapt into the air and gave him fifteen kicks on his face, which made his face swollen and his head feel heavy.

He fell on the floor unable to control his stance, Xiao was stunned and looked at Jeane speechlessly, her moves were like superior combat.

He gritted his teeth and pointed at the next burly man, he had already urinated on his body, and his legs were wobbling, the