
Chapter 335

walked towards the house, and knocked on the door, he heard footfalls inside and a woman in her fifties came out, she squinted her eyes on Pero.


The middle-aged woman squinted her tired eyes on the man standing before her, she couldn't even remember him.

"Who are you?" She asked with her sickly voice, Pero became apprehensive and realized that where he was locked prevented him from ageing, he gritted his teeth and cursed those who did that to hell.

"You don't remember me? It is Pero, Tonia, papa is back" he said, the middle-aged woman frowned, she hesitated before opening the door wide, Pero was emotional before going in.

"I should offer your tea" the woman didn't wait for his response, she disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a cup of tea, and served it to the man.

Pero started feeling uneasy, contrary to his expectations the middle-aged woman who was entertaining didn't show any emotion, he became direct.

"Are you Tonia?" He asked, his heart raced, the middle-aged woman spoke softly.

"She is dead for a long time, I am Sophia, Tonia's friend, she kept some kids, and even at her death bed, she called out to her father, the man who abandoned her to face the cruel society all alone"

"You look too young to be Tonia's father, why are you claiming you are his father, are you her son's father?" The woman inquired, Pero felt like punching the woman in her face so that she could take her words back, but he restrained himself.

He shook his head hysterically "I am her father, where is she buried, I want to see her life or death, and her grandchildren" he protested.

"I will take you there at dawn," the woman said and stood leaving the sitting room, without making any further comments.

The next morning,  a knock came at the door, of Jeame's office, "come in" a suited man came in and stood before Jeame, he glanced at him, and concentrated on the system screen.

Attending too many files on his desk, "speak" he snapped, the man was peering at the monitor's screen, he regained his senses and composure, he dropped a document on the table.

"The investigation is well-drafted into a written document, sir," he said and bowed before leaving.

Jeame picked it up and glanced through the document, flipping pages upon pages, his face darkened, he picked up his phone.

The moment the call connected "send me Jing's enemies profile" he said into the phone speaker and ended the call.

He was busy typing when his phone beeped, he picked it up, and saw a name, he squinted his eyes and remembered when he tried to go down to the basement at the old mansion.

His grandfather prevented him, he smiled coyly "let's see how you all are going to enjoy the games you people initiated' he said, and dropped the phone.

He picked up his car keys, and left the house, he got