
Chapter 31

all..." she shut him up with a kiss, Joseph was shocked but, got hold of himself and gathered Arial in his arms and held her to himself, and deepened the kiss, his tongue roamed in her mouth, making her moan and gave him room to explore further.

They broke the kiss and Arial eyes held nothing but lust, while Joseph was full of longing for her.

"I love you, Jo" she confessed, Joseph was spellbound, he wasn't expecting it to be that easy.

Old Man Bill watched his daughter helplessly call her friends to find out if any of them were hurt, his heart moved, he never thought that his daughter that lived carefreely could be this attentive to things that matter.

When Bill had enough, he walked to her "Jeane, none of the students was hurt, go to your room, the police are handling the issues, and the reasons for their death will be out soon" he said, Jeane stared at him doubting the sincerity of his words.

Old Man Bill nodded in assurance, she bit her lower lips before walking off to her room, she got to the doorway, and the door opposite her's, belong to Jeame.

She stood before it, wanted to knock but reasoned against it and decided to go into her room.

smoke rose from a lit cigarette dancing in the atmosphere in a twirling manner, the room was dimly illuminated.

A man sat at an executive chair, with ladies putting on panties dancing around him, one was dancing on a pole like a stripper.

The door to the room opened and a tattooed man on a black T-shirt walked in "Boss, there is a problem, the girl escaped and our men have been captured death by the police" he said, the man sitting down threw the cigarette away.

"incompetence!" he spat angrily.

"I am cold, Jo, take me home" Arial whispered to Joseph, he nodded, her arms felt chill when he touched her.

They both got in the car and Joseph drove off, When they got to Joseph's house, he carried her in.

Arial watched him surprised, he kept her on his bed and covered the duvet on her, he was about to leave when she held her hand.

"stay, Jo, I don't want to sleep alone" she pleaded, he turned to her and climbed the bed.

She snuggled to him, Joseph looked into her eyes searchingly.

He felt his arousal building "Jo, I can't sleep" she mumbled, Joseph became surprised "why?" he questioned.

She didn't answer, Joseph lowered his lips on her's and both of them were enmeshed in a passionate kiss.

He helped her get out of her dinner gown, while Joseph was just in a short.

He unclasped her bra and bared her breasts to himself, Joseph laid Arial calmly on the bed, while he dropped soft kisses on her face, down to her nape.

Arial clung to him tightly, thrashing under his touches, enmeshed in a passionate moment with him.