
Chapter 30

present capturing live events, the policemen stood and made barred tapes around the building.

The forensic team were busy at the crime scene.

Bill sat in his sitting room watching the aired event of the crime scene, he saw the men sent to kill Jeane all killed.

He watched in awe, wondering how Jeame have done it.

Jeame drove into the mansion and got down, ignoring Jeane who came out and ran to him.

"Hey, I can help with your hearing and speaking deficiency" she proposed smiling, Jeame squeezed his face and looked at her slender hand stretched forward for a handshake.

"I am not deaf or dumb" he commented, Jeane stood dumbfounded and watched in awe as he strode away, she regain her senses, but Jeame had gone inside.

She saw her grandfather watching the live event that happened in the club "dad, am back" she declared, but froze when she looked at the screen and realized the location of the aired event was familiar.

Just then, the girl and the boy who called in the police when they saw the dead body in the club basement was interviewed.

Bill switched off the television and stood "you are back, Jeane?" he asked, Jeane nodded but was deep in thoughts.

She brought out her phone and called Lucy immediately.

Lucy came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, she was still upset about what Jeane had told her earlier, she heard her phone ring and she peered at the screen, she saw Jeane's name displayed as the caller.

She ignored her call and hummed, but when the phone rang out and she still called, she decided to pick.

"so what is the matter with you, Jeane?" she asked angrily, Jeane sighed in relief realizing that nothing had happened to her friend, Jeane.

"Are you watching the news, people were killed in the club" she reported.

"what!" Lucy exclaimed in shock.

Joseph drove to a bridge, and brought the car to a halt, Arial was surprised why he did so.

Joseph came out of the car, and peered inside "join me" he suggested, and she came out cringing inwardly when the cold night breeze brushed her exposed skin.

She hugged herself in discomfort "why are we stopping here?" she asked, her lips curled up.

Joseph enveloped her in his arms and she felt a bit of warmth "wait for it" he whispered to her, just then the light in the long bridges started giving different colours, making the environment look beautiful.

Just then, some light went off, and a billboard along the bridge displayed "I Love You Arial" she tilted her head to Joseph who was concentrated on watching the events he had planned with his friend, Jay.

"When did you do all these?" she asked in surprise, Joseph cupped her cheeks smiling "while we were in the eatery, I texted some few trusted friends and they did it on my behalf, I have my flaws Arial, will you ignore