
Chapter 303

the gate, minutes later, some group of armed men came around the trunk, they starter offloading the boxes in the trunk.

A man in his office in the compound of the gated fence, was on the phone when he narrowed his eyes at a figure standing in his office.

He ended the call and shot the man wearing a mask an angry look "what are you doing here? Go and get the boxes down from the trunk quickly, the boss needs the goods intact" he yelled at the figure with disdain.

The masked man strode casually towards him, intimidating him, he became flustered, the eyes of the intruder were revealing killing intent.

The closer he gets, the more flustered he became "don't get any close to me, I will sho.." He swallowed his words, like a sharp knife thrust into his forehead.

His eyes widened in shock like he has seen a horror, his mouth parted slightly, blood started seeping from the place the knife was thrust into his head.

The men carrying the boxes conveyed it inside the warehouse, six of them came together and started discussing hotly.

One of them noticed someone joining them discussing, he suddenly realize someone who was wearing a mask had joined them.


He called out the attention of the stranger, everyone turned towards the direction of the man who has joined them, with hostile gaze.

They quickly tried to grab their guns but were surprised that they were all disarmed, the masked man's lips moved.

"Looking for this?" He asked them.

He brought out squashed metals, their eyes widened at his audacity of mocking them, they picked up batons and launched an onslaught on the masked.


A kick landed on the face of one of them, and it sent him flying, the masked man, moved swiftly, moving from one person to another, wailing and agonizing cries rented the peaceful night.

Within a minute, people lay on the ground in pathetic positions, someone shot in the sky, in a distance, the masked man, disappeared into the darkness.

Some group of armed men came to the place that the men were rendered immobile, they stood and watched their men wail with righteous indignation.

They were six bearing arms, the warehouse wasn't too important, so, it doesn't need much-armed men.

"Who is the person that did this?" The one at the forefront asked, with an angry look, the five people behind, were gritting their teeth angrily.

"I did" someone spoke behind them, they turned around, their leader parted the men, and stepped forward, he stood at the front and shot the masked man before him.

"You are a tough one kid, I know you are a kung fu master, but, you can't be faster than my bullet, bow and worship, then I might consider letting you off, and making you my minion" he offered graciously.

Jeame nodded and put his hands behind him, he came closer, intimidating the men with guns, they suddenly heard