
Chapter 302

he stared at his back with fear, as Jeame walked into the house, he swallowed the lump in his throat, and his eyes dimmed.

He picked up his phone, and started making calls, he was extremely worried.

Jeame got inside his room and locked the door, he switched off his light, and armed himself, he wore a symboled mask and sneaked out of the house without anyone noticing his absence.

Maya dragged Jasper to see the celebrant, after that, they settled on a table, just then, a pretty lady walked in with a cute handsome young man, together.

The both of them clung to each other, Jasper glanced at the face of Maya and saw that she wasn't pleased by their presence, he squinted his eyes at the young man with the pretty lady.

He wore many exaggerated outfits, and unnecessary show-off of wealth, he recognized him and smiled.


Maya scolded, Jasper chuckled and picked up the glass of wine, and sipped leisurely, the newly arrived couple took the shine off them, many people clustered around them, trying to curry favour from them.

"Where is Maya?"

Jasper smiled, he was eavesdropping on their discussion, his lips curled up in satisfaction.

I love drama!

He exclaimed in his head, the newly arrived couple strode towards them, with people coming along from behind.

When Jimmy brought the glass of water, Old man Jimjam took it and drank, he smiled bitterly and tapped on a space on the leather sofa.

"Sit," he said, Jimmy obediently sat as his grandfather has instructed.

The old man looked at her face longingly and sighed "I don't know how you are going to take this, but I think you should let go of Jeame, his brother Jasper is most suitable for you, he is also good looking and capable" of the one man said.

Jimmy flared up "I don't want him, dad, I love Jeame" she made her stance known.

Jimjam looked at them with an incredulous look, he was surprised to see his daughter still wanting to have a relationship with the man that want to destroy him.

"Don't you get it? He will never be yours, he has decided to attack our family..." He paused briefly and grabbed the tender hands of his daughter.

The secret he was keeping within him, twitched his heart "all I want for you, is to be happy and not to face the harsh world, everything isn't the way it is painted" he tried to make her understand.

Jimmy wasn't shallow "Dad, did you?" She asked, her heart beating rapidly, the old man shot her an angry look, deducing the meaning behind the question

Two beaming headlights from a distance shone at a gated fence, the engine roared as the trunk approached the fence house.

The moment it reached the gate, a man came out of the gated house, with a torchlight, he flashed the torchlight at the driver and the man sitting beside him.

He went in and opened